Lou was lost for words for a moment when Cane dared enough to ask for the Asturi stem after he literally robbed him off the magic stones, but then he was having an outburst.
"You just stole my water magic stones and you want the Asturi stem as well?! Don't you think that you are so greedy?!" He shot a dagger look at the bundle in Iris arms, while trying to keep Lil Thing from going forward, approaching her.
"Deal is a deal," Cane said coldly, he looked at Lou squarely. He definitely knew what he was doing, but the alpha simply couldn't care less about that. "Where is the Asturi stem?"
"You must be sick in the head if you think I will give you the Asturi stem! Give me my stones first!" Lou was furious, his beautiful face contorted with unhappiness at this turn of events.
Cane simply gave him a look and then walked out of the waiting room, indicating that Lou could bark all he wanted, but he wouldn't cater to his demand.
Edited by: Anshu_Bangaram