22.22% One Piece: May The Flame Forever Burn! / Chapter 4: The Reapers are Reborn

章 4: The Reapers are Reborn

First impressions were important, the crew of an as-of-yet-to-be-named pirate group had known that when coming to the island of Tallan. A medium-sized island with one main export, palm oil that villages fed into the port on the north side of the island.

So when the crew of the Eviction Notice had sailed over and accidentally missed the port by quite a distance, they knew they had fucked up.

"Shit… well uh… that's awkward. I wonder what are the people thinking about, do you reckon they would notice us mistakenly passing the docks?" Karma muttered, looking over the wooden railing with his eyes trying to gauge the distance. "That's maybe about 200 meters from where the other ships are anchored." (About the size of two football fields for you 'muricans.)

"Who's ready to get out the rowboat?" Xed yelled as he pointed towards the stern, in other words, the rear of the ship. "I found them when I was taking up the rearsails."

"Seriously? You're asking that?" Karma pointed at Xed while the others nodded.

"...Ok, so that eliminates me as a potential person to go ashore. I don't think I'm going to be taken seriously while I look like this."

"You think?" Karma asked sarcastically.

"Okay… I won't get taken seriously dressed like this."

Karma sighed. "It's pretty evident that only Krys and I are somewhat passable as a serious crew of a ship like this. We'll step off and ask around for news and generally try to make this situation of ours a lot more clear. You ready, Krys?"

"Ready for what? Aren't we just going ashore?" Krys responded.

"Not only that, we're going to roleplay. The first thing I want is somewhat of a crew, no offence, but you guys aren't a typical image of a seasoned pirate, especially with just the four of us."

"But who's going to join us? With no money to pay for upfront employment or even a reputation. I don't see anyone joining us."

"My, my, you're forgetting something, Krys. What we're after… are the miserable, lonely, desperate and depressed!" Karma pauses after seeing the dazed look on his friends.

Karma elaborated further. "The poor that stalk the streets, those that want a better life, those who are ambitious enough to take up the flag of criminals yet subservient enough to follow us, those who are simply sick of the world they live in without prospects for riches. Krys, that's why people turn to piracy and the world is filled with them. Promises are just that, promises, yet somehow, it's what makes people believe in you- in me- in us."

"Uh… are you roleplaying already?"


"…How'd I do?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does! What, you'd like me to return to my old boring self? This is a fantasy world with no rules, I'd rather enjoy every second of it. This is way better than D&D you know?"

Krys chuckles. "…Screw it, I'll have some fun." She stretches her body and fixes her gaze, from her usually neutral look to a more narrowed one with a soft scowl. "How's this, I'll add in some mannerisms too."

"Perfect, time to find out what our little protagonists are doing."

As their rowboat came to the receding waters of the sand below, the two friends exited their vessel. Krys handled pulling it to land while Karma went ahead, as he reached the docks proper, all eyes were on him.

A young man in his 20s with an old man behind him staggering with a cane stepped forward among the crowd, the ship they had was a good way to scare, even if it was unintentional at first.

"Good… day to you… uh…?"

Karma stared at the young man who spoke. "Karma, the captain of the Eviction…" he had a lapse in his words. "I want to speak with your mayor, now."

"That's me…"

Karma had his eyes glance over to the older man beside him, thinking he was the mayor and not the younger person. "We are not here for a raid."

"Then what are you here for?" He asked, murmurs from the crowd arrived but were silenced when Karma turned even an inch of his head toward them.

"Information and a few offers for the local townsfolk."


"None of your business, mayor, but if you prefer, would you like me to make it our business?"


Karma smiled. "Shame, I would've loved for us to talk about the status of this world." A new set of steps coming from behind Karma made the mayor veer his head to the left. "Ah, this is my associate, Krys."

Noticing the slight disgust on her face, the mayor whispers, "Did I… do something wrong to anger you all?"

"No, she would've cleaved your head open if it meant any aggravation." Karma left the cowering mayor behind as Krys followed him, they were walking towards the crowd. "Let's have a fine day, mayor. Although, I need a few words with this crowd."


"Are you deaf?" Krys snapped.

"N-no, I mean… uh…" The mayor retreated further into the crowd.

Karma returns to the mayor's side and he places a hand on his right shoulder. "Relax, remember what I said? We just need a few words with everyone here." This gets everyone else's attention. "I'll say a few sentences and be on our way."


The man said nothing more, Karma left him before he stood in front of the crowd. Channelling his inner edge, he raised his voice to the limit.

"What do I see within spent souls like you? Men, women, children? No, I see something more, a wisp of light and a spark of something greater. But what are lit embers doing in such a place but to be left to fade and pass on that glimmer of flame? Ladies and gentlemen, we are the Reaper's Bones, a noble company of pirates who wish to embrace and encourage real freedom. We do not care for your motivations, only that you seek to follow them. If you do not fear the call of battle, freedom and glory, then there is a place for you among us without judgment on who you are. If you are unsatisfied or wish to be more than who you are at present, we all cordially invite you to our convictions. This opportunity only comes once, our ship will leave by sundown. Every time your inner fire brings you out on top, you should show the world your flames."

Karma leaves and Krys trails behind, he was thankful he'd heard those words from the Servant of Flames before. Karma almost wanted to jump for joy when he didn't mess up.

"May the flame forever burn." He uttered one last time before turning his back, word would spread. Being pirates was not acceptable to many but if it could even reach those who were desperate, you only needed a glimpse of hope for them to come.

"You just copied that in-game," Krys whispers.

"Some of it, Krys. There's no need to change what works. Now, we shall head to the bar."

"The bar?"

Karma corrected himself. "Sorry, tavern. Most of a man's loose lips enter and exit through that place. Bonus points if we happen upon other pirates there. The other ships docked here with normal flags are a ruse, if they aren't openly taking an island, smarter pirates only raise their jolly roger when close to a merchant ship. If they are even smarter, they go to port acting as merchants or travellers. I'm guessing that one over there isn't a smart one."

Karma pointed behind him, Krys turned back to see one ship with the colours of the black flag. It was a sloop, one that could hold maybe about 10 men, give or take.

Krys hummed in acknowledgement. "You want us to take their loot?"

"Of course, why else would we pick a fight for? If they have bounties, we cash them in, if not, we'll let the pieces fall in place."


The walk took a while with the bystanders not giving them a glance, for now. Krys elicited a few gawks and stares but that was to be expected for someone dressed and looking like Yelan from Genshin Impact.

Reaching the tavern, loud clattering inside could be heard. Music from old instruments, dancing and a few rough housing, it was expected of a place full of drunkards or those wanting a good time.

Pushing the double door inward, the two walk in without much trouble. "Krys, find someone outside who looks like an asshole, beat their ass and take whatever they have, clothes too. I think Xed would appreciate being able to wear something other than a Sailor Uniform."

"Should I start scuttling the pirate ship?"

"Not yet, we want a fight, not a simple smash and grab. We could also sell their ship if anyone wants it but I want to earn for it. We're Reapers, not cowards."

Krys heeded his words and headed back out. "Aye, I'll find someone to shake down. I'd prefer to just ask for money but you won't like that do you?"

"Always," Karma answers, leaving Krys to move outside while Karma spots a few people drinking quietly in the corner of the tavern. Preparing himself for social interaction, he walks over to the trio.

The men spot him approaching, one of them nudges his seatmate and points to Karma. "Spot for one more?" Karma asked, not even waiting for a response as he sat down by taking a nearby empty chair.

"Who are you?"

"Karma, I am only here for a few questions regarding what's going on in the world." Karma saw the exchanged looks with the trio as one of them spoke up.

"Is that so? Well, what do you want to know?"

Karma was surprised at the compliance, people are usually friendly but it was still shocking to know not everyone in a bar was aggressively problematic. "News regarding anything mostly on any bounties within the Grand Line and East Blue."

"That? Oh, there's been a huge coup d'etat in Vira. Some new pirates are making a name for themselves here. Only a few million berry bounties not exceeding 10 million were put up. There's one that I saw that's pretty large."

"Large? How large are we speaking?"

"Actually, we have that bounty on us now." He reaches over to his friend's pockets and takes out a wanted poster before setting it down on the table. The picture made Karma smile.

"Monkey D. Luffy," Karma repeats, to the others nodding. "Why have it on yourself?"

"It's a large starter bounty on someone from East Blue! I put a bet that he'd reach 100 million before the end of the month! These two don't think it would happen, but that boy right there has potential!"

"Pft." One of his friends rasps his lips. "Do you think some happy-go-lucky boy is going to reach 100 million? He looks like he hasn't even gone through puberty!"

"If you think someone with a starting bounty of 30 million isn't going to make it that far, then blame the marines. I'm sure there's a reason why he'd been given that much." the man responds back before a full-blown debate erupted from the three.

Karma softly laughed at the antics but was suddenly interrupted when someone tapped on his shoulders. "Hey you, you have my seat. Get off."

Without even turning around, Karma let his intentions known. "This chair was empty when I sat on it. If you were so adamant about a reservation then you should've booked it. Unfortunately, this isn't a fancy restaurant, it's a tavern."

"Get off, or else!" Karma heard the click of a flintlock pistol getting cocked.

The exchange soon grabbed everyone else's undivided attention. Karma guessed this was the idiotic pirate that left their ship's flag in full view back in the docks. "All this for a simple seat? Why? Did you miss the warmth of your own hind?"

"I'm going to shoot your head if you speak again without standing up-"

Karma heard the crunch of a face before the man behind him stopped speaking. Soon, a huge crash followed and from where before a wall was standing, now had a human-shaped hole in it.

"Krys, how's your foot?" Karma asked as a way to show he'd not even been concerned.

Krys slammed her leg back down after doing a full kick at the man's head. She was secretly thankful that she'd been practising on the ship when she had downtime. "Dirtied by filth but still strong enough, Captain. Here's about 40,000 Berry I took, including their clothes. One escaped and I have a theory that they are the pirates you're looking for."

Krys places the articles of clothing and the money on top of the table. The door barges open soon after and five men go inside with swords and pistols out.

Karma stood up and looked at the group. "They're here, this is why you leave no survivors alive or make sure they're knocked out. Looks like their captain was sleeping here the entire time." as he said those, the man on the other side of the table where Karma took the chair from walked to his men's side.

They weren't swapping any greetings or words, weapons out meant that it was a battle. Karma and Krys stood opposite to them, without any weapons but they did have their inhuman strength.

"So what's your plan, Captain?"

"...I don't know."

Krys glanced with disappointment for a moment. "Huh, looks like we bit off more than we can chew."

Time almost slowed for them when the men with guns started pulling the trigger. This wasn't just a game anymore, they could seriously die. Fear gripped Karma as he saw it happen.

Within these thoughts, almost a plea for luck escaped his mind.

The pistols fired.

Balls of metal slowly rolled within the smooth-bore barrels of pistols rolled.


It missed, all of them missed.

The guns the men had writhed and shook, when they pulled the trigger, a force capable of knocking it out of their hands emitted from the hilt, seemingly out of nowhere. The act made everyone look at the guns in horror and curiosity.

Even Karma was surprised. "Did I just telepathically move their guns?"

"Well, I guess we know your Devil Fruit abilities. Good timing too, how'd you figure that out?"

"I just… wanted it to move."

"That simple?"

"Maybe the thought of death made it happen."

"You were enthusiastic about embarking on this journey filled with potential death. Why be afraid now?"

"Everyone says they're not afraid of death until the threat of it is imminent."

"At least you admit it. Take out their swords!" Krys yelled, she put on a stance, roughly what looked like one, and put a leg forward while the men recovered from their surprise and attacked.

"...I can't move it!" Karma said with alarm, close enough for Krys to hear his distress but not loud enough to be heard by anyone else.

A tip of a sword reached across the air and was thrust at his friend. Karma didn't think to move the sword, instead, he willed it so that the person themself would move.

It didn't work.

"Ghh!" Krys grunted, side-stepping fast enough to not get skewered but it nicked a part of her upper arm, making her bleed enough for drops to pool as she punched in retaliation, sending the man to the wall.

"Krys-" Karma almost yelled.

Krys interrupted. "Don't scream, show you aren't weak-willed. We're playing our roles, aren't we?" she smirked as another man followed up, seconds after seeing his comrade get absolutely punched to oblivion.

"You're right…" Karma muttered, his facade of strength faltering but as soon as he regained his confidence coming from Krys, he reached outward with his hand. They say confidence came from action, it wouldn't actually do anything, nor would it be required for his ability but all he needed was some reassurance.

"You've overstepped your chance!" Karma yelled, he didn't know what he was doing, letting the character he was acting take precedence. As if emulating the force from a certain galaxy far far away, he tilted his hand upward, amazingly this time it performed as he thought.

"Argh!" The man yelled, Karma saw his clothes getting yanked to the roof. With one more slamming of his fist, the clothes tugged downwards and cratering the floorboards that made up the bottom.

"You can finally control it?" Krys asked.

"...No, more likely I know what I can control now." He recalled as much information as he knew, slowly looking at his hands as he put pieces together. "I got it, you know how whoever sent us here gave us a ship that needs hundreds of people?"

"What of it?" An attack was evaded as the enemy tried salvaging their lessening advantage of numbers.

"We complained about how someone would expect us to control a big ship, our first treasure on our first island was a Devil Fruit. It didn't matter who ate it but it made sense. I think the thing I ate is like an ability I saw in a movie."

One of the men recover, trying to pick themselves up so they can try going all-in. "So I assume this ability is related to the kind of movie you watched?" Krys asked and prepared herself but Karma already had something in motion.

"Look." Karma pointed to the men, slamming them to each other and with anyone with sleeves he forced them to stab each other or themselves. "Here too." His eyes wandered over the furniture, finding a table and flinging it across the room as it hit hard enough at the last member making the table splinter and split.

"So Telekinesis?"

"I can't move them, just the clothes and the wood from their guns. Their swords were made of metal, see any connection on what I can control?"


"It's made from plants, once living organisms but then died to make the clothes they wear and the wood from their pistols. I'm guessing it's not that I can control them… I can make them seem alive."

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"Sort of, controlling it means I am exerting a force on it. This is not the case, it's making its own force which might not make sense to you, so if you don't understand, then blame Pirates of the Caribbean. I can make dead matter come to life."

"Hmm… at least you know now, Captain. Do we take their stuff now?"

Karma was satisfied and with a nod, he responded. "...The Triton Triton Fruit. I don't care what Larc says, even if there is a name for this already, I need this reference."

Krys shrugged and stepped over to the men and started looting everything. "I'll take these and wrap this wound with something."

"I'll find their ship and take everything. If anyone here would be willing to buy it from us, then we'll let them. We'll take everything else, gather everything to one place and stow it on the ship."

"The ship?"

"Ah, right. It's not near the docks. Don't worry, I'll make sure to anchor it by myself. It'd be good practice."

"Aye, Captain."

Karma took a look at his surroundings, he saw everyone in a state of fright. The room was filled with signs of battle. Walking back to the trio he spoke to before, he splits the money Krys had obtained and places 1,000 Berry on the table.

"Here, I thank you for the information and for giving me company. We're here to stay for a while but if you want, I have an offer spreading around this island. Good day."

"Wait!" One of the men stood up. "Who are you people?"

Karma turned around. "The Reaper's Bones."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


