24.32% Singularity: The Red String Around Your Neck / Chapter 9: CHAPTER IX


The nurse knocks on the door.

Vince and Jack realize that they've been staring at each other for a while, not saying anything, just happy to be on each other's sight. Both jump startled and look away, the nurse apologizing for interrupting, saying Vince has to eat.

Jack smiles awkwardly at her and Vince stutters a "thank you" as she leaves.

Vince eats his lunch while listening to the other talk about his test, his teacher, his classmates, everything and nothing and he knows he could listen to it for hours.

He notices Jack has a mole under his bottom lip. He notices he fixes his hair when he finishes sentences. He notices his voice gets a little bit higher when it's about to break into laughter. He notices his laugh is the kind that reaches his eyes and has its own melody.

Jack notices how Vince gives him his undivided attention, more than he's ever received from anyone. He notices how his eyes seem to stare into his soul. He notices how Vince has a small mole next to one of his eyes. He notices he could look at him for hours.

The day goes by just like that, both boys talking about whatever comes to their mind and treating it like it's the most important topic, just because for some reason, they care an awful lot about what the other has to say about pretty much everything.

"Jack, it's getting kind of late." Vince says, noticing it's getting darker.

"Yeah." Jack sighs. "Theo said he was coming but I guess he's not anymore." He checks his phone for texts but there's nothing.

They both fall quiet after that, neither wanting to say goodbye.

Vince is looking out the window and Jack is looking at him.

“How is it? Spending the night here?" Jack breaks the silence. Vince looks down, thinking.

"Oh..." He starts fidgeting with his scarf. "It's not that bad. It's just cold and a bit… Too quiet." Jack watches him carefully.

"Isn't it always quiet at night time, though?" Jack laughs softly, hoping to see the other do the same.

"It is." Vince smiles, distant, "But it's kind of scary if you're awake through it."

Jack curses in his mind. Vince is right. He has been through a lot of those nights too, and they are tough to get through. When it's too quiet you're forced to listen to what's inside your own mind, and most of the time there's nothing good there.

"Okay! Why don't you give me your number?" Jack smiles at his own idea. "We can text. To keep you distracted."

Vince’s eyes light up at that, grinning with his boxy smile and everything, and Jack feels his heart beating furiously against his ribcage out of a sudden, as if it wants to escape.


Theo has been busy, crazy busy, all day. It's usually like this, but today he wished it had been different. He couldn't stop thinking about Jack and Vince, and wondering what the hell has been going on with them.

He worries too much about his best friend, even with many reasons why he shouldn't. He can't help it.

"Are you okay?" Noah asks him, worried tone. "We should stop here. I know you said you could tutor me but it's late and you've been busy all day."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I didn't have time for you earlier." He smiles the best he can, furiously searching for the right book between the pile in front of them.

"I'm serious, Theo." Noah says, serious, stopping him with both hands. "You should go home and rest."

Theo sighs, closing his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Noah smiles. "We'll do it tomorrow or some other day. Just, take care of yourself."

Theo watches the boy picking up the books and exiting the library.

He shakes his head, thinking one of these days he really might overwork himself into insanity.

He starts thinking about Jack again.

Theo knows something's up, Jack is acting weird, but good weird. Like he used to act before all the bad stuff happened. Like he cares about people. He wants to bring it up, but he knows it will push him away if he does.

He takes his phone and stares at his best friend's contact picture before pressing call.

“Hey, Jack!”


“I couldn’t make it today, sorry.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry.”

“How is Vince?”

“He’s better! I just got home from the hospital.”

Theo furrows his eyebrows, confused. He looks at the clock.

“… It’s 10 PM now?”


“Did you really spend the entire day at the hospital?”

“We were talking and I lost track of time.”

“Okay… I’m glad he’s fine. How are you? Getting ready for the party?”

“No, actually, I’m staying home.”

Theo tries to hold back his gasp.


“What? I told you I didn’t sleep, I’m tired.

“Nothing, I’m just-“

Theo shakes his head, trying to gather his thoughts.

“You’re what?”

“Nothing. I was just gonna say that I really like Vince and I hope he gets to go home soon.”

“Me too.”

“And I’m here if you want to talk.”

“You keep saying that.”

“Just in case you forgot it.”

“Thanks. Goodnight, then.”


Theo hangs up and blinks at his phone.

He really does need to rest, he realizes.


Jack opens Vince’s chat.

《Jack > Vince》

《 Hi, Vince.

》Hey Jack :)

《 Uh… Can you send me a picture I can use for your contact?

》Of course!

Vince sends him a photo he probably just took. He’s smiling, fringe falling on his eyes, scarf wrapped loosely around his neck.

Jack smiles, cheeks heating up like they never did before at just someone's photo. Vince really is cute. His heart races when his phone rings again..

》I’ll send a better one when I can.

《 This one is perfect.

《 I’ll send you one too.

He fixes his hair and takes a selfie. He doesn’t like how it turned out, but doesn’t want to keep Vince waiting.

》Thank you!

《 No worries!

《 So how are you?

》I’m good!

《 Really?

》Yes, really.

》You should sleep, Jackie.

》You said you didn’t sleep well last night.

《 But I want to talk to you.

》Me too :( but I am kinda sleepy…

《 Hm…

《 Okay, let’s sleep then.

《 But promise you’ll call me if something wakes you up.

》 I promise.

《 Goodnight, Vince

》 Goodnight, Jackie!

Jack puts his phone down and only now realizes he's been smiling. He sighs happily and throws himself on the bed, letting himself feel the warmth that has been taking over his heart for a while now.

A few minutes pass and his phone rings again and he jumps to reach it, thinking it could be Vince again.


He frowns and checks the phone screen. He sighs.

“Hey. Mike. What’s up?”

“You’re coming to the party tonight?

“No, sorry.”

“Why? Won’t be the same without you…”

“Something came up.”

“Oh… Okay. See you next time, then?”


He hangs up, frustrated at being reminded of where he should be.


Vince smiles at the photo on his phone. He's been looking at it for a while, remembering the day he just had. Jack's laughter seem to still be echoing on the room. He feels warm, safe. Happy. He doesn't remember if he ever felt that way.

He falls asleep like that.

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


