People were on the street they created a path for the Serafim and her entourage in the middle to walk through, while they stood on both sides of the line, standing on their tiptoes, excited with the presence of the Serafim, even though her entourage had not yet been able to be seen.
In their mind, once the Serafim was here, she could get rid of this ominous gloomy cloud and they could get their sun back. This black rain gave them anxiety and without the sunlight, trees and plants started to withered.
They might not realize it before, but they started to see the negative side effect in this continues condition.
Aliana was not among the people in the crowd, as she stayed by Iris's side. She prayed she would wake up and keep asking Penny if there was progress for her condition, but she was still the same. She was not in danger or anything and her vitals were fine, but she didn't wake up.