30% [QT] Marrying My Master in Another World / Chapter 12: The Movie Emperor’s Little Idol 11

章 12: The Movie Emperor’s Little Idol 11

The game show they would be doing would test their physical ability and agility. The host quipped that since they were idols who often sang and danced for an extensive length, they must have boundless stamina.

The show had 2 segments and each segment consisted of a 2 vs 2 game. The first one was a direct clash while the second one was a race. Since this was also broadcast live, each segment had a time limit of 40 minutes.

They must determine the players who would play in each segment; one player was only allowed to play in one segment. Bai Liang wanted to avoid the risk of accidentally injuring the other team, so he volunteered to do the race.

Since his body was the smallest among them, Zhan Sheng and the rest were worried that he would get hurt in the first segment, so they agreed for him to participate in the race. In terms of speed, Zhan Sheng was the fastest among the four of them and would accompany Bai Liang in the second segment as well.

Once the two teams decided on their players, the hosts then explained the rules for the first game which was a game of tag. The players would each be attached with 4 paint balloons on their shoulders, chest, and back. Those who got all their balloons popped would be eliminated.

Just as they thought it was very simple, the host prompted them to stand aside. A few staff appeared and rolled away the carpet to reveal the transparent, acrylic floor underneath them. From there, they could see a complicated maze that was built under the stage.

Not only must they eliminate their opponents, they also had to find a key inside to leave the maze. Players who had been eliminated would turn into zombies and although they would still be able to attack their opponent, they couldn't take the key. They would be announced as the winner when they managed to leave the maze. If nobody managed to escape in 15 minutes, the team with the most survivors won.

After the explanation, Chang Liu and Xu Rong left for the maze along with Jupiter's members. They had the paint balloons attached to them and were placed on different corners.

After a prolonged battle, Jupiter emerged victorious. Their strategy was for one person to focus on defence and finding the key while the other focused on offence. Meanwhile, Chang Liu and Xu Rong both tried to find the key. The only difference was Chang Liu fought back when he clashed with an opponent while Xu Rong ran away.

Jupiter's fans in the audience and live streaming all cheered for their victory. EFEX's fans were disappointed but they didn't want to put pressure on their idols and comforted Chang Liu and Xu Rong with encouragement instead, saying they did their best for holding out for 12 minutes.

With their points 1:0, it would be up to Bai Liang and Zhan Sheng to tie it. The winner would get a cash prize and a chance to promote their new song on the show. If they ended in a tie, they would hold a mini-game to decide the winner.

While the staff prepared for the second stage, they filled the time with interviews and showing personal talents. After a couple of minutes, Xavi stepped forward to face Bai Liang.

"I've also watched the newest episode of «Haunted List» and it's a great show as usual. When you play multiplication battle with the film emperor, Senior Han, it makes me wonder just how fast your mental calculation is. It seems hard to believe that you can calculate 1,234 times 1,234 that fast."

Zhan Sheng, Chang Liu, and Xu Rong almost glared at Xavi. They knew he wanted to humiliate Bai Liang. After that episode aired, Bai Liang's fans hailed him as a mathematician king among the idols while his anti-fans said that it was all scripted and he memorized the answers. But on the flip side, it implicated that Han Yi-Shen also memorized the answers, and his fans didn't accept that. The anti-fans were drowned and beaten in no time, but the seed of doubt was already planted.

"Then, Senior Xavi, would you like to have a multiplication battle with me?" Bai Liang tilted his head.

"I wouldn't dare." Xavi shook his head. "Only calculators can count that fast."

"Then, go ahead and use one." Bai Liang didn't back down and stood up. "Shen-ge took really good care of me. I can't let you slander him."

Xavi knew Bai Liang said it to trigger Han Yi-Shen's fans on purpose but soon calmed down. It was unlikely that Han Yi-Shen's fans were in the studio or exclusively live-streamed this for Bai Liang right now. With his agency's influence, that part could easily be omitted once the show aired.

He inwardly gloated. Although there were people with an impossible speed of mental calculation, those people were genuine geniuses. A third-rate idol couldn't be so smart that he could beat a calculator itself.

The studio became heated, and everyone was excited to see whether or not Bai Liang could win against a calculator. The two of them sat down facing each other with a 2-meter gap between them. To prove it wasn't staged, each of EFEX and Jupiter members along with the host would choose one person from the audience seat. There would be a total of 8 questions which Xavi and Bai Liang would race to answer.

Since Xavi was the one who challenged Bai Liang, EFEX had the first right to choose. As the leader, Zhan Sheng picked the first audience to give the question.

The chosen girl was given a mic and asked the first question, "What are 2,964 times 8,357?"

Xavi had just started typing the numbers when Bai Liang unhurriedly answered, "24,770,148."

The male host showed the result in his calculator. "Correct."

Everyone widened their eyes in shock. However they believed in Bai Liang, it was indeed a little difficult to believe that an idol could be a genius. Even Zhan Sheng, Chang Liu, and Xu Rong also felt amazed and incredulous at the same time. They knew Su Yan was very smart and a former model student, but they didn't think he was this smart.

Xavi was the most dumbfounded. He clenched his jaw but quickly calmed himself down. It had to be a fluke.

The questions continued.

"6,240 x 7,009."


"2,197 x 8,175."


Bai Liang answered each one without a moment of pause. For a cultivator like him, this small calculation didn't require a percent of his brain cells. With his mental prowess, he could calculate hundreds of complex calculations simultaneously.

By the time they reached the fifth question, all doubt they had towards Bai Liang's IQ was erased and turned into reverence. The EFEX members hid their snickers at the red-faced Xavi who was humiliating himself in public. Each time, he couldn't even manage to finish typing on his calculator.

When it was time for the last question, the male host had already decided who to choose. He pointed at the man sitting at the edge of the topmost row.

"That single gentleman over there, would you have the honour to give the last question as the representative of the few men in this studio? Why don't you tell us who you are here for?"

Everyone turned their attention to him. The man was unfazed and accepted the mic before standing up with a smile. "Of course, I am here to support my little charm, Xiao Yan."

Hearing the word, EFEX's fans in the audience instantly guessed who he was and grabbed their companions with racing hearts. Once the man took off his cap and showed his face to the camera, the whole studio was filled with exclaims and squeals of shock and excitement. Except for Bai Liang, everyone, including the staff and the host were all dumbstruck. The girl who had been sitting next to him all this time never felt any dumber for not recognizing who he was the entire time.

Han Yi-Shen cast a warm gaze at Bai Liang amidst the screaming and once the noises died down, he also regarded Xavi with a nod. "Here's my last question for the both of you."

Bai Liang was fully relaxed while Xavi was incredibly tense, determined to at least answer this last question.

"What are 65 times 8?"

Xavi, who was ready to type a long string of numbers, was caught off guard by the short question and glitched for a split second. But this split second was his doom as Bai Liang answered with an amused smile.


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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


