4.68% Fate/Disturbance / Chapter 3: Bazett Fraga McRemitz

章 3: Bazett Fraga McRemitz

(A/N: The writing is in character perspectives even if third person and so the exposition part is limited to their own knowledge, even if said knowledge is incorrect or half-baked.)

Short magenta hair, an erect and confident posture and a steady, ample figure concealed by a maroon two piece business suit with a red neck tie.. That was the usual form of Bazett Fraga McRemitz, a now 23 year old woman who hailed from an old line of magi from the coastal region of Ireland.

It was also the same this particular night, Bazett's stern gaze was focused on the red circle on the ground before, dotted with ancient writing and strange symbols no normal man could ever parse. That wasn't the case for her though, she was an enforcer of the Mage's Association, the governing body of the supernatural world's workings, even if in name only, and the one who drew the circle in the first place.

She was to participate in the Holy Grail War on the cusp of breaking out in the Japanese city of Fuyuki... This 'spell' if it could be called that, would summon for her a hero of the past, a figure of legend to aid her in a fight against 6 other similar figures, each answering to a magus much like herself.

By giving these figures from the past a vessel after summoning their 'souls' so to speak, the magi who acted as Masters, binded them to act as a sort of familiar. The way the contract was drawn up made it so that these servants would be forced to obey commands if a command seal was used.. 'Servant' was an apt way of addressing them.

A command seal being a red tattoo-like pattern on the back of her left hand, concealed by tight black gloves.

Delicately reaching for her ears, Bazett slowly took off the two earrings she'd been wearing and placed them down inside the summoning circle..

She didn't know what the other masters had in mind but Bazett had come here with a clear objective, wishing to summon the Irish hero Cu Chulainn so that she may grant his wish, so that unlike her, at least his lonely life could have a good ending.

That was what the earrings were for, by bringing something that belonged to the man, Bazett hoped to maximise her chances of summoning him. Not to say that it was a guarantee however, the summoning was in the end, completely random, just with a significantly greater chance of summoning a specific hero if a related catalyst was used.

Using the symbol of an Irish Hero COULD very well give her a different hero so long as he was of Irish descent.

Shaking her head to remove such idle thoughts, Bazett Fraga McRemitz held out her left hand, grabbing it's wrist with her right one,

"Heed my words, my w-"

The circle lit up in an instant, revealing her surroundings to be nothing but nature, tall trees on all sides, a cleared out patch of dirt surrounded by tall grass and a single bird observing her strange actions from a tree branch, occasionally chirping in a flustered manner.


Bazett took a step back astounded, this wasn't how it was supposed to go! The ritual would only finish once she completed her chant and yet... Why was someone answering her call the moment she made it?

True she'd been informed the chant could even be thought of as unnecessary but, this was still a little shocking..

She didn't get much time to linger on her thoughts as the circle exploded into light, forcing her to cover her eyes with both hands lest she be blinded..

"As is the norm, I ask this of you.... Are you to be my Master?"

Bazett found herself alarmed by the muffled voice; she'd never heard of Cu Chulainn using a helmet or mask.. The why was answered when her eyes actually registered the sight before her.

Smoke rose from the figure of her servant as he raised his head up straight into her eyes.. Even if his face was protected by a dark strangely pointed helmet that faintly glowed where there should have been visors.. no, those were the visors.

He was on one knee, kneeling before her as if he were some knight, something she noticed might have been uncomfortable with the dark somewhat purplish armour protecting his strangely tall figure.. He was.. how tall was he actually? He seemed to be more than half her height when kneeling! A cloak hung from his one side, perfectly covering one side of his body and a long jagged spear lay on the other, crushing blades of grass under it's presumably heavy weight.


"You're not Cu Chulainn.."

Bazett Fraga McRemitz... wanted a do-over.

"I... what?"

The servant she'd appeared as confused as she was disappointed.

"I said you're not Cu Chulainn.."

"I do not understand." The Lancer could only apologise in a muffled voice though she could swear she felt him smile under the helmet.

* * *

"Ah, is that so?" The knight slightly lowered his head, "Then I apologise."

"..." Bazett stared at him for a few moments before letting out a sigh, "It's alright, not your fault.." It was the Grail's fault for giving her a servant she didn't even recognise, she'd intended to save her childhood hero from his loneliness but she got... th-... Wait a second, he'd been kneeling all this time!

"Doesn't that..." She pointed at his knee, "Get tiring?"

"What do you mean?" He looked down to where she was pointing before slightly shaking his head, "Barely an inconvenience.."

"So it is an inconvenience." Bazett went silent again, pondering for a few moments, "Yes, I'm your master.. Bazett Fraga McRemitz. Let us get along for the duration of our partnership..... Mr..?" With a stern air about her, the enforcer put one hand behind her back and held the other out to her servant..

"Aston, you need simply point me in a direction and tell me to attack. However I must request you refrain from telling me to go against my honour... And, I do doubt I could ever match the efficiency of a dog but I shall try my best."

"Did you just say something incredibly disrespectful with a gentle voice?" Bazett felt she could respect him and get along until he started the second half of his sentence....Still, that name, she didn't recognise it at all, "Hmm..." Perhaps it was so because he hailed from some obscure legend she had no knowledge of?

"What are you famous for?"

"Ahaha... How am I expected to know what has become of the world, my master?" Inhaling deeply, Aston rose to his full height, "Are you not the one who failed to do the required amount of research?"

"You said something rude aga-" Bazett cut herself off with wide eyes as she saw the Lancer Class servant rise to his full height, briefly revealing a sword hanging from the side covered by a cape.. He was too, too freaking tall! "How are you so tall?!" The 'calm' and 'collected' couldn't help but share her actual thoughts..

"Could it be that you are too short, my master?"

"Are you picking a fight?" Bazett crossed her arms under her chest, tapping her foot against the ground... He was one of those calm but hateful types wasn't he?

"I wouldn't dream of it." Aston waved his free hand in surrender, having dematerialised his lance.. Being a servant had it's perks, something he wouldn't know seeing as servants don't retain their memories of events from their summonings unless they were deeply scarred by them.

Bazett narrowed her eyes at the tall knight, she couldn't recognise who he was but what she could most certainly do was see his parameters and true name to see if he was lying.. Except that too left her reeling, astounded, "What kind of monster are you?"

"As a knight, that is deeply hurtful.. However I understand if that's all you were taught."

You know what, Bazett wasn't even going to bother with the poorly disguised jab thrown her way, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction... Or rather, she couldn't even hate him for it with his absurd prowess.. His name was Aston as he'd said and now that was confirmed thanks to the Master's perspective which let her confirm it but... What was he? How could such an absurdly powerful hero be unknown to her?

His agility was ranked- it was actually unranked.. B+ Ranked Strength, A++ Ranked monstrous Endurance, C Ranked Mana and D Ranked Luck.. With this absurd prowess, how was she even supposed to sustain him at max output?

Not to mention his skills and noble phantasm.., "Beyond the World, There is Darkness?"

Bazett was startled by the ground cracking under them both..

"I do not like that name, I will never like that name. Damn Agravain and his accursed naming sense!" Aston stomped his foot in annoyance, he'd only ever said that once and yet, and yet.. Why did it keep following him everywhere?! What had he ever done to deserve this?!

Bazett Fraga McRemitz felt she was going to have a no small amount of trouble here.

"Why not take off your armour?"

"Oh my Master.. How shameful.."


Bazett kicked Aston in the knee before groaning in pain and being forced to hold it while glaring at the armoured Lancer who only sighed and knelt down, "Show it here.. I know a little bit of magecraft.." More like, he'd forced and blackmailed Merlin into teaching him a few things.

"No need."

"Non-negotiable, I will not move from my spot."

Slightly flustered at being forced into it, Bazett offered him her foot.

"Who... are you?" She asked him in a low voice making the servant instantly go silent..

"I... apologise." Aston could only apologise, knowing that sharing his origins would only serve to make things more difficult than they were going to be already.

* * *

This is technically my first time writing a story so please, lay any criticism you have on me.

You'll get his backstory, don't worry.

Let's take it slow.

And no, I don't mean him just talking about it.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


