27.27% FiveHead Monster: Primordial Beast Of Chaos / Chapter 12: Beginning Of The End

章 12: Beginning Of The End

" Crackle!.. crackle! BOOM! "

The battlefield was chaotic, the sky was clouded in ash and smoke. Remnants of fallen warriors lay sunken in the soil.

Gods and Titans were clashing, clad in celestial bronze, orihalcum, divine silver, in all manner of forms, helmets, pauldrons, gauntlets. Wielding spears, swords, whips and chains. They were manic and relentless, neither giving the other any reprieve. For this was a battlefield unlike any other.

Thunder roamed the sky, the Earth split and fractured. Giant steps flooded the land, followed by furious shouts of fury!

" URYAH! " A figure yelled, his mane of white hair flowing wildly. From his hands came giant streaks of blue lightning, smiting any who dare approach him. With a mighty heave, he formed a large orb of divine lightning. And he threw it towards the mountainous figure before him.

" Guh! " Atlas exclaimed as he felt the blast. Yet, he was barely fazed. He had gone through worse, he knew that very well.

" Impressive attack Godling, but this will NOT be enough! " He shouts, charging forward. Kicking up dust and cracking the Earth, he lunged forward and thrust a mighty punch.

Zeus widened his his eyes ' fast! ' he exclaimed in his mind. He used his divinity to boost his speed, in hopes of dodging unscathed. He got his head out of the punch's course, yet he was struck in the right shoulder.

" AAHHH! " Zeus agonized. The pain was coursing through his body, clouding his mind. His right hand limp, he channels his lightning. Rendering his own right arm numb with coursing electricity.

" Face it! You will not win! " Atlas says menacingly, standing straight from his crouched position.

" But I must! And I will! It is my birthright! And besides, we all know Kronos doesn't deserve that crown! " Zeus retorts stubbornly.

" And yet you do? HAH! Please, spare me your jokes. " Atlas replies fairly amused.

The Titan channels his divinity, releasing a crushing pressure in the surrounding area. The effect was devastating, hundreds of divine soldiers perished within seconds, gruesomely crushed into the ground.

" Tch! Retreat! Fall back! " Zeus yelled frantically, knowing that any further confrontation was extremely risky.

Within moments, the Olympians retreated into the sky, disappearing into the horizon.

" Fool! " Atlas scorns, seeing the method of which they left. It wasn't teleportation, they were too spread out. That meant they were going to a transport gate of some kind, or Chaos forbid, flying straight back to their base.

" You! Follow them back! Find out where their base of operations are. " Atlas commands one of his confidants, who dutifully transformed into a small Dunnock, a rather common bird.

Deciding that it was time to leave, Atlas herded his troops, and returned to Mt. Othrys.

--- Mount Olympus ---

Zeus had just returned from the battle, battered and numb from agonizing pain. Having flown miles on end, taking twist and turns. Navigating their pre-prepared labyrinth of transport gates beforehand to the suggestion his mother Rhea.

Looking back at his rather small company of troops, all hailing from divine origins. They were defectors. He looked on indifferently at them, noticing most of them had been lost to the battle.

Moving on, he trudged forth through the budding fortress. Quickly heading inside, he enters an elaborate meeting room, where his siblings had already gathered.

" How are we doing? " Zeus asked vaguely.

" Our advances have grown stagnant. Ever since Atlas had entered the fray, we've not been able to gain a second of rest. " The middle brother, Poseidon said downcast.

He had long light blue hair, with cerulean eyes. He had lightly tanned skin, and had a regal aura. He wore a beautiful coral crown made of platinum and jewels. He wore a white chiton with blue accents clipped with gold.

" Indeed, if this goes on, we will most likely lose. Kronos hasn't even physically entered the war once. " a raspy voice said, belonging to a ghastly looking middle aged God.

Hades was the second eldest of them all. He had raven black hair and sunken black eyes like an abyss. He wore a regal golden crown, earrings, bracelets and all kinds of treasure made of the purest jewelry. He was a black chiton that covered most of his body. He had a gloomy aura around him, darkening the mood unconsciously.

" Brother! Why don't we ask help from grandmother Gaea? Surely, she would help us? " A meek looking woman said.

This was their middle sister, Demeter. She had fairly long and wild, curly green hair, which was lighter than Gaea's. She had beautiful brown eyes and perched on her head was a golden laurel crown. She wore a light and comfortable white chiton. She radiated a gentle aura and seemed to rejuvenate others around her.

She really disliked brute force and violence, believing it to be pointless barbarity. Hence, leading her to wish to request for help to end the war as quickly as possible.

" No, we must earn freedom by ourselves! We cannot let victory be served to us on a platter! " Zeus disagrees. But make no mistake, this was not merely honor. This was a matter of pride.

" Didn't mother still plead with her anyway? I don't think she would refuse pleading from her own daughter. " Said another woman, her expression constantly judging.

In terms of looks, she was a near carbon copy of Rhea. But instead of brown hair, she had more reddish-auburn hair. She also wore a white and brown chiton that covered much more of her body. Sharp features and piercing blue eyes. She also wore a similar diadem and exuded an aura of superiority. This was Hera, the youngest of the daughters of Rhea.

" And where did that get her? Lady Gaea still wouldn't budge. She said that she was not supposed to directly interfere, lest some horrible things may result from it. This is our battle, alone. " Hades chimed in mercilessly, uncaring about the downcast expression of Demeter.

" Now now, everyone! Why don't we calm down first? It's clear that the war has had some unwanted effects on our psyches. How about you all take a seat next to the hearth, while I cook something to refresh ourselves? " A kind looking woman offered, hoping to calm her siblings down.

It was the eldest sibling, Hestia. She had gentle red hair, flowing like a river. Her features delicate and her rose red eyes perpetually calm. She had a humble laurel crown and brown chiton. She had a homely and accepting aura.

" Sigh... I guess you are right sister. " They all conceded. Despite all their differences, Hestia was the one they couldn't say no to. Hestia herself was fond of her younger siblings, aspiring for a perfect family.

They all took a seat, forming a semi circle around the little fire. Just basking in the gentle heat for a while.

" Alright everyone! I made some soup for this cold day! " Hestia yelled from the kitchen they had just built a few days ago, and the young Goddess adored the place, always practicing new dishes.

After a while, they had finished eating, complimenting Hestia's cooking the whole way. When they seemed the have calmed down, they continued the conversation.

" Besides, even if grandmother Gaea had said she couldn't help us, that didn't mean she wouldn't send any... " Zeus continued, picking off from the abrupt end of the last one.

" Who is it? " Demeter asked, hopeful.

" Are they strong? " Poseidon also asked, curious.

" Whoever they are, they better be worth our time. " Hera, ever self-absorbed, harrumphed.

" I'm sure it would be fine. It's grandmother Gaea after all. But while we are on the topic, do you know who it might be? " Hesta added, also curious.

" Don't know, she seemed persistent in not revealing anything. She only left a cryptic message, saying ' You will find out soon, you are not the only one with a grudge '. For some reason, that makes me a little nervous. " Zeus responds, a little anxious. After all, those who Kronos made enemies of couldn't be just simple people.

--- To Be Continued ---

(Now, now, I know! "Where's the MC?" Don't worry, they are on the way, literally. Besides, the Olympians are important characters, I needed to introduce them somehow. I only ask that you endure the boring single headed POV for a little longer. If you like the novel, please remember to support it in any way you can, anything is appreciated.)

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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