27.77% Omniversal Trade Center / Chapter 4: The Worst Isekai

章 4: The Worst Isekai

"So you are finally awake, Miss Asuna. " I stopped my meditation to get up and turned towards my guest, Asuna Yuuki.

"Where am I? And who are you?" Asked Asuna with wariness in her voice but also a little hope.

"This place is my shop, which is connected to the vast Multiverse. And here you can buy anything you want. And you can call me Karna." I gave her the basic introduction of the shop.

She looked doubtful at my words." Multiverse? You mean the theory of how there are other Universes out there? Are you joking?" She asked with a frown.

" Yes Miss Asuna, The Multiverse theory is true. You should know about it well, afterall, you also got Isekaied to another world. " Hearing my words she flinched back in fear.

Seeing her react like that made me feel sad. This Asuna Yuuki right in front of me isn't the Asuna from the Cannon SAO verse. This one died in the Death game and then got transmigrated into a different world. A world that was much worse that the previous one.

She died in one death world only to get Isekaied into another. She was now the resident of a Terraria World.

It was a non modded Version of Terraria. Which might not sound that bad, but the world was in Master Mode. And it's not an easy world to survive in for a normal human girl, especially one who that didn't get any cheats. Despite becoming a Isekai protagonist, she got no special abilities.  Well, except for her [Terrarian] perk that makes her immortal and let's her craft use and craft items like a Terraria character. It would have been very helpful if she knew about Terraria. But she doesn't have any freaking knowledge about this game, which resulted in her horrible situation. And on top of that, there is no Guide.

The odds are all stacked against her, and as a result she died. Again and again. She became an unlucky Isekai protagonist like Natsuki Subaru, except the time rewind part.

Everytime she dies, she comes back to life in a new body at her spawn point. And her old body doesn't disappear. Not only does she have trauma from dying horrible deaths, she was also traumatized from watching her own lifeless dead body lying down on the ground.

Talk about shitty luck. Whichever prick decided to through her into the new world without any cheat powers is on my shit list. Sadistic bastard!

"Yo-you know?" Asuna asked weakly, shocked at my knowledge about her predicament. She looked like she was about to cry from remembering her situation.

I tried to stop her from getting any more depressed. "Yeah, I know. I have an ability that let's me know information about people and items. And this let me know your exact situation. So don't worry, I will help you. Afterall, that's the goal of this shop of mine. To help those in need." I smiled at her reassuringly.

And obviously to make a big fat profit. But this time the main goal is to help her, as I can't let one of my favourite Waifu live such a tragic life.

Hearing me, Asuna gave me a smile, as her depressed expression subdued a little. She still looked bad, but there was a new light of hope in her.

"Thank You! But how would you help me? And how would I pay you? I don't have any money." She asked with worry.

"Don't worry about payment. I know a lot about the world you are in, and that world has a few expensive items. And since you have connected the shop to that door, I can access that world anytime I want." The accessories and weapons are pretty good. Even a few Armour sets have good perks. They should fetch a good price.

"As for helping you, I guess I can help you in 3 ways. First is to help you get stronger so that you won't have any trouble in that world. Secondly I can just ask my other customer to take you to their world. You can just get settled in a new world where you won't have to die so horribly. Or the last option is help you get back to your old world. You can stay in my shop until one day someone from your world connects to this shop." I explained.

Before she could say anything, I continued." There's also the option of me buying a new shop upgrade. Right now I can open the door to any world that is already connected. But I could buy a new upgrade that let's me connect to new worlds at will. There's the cheaper option of random World. And the more expensive option of Selective world selection. Though it's way too expensive eight now." Freaking 1 million OT for Selective world selection. So expensive. While the random World selection is 100k, which is also very expensive, but I could afford it.

"I-I want to get stronger. I don't want to d-die like that ever again. Can you please help me? I will be forever grateful to you and will do everything in my power to repay you." She requested with hopeful eyes. How could I ever reject such a poor girl?

"No need to be so grateful, I am just doing my job. And it's not like I am doing it for free, I will also gain benefits from you connecting your world to my shop. So what kind of powers do you want? Do you want fight with swords, or shoot enemies with bows and arrows or maybe guns from a safe distance? Or maybe you want to be a mage, burning your enemies to ashes with a smirk on your face." I think I knew what she wanted already but I asked anyways.

" I want to be a sword user. Specifically I want to use a rapier to fight. That's what used to use before in Sword Art Online." Asuna answered just what I expected.

" Then Rapier it is. And I will add {Enhanced Strength}, {Enhanced Speed} and {Enhanced Perception} to help you fight better. And obviously a new set of clothes. You need to change into something good. Clothes that are enchanted so that they will provide good protection and won't get damaged easily. " Saying that I quickly searched through the OTC and bought all that for her.

Asuna gasped as soon as she felt her new powers. "I feel so powerful. I feel like I could rip that Giant eyeball bastard to pieces with my own hands." She smiled with excitement.

And by the giant eyeball, she probably meant the Eye of Cthulhu. It has killed her 3 times already, which is probably why she's so excited about killing that thing.

"Now you should freshen up before changing your attire. Let me create a bathroom for you to use." Saying that I bought a Bathroom extension for my shop. And instantly a new door appeared on the left side of the shop.

"You should take a bath. You didn't look very good when you first entered. I cleaned up the blood, but taking a bath should feel better. And here, a change of clothes for you." Saying that I handed her her new set of clothes.

She took the clothes before thankfully nodding at me and entering the bathroom.

While she was gone I decided to buy sone new powers for myself as well. First I bought {Pyromancy}. Launching multiple balls of fire that that Eyeball fucker should be pretty effective at killing it.

Then I practiced creating fireballs and launching them just like with Mana Bolt. I could just buy spells which will allow me to use them directly, but I could create simple spells like this myself with just some practice.

Then I also bought {Enhanced Speed} and a {Mana Shield} spell for myself. I want to be able to dodge stuff as well as not die from just one hit. This will increase my chances of Survival by a lot, as I don't have the ability to revive like Asuna.

When I finished my fireball practice and Asuna still wasn't out, I decided to just sit down and meditate once again. My last session increased my mana a lot and even more increase in mana won't hurt me. So why not?



"Mr. Karna wake up. I am ready to go." I got woken up from my meditation session by the sweet voice of Asuna Yuuki. She sounded way better now than before. Magic of a relaxing bath?

I opened my Eyes looked towards the voice, only to gawk at her with an open mouth. She was wearing the new set of clothes I bought for her, and Damn! She was looking Gorgeous. Her face also lacked her depressed expression which made her look way better than before.

Instead of that old dress made up of leaves, she was wearing a pink sweatshirt with a black coat over it, a black mini skirt, thigh high black stockings and finally knee high black boots.

I just randomly selected some enchanted clothes for girls. But damn, Asuna was looking good in it.

Seeing me just staring at her, Asuna got a little embarrassed as she asked me, "Am I looking okay in this?"

"You are looking amazing in that. And you don't need to call me Mr. Karna. Just Karna would suffice." I said with a thumbs up. Asuna blushed a little at hearing my compliment. "You can also just Call me Asuna." She said with a smile.

"Okay then Asuna, since you are ready, let's go teach that Eyeball Bastard a lesson." Saying that I went towards the door and connected it to Asuna's world and we both exited the shop together.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


