
oasis diner

it had been a few hours since Dan went along with the caravan he was bored for a while picking off some stray bark scorpions or ghouls but a bit later Dan started to feel something. the air was filled with tension the mercenaries were staring at him and we're on guard and they

"maybe I'm just paranoid. and the implants do catch the eye that's probably why they are so suspicious but then again they were too fast to agree to my request to join them. maybe its better not to let my guard down"

it had been a few hours now and the sun was setting, nobody talked much, a bit of small talk here and there but that was all. they set up camp in an abandoned building an old diner by the side of the road called the oasis diner . it was grimy and dark but it was better than sleeping outside...

everyone pulled out their sleeping bags and a lantern to brighten the place up then sat down and started to eat

"hey, here this one is for you" said the merc as he handed him a dried out pice of meat

"what is it?" asked Dan


"yeah but what kind"

"of the edible variety"

"yeah but specially"

"bloatfly meat"

Dan suddenly grimaced

"listen give it back if you're not hungry"

"no no I'll eat it I'm pretty hungry" said Dan as he reluctantly took a bite of the jerky that for some reason was black . it made him almost throw up it was bitter with a salty after Taste

"you have ingested a mild sedative due trying to fight the symptoms there will be a 20 % uptick in battery consumption "

suddenly dan spat out the jerky and pulled out his 10 mm pistol but he suddenly a faint whooshing sound could be heard, he felt a sharp pain in his head turning around he saw the follower with a bloody tire iron. Dan jumped back and shot him In the kneecap blowing it out completely one of the mercs fumbled to unholster his gun and shot at Dan hitting his calf and causing his leg to dent a bit

Dan suddenly activated vats and shot thee bullets aimed at his chest one mised but the other two bullets pierced his chest causing the merc to collapse on the floor the third one used this time to take out his hunting rifle and aimed it at Dan's head

"drop your gun now or I'll paint the walls red "

"fine" Dan dropped the gun to the floor and kicked it to the floor

"we were gonna rob you and sell you to the legion they would have paid a generously but after what you did you ain't getting off the hook that easily you I'm gonna feed you to the scorpions start walking"

said the mercenary as he put the rifle right on Dan's forehead making fun of him Dan suddenly snatched the rifle overpowering him and taking hold of the rifle himself and knocking the merc to the floor and pulling the trigger aiming at his head



the gun didn't fire it was empty

"I guess you called me on my bluff huh"

Dan picked the 10 mm back up again as he was about to shoot the merc sprinted at him to knock him over but before he could reach Dan he got shot in the head making him go instantly limp mich got back to the man in the lab coat in a fetal position cowering and shooting him...

Dan ruffled through their belongings the took some hunting rifle ammo boxes a Hemet, 3 stims a med-x and 600 caps and a bunch of papers at least 5 all of them were bill of sale of various people they sold into slavery


hey I'm gonna be adding new locations from time to time

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


