4.94% Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness / Chapter 6: Chapter 6:

章 6: Chapter 6:

After Cain's impressive showing, many of the trialists began to employ their own tricks and techniques, seeking to improve their scores. But for Xander, there was little to be impressed in this display.

As the final results were tallied, it became clear that Xander and Cain had truly set the standard.

First place, number 99, attack value: 98

Second place, number 234, attack value 97

Third place, number 67, attack value 95

Fourth place, number 156, attack value 93

Fifth place, number 279, with an attack value of 90...

According to Viper, the top 10 trialists would each be awarded 100 points, with no distinctions made between first and tenth place. And as the rankings were finalized, each trialist was presented with a belt bearing the iconic Team Rocket 'R' logo. Inside each belt was an identity card, bearing the trialist's number and their accumulated Team Rocket points. But perhaps the most valuable feature of the Team Rocket belt was the cubic meter of free storage space it provided.

As the other trialists chatted excitedly amongst themselves, Cain made his way directly to the exchange center. As a former member of Team Rocket, he was well-acquainted with the variety of goods and services available for exchange. Though he desired many things, he knew that his current point total would not suffice.

As he perused the list of available exchanges, Cain couldn't help but roll his eyes at the exorbitant prices. A Pseudo-Legendary Dratini Hatchling, for example, would set him back a staggering 10 million points. And the same went for a Pseudo-Legendary Larvitar Hatchling. Though Team Rocket points could buy even the most elusive Pokemon, obtaining them was no easy feat.

With only a paltry 100 points to his name, Cain knew that he could not afford to linger on the unattainable items. Instead, he turned his attention to the more attainable offerings, scanning the list of available berries. As he began to exchange his points for each and every type of berry, the exchange staff looked upon him with a mixture of confusion and disdain, no doubt wondering why he would waste his points on such common fare. But to Cain, these berries were of great value. Not only would they save him time in his search for them, but they would also prove useful in the creation of various pokeblocks, which would aid in the nurturing of Murkrow.

As he stuffed his Team Rocket belt with berries, his total points dwindled to a mere 20. And with another 5 points spent on common items and wilderness necessities, Cain was ready to depart the exchange center. But as he turned to leave, he caught sight of a familiar figure entering the exchange center - Xander, and his Ekans.

Without hesitation, Cain activated the system's scanning function, analyzing Xander's Ekans. And as the information scrolled across the screen, Cain's pupils shrank in surprise.

Pokemon: Ekans (Light Green)

Gender: Male

Level: 14

Type: Poison

Ability: Intimidate

Held items: None

Egg moves: Pursuit, Poison Fang, Scary Face

Basic moves: Wrap, Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare

Taught moves: Snatch

Technical Machines (TMs): None

A green-aptitude Ekans, no wonder Xander had claimed first place in his previous life. In this ranking test, Cain had scanned the other Pokemon and found that there were no more than five green-aptitude Pokemon. But while all the other green-aptitude Pokemon were Zubats and an Oddish, the only green-aptitude Ekans was the one Xander possessed.

"Hey, you're the runner-up, right?" Xander asked, his tone casual but with a hint of arrogance. "Don't let your ranking fool you. You're still far from being on my level."

Cain's eyes narrowed, but he didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he continued on his way, ignoring Xander's taunts as the other man's expression grew increasingly hostile.

"At least show me a few cool tricks, like the one you used during the test, before leaving," Xander sneered. "Ekans, attack! Use Poison Sting!" With a snap of its jaws, the Ekans unleashed a barrage of purple-glowing needles aimed straight for Cain's back.

But Cain was ready. He had been expecting a confrontation from Xander, and was quick to respond. "Murkrow, use Tailwind. Blow those poisonous needles away," he commanded, and with a powerful flap of his wings, Murkrow summoned two small whirlwinds that effortlessly deflected the incoming attack.

Cain turned to face Xander in anticipation of another attack, but to his surprise, Xander simply chuckled. "Not bad, a little better than I was expecting," he said with a sly grin, before turning on his heel and heading for the exchange counter.

Cain stared at Xander's back, his expression unreadable. And then, without another word, he motioned for Murkrow to follow him as he headed for the forest.


In a grand manse that stood at the heart of the base, Viper sat across from a mysterious figure wrapped in black robes. Between them, two cups of tea steamed, their residual smoke and heat slowly rising and dissipating into the air.

For a moment, there was silence, and then Viper, his tone laced with ridicule and doubt, broke it. "What is the meaning of you coming here?"

From beneath the black robes, a pair of weathered eyes were revealed as the figure adjusted his seating. "The mission failed and I need a few men to replenish my team," a hoarse voice emerged.

Viper's grin was a sly one as he took a sip of his tea. "Oh? Failed your mission? I never imagined that even you would fail in your mission. Reduced to coming here to request someone from me. Does no one else in Team Rocket appeal to you?"

The hoarse voice was unperturbed by Viper's teasing. "They dispatched two senior elite trainers to deal with me."

Viper's expression became solemn as he sat up slightly. "How did you manage to escape?"

A senior elite trainer was formidable in his eyes, and the fact that the Pokemon Association had sent two at once was not a good sign. Whether they were preparing to make a move against Team Rocket or it was a targeted act, a single operation by the Association meant a lot.

The black-robed man lifted his arm, revealing a gnarled, withered hand from beneath his robes. Viper's eyes narrowed as he took in the sight - he knew the man's condition well. The hand was aged far beyond its years, and three fingers were missing, leaving only a thumb and index finger.

"A poison-type senior elite trainer?" Viper spoke with a hint of disbelief in his voice. Only the most potent of poison moves could inflict such damage, and to harm a senior elite trainer of the black-robed man's caliber, the attacker could not be an ordinary trainer.

The black-robed man gave a small nod, his hoarse voice taking on a cold edge. "One specialized in poison-type Pokemon and the other had intermediate-level psychic powers." He inhaled deeply, trying to steady himself.

"But I managed to hold them off with three of my Pokemon, otherwise, it would have been more than just the mission that failed."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C6
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


