
Up to its nose in prophecy

What happened on the quidditch pitch spread throughout the school and there were more than a few young lovers who dedicated a silent thank you to the righteous bludger that came out of nowhere.

Ginny was becoming more and more beautiful and her positive attitude already shot many Cupid's arrows among the students, so there was no shortage of people who wanted to become her first boyfriend and maybe the only lucky one. It was just that the prospect of being part of the family where Percy and the twins were would shatter anyone's guts.

If Potter had treacherously stolen her first kiss against her will, it is considered that "the boy who lived" would no longer be so alive after the lynching he would receive from the students.

Heck, maybe even the teachers would turn a blind eye for a while because of the inappropriate scandal. As long as he's alive at the end, Popy can fix it, right?

In a way, did Soisen save Potter's life?

Sure, why not, let's go with that.

Although I suspected Hermione knew it had been him who threw the bludger.

She was giving him the look of: I know it was you, even though I have no proof.

This stems from how she caught him one morning practicing throwing tomatoes the size and weight of a bludger at dummies with Potter's face on them several days ago, even though he replied that it was practice for when he went to the Tomatina de Buñol in the future.

Well, Hermione is trustworthy enough not to reveal his secret identity as... okay, she can't think of any cool righteous love advocate hero titles right now.

The point is, Potter didn't show up at the Great Dining Hall for the next three days, apparently too embarrassed by the difference between what he expected to happen in his little mind and the actual outcome of what we call the real world.

From what Luna heard, which Cho told her, which she heard from Seamus and promised not to tell anyone, Dumbledore had to go to the Gryffindor dorms to personally take him out and do his voodoo talk to convince him that everyone makes mistakes, it's part of life, he'll grow as a person and that motivational stuff.

Despite his HUGE and SHAMEFUL mistake, heh.

Is it wrong for me to feel so good about her situation? I would feel terrible in her shoes.

Really, I think I'm going too far, but then I remember that I kept a good little girl from losing her innocence. Not in the sense that ill-thinking people would think to hear it said this way, but still.


No, to hell with Potter, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and it's clear he needs the latter if he doesn't want to end up a stiff when he faces Voldemort. Not that I mind at this point since what he did in the maze, but I'd have to burn incense often or bring flowers to his grave every year to reduce what little guilt I'd feel because of Lily.

And it would be a hassle.

Maybe now he'll focus on training for REAL and a movie montage will occur that causes him to defeat the dark lord in a duel while dancing around in a dark mariachi hat shaking some maracas with killer hip movements.

Wait, that doesn't make sense.


I think I should go get something to eat, I'm so hungry I'm thinking about movies with green-faced men and yellow three-piece suits. But I can't help it, without the twins at Hogwarts, the level of entertaining jokes and banter has plummeted.

Yes, there are students trying to take over from them, but with Mr. No-Nose out there mentally pushing everyone's buttons, they'll have a hard time stimulating the castle's humor properly.

Oh, good thing I thought of the twins.

I have to send them both a protective charm! I haven't done it yet and the clock is ticking.

Although I know only Fred died from the explosion caused by Rookwood, it never hurts to help them both. Sure, if George loses an ear it will be easy to tell them apart, but I like them enough to try to preserve both of their lives. If things still go wrong, it's beyond my efforts.

I don't know if they will trust the letter I will send them enough, but I hope they can wear them at all times.

Perhaps a matching bracelet?

Right, if I remember correctly, your older brother Bill will be bitten by Fenrir Greyback when the Death Eaters invade Hogwarts and he goes as an early reinforcement along with the rest of the Order of the Phoenix, although he doesn't turn because it wasn't a full moon, he has some symptoms.

But given that the broken Vanishing Cabinet I left behind is a fake that even repaired won't connect to anywhere, it should actually be all right.

And I don't think Draco has time to think of another alternative for the Death Eaters to invade.

The problem is that I don't know when Dumbledore will take Potter to the cave full of inferi, there is no exact date and they will only be gone for a few hours at most.

In the original story, upon his return, the Dark Mark is in the sky above the Astronomy tower and that's when all the theatrics happen where Potter is paralyzed by Dumbledore so he doesn't interfere, is disarmed by Draco and killed by Snape.

-Was it in that order? I think so," he muttered to himself as he walked to the Great Dining Hall to get something to eat.

Then Potter chases after Snape for revenge, but Snape flees the scene with Malfoy, not before revealing that he was the Half-Blood Prince.

Wait, thinking it all through logically....

If Dumbledore's corpse fell from the Astronomy Tower (which is the tallest in the castle), shouldn't it have been turned to meat paste by the force of the impact?

Instead, the body seems quite unscathed and only the locket and note inside were revealed, revealing to Potter that Dumbledore's death was in vain because the real locket was taken out by someone else.

-Then it was the funeral? -Soisen was having trouble remembering everything at this point and had to strain.

These memories were obtained years ago and he had been forgetting things like the Katie Bell cursed necklace event, which he would have avoided if he had remembered. He had the idea of writing it all down in his freshman year to avoid this scenario, but if the papers fell into someone else's hands it would be extremely dangerous and he refrained.

Dumbledore's funeral takes place and he is buried at Hogwarts (with the Elder Wand?) on the island where Hagrid would originally announce Buckbeak's death sentence to the golden trio.

Then, Scrimgeour should appear and would again try to use Potter for publicity to no avail, refusing to be a compliant liar after recent events.

From there, Potter decides not to return to Hogwarts, says goodbye to Ginny (no more) and gets Ron and Hermione (now only the former) to follow him on his destined hero's journey. He would stop by his aunt and uncle's house one last time, go to Fleur's wedding (no longer) and search for the remaining Horcruxes to eliminate Voldemort once and for all.

Just... how long will those two last without Hermione under those circumstances?

Agh, will he have to become Dumbledore this time and guide Potter so he doesn't kill himself before his time? He could give her a copy of the same letter he gave Dumbledore if he hasn't shown it to her by now, which he doubts due to the important information it contains.

Why does there have to be a bloody prophecy in the way that complicates everything!

Cadenadeaventuras Cadenadeaventuras

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