100% The 100: Advanced Preparation / Chapter 13: Saving Humanity

章 13: Saving Humanity

One year before Praimfaya.

The apocalypse is due in a year, and since I have so much space prepared, I should make use of it. Maybe get some of the top engineers, doctors and scientists to come.

I managed to pull some strings and have a meeting with some of them, hopefully, they listen.

The first try.

I patiently met with a renowned scientist and explained to him step by step how the apocalypse will happen and how I can save him, he nodded dismissively but I kept on despite my growing irritation.

"So you're saying this ALIE will launch nuclear warheads after hacking into them, thus destroying the world?"


"Look man. Good story, I can tell a lot of time and effort were put into making it and let me just say I admire your creativity. But I have a press conference soon and am incredibly busy, if you'll excuse me."

The second try.

"Yeah, yeah, right. You're one of those second dawn fanatics huh. One of you already came to me a while ago, and I already said I don't believe in your crap, why don't YOU PEOPLE leave me the F*CK alone!"

Third Try.

"What you are saying is improbable. ALIE is an innovative A.I that is the first of its kind. But even she should be incapable of hacking the nuclear launch codes. Besides, how did you acquire such information? And answer truthfully, or I'll sue you for defamation on A.I and causing public panic and unrest."

"I just do, I swear I'll explain it later."

"So you want me to enter a cryo pod along with my family....Are you out of your mind? You want me to sleep for a hundred years based only on your words, and wake up to a whole unfamiliar time, based on nothing but your word?! Get out!!"

Final Try.

This one was the calmest of all the people I talked with. He always wore a smile and nodded kindly to everything I said, but I had a foreboding feeling deep down that I couldn't shake off.


The door slammed open and men in white apparel stormed in. In a matter of seconds the whole room was filled with doctor-like buff men.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!"

They held me by the arms and dragged me with them. My Andrium muscle implants surgery is still a year later, so I am powerless to do anything, I just hope Stella goes after me in time.

10 minutes later, I was in Infront of a famous psychiatric hospital.

"Hey, Hey!! I'm not crazy!"

The doctor looked at me with his wrinkled face and said in a lazy tone.

"Yeah, yeah, they all say that."

"But the world really is going to end!" I hollered in one last attempt.

"Sure buddy." He sarcastically commented.

I was then escorted to the hub at the ward, I sat down and thought. If they won't come, should I just kidnap them? Then what after? They'll for sure blame me if I don't save their families too, but if I start kidnapping famous scientists, shit will really go down, especially when I just visited them, I'll be the prime suspect!

In addition, I don't know them. Droids can't betray me, humans can. Particularly geniuses with an inflated ego, I'll have to guard my back against them. I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts when a fat man with tall hair and a calm expression approached me.

"Son, you seem to be troubled." He said calmly and with a soft tone.

Since I was a little irritated at my situation, I frowned, "Who are you supposed to be?"

The man joined his palms together and said in a holy tone.

"Jesus Christ."

I smacked my head and rubbed my temples, "Jesus Christ!"






I was in a military Jeep leaving the hospital, the one driving was Uncle Mike. Who was angrily shouting at me.

"Do you know how many strings I had to pull to get you out of there! Whether you're crazy or not is not the point, those greedy motherfuckers want to label you as such to cash in your money! You wouldn't imagine the trouble I went through to keep the media quiet about this!"

If you're wondering how the media got wind of this, it's because some of those sleek bastards I tried to save recorded out while conversation.

What Mike doesn't know is that Stella already hacked into their servers and deleted all the footage. Even if it were uploaded to a USB stick or external storage, as soon as it connects to a computer, it'll be wiped.

I also had Stella forge fake documents on the hospital's manager to threaten him, from the first two hours of my stay there, I was free to leave, but I was distracted by a man who thought farts were the cure for all ailments and another who believed ants talked to him...haaaah, fun times.

"Sorry for the trouble Uncle Mike. I'll compensate you."

"Sigh, I just don't want you in any trouble kid, I consider you a safe keep from your parents and I ought to keep ye' out of trouble."

"Thanks Uncle Mike." I smiled genuinely, who knew this was our last conversation. Shortly after that day, he passed away naturally, and I was honestly saddened by that fact. We had grown closer over the years and I was gonna offer him a spot to come with me. Sigh.

At home, I tried to run some analytics with Stella.

"Stella, I want you to run a simulation of what will happen if I went public with the nuclear apocalypse and let everyone know. Run the scenario twice, one of some people believed me, and one of no one did."

"Yes husband, right away!"



"As soon as you go public, media coverage will be extensive, major news outlets will broadcast your words around the world. You will be labeled as a fanatic and a lunatic. The government will sue you for causing public unrest and will freeze your accounts. Paparazzi will flock everywhere you go, and you will be made fun of. You will be forcibly admitted to a secluded mental asylum and--"

"I heard enough. I'm guessing that was the one where no one believed me. Tell me the one where at least the majority of people did."

"As soon as you go public, media coverage will be extensive, major news outlets will broadcast your words around the world. Public order will collapse and riots will erupt around the world. Thousands of people will flock here demanding you save them, the people building your bunker will leak it outside because of a moral dilemma as they felt responsible to save people. The final preparations of the bunker will thus remain incomplete, making the bunker dis-functional."

My mouth twitched. But then said. "Run the second scenario again but make it so that the bunker's coordinates are not leaked outside."

"As soon as you go public, media coverage will be extensive, major news outlets will broadcast your words around the world. Public order will collapse and riots will erupt around the world. Thousands of people will flock here demanding you save them. The military will take over the bunker, allowing only the rich and influential people inside, this wi--"

"Alright stop. Do it again where no one takes over my f*cking bunker!"

"As soon as you go public, media coverage will be extensive, major news outlets will broadcast your words around the world. Public order will collapse and riots will erupt around the world. The rich and famous will purchase their own bunkers or head to Antarctica. Due to the over-purchasing of cryo-pods, the bunker you build will remain incomplete. And due to the constant riots, you will be unable to perform the surgery for your muscles nor your eyes. You will also garner the attention of Allie, which may end up speeding up the apocalypse. The probability of survival will decrease to 1% without the use of lethal force, and 4% with the use of all lethal force."

"Can't we lock her out of the grid?"


"What if we acquire the launch codes first and changed them every 0.2 seconds"

"No, as the..."

"Then, what if.."

"No, because..."


Shit. Well, that was... disappointing.

"Sighhhhhhh~, forget it. Fuck 2051 humanity, I'll save the next generations. To do that, it is of utmost priority to stop ALIE, just in case. Stella, try to access her kill switch, she should not have been able to overcome it at this time."

"One moment," Stella said and she closed her eyes, she remained stoic but gradually frowned. With her frown becoming more pronounced over time.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"She has hundreds of firewalls and other safety algorithms. But that isn't the problem. The kill switch... doesn't really exist."

My eyes widened, "What do you mean? I'm sure it's there"

"It is, but it isn't real. She replaced the real one with a fake, it's completely useless, just a decoration."

Allie is more troublesome than I thought. Attacking her directly will garner us unwanted attention from both her and Becca, besides retaliation from Allie which will impede our plans, something I don't wanna afford.

"Can't you create a new kill switch?"

"No, I don't have the authority to alter her core code nor delete it. I could however, infect it with a virus, this virus will remain hidden and slowly 'eat' her by deleting small chunks of her code without her noticing. The more she's 'eaten' the harder it will be to notice or expel the virus."

My eyes twinkled, "That's Great! Fantastic Even. We don't need to worry about Allie anymore, haha. When can you get this virus ready?"

"2 months"

"That long?! For you, any virus should be a piece of cake--no wait, if it could do what you said it could, it seems reasonable. How long will the virus take to completely erase Allie?"

"133 years."

"What the hell! Why did you even pitch me this idea then if it's this useless? The earth would be destroyed twice by then!"

Stella smiled evilly and spoke, "Because...we don't really need to erase all her code. Just enough to erase her awareness, and then, we'll have full control. She'll be nothing more than a program, not unlike Siri or Alexa."

I smiled mischievously and stood up holding Stella in my arms, I swung her around and said, "My wife is a genius Devil!"

"Hehe, it takes a genius to make one~"

"How long will the takeover take?"

"Accurate estimates are hard to acquire, but it will be around 100 years, give or take a few years."

That's great, now we can have the city of light to ourselves as well as all her drones, though we do have our own drones. The city of light is a shared simulation of the world, created by ALIE to harbor humanity with the aim of saving it. ALIE intended it to offer a better existence for mankind, one that is free of pain, hate, disease, and suffering. It is seemingly reached through the subconscious, through ALIE herself or meditation, after ingesting a chip.

While it seems like a wonderful place on paper, ALIE used it to emotionally torture anyone with their dead relatives if they are inside the city of light, like Monty's mother, who she used. She can also mind control anyone who ingests a chip, controlling their bodies in the real world too, she can alter or seal memories, and even remove entire emotions inside the city. Yeah, she was a real b*tch.

I, though, can use it as a kind of afterlife or second chance. As upon someone's death, they will still remain in the city of light. Then, I can upload their consciousness to a droid and viola, back from the dead! I'll just have to recreate the chips ALIE used and alter the city so that it doesn't remove any emotions, they are there for a reason, and removing them is removing the person himself. This is way better than erasing her, far easier of course.

But, if she already removed her own kill switch, doesn't that mean she's in control? So whatever I do, as soon as I broadcast the news of what she's planning to do, she'll just push her plan ahead of schedule, f*cking me over in the process. Aah~ whatever, I'm done trying to save people.

"Alright, get to making the virus, or let another of our A.I do it. We have a trip to the space station soon, I can't wait to visit space! For now, let's watch Harry Potter part 34, it just came out."

[A/N: Getting Jealous yet?]


Present Day.

[[ I am Inevitable..*snaps*..*nothing happens*... And I....Am Ironman *SNAP*]]

Me and Stella were in our tent, her naked body pressed against mine as we watched a now ancient movie on my solar powered tablet. *Sniiiiif* Still makes me emotional.

Yesterday, Charlotte held up quite nicely, I thought she'd die from all those strikes but apparently the 100 are still a bunch of pussies, my grandma can hit stronger than that!

Besides some of them striked with the bare minimum for the gesture to be considered one. While I did pity her miserable appearance by the end of it, in my opinion, I think that's a far more desirable outcome than what originally happened to her, with her falling off a cliff to her death and all.

Clarke seemed to have a lot of complicated feelings about it, with her strike being harder and hug longer than usual. Murphy who was one of the last to strike actually seemed to pity her roughed up blood-stained appearance and gave some soft blows, honestly quite mature of him.

While she was indirectly the cause of him being roughed up and almost getting hanged, he didn't actually blame her all that much. Instead, he seemed to still be holding quite the resentment for the rest of the delinquents.

After they were done, I gave Charlotte some medicine which was just enough to stop any further bleeding. I want those wounds to turn into scars, and be an eternal reminder of what she did. While killing scum is fine, Wells was innocent.

The meeting with Lincoln yesterday night was a quick one, we met, ate some meat and vegetables and hung out over some beer, and he informed me of Anya's decision. The meeting is 3 days from now, on the infamous bridge that was blown apart by a sick raven in the TV show, I agreed easily and informed Lincoln to relay my acceptance.

On other news, the perimeter around the bunker was completed and its cameras operational, which my eyes could connect to at any moment to check things out. Additionally, the B-1 automata with her 50 S models as her guards arrived outside Polis Today, but they were stopped by hundreds of guards who thought it was an attack.

In fact, they alarmed the grounders so much Lexa herself came to check things out, after all, Grounders were no strangers to guns. While they were not afraid, I would do the same if a group of armed people stopped at the door of my bunker.

Fortunately, B-1 managed to come through for me and calmed things down, declaring that she arrived as an official envoy from Astralis.

Astralis, which means relating to the stars. Stella is actually Latin for Star, while my family name is Star, so I thought it more appropriate than Star Kru, since it sounded like a silly, childish name, and because we were not a part of the coalition, so we can't call ourselves Kru yet. Ahem, definitely not because it's cooler to say.

Anyways, the talks are going smoothly right now as B-1 and 10 out of the 50 guards were allowed to enter while the rest waited outside, albeit they entered without their guns. They had many hidden weapons though, so no worries, how many weapons? Let's just say they were worth their exorbitant cost. Of course, the grounders don't know they are not humans, only I know of this.

Time to build a wall.

Donald Trump: "Maybe I can help, I happen to have expertise on this particular matter."

"I'm sure you do."

Stella," Who are you talking to?"

"Don't worry about it, it's an inward thing, you wouldn't understand."

It was now just after dawn, so the 100 were sleeping peacefully, mwahahaha, not for long. I dressed up and left.

I sneaked out of the tent on my toes with Stella looking on amusedly, I called over the S model guards and tell them to prepare their speakers... maximum output..you know where this is going.

Right in the middle of the tents, we all gathered together and suddenly blasted the Bugle wake-up call, a classic horn sound used to wake up military recruits...in cartoons.


I then talked, my voice also amplified by the speakers thanks to the S model.




Right after, a torrent of teens with unkept hair, missing pants and groggy panicked expressions dashed out of their tents. In all but five minutes, all the 100 except Charlotte who I allowed to rest were here.

I was originally planning to have them chop down trees for both making the wall and training their muscles, but..I forgot to bring axes. So I'll just have them use the trees as training dummies and will get the S models to chop down the rest.

"I want 10 laps around the camp, then 5 sets of 20 for each of the exercises we performed yesterday. Then bring your daggers and gather here again."

The sleep-deprived delinquents then lazily moved to begin running, so I gave them a little incentive.

"Last five who finish will run an extra five laps and the first one will get personal guidance from me instead of physical training."

It is amazing to see what words can do, haah~ look at them go. Surprisingly, Octavia ended up first, she has serious determination, or is she trying to impress me? I also noticed some people slowed down so as not to get first, were they afraid of my personal guidance that much?

I have Stella the lead over the rest of the training while I took Octavia into the wood for my guidance. She was now holding a dagger and striking the tree.

"That's not right, you need to move your hands like this...and body like this.."

My arms wrapped around her body as I positioned her, our faces too close for a normal pair of student and instructor. We eventually ended up kissing with fervor, our hands all over each other's bodies. We kept making out but didn't do the deed, I wanted it to be in a better place than this, so we ended up just doing foreplay.

Time passed and Octavia's mouth eventually ended up wrapped around my member. It was at this blissful moment Bellamy suddenly arrived.

"Leon, are you there?"

He's probably one of the only people not to call me sir, I don't mind.

"I'm busy right now, what do you want?" I held Octavia's face in place with my member deep inside her throat. We were both completely naked, so him seeing us wasn't an option.

"I'm looking for O', wasn't she with you?"

"Oh, no. I sent her back to the Dropship to *grr* bring *haah* us some food."

Octavia started moving her head slightly all of a sudden, her wet tongue spiraling around my member. I ultimately couldn't take it, held her head and started face-f*cking her.

"Is something wrong?"

"*Hmn* Every-THING is fine!"

Bellamy was confused but let it go, "Alright, thanks"

As soon as he left, my moans became louder as I moved my hips into her mouth with more vigour and force, making her choke a little, soon..HNNMMMM!!

I released it all into her mouth. She then slowly removed my member from her mouth, then sensually looked me in the eyes and opened her mouth with her tongue out, letting my white liquid drip from it and onto the ground.

Blushing, I pushed her face back into my now re-hardened member, starting another round.


3 days have passed since then, nothing of importance happened. Over the days, we completed the wall, I also started to party with the 100 after training, which brought us closer, so I ultimately stopped screaming at them during training and was more laid back.

Bellamy and Clarke were now the unofficial leaders of the camp, with them doing all the tedious things I didn't bother to do like delegating tasks, organising hunting parties, storing food, digging trenches, etc.

It was now the morning of the third day, and I was on my way to meet Anya. I was going along with Stella and the 10 S models in the shadow squad, their armour was camouflaged so well that you wouldn't notice one was there even if you stared right at him. I left the four S model guards to protect the camp.

As I arrived at the bridge, I looked to the other side where no one was visible, seemingly nobody was there yet. But activating my thermal vision proved otherwise as tens of bowmen lined the trees while a convoy of horses headed our way.


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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


