66.66% Multiverse: Pure Debauchery / Chapter 2: Past & Present

章 2: Past & Present

Watching her from so close, seeing her loving eyes directed at me, feeling her fleshy lips against mine, feeling her soft tongue trying to fight for hegemony against mine, feeling her slightly sweaty and clingy body against mine transmitting her warmth to me, feeling the tight fleshy walls of her pussy in refusal to let go of my cock from her deepest parts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

She is, for lack of a better word that could more accurately describe her, beautiful, extremely beautiful. At least far more than any other woman I have ever seen ever throughout my previous life, and even counting the women I have seen and met in this life, she very easily finds herself making the Top 3 of the most beautiful women. Though of course, it's subjective, after all, she also counts with physical or personality traits that are of great appeal to me.

In any case, someone as beautiful as she, here she was, giving me a kind of look she had never given anyone before, and will never give anyone else in this life; a look of platonic love as her pussy reluctantly leaked my seed despite her most primal desires.

I truly never, even in my worst fever hallucinations or in my most "realistic" dreams, thought that the day would ever come where I could have someone like her, like my niece, and her mother, like my sister. Much less have the opportunity to see this side of her, this side of the girl on my lap, this side of my niece, Katsuki Bakugou. It never, ever, ever crossed my mind that I would ever have the chance to hold such a beauty in my arms, claimed by me, as my own.

And, naturally, all this began with a misfortune, followed by the manifestation of a miracle.

Without further mystery, dying was the misfortune. I don't know how exactly it happened, my best theory was that I died in my sleep, during a dream, but I didn't know if it was a heart attack, a plane in turbulence fell directly on me, in my house, or if the Earth suddenly decided to immolate itself. I didn't know, and I still don't know, but at this point, I'd rather not think about it. In any case, from one moment to the next, I woke up in a totally starry place, it was a cosmos.

Stars and celestial bodies everywhere. I was floating in the "nothingness", but at the same time, in the middle of everything. Although in contradiction with what was expected, I did't die instantly. My lungs didn't burst, I could breathe, and my body didn't freeze, it had a normal temperature.

It was at that moment that GOD appeared.

Or at least, said being introduced himself by that name, or rather title. This being presented himself as the entity that is in charge of keeping the gears of reality, of Creation, in constant motion. GOD was the one who made sure that everything kept moving forward without stopping no matter what. Whether it was something bad, or something good, reality had to continue in a constant advance.

Only then could the balance and consistency of reality remain constant, only then could the only way for there to be true destruction on a multiversal scale be avoided.

And as expected, this entity explained everything about this situation to me.

According to his words, regardless of how little credible it was, since time immemorial, since times that only GOD had the authority to remember, I was always a singularity in reality. He even conjectures that I existed even before he had consciousness of his own. Since those remote times, I, rather my soul, has been taking possession of all kinds of things, from human bodies, animal bodies, plants and even all kinds of objects and places.

From the most ephemeral stone, to the largest planet in one of the countless galaxies.

However, each time the life of such vessels reached its end, my soul was rebooted, I removed all records of life, before taking over the body of someone or something else, once again. And with each vessel, my soul became denser and denser, stronger and stronger. And the greater the soul strength, the greater the density, the greater the freedom of action I would eventually gain in my soul form, over it and my surroundings.

Such was the explanation for my appearance in that cosmos-like place. Whenever my vessels die, my soul returns to that place, a place unreachable by scientific means.

It was a place that functioned as the separation between all the universes that exist, it was the [Universal Nexus]. And as you can deduce, now that my soul was strong enough compared to all the previous times, I was now able to maintain my ego, maintain my life records. There was no longer a basis for reboots. My soul was now capable enough.

GOD enlightened me about this whole situation, but in turn, didn't provide any additional help, or method to end my seemingly endless cycle. He simply told me that: "Just like reality, your soul has always kept moving forward, it has always moved forward, I don't think there is a real end to your cycle, well, maybe, and just maybe, there will be if the Reality reaches its end, but that is an unlikely theory, because I am here...".

Admittedly, I asked that question out of mere curiosity, because in a strange way, although the situation was strange and disturbing to a certain extent, it didn't generate fear or distress in me at all. Strangely, it was easy for me to accept that reality.

The thought of being in that cosmos-like place, observing the world around me, its nuances like the future or the past, and inspecting each of the existences in the objective world before taking possession of a vessel of my choice, was almost second nature, almost instinctive. My mind had no trouble assimilating that, it was almost as if I had it engraved in me.

Something like a genetic instinct like breathing or moving.

But unlike before, where I acted purely on instinct, this time I had the will to act.

As for GOD's involvement in all this, he really had nothing to do with it, apparently. GOD was never really part of any part of this cycle, he was simply observing my actions during this regular event, which could be reduced to: watching me pick out a vessel. But it was mere curiosity on his part, since he apparently didn't even have the power to influence me.

According to his words, my existence was something like a singularity, unique throughout all of Creation, I was, I am, an existence unaffected by anything other than my own thoughts, or for all the times before, instincts. Which actually translates as, even my existence is dependent upon myself thinking of myself as a living thing, my mind is in control of everything, at all times, during my soul state.

So every aspect about me can be altered if desired. Be it appearance, capabilities or knowledge. In that place called "Nexus", I am not much different than GOD. Now that I had ego, I could do whatever I wanted, and have whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it.

It was strange, hard to believe, but not impossible to accept, again, it was instinctive.

GOD didn't really pressure me into anything, like making a decision, nor did he ask me to provide my help in his life goal, to make reality not stop and move forward; he didn't ask me, offer me, or help me. He just informed me about this whole situation, nothing more. So after seeing that I had already understood my reality, and that my instincts regarding the process of "reincarnation" had ended, he simply disappeared into nothingness as the space behind him rippled like ocean waves.

He simply stepped back as if he had on a surface, and vanished as if entering a portal. Apparently, he still had work to do, but he would see my choice from afar. And just like that, all trace of him disappeared in a matter of a blink of an eye. Leaving me alone.

In short, after a few moments of philosophical thought (not really), I decided to continue my cycle, after all, it was the first time I was part of the cycle (again, understanding [me] as different from my previous forays due to now possessing ego), I wanted to enjoy this gift I was "born with".

It really wasn't like I had a better idea either, playing GOD really didn't seem particularly entertaining either. And I'd rather not ruin his work or make it more clunky.

Although instead of how this selection process was always done so far, which meant choosing a vessel randomly, for stupid reasons like, it has a good physique, it has a good social standing or its natural smell is nice, I, instead, focused on choosing a vessel from a universe I was familiar with.

From a "fictional" universe.

Reality is infinite, it is also known as "multiverse", the universal network formed by all the universes that exist and arise with the passing of seconds throughout creation. Somehow, I knew it, it was something like knowledge passed down through the genes, or as close as one could conceptualize it for a soul. However, while this infinity was synonymous of possibilities, it literally encompassed all possibilities, both good, and bad, so the likelihood that there existed somewhere a universes similar to the works of fiction I once read or saw, was 50/50.

But still, even if they existed somewhere in reality, these would not necessarily be 100% the same, not only because none of the authors of those works described every aspect of their works fully, but also because, again, the possibilities were endless.

So a carbon copy universe is as likely as it is improbable. The best I could aim for in that situation to achieve my interest, was to go to a universe as similar as possible in general to my destination, even if it was totally different in certain aspects and nuances. Which in this case, was a world that in essence, had more similarities to the fictional work "My Hero Academia" than any other universe throughout the multiverse. The world I decided to go to, was the most similar of all to the work.

Without talking about the possible positive or negative changes that might have come about (I must admit that I tried very hard to bring as many surprises as I could, not seeing too much into the universe), it was the kind of world that I would feel comfortable with going to, after all, it had the most important aspect of my interest, that it was in a contemporary society with incredible technological advances in various areas.

And it had extra spice, such as the existence of superpowers, the potential for cute girls with animalistic qualities like ears or tails, and a wide range of beautiful girls, both teenage and mature. It was excitingly tempting as a destination!

Besides, I was sure that the endless possibilities would make the world much more interesting during my stay. Although I must admit that, if I hadn't discovered that the world was also affected by the physics of pornography, well, hentai in this case due to its Japanese roots, I almost absolutely would have chosen something a little more nostalgic for me, like some universe similar to DC or Marvel.

With the choice of destination finalized, all that was left for me to do in that cosmic place, was to decide on a vessel of this new world, and if I wanted it, which the answer to that was "yes", to also choose a unique perk or ability to make my life noticeably easier in countless ways, including my goal for living a life according to my desires. Although the process of the latter, I did somewhat like the [Letter Engraving] that Yhwach is capable of doing both in his soul, and in the souls of others.

But in this case, in my own, so yes, these abilities, would not change the biology of my vessel except as absolutely necessary as a consequence of having it, activating it, etc; as yes, this ability would be residing in my soul, a place that in most universes, due to their rules, cannot be reached despite its existence.

As for the amount of perks/powers I decided to give myself, it was a modest quantity of [3], and as for the details of each one, I didn't give myself anything too exaggerated either. Universe altered or not, the world wasn't too dangerous according to what I allowed myself to see when I searched for the existence of cosmic beings, gods or extra-dimensional beings, so there was no need to make it the most powerful in the universe if I didn't have a plan in mind or a goal that required it.

Which clearly wasn't the case.

So, namely, I decided to give myself the following...

(1) [Genetic Perfection]

This perk would basically make sure that my body passively eliminated every single irregularity or flaw in my genetic code that may or directly prevent me from reaching the maximum splendor of the human body, though without doing things too invasive, such as altering my pituitary gland to decrease or eliminate the discharge of certain hormones so that I would no longer be able to feel emotions that would bother my lines of thinking. Thus, eventually the density of my tissues will increase over time, my brain will progressively unlock its hidden potential little by little, my nervous system will be faster than ever, my hand-eye coordination will be faster, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

It would also make me quite gifted, if you know what I mean (・ω<).

(2) [Pocket Dimension]

This, in particular, was the most tedious of the three, as it required me to understand much more about my control in the Nexus to create a stable dimension capable of storing things, leave a soul mark so that no one except, me, its owner, would be able to access it by normal means, and that it could interfere with space at its owner's will so that it could fulfill its function, and I even had to give it a little, but completely loyal, little ego capable of understanding commands that I mentally transmitted to it, and could complete them in record time.

As such, yes, I can say that this perk was the most tedious to create. The easy part, though, was filling it with replicas of items from throughout the multiverse.

(3) [Sexual Arts (Talent)]

As the only option, this was the easiest of the three to make. This one, in essence, simply gave me a great capacity for growth in the area of interest, in this case, in all things sexual, from affectionate hand-holding, crossing over into loving caresses, to the most primitive form of pleasurable sex. I could go from being a pitiful reddit virgin, to the God of Sex himself, figuratively of course, in a short span of time, in a very short span of time. In turn, this would grant me something like instinctive knowledge about it all. So even without too much experience in the area, I would be able to maintain the "high ground" with my partner in question.

Clearly I went for simple things, but useful in both the short, and long term. Although of course, while (1) and (3) would already be enough in terms of what I needed to have a healthy and enjoyable life, the advantage (2) was to have the ability to defend myself in case of some situation that required defending myself from something far beyond my level, not to mention that I replicated countless items that would be interesting to use at some point, either out of curiosity or because they were part of my childhood, which makes me want to use them on a mere whim. Not to mention that, while this world wasn't particularly dangerous by default, who knew what kind of variables or irregularities might pop up during my stay.

That said, the perks I chose worked both to facilitate my goal, as well as to have a card up my sleeve in case any danger to myself or my inevitable partners arose. I didn't want this foray, the first of many with my ego in place, to be a complete failure by dying prematurely or all of my partners dying without me being able to do anything.

That would be embarrassing. Pretty embarrassing...

With all that done, all that was left was to choose a person from somewhere in the world, more specifically, for convenience, from the Earth, to possess his body, mind and soul. Naturally, I came up with an answer, I returned the world a few years in the past to end up taking control of you-know-who, the younger brother of Mitsuki Bakugou, taking his body shortly after birth in order to mold my image precisely from the beginning, it would be weird to take the body of someone who is 180º different from you, and have his relatives notice it, wouldn't it?

But of course, you already knew the answer.

And that, roughly, very roughly, sums up what brought me to the present.

― Oooh! That feels so good! ― Kneeling in front of me, on the carpet, was Katsuki, and she wasn't praying. She was holding and playing in a gentle way with my ball sack, and her lubricated tongue ran all the way from the base to the head in just one pull, lightly lubricating the entire shaft of my cock, sending electrifying pleasure down my back.

She eventually stopped at the head of my cock, before going for more, before exploring every nook and cranny of it with her tongue. She playfully kissed the tip affectionately before slowly inserting my entire member all the way deep inside her mouth.

She was a born lewd girl, the sensation of her pussymouth was simply amazing!

Moisture spaced across her clear eyes and even small tears grew at the edges of her eyes, but she didn't stop. Maintaining firm eye contact with me at all times, as if seeking to know how I was feeling through my reactions to feedback her knowledge, she didn't hesitate as she began to firmly wrap her tongue around the shaft of my cock applying all her knowledge of our deep tongue kissing before beginning a pistoning motion with her head, going from the head of my cock to the base, in just a moment, stubbornly refusing to release her mouth from my cock, even as it barely entered her tight throat, she only made a small guttural sound in reaction before continuing her movement.

― Shlick ♡ Shlick ♡ Slurp ♡ Slurp ♡

The vulgar sounds echoed throughout the house as she fanatically sucked me off. The expression on her pretty face made it seem like my cock was the most delicious thing in the world, and as if she wanted to savor every last drop of flavor, her tongue stroked my cock slowly and deliberately, it gave the feeling that she was even choosing to focus on the places she found the tastiest.

― Ooh! So good... As always, you're sucking my cock like it's a tasty treat, Katsuki. I'm about to burst already, make sure you swallow it all, okay...? I'm going to cum! ― Watching the scenery of her pink lips around my cock, her slippery and fussy tongue endlessly tasting her favorite parts of my cock, feeling her warm saliva coating from base to head my cock, feeling the soft vibrating sensation every time my cock entered slightly inside her throat, let's be honest, it just made it much, much harder to hold back, it made everything harder for me, both literally, and figuratively.

The feel of her technique, though sloppy in some ways, was perfect in many others.

And the effort she put in on her side was totally worth it!

Restraining myself to enjoy every second of this pleasure to the fullest, I began to take control of the movement of her head with relentlessness as I started to increase the pace making sure not to hurt her. Her eyes turned with hearts as she began to be dominated by my hands and my cock entered the deepest, wettest and tightest parts of her pussymouth.

The vulgar sounds increased in sound and quantity, if weren't for the fact that we were home alone, anyone could easily hear these sounds from any room.

But even with my initiative, it was impossible to completely resist the instinct to cum.

Stopping all movement as her lips touched the base of my cock, I released my load directly into her throat. A spraying sound was heard as Katsuki's pussy exploded in a shower of love juices, this time she had no underwear to help her contain much of it, this time, her juices fell directly onto the carpet and were quickly absorbed. The next noticeable sound that could be heard from no matter what position in the room, was a loud and steady sound of someone swallowing, the sound of Katsuki slowly but surely swallowing each and every drop of my seed into her digestive tract.

But though she had the will, the amount was inhuman, my seed began to leak out the edges of her lips as her cheeks puffed out and even her nose was not spared as an outlet for my seed.

Tears streamed down the sides of her face slowly. But they weren't tears of pain or misery, the look in her eyes, along with the strength with which her hands held onto my hips to make sure her own head didn't stray a millimeter from the base of my cock, dictated otherwise.

Eventually, my cock stopped trying to fertilize Katsuki's stomach, and she was able to really start to make up ground again when she, without squealing, began to swallow every last drop of cum in her mouth, even making sure to slurp on my cock like a straw to retrieve every last drop of semen that might have been left along the way.

If there was one thing she was addicted to, after kissing and cuddling, it was swallowing my seed.

I literally had no room whatsoever to complain!

― Fua ♡ Ufu ♡ Gouki-san's semen... it's so thick and delicious ♡ ― Prostrating herself in front of me, her hands cupped under her chin to hold all the semen that seeped out of her mouth onto her hands to then slurp it, she gaped wide open her mouth at me before sticking her tongue out lasciviously to show me that she had been a good girl and hadn't left a single drop untaken. There was a huge, beautiful blush spreading to her ears adding a more lewd yet so innocent scent to the scene. Bittersweet.

A combination that was terrible for my heart! The white long sleeved shirt she borrowed from my closet was too big for her, and with her sweat, it became almost transparent.

You could see her erect nipples through the shirt, her curves were fully visible because the shirt was stuck on the right parts of her lewd body. It was quite a work of art to see beads of sweat dripping down her collarbone before disappearing between her breasts. Her breathing was somewhat heavy and deep, her body was hotter than usual.

The look she was giving me without cutting eye contact, made a smile grow on my face, the look she was giving me, was one of lust, one of extreme lust, but at the same time, it was that of a predator watching its prey. This was one of the good points of her pumping my seed directly from the fountain with her pussymouth, and it was that she got even more aroused by slurping my seed!

It was no surprise that from one moment to the next she leapt at me in a single bound totally skipping the step of standing up as she embraced my head before joining our lips and tongue. She lustfully began massaging my cock with her moist pussy lips at a great pace before grabbing my cock with one hand as she released it and lined it up my cock without hesitate for more than a second with the entrance to her constricted, hungry pussy. She was extremely lubricated, there was no need to drag out any longer what would eventually happen. In a single downward thrust of her hips, my cock rammed the mouth of her uterus in a single instant.

But she ignored the pleasure, and went for more as she began to lower and raise her hips.

The sound of clapping echoed loudly around the whole house!

With her lust through the roof, her inhibitions also vanished, as she began to bounce on my cock with intensity. She undoubtedly shuddered with every collision between my cock and her uterus, her pussy walls contracting tightly almost as if they were alive as they wrapped around my cock.

She, in this state, wasn't like before, the pleasure didn't stop her from moving her hips, this time, she didn't need me to help move her hips. She was doing it on her own, ignoring, but contradictorily enjoying every thrust of my cock inside her.

At this point, she wasn't much better than a nymphomaniac bitch who only had sex and lust on her mind. MY OWN nymphomaniac bitch!

GammaThryssa GammaThryssa

[WARNING]: I am not a bottle of motivation and inspiration, I am not always in the mood to write, don't expect me to create chapters like breads, they will come out when I am motivated, write them and re-edit them. So the wait can be long almost certainly, so if you like what you read, add the story to your library and wait patiently!

Writing is not a science, I can't force myself to write something that doesn't even cause me any emotion of interest or excite myself to write R-18 scenes/chapters. (─‿─)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


