
chapter 16

--MC POV--

"I must tell you that there is another girl" I said while carrying Malia in my arms who was still recovering from our earlier activity.

"I could smell her on you"

"And you are okay with it?"

"I have passed half of my life as a coyote, I don't believe in monogamy, I believe in a strong male who can protect me and provide for me. It is only normal for other females to gather around such a man"

"I will protect you Malia, but I want to be more than that for you. For now, let's go to my girlfriend's house, she wanted to meet you and we have already prepared some clothes for you" speaking of clothes, right now I only have my pants on me, while Malia is completely nude

"Do I need to always wear them?"

"In front of others, but it is better if you get used to it, after all you'll need to wear them for hours at school"

"Wait what? Do I need to go back to that place?"

--Lydia POV--

As I was waiting for my boyfriend, I suddenly hear some movements behind me and turning my head I see my boyfriend with his manly chest exposed and a naked beauty in his arms. What a nice visage.

"While I do like what I see, you both are a dirty" But I wouldn't mind getting myself dirty for a little taste.

Keep calm Lydia, it's better if you don't scare the newcomer from the beginning.

"We would appreciate it if you let us use your shower, but before that Lydia meets Malia" hearing my boyfriend's words I look back to the nude girl who is now standing on her feet.

"I'm happy to finally meet you, if you need anything feel free to ask me" I said, trying to make a good first impression.

"Well… thanks" we are still awkward, but I'm sure it'll get better eventually.

"Ok, now let's go take a shower, we'll talk later with calm" stated my boyfriend bringing Malia with him.

Yes, she is worthy of sharing the same bed with us.

--MC POV--

I don't think I have ever been blue balled this much.

I had to clean Malia's body and even after all the hours of sex we just had, I still got an erection, but unfortunately Lydia is waiting for us in the bedroom, and we have to talk about too many things to waste time shagging.

So I reluctantly get out of the shower and walk toward the towel, with my mace swinging left and right, but it never touched my legs as it keeps standing upright.

After some minutes we got out of the bathroom and joined Lydia on her bed, and from the smirk she is giving me I'm sure she noticed my current problem, not like I ever expected the towel to be able to hide it.

"Now that we are all cleaned, I think we should decide on what to do from now on, Malia said she doesn't want to go back to her home" Hearing my words Lydia looked at Malia, but as the latter doesn't add anything, she understood that it is still too early to confide this much with her.

"She can stay here with me for now, I don't think it would be difficult to convince my mother. The problem is finding a permanent solution, and she'll need to go to school once the summer end, or she will never integrate in society" seems like Lydia wants to get closer with Malia

"Speaking of this, is it necessary for me to go to school? Me and studying never had a nice relationship"

"It is. I'll also help you study. We are doing this for your future" said Lydia with a caring tone.

"You are neither my mother nor my sister" retorted Malia

"We'll be even more than sisters"

"How so?"

"We'll stay under the same roof and share the same dick, is there a deeper relationship than this between girls"

"You may be right…" maybe she won't learn common sense from Lydia, but I'm sure she won't have any problem with learning school material and knowing my girlfriend, any extra-curricular studies she chooses to teach will be very pleasing for me.

"Now the problem is how to get her an identity, the only way to have back her previous identity would be going to her father, but since this doesn't seems to be an option, we'll have to get her a fake ID"

"Do you happen to know a forger?"

"No and I have never heard of one here in Beacon hills" not like I expected her to know one.

"I'll try asking to my seniors from lacrosse" I know some guys who have connections to criminals.

"Be subtle" Said Lydia looking into my eyes with a worried expression

"Don't worry, I'm a freaking werelion, they are the ones who should be worried"

"Yes, but I don't want you to get into troubles"

"I'll try" after reassuring Lydia I look at Malia who has a guilty expression.

"Don't worry, it's not that troublesome and since I was the one who got you out of the forest, I should be held responsible for it and take care of you. You are part of my pride, you'll aways have me to back you up"

"Us, you'll always have us to back you up" added Lydia.

(Hy guys, the final winner of poll is Gal Gadot! Hope you enjoy today chapter and please give me powerstone or write comments, even the usual "thanks for the chapter" which i appreciate a lot. If you have question i'm always happy to answer.)

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


