60% MHA: Spider Man / Chapter 3: 3

章 3: 3

"OK then." Fukuda Botan muttered as he left the cell and looked at Officers Fujiwara Toshio and Kimihito Sei sitting in the general work area of ​​the Musutafu Police Department. Other officers were working and busy at their terminals while the chief of police rubbed the bridge of his nose. "That's another thing."

"You ask me boss?" Toshio growled. "I think the foreigner is lying. Giving us crocodile tears." Sei, the mime, looked at his partner with an incredulous look. "I'm serious! We have kids all the time about this and-"

"He looked genuinely confused when I told him even basic level information. Quirks. Not knowing the Quirks Regulations that are enforced even in the United States. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger."

"Explain his costume then. It must be his quirk, right? We couldn't even get it off! And you saw how it slid across his face like…like sand!" Toshio elaborated with exaggerated detail. "It has to be."

"I don't know, something tells me this kid hit his head pretty hard on the sidewalk when he confronted that villain, or... something is definitely wrong." Botan murmured, holding her chin. "Hey Hanazawa-Kun!"

"Yes sir?" Asked a shy-looking bespectacled young intern, approaching. She even had big mouse ears on her head.

"Do you mind passing these contacts on to the US Embassy? These are the contacts our vigilante gave us." He handed him the notebook Parker had written down, so Hanazawa hurried off.

Maybe it's a long shot, and not worth the effort yet...

It wouldn't hurt to do your due diligence. And beside that...

The launch of the web. That costume of his and how he moved. How that prevented little or no personal injury to him when they picked him up and put him in the scanner in the ambulance on the way to the station. The camera shows their acrobats and body strength. Her head showed symptoms of a concussion at first...but by the time they arrived there was no more. As if he had healed unconsciously.

No one should have more than one Quirk. Regeneration, control over some substance that makes up his suit, which even translated for him apparently picked up what Toshio was saying...

"I'm going to call an old friend. Go and make sure-"

"Finally, there you are!" Said a female voice, making the three law enforcers turn their heads, and walking towards them was none other than Takeyama Yu, the new heroine who debuted in her region last week under the nickname Mt. Lady. Close behind the spandex-covered blonde was dark spandex, wood-framed Nishiya Shinji, also known as Kamui Woods. "I was looking for you, Chief Fukuda." The woman elaborated as some officers made way for her. "I wasn't getting any response that my report was filed so here it is in person."

"Ah. Mt. Lady, welcome." Botan listened as the statuesque rookie handed her a file. He opened it, peering through. "Strange how our response team didn't get back to your company. Was there anything on our part?"

"Has to be, our internet is doing fine." Mt. Lady stated with a wave of her hand. "Kamui here at least is able to do a good job ensuring our bandwidth and network are up and running. Right?"

"Yes I am happy." Kamui commented rolling his eyes. Botan saw camera footage of the incident, with the villain being detained and anesthetized so he wouldn't transform into a giant again. Kamui Woods was doing a good job keeping the villain under wraps, and then Parker showed up and made some clear rookie mistakes before getting back into the fray pissing off the villain, straight to Mt.

"So what about that detained bastard?" she asked, hand on her hip.

"Which one, the villain or the one that flew on your ass?" Toshio joked. Kamui Woods laughed, making the woman furious.

"I meant the villain! Also, I saw the social media feeds. The kid was flying before me", and she emphasized that "I took down that monster with an almighty kick."

"You were late to the scene." Kamui Woods commented. "What got you going, especially with your first encounter with a giant villain?"

"Sorry, I had to find an area open enough to start running into my Canyon Cannon attack!" She barked back. "Besides, no damage was done! After all, no one got hurt!"

"Except millions of yen in collateral damage due to the villain and his footsteps messing up the train tracks." Botan commented, making Mt. Lady pale. "But rest assured, Public Transit and the government will fix it. They made sure the tracks were secured. And the villain is under wraps. He'll try within a week and we'll need your report to help the Public Ministry throw him in jail ".

"It's all fine." Mt. Lady stated with a sigh. "What about the kid? He looks like a newcomer." She looked at the shorter Kamui who shrugged.

"I've spoken to the other neighboring firms and agencies. No one matches the description of his suit of dark blue and red with gold trim and a spider on his chest on his list, so he's a Watcher." He elaborated. "I suppose he'll be dismissed with a warning? He looked like a teenager, and a foreigner, given his English. American, perhaps?"

"That's the thing." Botan crossed her arms. "It's a... complex story, but you nailed it, Mr. Woods." The chief of police waved an intern past and handed him the file. "Our vigilante is in fact American and a teenager, with...unique circumstances. See..."

He told them everything from Parker's lack of knowledge of Quirk to the saying of 'Avengers, Earth's Greatest Heroes' and other strange terms Parker relayed to him. Both Kamui and Mt. Lady had wide eyes.

"He hit his head on the sidewalk. Concussion?" Kamui reflected.

"The paramedics had him under their scanners while they treated him. They couldn't get past his costume no matter how hard they tried. Also, he seemed to have healed despite showing signs early on."

"A man with strength, a web-slinger, and a self-healing quirk? That's impossible."

"It's his fantasy, Mr. Woods." Toshio replied. "If I had to guess, it was him. We got a visual when he managed to make it disappear."

"How strange..." Kanui held the chin of his wooden mask. Mt. Lady arched her eyebrow.

"You guys still haven't called his parents if he's a teenager?"

"We're passing them now. We-"

"Boss Fukuda!" It was Hanazawa, making Toshio look up.

"That was quick."


"I'm back...we ran by the names our vigilante gave us. Here's the report the US Embassy gave us." Kamui crossed his arms.

"So, your servers are working fine. It's on our side then. Apologies." He tweaked his mask bridge while Mt. Lady laughed.

"I should pay the bill, Kamui. I have to keep an eye on things, like the bills... and the prize."

"Oh, shut up, glorious pig."

"No searches?" Botan muttered, breaking their potential argument as they glared at him. Toshio and Sei looked over their shoulders.

"That's impossible. The Embassy must be screwing... with us." Toshio's skepticism disappeared when he saw the papers returned from the Embassy via email.

May Parker. Residence: Queens, New York. Married to Benjamin Parker.

No results found in Japan or the United States

Edward 'Ned' Leeds. Residence: Queens, New York. Son of Leonard and Belle Leeds.

No results found in Japan or the United States

Michelle 'MJ' Jones. Residence: Queens, New York. Daughter of Brock and Mary Jones

No results found in Japan or the United States

Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Residence: Malibu, California and Manhattan, New York. Founder of Stark Industries and the Avengers. Superhero: Iron Man.

No results found in Japan or the United States

"The Embassy database links directly to US governments, as well as ours." Botan muttered, biting her lip. The database would have been run through every word Parker had written to find any similarities or connections. The fact that nothing came up was amazing.

"He is lying." Toshio stated. "He is-"

"I'm not lying until I tell you so." Botan growled. "I'm going to call an old friend, see if he can help us clear the air here. He doesn't even have a visa, so he's here in this country illegally, with no guardian or parents to speak of." He took a deep breath.

So Peter is an incredible liar... or there is something going on here.

"Are you going to stick around?" He asked the two professional heroes as he picked up the phone.

"I need to go back to patrolling. Takeyama, you stay here and monitor the situation of our vigilante."

"Huhhhh?!" Mt. Lady whimpered. "Why Me? I might as well go out on patrol!"

"I'll call you if we're in dire need, but I need someone who can edit our report to file at this station. I'm not going to leave this vigilante matter untouched and I want someone here to write it down to show that we've handled this situation and know the full extent of what happened to all parties." Kamui Woods stated as he turned around. "And consider this a little lesson before you go glory hunting. I didn't recruit you into my company to put up a bad reputation for collateral damage." He went around and Mt. Lady crossed her arms and fumed.

"You can wait in the break room if you like. You're welcome to explore the station." Botan said as the phone rang a few more times.

"Tch." Mt. Lady scoffed. "Whatever. I was planning to go on my lunch break anyway. I'll check up on that vigilante boy when I can and get something to eat. And I was hoping to get some Waha Grill too... Not some burger joint..." Botan muttered sullenly as she watched the professional descend to the cell ward as she heard the phone click.

"It better be good Fukuda, not a pesky purse snatcher," he snarled in a grumpy old voice.

"Sir? Are you calling, that guy?" Toshio asked. Botan nodded and made a hand gesture to tell the skeptic to shut up.

"Hello Hyu-sensei. I have a unique case for you that I want you to look into for us."

" Go ahead. "

"American foreign teen with the possibility of multiple quirks or just his fantasy, claiming he knows nothing about our country's quirks or laws and has no sign of paternity or guardianship." Botan elaborated.

There was silence on the other end of the line.

" Are you serious? " Hyu asked, with a raised eye going to the end of the line.

"Why would I lie?"

Silence again.

"I'll be there in ten minutes. That sounds...a little better than the rest of your rabble. Hope it's worth it."

"Thank you. We'll be waiting for you soon." Botan hung up and looked at Toshio.

"Go to the mail room and get a bunch of paper. And pens. You too, Sei." Sei saluted and trotted into the mailroom.

"How many?" Toshio asked with a raised eye.

" Many. "


It was as she feared, the cafeteria lacked variety. With a heavy sigh, Takeyama Yu grabbed his sandwich and dropped into the empty chair closest to the cafeteria. Biting into her food as if it insulted her, she allowed herself to frown at the news as images of Shinji flashed across the screen as he patrolled.

It must be her out there. Shinji may have her fan base, but she brought in all the money for the agency thanks to the paparazzi. As a result, more attention will be on her and the company. Munching on an admittedly good roast beef, she shook her head. There was so much more to think about than food or fame.

Should she apologize to Shinji? Maybe he'll let this one go, after all it was her debut.

Naaah, a lot of work. Plus, she had to make a big impression! After all, she needs to become an iconic, marketable, impressionable professional! Any word out there is a good word in her book.

Especially impressing the poor and lonely male demographics, both young and old~.

It's not her fault she's late. Did he have any idea how many places she could turn security even with recon around Musutafu Ward? So, she should know, she counted them all. Of course these are just the constantly empty parts being alone on the train tracks, but who knows when the next bad guy is going to run down the street and go crazy?

But, the only thing on her mind was the spider-boy who bumped into her ass after her hero special move, Canyon Cannon. And he had a bad fall too. Enough for him to assume he didn't know anything about Quirks.

She shook her head, where did that come from? Well, now that she thought about it, why did he do that? Of course the boss said he didn't know anything about quirks, which is frankly ridiculous from an objective point of view. Anyone who didn't know about quirks either lived under a rock or was crazy.

But then where did he get his suit? Enough so that he didn't take any damage.

Where did he learn to control his quirk? To throw... enhanced spider silk and have those acrobatic feats. He had to have trained hard and overtime. He couldn't just roll out of bed and do this.

Yu groaned. That's thinking too much! There has to be a simple explanation for this. Maybe he's a boy who got involved in some dastardly conspiracy to undermine the very institutions she fought for! Maybe he was a secret alien!

Or maybe he's just a scared kid who doesn't know where he is. Even so, he took the time to help, even if it meant breaking the law.

Yu's train of thought came to a screeching halt. This is not impossible. Despite their hard work, the heroes were only human, although some quirks could change appearances. They couldn't be everywhere at once, and accidents happened. A child left without parents due to peculiar activities is not impossible. A foreign boy is certainly in that realm of possibilities.

And it didn't have to be villains. Can be anyone.

Sometimes... quirks didn't show up at the best of times. Even with parental guidance.

After all, she was living proof.

She grabbed his arm, the food in front of her looking less appetizing by the second.

A scream brought Yu out of her thoughts. An intern ran down the hall, stacks of paper up to his chin, almost stumbling before catching himself.

Who in the world needs so much paper?


Araki Hyu. The Drawer of Dreams.

No word brought more dread in the eyes of a seasoned office than 'paperwork time' or 'new villain'. The man was a legend to those honored to serve with him. His quirk turned what might have been unsubstantiated clues into solid convictions. He had to have round-the-clock protection against gangs of criminals and villains in order not to be exposed.

And then All Might stepped in, and not many people had to come to him, as All Might had an accurate nose for trouble. Also, Araki wanted less time in the spotlight. His work may attract the eyes of those of unsavory origin...

When everyone was scratching their heads trying to solve a case, he would come in and solve it all in an hour. All they needed was the suspect and only he would prove whether they were guilty, innocent or complicit.

All officers in the Musutafu Police Department looked at his sign every time they walked into work each morning, although few knew what that meant. Or did he care, given the scowl Araki always gave of said sign.

After all, the former detective has been happily retired since All Might premiered. He took his experiences and life stories from the many cases he helped solve or saved those who were unfairly persecuted and took that with him to become a mangaka. Botan read some when her son found out about his old mentor on Seinen Leap.

He really should tell his wife to be more observant of her son's readings... This magazine can be a little... racy and violent.

But, every police department has had Araki on duty so many times that it's taken most of them into the red more times than any of their accountants. Araki was good, but it didn't come cheap as time went on and took advantage of him. That call alone will likely cut into the overtime budget. Hope it was worth it.

"Everything is ready?" Botan asked Toshio which he nodded.

"Yes sir, the paper is in the cell block with the guard, Sei is watching him."

"Good," Botan muttered, rubbing her tired eyes as she glanced at the single clock on her desk. Araki would arrive any moment now, but the old policeman had a far more pressing question on his mind.

"And how was he?"

"The caretaker? The kid didn't even look at us when we brought out the paper and pens. He's just sitting on his bed."

"He didn't even ask why?"

Toshio shook his head, "Not a peep came out. It's not like we can understand him. And vice versa."

Botan tried in vain to keep the frown off her face. Peter was getting more discouraged by the minute.

"Boss, he's here," came Hanazawa from behind the door.

Toshio really got irritated. Botan didn't blame him.

"Did he ask for permission?"

"It was the first thing he asked."

Botan sighed, at least he hadn't changed.

The boss came out of his office and not even two steps outside did he hear a voice call.


The boss kept a stony face even as Toshio started fuming next to him. Araki Hyu was taller than most would expect him to be for someone his age. Long, disheveled gray hair covered his face and framed an old coat that had been worn for many years. He limped with his right leg, the telltale tap of his cane as he walked toward the two policemen like a man with an agenda to fulfill. He also carried a briefcase in his free hand.

"Hyu-sensei, thanks for com-"

"Spare me the niceties." Hyu interrupted with a growl. "The sun is going down, the train was full of annoying fucking brats gushing about some punk's explosive quirk, and my muse is thirsty. Where's the kid?"

"In detention," came Toshio's curt reply. "We were making arrangements for you and-"

The old artist's eyes gleamed with disgust when he finally realized the other cop was there. His eye wandered to his badge and he let out a smile.

"Ah, young Fujiwara-chan, still a lieutenant, I see. Arrived early, I presume?"

Toshio's eye twitched and Botan pinched the bridge of her nose.

"And you're not at the top of the charts anymore, old man."

Hyu scoffed, "Unlike you, my job doesn't fall into my lap."

"Gentlemen, remember why we're here," Botan interjected, interrupting yet another argument. "Hyu-sensei if you can follow me." The old man rolled his eyes.

"I remember where detention is. My memory hasn't yet fallen to dust."

"Unfortunately." Toshio grumbled.

"Unfortunately." Toshio grumbled.

The said grunt was silenced with a single glare from the boss. Despite being senior officers, the two had to subject themselves to the glares of the younger officers, as a civilian, albeit a retired detective, walked through the station as if he owned the place. Hyu had a laser focus that Botan hadn't seen in a long time. He clearly believed the description of what I told him.

"Is something going on?" He asked Mt. Lady as she deposited her tray and noticed Botan walking with her group back to the detention area.

"We're going to have an interview with Parker." Toshio replied. "Araki here will make it easy for us and use his Quirk to read your mind."

"Araki, wait mentally, Araki Hyu, the Dream Drawer?"

"I don't draw dreams." Hyu hissed. "I do sketches from memories." He grunted. "And now I'm going to have a hearing, so you guys better close up when I get to work." He started limping at a faster pace.

"He's more grumpy than I thought." Mt. Lady murmured.

"Trust me, it could be worse." Toshio added as they walked towards the doors.

"It better be worth it, or I'll charge you twice as much, Fukuda." The old man snarled as they crossed the cell's ward. Sei greeted them with a salute while Parker was still in bed before turning to face them.

"It's him?" Hyu asked.

Botan nodded and Hyu frowned. Parker was sitting on his bed as Toshio had said, and he was in the fetal position before he noticed the group. Mt. Lady stayed out of the way, leaning against the wall and out of Parker's sight so as not to disturb the bitter old man. Beside the invisible wall, the pile of papers and a collection of pens were waiting on the table with a stool. The older man inspected Peter as one might view an insect under a microscope.

"He doesn't look like much at first glance."

"Weren't you the one who told me not to judge appearances?" Botan asked.

Botan exhaled deeply through her nose upon hearing a feminine giggle. "Of course."


"Who was that?" Peter asked, hearing Mt. Lady.


"And now?" Hyu asked. "What did he say?"

"He said he's ready." Botan replied in Japanese. "Now relax. We're getting started." Peter nodded and closed his eyes.

The old man placed his palm on Peter's head as if he were checking the fever and Toshio swore he saw Hyu's eyes gleam. So he drew.

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  • 世界の背景

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