88.93% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 209: The Eradication of Caesar legion.

章 209: The Eradication of Caesar legion.

After Alexander left the Sierra Madre Casino with Veronica... She is despondent of the fact that her foster father already disowned her and turned into a monster... somehow she clung to his coat, but after consoling that she and the mid west brotherhood is not to be abandoned, she finally calmed down, Hoping to find some sense of direction in her life she gave a smile, his Pipboy is beeping like crazy...

Information from the outside have been sketchy at best and there is a declaration of war from the NCR, but after reading declaration of war from the NCR he got the gist of it. And he is disgusted by the politicians agenda.

"Seems like NCR is truly a house of fools... Their congress and Senate demanding for my people hard work to be handed to them and make me a prisoner of war, my territories handed to them... And be executed... Are they stupid or are they goading me to attack them more harsher?" Alexander groaned of the fact that his enemies is either stupid, insane or the fact that the creator is having problems with making a good villain...

(A/n: Fck you Alexander, you know how hard it is to make a villain on the go while farming!?)

<Wild Wasteland Perk: Random Thunder strike>

A lightning fell on Alexander lightning him like a christmas tree light. Veronica eyes wide as the few seconds that passed Alexander is still standing...

"I guess, I shouldn't voiced my complaints out loud huh?" Alexander smiled wryly.

He escorted Veronica to the brotherhood embassy that just propped up in the strip. And head to the Command center in outside Las Vegas, to assume command and dictate the flow of battle.

"Alright, Status report." Alexander sat in his office as a general stated his reports.

"We are making head gains in controlling the Midwest... Caesar Legion have suffered tremendous losses. Most of the tribes is now under our sway... However the raiders and the monsters there is preventing us from doing our reconstruction efforts. The Imperial guard request for more support."

"Granted, Have 6 wings of the Astra Aeronautica and 12 Mechanized Regiment to hold down the territory, I already requested Mars to send another Titan Legion with 3 skitarii legions for support, what of the NCR?"

"Our Spies have already sabotaged the political and monetary structure of the NCR, Especially the riots is constantly taking place have also crippled their food production, with your agreement, we set up a black market in NCR to cater to the people. All you need to do is to wait sir and the rotten structure is falling down in a day."

Alexander tapped his table...

"What of the incident in Siberia?"

"Sir... We have found reports that Black legion activities is working with the organization in that country... And we lost several of our tempestus scions in the scouting mission... What do we do now sir?"

"Any word from our bases abroad?"

"Yes... Africa is now fully under our control, and the troops are now making their path towards the Caucasus, The South Asia is being converted to the imperial faith... Though it would take several months to do so. Seeing the locals are hostile... However the Mediterranean Fleet is now Invading Turkey and Greece to head into the Balkans... The estimation of them reaching Russia is around 4 months."

Alexander sighed...

"Informed the Adeptus Astartes in luna to send in the Sons of Horus legion in Caesar Territory... Time to end this farce."

"Understood sir." The general saluted and left. Leaving Alexander alone.

"Taking them out will make a smooth progress to retrieving my body parts huh?"

On the Legion side of things.

One way to describe the situation there on the warfront against the Imperium.

It is hell

And hell is alive and well on its way to Caesar capital of Flagstaff.

It comes horde of metal beasts that bleaching fire and brimstone, sparks of fire and rage echo the winds, the skies is filled with flock of metal birds that covered the horizon. Even in the distance giant metal beings slowly walked on the land, its tremors signifying their presence.

Death have come for Caesar and his men.

Every inch that the imperium marches on is filled with the dead of the legionaries and those that are fanatical to Caesar beliefs.

They show no qualms of artillery barrages that rang throughout the night, they show no mercy to the defying men that attempt to slaughter.

Even the veil of the night, Caesar men is not safe.

Every spies he sent to infiltrate the imperium held territory, never to return.

"Why are we like this! We should be facing them in open combat! Not hiding like rats in the mud!" A Legionary yelled as he complained of the situation at hand.

Many held out a whimper and hushed tones as their fireplace is only filled with coals instead of firewood...

"Can't be helped, the imperium is marching steadily to Caesar palace... We must defend this point..." One of the veteran spoke out as he drinked watered down soup. He gently swayed it as if he was thinking of something...

The situation is getting worse, now the soldiers are getting younger every day... To the point that some of them are basically teenagers thay didn't undergo the rite of being a man, at this point... the veteran sighed... As he looked up in the night skies. He see flashes of light fly like a firefly in the distance...

"Do we even have the chance to fight against the imperium?" One asked a very obvious question...

Many of them hated to admit it... But they are doomed.

"Shush, Olgar, you are lowering the morale."

"Quiet, we move out at dawn..." As the legionary spoke, something approached them from the darkness...

"I'm afraid that you can't do that..." A whisper brought chill to the Legionaries...

They faced deathclaws before, but that thing...

Its voice reeked of violence and bloodshed long before they even known fear since they were a boy... The primal urge to flee from what is standing in the shadow hidden from them is screaming in their minds...

They turned around and saw a being that is wearing a outfit that is sleek black that blended into the night...

As they about to yelled out, Their heads is liberated from their bodies... They even barely have time to even unsheathed their swords before their bodies dropped to the floor.

And the Eversor Assassin went out, humming a little tune as he slaughtered every individual that came out to check what is happening.

Only for their screams is to be heard in the night. And flares lit up the night, revealing corpses in the legion camp.

Caesar sent legions of Men to be sent against the Imperium by the day and night only for them to never returned alive.

And the result of his actions have made his territory unstable and chaotic as they are no checkpoints that is manned by the Caesar soldiers, the raiders have descended upon the people that is under the safety of the Caesar and tribes revolted daily, making the situation more dire than before. For a month they slowled down, bringing Caesar a sense of relief.

And the only saving grace of Caesar is unaware of the fact that the imperium slow march is solely due to the fact that his territory is unstable and they have to stabilize it.

Supply depots is set up, patrols sent out every hour till the dead of the night. Destroying the raider camps that littered the legion territory and killing the slavers is becoming more common, the more the Imperium delved deeper into Caesar Territory.

The tribes that followed Caesar felt fear for the first time... How would they fight against a foe that is slowly choking their tribe lifeblood, due to the fact that their young and old men is forcibly drafted to fight against the Imperium?

"We can't keep fighting like this, chief... Our men have been halved, since the halfmoon began to reach for the skies..." A man spoke to a tribal Chief.

The tribal chief is tired.

The longer it goes on would they even exist as a tribe?

"Rebel against the Caesar or die by the hands of the imperium... Troubling choice..." The chief sighed.

A boy younger than 12 arrived to the chieftain with a a parchment scroll... The chieftain sighed and aged as he red the scroll..

It was a formal process of surrender...from the imperium.

They have until dawn to make up their minds before they are wiped clean off the map.

Many of the elder that is too weak to join the draft refused to fight a monster. The youths that remains, their hot-blooded nature blinded the situation before them...

As they bickered till dawn, the time of waiting is over...

Metal pods dropped from the skies and landed in the vicinity of the tribe.

And metal covers popped, revealing giant armoured men that stepped out of the pods.

Many of the people felt the aura of bloodshed and war emanating from the beings before them.

Many of the youths felt fear as they clutched their weapons in hopes for find courage...

"Your answer? The high lord demands your answer." One of the giants spoke harshly in their tongue. His voice boomed like a executioner for his next task.

The chieftain about to answer, until a brash man stepped forth and dammed them all...

"We will never surrender! Victorum Caesar!" He ran towards the giants with his sword.

"So be it, Your have been marked for Invictus Mortum." The giant and his men spike as they raised their giant gun at them.

Flashes of thunder echoed the tribe. There was screams of mercy... And only silence remain.

They are not the angels of mercy...

They are the Emperor Angels of Death.

The Sons of Horus stood up in the corpses of the dead tribe. Uncaring of the fact that he got rid of their existence...

"Sargent, Status report..."

"Native tribe refused compliance. Heading to the next tribe for compliance ."

"Understood... May you fare better in the next tribal compliance. High lord out."

The Tribes that followed Caesar trembling under the Astartes that made planetfall.

Some were destroyed outright, Alexander ordered it. They are too brainwashed to integrate to the imperium and ambitious as well. If he didn't take out the Tribes before Caesar, it would make the integration more harsh as they will make him a maytr and make it impossible for them to comply, before they will drown themselves, delved into petty conflicts.

Caesar looked at the sand table that held his legions symbols.

Many of them got overturned and tossed out of the table...

"Why can't I win?" Caesar gritted his teeth.

Every reports from the frontlines is now bringing defeat and misery.

And the supply lines and slaves is being cut off.

And the last report before the battle lines crumbles is that Giant Armoured men is now in the hearth of his Empire, butchering and forcing the tribes to comply.

He is standing on a throne that is being burnt to ashes.

"Do you want power?" A voice is heard, Caesar found a hooded figure before him.

"I will do anything to get it. Even if I sold my soul." He smirked at the figure.

"So be it...Pray to this symbol and the gods will answer your call... But they will require sacrifices." The hooded figure handed Caesar a 9 point symbol...

He could feel whispers of victory and glory emanating from the symbol. As he grabbed it willingly, he sealed the fate of his own soul and those that dwell in Flagstaff....

A Spy satellite hovered over the capital city of Flagstaff... And began relaying problems that Alexander is not expecting.

<+++Flagstaff population... Decreasing.... Warp Signatures detected... Classification of threat..Black Legion Threat... Priority: Strategic Importance...

Solution: Neutron Bomber strike+++>

"What the hell is going on in Flagstaff?" Alexander now looked worried... Sure he was slowly choking the life out of Caesar... But he consorted to the demons in the warp?

The population of Flagstaff is beginning to decrease in record time, no doubt of the slaves being the first to be sacrifice to the Chaos gods...

"Inform all forces... Halt the advance... Let the bomber wings set off and drop their pay load... Have the astartes that managed to get the compliant Tribes to retreat to a safer distance... We must bomb Flagstaff..." Alexander ordered with a heavy heart as his soldiers relay the orders of the bomber to sortie. He is no fool that he should mee Caesar face to face... Had he complied of surrendering as a human, Caesar would be given a swift death by him personally... But he sold his soul to chaos...

May he die not knowing his foe as the bomb is dropped on his head...

The tribes that follow the astartes sent on a trek towards Texas. And the Imperial Guards now began to bunker down and built fortresses for the event if the bombs failed.

Somewhere in Texas a military airport a modified Marauder Bomber is ready for launch...

<++Air control to BoomBoy 5, you have permission for lift off. You have Texas 7th and 9th Air wings to protect you along with the 6th Groundhogs squadron for ground support...++>

<++This is BoomBoy 5 to Air Control, Prepare for liftoff and thanks for the support... ++>

The bomber engines roared as it lifted to the skies and met several groups of Thunderbolt and Avengers awaiting the Carrier...

<++Welcome BoomBoy, This is Raptor 7 and I will be the Head of today sortie... ++>

<++Raptor 7, Any Intel of the thing we going to blow up? We are kept in the dark...++>

<++Well, what I heard, Some moron opened a gateway to hell and whatever in your bomb bays is the one that should close it.++>

<++So we going to slay demons or some shit?++>

<++Yup, You probably the first crew to do so, provided that the bomb worked. So keep in mind BoomBoy, the world is watching us.++>

As they jest and cajoled around... A dark cloud emanate from the skies above Flagstaff.

And on the ground hordes of demons is attacking a nearby fort that is bombarding the tide of demons.

<++Holy Shit, I didn't expect actual demons! Raptor 1 through 6 follow me, Get those Groundhogs drop lead on the bastards on the ground so that the fort will assist us, The rest protect BoomBoy!++>

<++Activating Missiles, Fox 1 !... What are they made off?++>

<++Get that bugger of My six!++>

<++Scratch one demon! Put it on my tail!++>

<++This is Groundhog 1, beginning our strafing run... We suffered light damage... Hell why they tossed spears at this distance?++>

<++Watch out for those rainbow flames!++>

<++Fuck! Raptor 21 is going down!++>

<++Hell! They ripped the Cloud9 midair! Keep your eyes peeled!++>

<++Raptor 9, they are on my wings, someone stop them!++>

<++Do a barrel roll!++>

<++This is BoomBoy 5 to mission control, dropping our payload on Flagstaff. eta 1 hour++>

Caesar felt powerful... He never felt so free... So alive... The pain in his head suddenly disappeared...

He felt as if he knows the truth of the enemy before him...

Lanius by his side now embued in chaos as he slaughter the people in Flagstaff, uncaring if they were slaves or citizen that dwell in horror of what their leader have done. And he placed their sacrifice on pyre... Leaving the two of them alive. They watched as a rift open and demons flooding out into material space...

As they glee and demons is being brought into this universe to fight for them... Lanius took the strongest and went on the offensive against the imperial forces.

There was a whistling sound and caesar stare at the series of Bombs dropped from the skies.

Before his eyes coud recognize that it was no mere bomb. Caesars eyes were envelope Into to a flash and their existence vanish without a trace.

The Flagstaff was envelope by a series of bombs that wiped off the map...

The horde of demons that rushed out suddenly wailed in horror as their only link to this place is no longer there. And they were banish back into the warp once more.

Lanius stood alone with the masses of demons that is banished. He laughed as the powers of the warp twisted his mind.

Before him is a son of Horus...

"Tell me... Mortal what is your name so that I could engrave it on your tombstone" Lanius spoke, fog of darkness emanating from his being... Still lingering in his body.

The Astarte powered up his blade, emitting a blue glow of electrical sparks of energy...

"A faithless heathen don't deserve to hear it." He spoke, telling his intent.

They clash and Lanius could feel the power of the blow, he gritted as he slash the gladius at the neck of the being before him, but his blade is parried just inches before his opponent neck. He was punched in his face forcing him a few steps back... The mask that he wore revealed a monsterous face that would have scared any mortal that gaze upon it.

"Not bad for a mortal..." Lanius smirked.

"I am no mortal.. I am the son of Horus." The figure flashed in a distance with his blade ready to pierce the figure...

Lanius used his newfound power to parried the blow. And he realized that it is getting more and more harder to defeat the man before him.

"Die!" Lanius screamed his last word

The astartes swung his blade fraction of a second faster than his thoughts...

Lanius stared at his body as he flew to the skies... And he watched at the astartes stomped on the man head before leaving to whatever hell he came from.

Alexander arrived at what left of Flagstaff with his honor guards, he came here to sanctify the corruption that stull linger in this place... Many of them took defensive measures as they ventured in the former heart of the city.

They found Caesar still alive as his body still trying to stay alive...

"So this must be the Caesar... How the mighty have fallen. " Alexander spoke...

"You must be the leader of the imperium... Alexander Solair..."

"Why do it? Praying to those false gods for power?"

"Because your forces is overwhelming! How could complain when mere mortals like you get the power of the gods... You Corpse Emperor Worshipper-" a Blade suddenly thrusted into Caesar chest. He felt bis body is screaming as flames is burning in his body... He stare at the man now bearing golden eyes at him coldly as he twisted the blade deeper in his body.

"Don't speak my father about this... He is alive and well... But you? You don't deserve to die decently as a human... But I will grant you the emperor mercy... For what's left of your soul anyway...." Alexander body began to glow and. A halo appear on his head...

"What are you..."

"Just a man that will unify the world... Rest in peace... Caesar." Alexander gave a push of his powers and burned Caesar thoroughly that his ashes carried away by the eastern winds...

Alexander turned his eyes to the NCR...

The forces that made the push into Caesar territory now resumed their march to the east. Where they go civilization follows. As cities and infrastructure is being built up and roads and train rails is revived for commerce and military deployment. Slavers and raiders is thoroughly exterminated in their territory.

What tribes that remain in Arizona were given two choices, death or absorbing their tribes once more.

The Sons of Horus that landed in US now helped to spearhead the assault and one squad even reached the vicinity of the commonwealth...

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








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  • 世界の背景

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