85.71% Re: Kämpfer / Chapter 12: Natsuru: Proving herself

章 12: Natsuru: Proving herself

-POV: Natsuru-

Finally, we returned home to Japan. I liked America and Europe but I felt far more at home here. Of course, I changed since last I was here but hopefully I didn't put anyone off with my changes.

As I walked to Mikoto's house, I saw Akane approach me from the side street beside Mikoto's house. She smiled and started waving at me as she picked up her pace.

"Natsuru! You were gone a long time.. Why didn't you ever tell me?" Akane looked pouty and upset.

~Does she.. have a crush on me or am I overthinking? What did I even do..?~ I couldn't help but think as I waved back with a strained smile.

"H-Hey Akane. Sorry, I was.. sort of wrapped up in things all of a sudden I suppose?" I gave a half-assed excuse that made Akane's pout deepen.

"It's Kaede right? Jeez.. How selfish! To take you away just like that without warning.." Akane complained.

"Well I needed the perspective change. It gave me an opportunity to learn too. And I learned quite a bit..." I said while thinking back to the intensive training and talks I had with Sam, Sakura and her Father.

Akane's face darkened before she glanced over to Mikoto's house. Akane cleared her throat and smiled again. A fake one.

"Well why don't we go to Kondou's place and wake her up? I was surprised to hear you were childhood friends with her!" Akane cheerfully told me and started urging me along to the front entrance.

~She knows Mikoto..? Besides that, something is off but I guess I'll act ignorant if it lowers her guard..~ I scratch my head in feigned confusion and nodded along as I allowed her to pull me.

As soon as we arrive at the front door, I feel a gun barrel pressed to the back of my head, courtesy of Akane. I put my hands up slowly, seeing the front door to Mikoto's place open. She seems happy to see me but looks conflicted as well.

"Hi Natsuru. Good to see you again after so long. I just wish it were in better circumstances or I'd be shoving curry in your face right now. Hehe.." Mikoto laughed to herself as I heard Akane kiss her teeth.

"Get inside, dumbass" Akane angrily ordered.

"Ehh? I know your Kampfer side is violent but come on, Akane.. What's going on?" Keeping up with my past ignorant mannerisms, I step inside and look at both girls curiously.

"Well to start off with.." Akane trailed off as she slammed the door close.

"You went on a trip with that fucking skank, Sakura. The bitch fucking responsible for Kampfer, dumbass!" Akane cursed and it took everything I had to not retaliate against her for the insult.

"Eh? Sakura's not a skank.." I muttered back.

"Akane quit swearing! But Natsuru, she's right. She's evil.. Can't you see that? And you.. You're different! Why are you in your Kampfer form!? Turn back into your male self and we can talk more casually, okay?" Mikoto seemed to play 'good cop' here and requested.

"I can't. I don't have a male form any more.." I replied, seeing their faces freeze.

"What did that thieving cunt do..?" Akane asked quietly as Mikoto shook.

"Listen.. It's nothing bad, okay? I'm sure if you really got to know Sakura then you'd really like her. She wants to improve the world" My words seemed to make them angrier.

Mikoto took her Kampfer form and brandished a katana, resting its edge near my neck with a scowl. "She's managed to brainwash you.. I can't believe it! No, you'll stay right here while President deals with Sakura"

I feel my mind blank at her words.

~What? Sakura's in trouble?~ I let my arms lower and see Akane put her finger on the trigger.

It seems I accidentally let my intentions show on my face. But I can't bring myself to care about that anymore. I sigh and point my gaze at Mikoto, who has started shaking in what seems to be apprehension.

"Mikoto, Akane.. I appreciate the concern for my well being, really. I can look past the disrespect you've shown to Sakura. You really don't know her like I do. But if you don't get out of my way to save her..." I stop and see Mikoto scowl in anger.

"You'll do what? What'll you do huh? I'm your childhood friend, Natsuru! I know you! THIS isn't you! She's.. She's twisted you into this thing.. No! You're staying right here and after Sakura's dead, we'll fix you.." Mikoto calmed herself and explained.

"Sakura won't die. I changed, yes.. But I got stronger. I've matured from a dense idiot with no real redeemable qualities to who I'm becoming now. Do yourselves a favor and get out of my way or I'll kill you both" I calmly told them, feeling magic gather in my body.

"Shoot out her leg-" As soon as Mikoto opened her mouth, I moved my head away, spun around kicked Akane in the face.

-POV: 3rd-

As soon as Natsuru had made a move, all hell broke loose. Mikoto swung at her, hesitating to hurt her childhood friend. Natsuru backflipped quickly, letting the blow pass over her as she kicked Mikoto's chin hard enough to send her airborne. Seeing Akane was still a bit dazed, Natsuru pivoted her body and slammed the tip of her elbow into the redhead's temple before grabbing Mikoto's shirt as she fell and headbutting her nose, drawing a decent amount of blood.

Standing over the two Kampfer on the floor, she coldly looked down at them both and spoke. "This is my first and last warning. Don't get up or I'll have to kill you both"

Natsuru turned toward the door and prepared to leave. Only to hear a gun cocking and quickly moving away from Akane's shot aimed at her back. Both Kampfer got back up, looking angry and ready to fight. Natsuru sighed, expression hardening.

"Death it is then" Natsuru muttered before creating a saber made of flames.

"Natsuru!!" Akane screamed in anger and began shooting at the blue haired girl.

Natsuru ducked the first two shots and slammed the flaming pommel of her blade into the redhead's ribs before locking blades with Mikoto before she could decapitate Akane. Mikoto was still hesitating, aiming only at Natsuru's limbs. Every time, she was blocked. Every time, she felt the heat increase and burns started accumulating. Akane shot to kill, only to see her former parter move away with an impressive amount of speed.

Natsuru's brow furrowed as she backed off. Her hand was shaking slightly. She grabbed her arm and let out a shaky breath with her head lowered. Seeing it gave Mikoto some hope. That maybe she truly wouldn't kill them.

"This is all you have.. isn't it?" Natsuru seemed to mutter in what sounded like disappointment.

"The fuck you say?" Akane spat angrily, aiming at the magic user.

Facing them again, Natsuru looked bored. "Akane's shots are easily avoided and she's terrible at hand to hand. You're a thug with slightly good aim and reflexes. Mikoto could prove a challenge if she weren't holding back. So I'm.. bored" Natsuru admitted casually, stepping forward with a sigh.

"I'd offer you another chance to live but I'm no longer the kind of person who goes back on their words" Natsuru explained before several balls of fire appeared around her.

Akane and Mikoto's eyes widened at the display. Natsuru held her blade pointed at them with a half lidded glare.

"Now are you going to fight for your lives or die without so much as a whimper?" The magic user asked, seeing Mikoto clutch her hilt tighter and wipe the blood off her nose.

Akane too became serious and held her pistol close to her chest, aimed at Natsuru. Natsuru nodded in response before the fire balls flew at them both. Mikoto leapt up and tucked her body in, letting the flame pass by and burn her clothes before swinging at Natsuru's throat. Akane threw herself behind a couch and used it for cover as the living room of Mikoto's house exploded.

Natsuru blocked multiple strikes from Mikoto and backpedaled into the kitchen, weaving away from Akane's shots. Paying attention to the swings and Akane proved a challenge. Though she had been hit far too much by Sam to be overwhelmed by them.

Natsuru slid across the kitchen counter and turned the tap on before breaking the sink and hitting the water with a stream of flames. Boiling water hit Mikoto's shoulder, even as she tried getting away. Mikoto winced as she swung away at the steam-filled kitchen that Natsuru used to block Akane's vision. Mikoto locked blades with Natsuru again, trying her hardest to push forward and break it to no avail.

Natsuru tilted her flaming blade to the side and backhanded Mikoto across the face before stabbing through her thigh. This elicited a pained yell from the girl that made Akane rush into the kitchen. Akane kept her gun close as she tried to score some close shots into Natsuru's stomach and chest. Only to get a few grazing shots in and a flaming punch to her face.

Akane was quickly overwhelmed with the pain of having her face burned while Mikoto tried to stand up. Natsuru softly smiled, seeing the lacerations on her body. She quickly leapt away from Akane's angry firing and Mikoto's persistent swinging and landed on the partially destroyed coffee table. Mikoto and Akane pushed through the pain and resumed attacking. Both finally making some progress as Mikoto landed a few shallow cuts to Natsuru's arm while the magic user tried not to get shot in the head.

Seeing her chance, Mikoto yelled and stabbed at Natsuru's stomach, only to see her lips curl up. The next thing she knew, she had been grabbed by her face along with Akane. Natsuru leapt with them both in her grip and violently threw them through the walls. Dragging their faces through the hardwood flooring and drywall before throwing them across the house.

Akane coughed and immediately tried to move, only to feel agony as soon as she moved her legs. Mikoto wasn't faring better, having her very breathing hurt likely meant her ribs had been broken. They heard slow footsteps behind them and turned, their faces paling and their eyes widening at the intimidating sight of Natsuru.

The magic user's body alight with glowing blue markings that radiated magic. Her hands covered in a blistering blue flame. Her blue eyes burning with power as she stared down at the two. She approached them with moderate wounds they just now figured she could have avoided if she used this against them from the start.

"W..Why..? If you had this..?" Akane asked, gritting her teeth in pain.

"Why? You weren't worth it. Not until you stopped holding back. I think Sakura might be impressed.. Oh well" Natsuru held up her hand and a giant blue dragon head made of flames manifested, ready to turn them to ashes.

Until Natsuru heard her phone ring. The ringtone being of her and Sakura singing a duet together. Her face morphed from uncaring to happy instantly as she answered the phone.

"Sakura! I heard you were attacked by the Student Council President.." Natsuru said, biting her lower lip.

"Hm..? Oh you got more than me. I'm just finishing with Mikoto and Akane here" Natsuru casually explained as if she were just getting groceries.

"Eh? Really? Ah.. I'm thankful. Okay, meet you there. Love you" Natsuru hung up and extinguished the flame with her aloof expression returning.

"Lucky you, I guess. You get to live long enough to take you to Sakura" Natsuru explained to the two shocked girls as she put her phone away.

"Like fucking HELL-" Akane started to yell until Natsuru slammed her fist into the back of her head, driving the redhead into unconsciousness as the flooring cracked beneath the force.

"That should make it easier. Will you be fiesty on the way too, Mikoto?" Natsuru asked the terrified girl.

"N..No.." Mikoto looked down, tears welling in her eyes.

"Hey.." Natsuru took a knee and cupped her face with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad.. I don't want you to die, Mikoto.. But the mission.. It's far more important than just my own feelings. Please, just hear us out?" Natsuru asked, rubbing circles on her face with an affectionate smile that made her childhood friend blush.

"O..Okay fine.. Not like I have a choice, dummy.." Mikoto complained as Natsuru slung Akane over her shoulder.

"Thank you, Mikoto" Natsuru cradled her in her free arm and started walking out of the ruined house.

Mikoto inhaled her scent and gradually calmed down. Natsuru slightly smirked to herself and dutifully carried the two off to her lover.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


