34.09% FiveHead Monster: Primordial Beast Of Chaos / Chapter 15: Titanomachy III

章 15: Titanomachy III

Everyone looked on with mixed reactions as Atlas stepped onto the shore. This was one of the worst outcomes possible, barring the possibility that Kronos arrives. They already struggled against normal Atlas, now this?!

Zeus, who was the only unoccupied God on the battlefield, decided to that he was to be the one to face him.

" Atlas! So you've decided to show yourself! Thought you ran with your tail between your legs? " Zeus taunted, determined to get Atlas to focus solely on him. The stakes were too high for Atlas to regroup with the others.

" Hmph! You and your silly little troupe of Godlings won't be leaving this place alive. " Atlas replied, unfazed and fully focused.

He surveyed the battlefield, Koios and Oceanus were in a deadlock and Hyperion seemed to be gaining the upper hand.

" Titans! Disengage now! On me! " Atlas yelled, keen to restore command once more.

" No! Brothers! Sisters! Do not let them regroup, at any cost! " Zeus advised anxiously. And unfortunately, it had not worked. Koios had gotten away, unhindered in his blizzard-like form. Iapetus had also escaped, applying the concept of inevitable mortality onto the now rapidly decaying plant constructs Demeter had conjured as he sped away. Oceanus and Hyperion had also managed to escape easily using their divinities. Only Crius had not been able to regroup, stuck between Themis and Prometheus.

" Curses! Olympians, at my location! NOW! " Zeus commanded, worried at what Atlas was planning. The fairly equal deadlock they had carefully worked in place destroyed in just a few words. The Olympians had also gathered, staring up at the Titans that had gathered just a few hundred meters away.

" Oceanus. Do it. " Atlas called out.

" Understood. " Oceanus heeded, also knowing too well that stalling the battle was dangerous.

" Heed my call, river Okeanos! By my will, RISE! " Oceanus commanded coldly, draining all of his divine reserves once more.

And so, with a mighty heave, the River God channeled every single bit of his divinity. Along the horizon, the river Okeanos had once again materialized for all to see. And without so much as missing a beat, all of the sea had risen mountains high into the sky, forming a veritable wall along the isolated battlefield!

The Olympians looked on in horror as the sea rose into the sky, effectively trapping both Titans and Gods inside. Zeus had already been running at top speed towards them, hoping to at least disrupt their plans.

" Father Iapetus. Hyperion. If you could greet our 'guests' with welcome arms?" Atlas called once more.

" Of course! " They chorused, wasting no words. They charged forward, kicking up ash in the sky. Their objective? Stop the Olympians from getting close. And so with spears of heavenly light, and punches that weakened those of divine origins, they charged forward.

By this time, all of Olympians had also started channeling their energy. Hades had gone invisible once more. Hestia, Hera, and Demeter had taken supporting roles. And Zeus and Poseidon led the charge.

Whilst they were occupied, Atlas swiftly continued,

" Koios, lock us in. And everything else, out. "

" As you wish! " Koios ushered his divinity, directly effecting the wall of sea. Within seconds, all of it had frozen. The ice was ethereal white, and was littered in thousands and thousands of enchantments, courtesy of Koios' magical knowledge.

Within minutes, the Titans had banded together to create an impenetrable wall. The wall itself was littered in every ward or protection imaginable, and each were stacked on each other again and again. The frozen wall had become so strong and sturdy that only few beings on this planet could ever hope to fell it.

But not without consequence of course, Koios and Oceanus were spent. At this point they had already found breathing difficult. And not to mention Hyperion and Iapetus, titans they may be, but taking the full brunt of the combined might of the Olympians is far too much. Their bodies were littered with wounds, all of variating sizes.

Not to mention the support of the Hecatoncheires and Elder Cyclopes. In this very moment, the Cyclopes were slinging volleys of boulders and stone. The hundred handed ones were assisting in the beatdown of Crius, who was going all out, sparing nothing for his survival.

' Now, that wretched beast would no longer be able to interfere. With this, we will able to quell this revolt swiftly. Even if that abomination were to use that cursed power, they would have to expend exponential amounts of energy. And by then, with my newfound might, I. WILL. CRUSH. THEM. ' Atlas thought, having planned day and night for this.

" Oceanus, Koios, both of you will conserve your energy. But look out for those hundred handed abominations and that other godling that disappeared, I will go face the Olympians myself " Atlas relayed his commands, and swiftly left in the direction of the battle with mighty steps.

" Iapetus! Go assist Crius, you as well Hyperion. I will face these ruffians. " Atlas hastily commanded.

Stepping up to the young Gods before him, he released his pressure once more. The pressure he radiated actively weakened the constructs they battled with.

" Getting a little arrogant, are you? Well I, Zeus! Will show you exactly where you stand! " Zeus yelled, hurling an enhanced Master Bolt towards the mountain sized Titan.

Atlas did not retort with words. Instead, he raised his fists. And with a devastating punch, hit the Master Bolt head on! The bolt rebounded, returning to Zeus' hand having accomplished nothing but a small scorch mark.

" Demeter! Bind him! " Zeus commanded telepathically. Throughout the years, their connection with each other had grew and grew. And with Hestia's divinity, they had weaponized it as well. Now, they could telepathically communicate at will.

" On it! " Demeter conjured giant vines, whose sizes contended with Atlas' own.

" Hmph! " Atlas grunted, unimpressed. With but a spark of his aura, he vaporized the vines that sought to bind him.

It was not for naught however, as Poseidon who had placed himself behind the Titan hurled his Trident fiercely. Ripping through the air in a fashion not too dissimilar to Oceanus' own weapon. It collided against the back of Atlas' armor and managed to push him forward, putting the Titan straight into the face of the next attack.

Huge! Monstrous! A massive golden Master Bolt had found itself embedded into his helmet! With a roar, Atlas weaponized his aura, knocking everyone back meters away.

" huff... that stung... Brat. " Taking a moment to recollect himself, Atlas finally decided to go on the offensive. Similar to his bout with the Hydra, this was only a greeting exchange. Charging forward, each step vaporizing the ground, he sped off at an incomprehensible speed toward them!

" Everyone! Brace yourselves! " Zeus yelled frantically. He could sense the power in that mad charge. If they were hit, most of them would die from the impact. And so, with the combined might of all the present Olympians, they created a divine barrier. It was of a myriad of iridescent colors, the closely related and connected divinities making up the shield were enhanced by Hestia's divinity of family.

" BOOOOO--------- " Similar to last time, Anything that wasn't the wall, God, Titan or divine instantly vaporized. A black void filling the area of impact, and a crater decorating the field.

" Crack! crrrack! crrk! " The barrier withstood, for the most part. The Olympians inside suffering minimal injury. And so, with heated gazes from both sides, the clash continued once more.

--- To Be Continued ---

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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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