68.18% FiveHead Monster: Primordial Beast Of Chaos / Chapter 30: The Final Anomaly

章 30: The Final Anomaly

Throughout the ever-flowing passage of time, things changed constantly. Pantheons rose, others overthrown, from the tyrant Kronos to the Frost Giant Ymir, nothing was truly constant.

Evil and Righteousness were always at war, yet neither side gaining any true ground against the other. For the world was not black and white, it was a beautiful and often disgusting swirling mess of gray. For if either side were to win, the scales will tip... and Chaos shall reign once more.

If evil hath won, then it is only right that a brighter light was to plunge it into the shadows once more. And if the light had triumphed, and everyone was happy, then it was only natural that an even greater evil was to flood the world with depravity once more. For after victory, comes peace... and with peace, comes stagnation... and if the world was anything at all, then anyone can confidently say it was never stagnant.

Ever evolving.. ever developing, improving, worsening. Tis' the natural cycle of life, as balance will always find it's way to set the world into equilibrium, one way or another.

This are the ideals of one very special Chaos born. To one born without purpose, and for one who hath found.. and sought to earn their own.

Ever since they had reduced the Titan pantheon to nothing but prisoners, traitors and food, they had been scouring the world. From their home in the western world, to the deep depths and to the tallest of peaks, they explored unimpeded.

Their goal? Restoring order, of course. From the very moment Kronos had plunged into the gullet of our favorite five-headed monster, several 'cracks' in time had shown themselves, threatening untold consequences on the fabric of reality.

You did not think Time itself had willingly given up itself for the sole reason of victory and defeat did you? No, no, no... Time had demanded responsibility, and now, it was their outmost duty to do so.

Thunderbirds, rebelling nations of giants, rogue Gods, separate mysterious dimensions, all manner of beast and creature, all were crushed within their maw and tested against their poison. These..." Anomalies "... were quite detrimental to the River of Time, thereby endangering fate and destiny as well.

However, none of these 'labors' were going to be as difficult as this one. Everything before this were only nothing but debris- leftovers, of the cracked fragments of eternal Time.

This- this was completely different... it seemed as if a twist in fate had awoken something not even the Gods would be willing to face.

It was a stormy night, rain was pouring like never before, and lightning briefly lit up the shadowed world. Gaea had told them of one final anomaly, one that upon it's erasure would restore the Timeline.

Deep within the Pacific Ocean, rested a peculiar tomb of incomprehensible origin.

The Hydra was staring with heat in their gaze at the-the THING! That DARED to come out of it's hole!! Even without their five heads, they could see- no, SENSE how WRONG this being was.

It's existence was a complete anomaly, an error within the bounds of reality. Unlike the others before it, that were just affected by the subtle changes in fate, this one was beyond even that.

The air was wrought with tension, and the Hydra did not dare to dally. Channeling Chaos' unconscious will to protect, and it's very conscious will to OBLITERATE what ever was in front of it, they manifested Chaos into reality, separating their soon-to-be arena out of the bounds of reality itself in order to localize the inevitable clash.

" G̵̯͓̊͊!̷̢̉̓ủ̸̮̐͜g̴̖̯̑u̷͙̖͋̈_̷̢̫͗g̷̫̎͠u̶̯͊́r̷͋͘͜û̶͉ŭ̶̝̫!̵̲̓.̸̟̜̾.̷̪̃͊-̴̦̥͑͂" The blasted thing growled with a voice that seemed to be unable to travel space properly.

The thing was massive, comparable to the Hydra itself. It had a moss colored, rubbery humanoid body, with some proportions looking really... off, to say lightly. It had wings not unlike the God of Bats, Camazotz. It's most peculiar feature, however, was the anthropoid, large, bulbous head from which bore repulsive tentacles.

It was moving sluggishly out of the tear in reality sluggishly, with half of it's body still in the warping hole, but the dreadful creature did not forget to glare at the Hydra with red, piercing eyes.

Deciding not to delay this any more than needed, the Hydra shot five, pure, concentrated beams of poison at the creature. Amplified with Chaos energy that actively rejected it's existence and the Time energy that continuously applied the concept of 'Time' to it, slowing it down immensely.

For five full minutes, the Hydra just unleashed their salvo of unbridled rage and fury! Slowly, meter by meter, the creature was practically tortured by the Hydra, rendering it stuck between an angry primordial and a wormhole to non-existence.

In a way, these two beings were very similar - to the extent of being comparable to being of the same blood... but it was not quite right either. Chaos had many forms, names and natures, but they couldn't stop, it was their duty. Unlike most primordial beings, this one was - wrong, so to say, and would never be accepted into this domain.

The strange creature was gurgling in anger, staring ruefully at the five headed serpent above them. Deciding that getting out of the tear in space was impossible without a reprieve from the acid bombardment, they channeled the energy deep within themselves, manifesting into reality.

The Hydra narrowed their eyes and directed two of their heads to halt their onslaught and instead looked on with vigilance, ready to react at any moment.

And instantly, the world was torn asunder. Reality was shaking, it was unstable, assaulted by the creature's repulsive powers. The dimension they had separated from the main branch of reality and time had held strong however. That was not all though, as three of the heads staring balefully at the creature was suddenly blinded, as their eyes exploded in a gory storm of flesh.

If any regular mortal being were to witness this clash of Titans, then they would have gone completely insane, dying from just seeing it alone.

The two remaining heads looked back as they felt their kin's pain, and wisely shot two high powered beams of concentrated time, instantly deducing that eye contact was dangerous! The beams were beautiful, it looked like a pillar of broken glass and light that hit with the viciousness of a crashing river.

Upon contact with the creature, that had taken the chance and lunged forward, exiting the rift in space and heading towards the Hydra with outstretched claws, screaming in outrage!

"G̸̖̱̃r̵̥͒ṟ̴̞̿r̴̯̦̈r̵̨̉r̴͎͕͑̍ȓ̵͉͔R̵̫͖̋A̸̳͆̑A̶͕̋Ḩ̸͓͂H̵̺͠ -- "

--- To Be Continued ---

( What do you think of the appearance of this "mysterious creature" ? Well, not so mysterious I admit. But I really wanted to show the incomprehensible nature of the Hydra by pitting it with another incomprehensible and boundless being. What do you think of it? Do you want more of this occult-related mythologies and legends or do we want to just stick to regular history and mythologies? Give me your thoughts!

Remember to support the novel if you like it. Power stones, comments, reviews especially, anything is appreciated! That's all bye! )

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C30
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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