
Chapter 2: The School Bullies

The sound of a slap could be heard throughout the entire courtyard where they ate.

Tamiko had slapped Yuki on the face causing him to collapse on the table.

"I... I'm sorry."

Tamiko instantly apologized when she saw Yuki collapse, her face was still red.

"Wait, why are you apologizing? he deserved it?" Derek's voice was cold as usual.

"Don't stop her, let her do what she wants." Yuki instantly raised his head and retorted.

"Miko, my face still hurts. Please pet me." Yuki acted like a puppy while rubbing his face.

Tamiko's face became even more red. Seeing her handsome friend wanting to be spoiled by her had given her a huge impact.

"Pet yourself." She said as she averted her gaze from Yuki's face.

"You're to cruel." Yuki changed his expression to a sad one.

Tamiko and Derek didn't have any feelings between them, Yuki only teased them because he wanted to shift their focus away from the duel.

The school bell finally rang indicating the lunch break was over.

The classes went by and in a short time the school had closed for the day.

Yuki walked home alone, he arrived at the front door of his apartment. Before he opened his door he noticed his next door neighbor walking up to her door.

Yuki had been staying here for a two days and he had never said anything to her. He thought it was time to break the silence between them.

"Hi, Hana Koshaku." Yuki greeted her before she could open her door. He had a beautiful bright smile on his face.

Hana Koshaku this was the beautiful girl's name.

She turned to face him amd saw his beautiful smile.

"Hello, Kinatarou-kun." She answered him with a warm smile.

Her tone was as if she had been waiting for him to say something.

"I thought I would never speak to you." Yuki said as he sighed softly.

"Me too." Hana's smile changed from warm to warm and bright.

It could be seen on her face that she wanted to talk to Yuki as well.

"Nice, to meet you Hana Koshaku." Yuki said as he held out his hand.

They had actually met before, but this was their first formal meeting.

"Nice to meet you too." She took Yuki's hand and said in a shy way.

There was an awkward period of silence between them.

"I hope we get to talk sometime." Yuki finally broke the silence.

"Okay, Kinatarou-kun." Her face turned a bit red.

She acted as if she was being asked out on a date.

"Well then, goodbye Hana Koshaku."

Yuki said as he walked into his apartment.

Hana stood there for a while before finally walking into her apartment.

Yuki got ready for work, then left his apartment and walked to the cafe where he worked.

Yuki lived alone, so it was also his duty to provide for himself. He had gotten a job here as a cashier. Although the pay wasn't much, it was enough for him.

He worked at a place called Dream Land Restaurant.

Yuki walked into the cafe and noticed that there weren't many customers.


Yuki was jumping up and down in his heart. Facing many customers was really tiresome for him. Whenever he noticed that there weren't many customers he would sit behind the counter and do nothing but watch anime.

After all he was a full fledged otaku.

Yuki sat behind the cash register and began watching one of his most favorite anime. One Punch Man.

Yuki always dreamed of becoming like One Punch Man the strongest being on the planet. This was his main goal; to become the strongest being on the planet and shame those who used to insult him.

Because of his weakness ever since the age of seven he was insulted, robbed and bullied by many. He vowed to become stronger and prove those who insulted him wrong.

He had confidence that with his kizo he could do this.

Someone walked up to the counter and said.


The person called out his name.

Yuki Kinatarou slowly looked up at this person. It was a girl, she had beautiful brown eyes, her brown hair was packed into a ponytail and two long locks of hair fell to the side of her beautiful face.

She wore a red sweat shirt and a skirt that rose above the knees. There was a bright smile on her face.

"Hana, what are you doing here?" Yuki's eyes widened upon seeing his next door neighbor.

He had worked here for six months and this was the first time he had seen her here before.

Yuki knew Hana's aunt was a regular, but Hana never came along with her. That's why he was surprised.

"My aunt invited me to eat with her here." She answered while looking at his face.

'Wow. That's a weird coincidence, the first day I talked to her, she then comes to the shop where I work.'

Yuki sighed in his mind, he thought it was a really weird coincidence. But even if she was here he didn't mind.

"Sooooo, what can I get you?" Yuki asked as he changed his tone to that of a royal butler.

"Hehe, I don't really know what's good. Could you recommend something?" Hana giggled before answering.

"The chocolate cake we serve is actually my favourite." Yuki said with a bright smile on his face.

'That smile'

Hana praised Yuki's smile in her mind.

"Well, since you like it I'll have some cake." She said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Give me a moment."

Yuki walked into the door behind the counter and returned with a plate in his hand. On the plate was a chocolate cake with a strawberry on the top, on the side of the plate was a tiny fork.

"Your cake milady." Yuki continued to act like a butler.

"It looks delicious." Hana's eyes lit up when she saw the cake.

Yuki handed it over to her and she paid for it.

"Bye, Kinatarou-kun." She said before turning around to leave.

"Hana." Yuki called her.

"Mmm?" Hana turned around.

"It's okay if you just call me Yuki." He said with a bright smile on his face.

"Ye.... Yes Yuki." Her face turned slightly red, she was moved by his cute smile.

"Bye Hana." Yuki waved his hand at her.

"Bye Yuki." She also waved her hand as she walked to a table.

Yuki Kinatarou sat behind the counter and watched anime for about an hour without being disturbed.

"Yuki, I'll be going home now."

A soft voice sounded from infront of him.

Yuki looked up from his phone and saw Hana.

"Okay, goodbye Hana. I'll see you at home." Yuki said.

"Bye, Yuki." Hana waved and walked out the cafe.

The entire work day passed. Yuki left Dream Land Cafe at 8:00pm.

He walked through the street which was lit up by numerous lights, making it look like a scene from a movie.

Yuki continued walking until three figures jumped out of a dark alley infront of Yuki. These figures were dressed roughly, two of the had green hair while the last one had red hair.

"New kid, what's up?" An arrogant voice sounded.

Yuki immediately recognized the figures infront of him. They were Roshi, Tensu and Gara, they were the school bullies. The one who spoke was the red haired Tensu he was the only one in their group who had a kizo.

This was their weekly routine, they would always wait for Yuki in a dark alley. They would either rob him or beat him up.

Roshi and Gara quickly pushed Yuki into the dark alley.

"What do you bags of dirt want?" Yuoi asked in a cold tone.

The three boys looked at each other in confusion. They were shocked. Normally whenever they confronted Yuki he would be a bit scared. But now not a single drop of fear could be seen in him.

"How dare you talk to me like that! You must have a death wish!"

A flame of anger welled up in Tensu, he had punched Yuki in the face.

Yuki fell to the ground and covered the side of his mouth where he had been punched.

"My original plan was to take your things, but now I'll give you a good beating as well." His voice was filled with anger and arrogance.

Roshi and Gara held Yuki up for Tensu to beat him up.

Tensu began to punch Yuki in the stomach, he occasionally punched Yuki in the face as well. Tensu's punches were really strong, this was because of his kizo. This action continued for an entire minute.

Even though a person didn't use their kizo in a fight, it was impossible for them not to use the strength of their kizo when fighting. A person who has a kizo also has more strength than an average person.

They finally let Yuki fall to the ground. His face was covered in blood.

"Next time you insult me I'll kill you."

Tensu's arrogant tone sounded out one more time.

Yuki lay on the ground of a dark alley. His face and shirt was covered in blood.

The trip turned around to leave when they heard a voice from behind them.

"Hey bastards. It's not over yet"

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


