95.83% RWBY: The Rose Dragon / Chapter 20: Ruby's Birthday

章 20: Ruby's Birthday

(So hi everyone I realised that I had made a mistake in the character profile Daemon's birthday is meant to be the fifth of October I only just realised my mistake.)

(General POV)

It had been three weeks since Daemon's birthday and things had been going well. Daemon had used the time to familiarise himself with all of the different of machines and pieces of equipment that he had been gifted.

He had also engraved runes into the forge in the court yard to enhance the heat of the flames so that they would be able to be particularly switched on and off with his magic. He had also enhanced a few other things like the hydraulic press and hammer and the laser cutter so that he could work with stronger materials such as Ebony and Orichalcum.

He had actually used the equipment to makes two balisong knifes. One was for Daemon himself and the other was intended as Ruby's birthday gift.

Daemon's own was made out of ebony with an oriental dragon design on the blade handles made using corundum to make the effect clear. He had also experimented with his magic and had used it to make a damascus pattern by stacking layers of hammered out corundum and ebony and folding the layers and forge-welding it until he had around a thousand layers. He had then put it in a vice and twisted it as hard and tightly as he could. He had then hammered it back into an uniform flat length.

Daemon had cut about a quarter of the bar off to use to make the blade of the balisong knife that he then forged out and grinded into shape. His enchanting and fire semblance had been a great boon in his forging as it had allowed him to either remove impurities or maintain a constant heat when removed from the the forge and quenching the metal. When he had finished it he experimented by channelling aura as carefully as possible through just the corundum metal as he acid etched it and the effect was stunning. The star's caused from the twisted damascus pattern seemed to shine slightly as a result of this action. He finished assembling the knife attaching the handles to it and the pivot screws as well as latch.

Daemon found that the blade channelled and held aura well and he had great fun practicing with it. He had also taken to using it much like a fidget toy for the most part, some he felt was appropriate as a future huntsman as it taught him blades skills and dexterity.

Ruby's knife had been made from a damascus blend of moonstone and ebony with he went through the same process with. The moonstone stars seemed to have an almost lunar glow to them as he looked at them. The handles of the blades were also made of ebony but this time they had a tangle of roses that had been engraved into the metal and filled with malachite for the stems and starlheim, which he had enchanted to be red permanently due to how well it held magic, as the heads of each rose. He had already wrapped the blade and put it aside for Ruby's birthday in two days time.

Daemon had also made use of the recording studio in the relaxation room to begin recording songs that he had enjoyed in his previous life. He had discovered something that had been both embarrassing and fascinating. When Merlin had used the basis of tori tori no mi: model phoenix for his powers before changing them to a dragon theme another unnoticed gift that was included with this fruit was a perfect singing voice. Apparently due to a phoenix song. With this his voice always sounded how he desired it to when singing.

So far he had recorded and recreated ,'Pompeii' and 'Hall of Fame' with plans to recreate 'Natural' next. He had tried to avoid a lot of songs that included place names that relevant to earth or had a ton of religious significance. He had also learnt through research that Pompeii had indeed actually existed on Remnant but had been demolished by a titan grimm that seemed like a giant komodo dragon but seemed to have some kind of connection to lava and had the ability to secrete magma. It had burn what had been a grand city on the coast of Mistral and had burn to nothing but ruins in a mere eighteen hours. Apparently the creature had only been at around twenty percent of it total power as well as it had only woken up due to its nest being disturbed.

No huntsman or army had been confirmed to kill the creature either so it is presumed to still be alive at the present time. Ozpin had previously explained that the most powerful grimm would often hibernate for decades or even centuries and often wouldn't stir for long. These were grimm above the titan rank and belonging to the class called Apocalypse grimm. This title was given to grimm who had the potential to destroy the world if they rampages, presumably the giant komodo dragon grimm was on the cusp between the two ranks.

Only five of the apocalypse grimm had ever existed as far as Ozpin knew. One had been killed, the strongest, Alduin. Four others also existed. Ouroboros, the great snake of the sea, it slept in the middle of ocean, over five thousand foot in length, yet it may be even larger. Ouroburos also held power over liquids, including water, oil and supposedly blood. Each time it moved in its sleep tsunamis would batter the coast of all of the nations. The giant bird Hugin, a giant grimm eagle with a wing span of 3000 foot, a single beat of its wings. each flap of its wings could cause a tornado or hurricane. Worst of all though was its dominion over lightning, it could conjure up storm and call down lighting at will.

The other two that still remained were unknown but one was suspected to take the shape of a wyvern and the other a large bull. Supposed the bull appeared like a mountain in shape and had greenery. Ozpin only knew of this from rumours throughout his many lives, he suspected the ull to have power over the earth and nature. Leaving the Wyvern to likely have the power as there already existed earth, water and wind. Daemon was the one who suggested this pattern something that with agreed with. Yet it seemed soon that a sixth would emerge.

Daemon had also began to look at programming and designing games for the scrolls as it mainly a limited market, with only a small collection of games often limited to first or third person shooters at the moment. In his past life he had been a big fan of different consoles and games and had a decent enough idea of how to recreate many of them on Remnant. Daemon motivation for this was discovering the cost of different materials and objects. He had discovered that in the future that even the huge pile of lien he had would not necessarily be enough for everything he would one day plan so he had to figure out how to make money.

The main three ideas he had consisted of recreating the pokemon franchise and a few of Nintendo based games while also introducing the pokemon cards after the franchise gained more followers. He would also recreate things like candy crush except with dust instead of candy as well as clash of clans. He also planned to recreate minecraft. Each of these were major money makers in his previous life and how they would be in this one to.

He had actually studied graphics design and programming as his college courses in his past life so he had confidence in his ability to recreate the games that existed in his past life. He had already began to program the first five levels of his game, Dust Decimation.

He had of course also begun to design and research different motor bikes, their design parameters and other things that would be relevant to the construction of his won. He had also made great use of his office and had already filed several different plans and runic designs that he focus on in the future when he had ore time or need to focus on those particular projects.

Daemon had had a busy few weeks as he enjoyed his new tower and potential to advance it granted him. Despite the time that he managed to spend in his new tower he hadn't neglected to spend time with his family and still visited Ozpin as per their own weekly schedule. They discussed various topics and Ozpin had seemed pleased with Daemon's advancement and use of the tower that had been constructed for him.

Daemon had also picked his mind on potentially designing a time dilation field that he place around the tower that would allow him to gain extra time for his projects. This idea had sparked Ozpin's own interests and had cemented their next project together. So far however, the further they had gotten was theory and potential problems such Daemon aging far to quickly if he spent to much under the time dilation. This led to the idea of one to dilate time in the tower which would be anchored to a ward stone and a second that would nullify the effects of aging or slow down his aging in ratio to actual time.

Daemon had theorised a potential solution of tying his own personal rune to the natural time line of the rest of the world so that he would only age comparatively to others regardless of the time spent under the dilation. The number of possibilities of problems and solutions was fascinating and somewhat disheartening but Daemon and his grandfather had thrown themselves into it whole heartedly eager for the challenge that it posed.

Ozpin true to his word had also moved the relic of destruction and knowledge. The sword sat in Daemon's vault under several different ward schemes and a fidelius that only Daemon and Ozpin knew the secret to. The lamp now sat in Beacon's vault that had been updated to only open for Ozpin's or Daemon. Ozpin had explained when he created the vaults he needed to make it so that they linked to two different magical signatures in order for them to actually operate. This left him, the maidens and Salem to pick from. Obviously he chose the maidens choosing to link one vault to each maiden, now however that was no longer necessary as it could be linked for Daemon.

Daemon also took the time to visit Glynda and ask her some more questions about her semblance having read through the journal that she had written for him. Daemon now firmly believed that it was possible for a semblance to evolve or be trained to evolve. He had also let her in on the secret regarding his tower. She had been amazed to say the least.

Everyone else had also been getting on with their own problems and day to day lives. The one thing that had changed however was the amount that everyone fussed over Summer due to her pregnancy. Summer had already began to find it annoying as she didn't like feeling like she being babied by everyone.

(Two days later)

(Daemon POV)

I woke up to find that I could feel pressure on both sides of my chest. Waking up and feeling the rays of sunlight that the blind on my window didn't quite block on my eyes I squinted before looking at the girls who had been cuddled into my sides.

Since my birthday last both of the girls had been clingy and demanded more of my attention. I had been taken aside a few days ago by Tai who had made me suffer through the talk. He had explained various other things that I hadn't known before as well. Apparently as opposed to the anime Mountain Glenn was far larger than it was portrayed and had held almost seven percent of all of Remnant's population almost all of which died in the fall.

He had explained that this had led to a world drive for reproduction and the legalisation polygamous marriages. However, this was a privilege that was only given to men that had achieved a b-rank huntsman level. Apparently this was the common level for Beacon graduates to start at with the best two teams of each year being granted a provisional A-rank each being subject to review based on ability and accomplishment after a year.

Tai also explained that however sexist it may seemed that only men could marry multiple women. Women however had been given the right to marry each other with the proviso that at least one of them would act as a surrogate and produce a child within three years of the marriage. Failure to do would lead to the marriage being annulled by the city councils. He explained a woman could only realistically have a single husband as they could only bear a child or one rare occasion twins, etc but having five husbands would not cause any change in her ability to have a certain number of children in a set timeframe. A man with five wife's could have potentially have five children in nine months while a woman with five husbands could only have single child in this time frame. As callous as it sounds this is the logic the councils put forward when they imposed these laws.

Tai had also explained to me that he very obviously knew that both of his daughter's had a crush on me and that he was sure in the future that we would likely be married something that, had admittedly made me blush and stutter. He explained that aura would lead to us maturing faster and that he knew that things like experimentation happens. However, he expected it not happen for a while yet at least a few years before we thought of this as approval.

I was told from now on that if the girls and I were alone in my room together the door was to be left open or at the very least ajar. Clothing was to remain on at all times and that when changing into exercise gear it was to be done apart from one another. Both things I agreed with much to Tai's pleasure.

He had ruffled my hair with a smile before whispering to me. "Just because I expect you to be mature and not go too far doesn't mean that I will forbid things like kissing for example. I do expect you however to remember that they are both my little girls that you will be respectful and if you hurt them no-one find your body."

I just nodded in agreement having no doubt that he meant what he had said. He also assured me that the girls had received similar talks from their mother.

I looked over at the door and saw that it had been left slightly open just like had been requested *cough * demanded *cough* by Tai. I smiled looking at the two girls clinging to me before lightly shaking them awake.

I got groans from both before I glared through sleepy lilac and silver eyes. "Wakey, wakey sleepy heads" Both began to stretch something admittedly drew my eyes to them. Both girls had began to develop since awakening their aura even more then they already had. What made even worse was my own age along with aura had led to me suffering through hormone changes again.

It took around ten minutes for both girls to wakeup properly then we went down stairs. The whole of the living room had up banners and balloons which read 'Happy 11th Birthday!!!' Qrow, Summer and Tai were waiting for us and when they saw Ruby they pulled on some party poppers. They then sung happy birthday to her before laying down a cookie dough pancake in front us each.

Essentially it was a pancake that had had a few lumps of cookie dough put into it when cooked. Ruby loved them but was only allowed them on occasion as she would otherwise eat them everyday.

Finally after eating and Ruby doing weird excited Ruby things we sat down for her to open her presents. It took a while to get through them all. Summer and Tai had brought her some clothes, a years subscription to her favourite weapon's magazine which she could use to pick it up each month for free. A few books on technical weapons design and some storybook and journals about different famous huntsmen. Qrow had gotten her a mini cape that she had immediately started wearing with shining eyes that made me believe I was actually in anime. Ozpin had sent her a pass to attend a one off seminar at Beacon which would be given by a famous weapon's designer and creator that would be flying in from Mistral, the pass would also allow one adult and another person to come with her. Neither Tai or Yang would be to interested anyway and had already discussed just spending some father daughter time in Vale while the three of us went to the lecture.

Glynda had sent a picture of all the staff at Beacon with all of their signatures on with little messages from each stating that they wished her good luck and hoped to one day teach her in the future should she attend Beacon. She had done this knowing of Ruby's obsession with huntsman.

Yang had gotten her little sister a pair of headphones. I had helped her buy them and pay for them but since I had a gift for her already I told her to just say it was a gift from her rather than from both us.

Finally after a few more standard gifts I presented my own gift to her. I had placed it in a wooden box with a cushion in and had wrapped it. When she had opened the box after unwrapping it you could see her eyes shining and her face light up. She instantly got it out and everyone began to study the craftsmanship eliciting a whistle from Qrow.

"Damn hid that knife is amazing. The craftsmanship is incredible and so detailed. Where did you get it."

I couldn't help but give Qrow a smug look as I stated "I didn't buy it if that is what you are thinking Qrow. I made it." This made everyone look at me in shock even Ruby as they looked between me and the knife. Ruby then flicked it open and everyone noticed the glow leading to me explaining my new forging technique which all of the adults seemed fascinated in.

Ruby tried to flick it around a few times and almost dropped before placing it down and tackling me at top speed and kissing me. On the lips. We both paused as we both went slightly red as Ruby straddled my waist as she had knocked us to the floor.

"I love yo... IT! I LOVE IT! Thank you Daemon." Ruby had gone from lightly blushing to full blown red at her slip. A wolf whistle from Qrow caused Ruby to turn around with a spooked deer in head lights look before she vanished in a storm rose petals which covered the whole room and stairs as she ran to hide in her room from embarrassment.

This left Daemon laying his back bright red being gazed at with two amused looks, one conflicted between amused and annoyed and one that seemed just annoyed. Surprising it was Yang that was the most annoyed what had just happened.

Apparently this annoyance only lasted a few moments before she gained a glint in her eyes as I stood up and she had walked forward towards me. She stopped only inches away from me before grabbing my collar and pulling me down into a kiss that lasted a few seconds before breaking it off and following Ruby upstairs muttering about having explain to her she needs to share.

Qrow and Summer had actually fallen over laughing at what had happened while Tai looked absolutely distraught. I however if you were to examine me closely was suffering from the blue screen of death as I tried to process what had just happened. I had placed my fingers on my lips my face burning as I thought about.

The next half an hour was spent in awkward silence as both me and the adults were unsure of what to talk about. Apparently even Qrow was unsure if it was wise to wind me up in the very flammable house we were in.

Thankfully we were saved as the girls came downstairs. Both seemed determined on something. They had both walked up to me and stopped dead in front of me, arms crossed with expectant looks on their faces.

Yang broke the silence. "Me and Ruby have discussed this and from now on you are our boyfriend." I went to raise my hand and ask a question but Yang didn't allow me to and cut me off. "No you do not have a say in the matter." I just dropped my head at this.

"Now we both have expectations of what you will do as our boyfriend. You will spend at least two hours a day outside of training with us each day unless there is a genuine reason that you are unable to. You will take us both on separate dates, once a month each.

You will also ask us both on our first proper date within the next week and you will have planned it. Understood." Ruby stood just behind Yang to the side of her nodding along to all the demands that they laid out as the adults were all struggling to contain their giggles at my situation. Even Tai was amused, the bastard.

Ruby then slightly red leaned forward and whispered something in Yang's ear which made her smirk. "Ruby also expects at least one kiss a day and I agree with her and expect my own each day as well." Ruby had gone red and started to hit Yang's arm in distress and embarrassment.

I just sat there bewildered by what had happened as I just gave a slight nod. whispering " I don't think that this is how that is meant to work is it." Yang didn't look happy with me. "Never mind." Yang smirked and kissed my check on one side as Ruby did the same turning red as she did so clearly not quite as confident as Yang was. 'Oh, well guess I now have two girlfriends.'

"Good boy. Now budge up. Ruby wants to watch a film for her birthday." moved up on the couch a bit as one of the girls cuddled up to me on either side. The adults just watched us seeming amused by the whole thing as we put on a movie of Ruby's choice.

I didn't play to much attention to the movie as I was focusing on what had just happened with the girls. I hadn't expected this to be how I ended up in first relationship, in either life. Admittedly half of the reason I just went with it was because I didn't have much experience with relationships in either life so I was happy to just follow the girl's lead. With me liking both of them and them being happy with with this I didn't see much reason to deny or argue against what they had decided.

We spent the next few hours watching the film that Rub had picked for us to watch. It was a standard action fantasy movie similar to those from my past life. Ruby and Yang had both cuddled into my sides and were watching the movie intently.

Once we had watched the movie we had dinner, or rather ordered. We got pizza from the delivery, Ruby's choice as it was what she wanted for her birthday. She ordered a meat feast with a BBQ sauce base for her self and Yang. I got the same for myself as I liked the sound of it. Tai also got this particular choice while Summer got a pepperoni and Qrow just got a spicy beef pizza.

When it arrived we all ate our fill and then Summer brought out Ruby's cake. A strawberry cheese cake with a white chocolate chip cookie biscuit base. She absolutely loved it. After all of this we sat down and played some board games as the hours dragged out into the night. Late in the night Tai received a call. He went off into the corner of the room to answer it while we all continued playing our game.

It was around minutes later when Tai was dead silent and had hung up the phone that I realised something was wrong as did Qrow and Summer even the girls didn't seem to to. He looked sad and almost despondent as he stared into space. Summer and Qrow both clearly went to stand up and go over to him. He gave a look for them to remain with the girls as he went to the kitchen I heard the fridge followed by the door.

The girls clearly realised something was wrong with their father as they stared after him with worry apparent on their faces. I encouraged everyone to keep playing the card game that we had been playing as it was clear to me Tai left so that the girls wouldn't get upset so I decided to distract them. We finished the game after around fifteen minutes and I encouraged everyone to play another round while I went to talk to Tai.

Both Qrow and Summer looked like they wanted to object and go comfort him themselves but ultimately decided to let me deal with it. I got up and gave everyone a hug and gave both girls a kiss on the temple and told them that if they got tired to go to sleep and not wait up for me. Having finished saying goodnight to the girls I followed Tai outside.

He was sat on the step of the patio staring up at the shattered moon with a can of beer in hand. I didn't say a word and just slowly walked and took a seat beside him and he broke his staring and looked at me and handed me a can of beer from the four pack beside him.

He stared at me "Drink with me."

I was confused but took the beer from him and crack it open before holding it up for a cheers which drew a small smile from him as we did a silent cheers and I took a sip of beer from my can. I remained quiet waiting for Tai to talk as I didn't want to push him. After a few mintues of comfortable silenece he spoke quietly.

"Daemon, have I ever told you about my father... His name was Zhu Xiao-long. He was a harsh man, he had been raised that way and lived that way his whole life. He was at one point a huntsman, a brilliant one but he quit when the pressure became too much.

Instead he became a criminal using his talent and strength to exort people and to win money in under ground fight rings. I hated him at one point but after beacon I stopped hating and instead pitied him. I thought we reconciled but then he found out that I was going to be marrying Raven.

My father, he, he hated Raven something fierce, he called her a ravenous bandit shank and warned me off of her every time we spoke. He warned me warned me that she would leave me, that she would never stay. It became a point of contention between the two of us as I always protected Raven from my father's opinion and argued that she wouldn't do something like that. When he found out that I was going to marry her he cut off all contact with me and hasn't spoken to me since, he didn't even reply to the wedding invitation I sent him, let alone attend."

Here Tai paused and took a slurp from his can of beer as he stared at the moon before continuing from where he left off.

"He didn't come to the wedding, or to meet yang when she was born. He just ignored me. When Raven left I felt bitter my father, he had been right the whole time but my pride was to great so I never called him again. I didn't tell him when I remarried or when Ruby was born. Now I wish I had, that I had reconciled with him, that I had swallowed my pride and attempted to reach out to him again.

While I we were never on the greatest terms it was only when I finally had children of my own that I realised despite everything, all that he did was look out for me in his own way, even if I didn't agree with his methods. Now I won't have the chance to apologise and fix things.

That call. It was to tell me that he had died of a heart attack, the life he led took its toll and he died far sooner than anyone would have expected. His funeral is in Mistral in four days and I don't know if I want to attend or not."

Tai finally went silent as he stared up at the fractured moon looking haggard. I took a deep sip of my beer before sighing. "Tai, you should go. Take Summer, Yang and Ruby with you and attend. If you don't you might regret it. While t won't be the same as speaking to him, you will be able to say goodbye and thank you and sorry and whatever else you need to say. It might provide you some closure.

It will give the girls a chance to hear about their grandfather and to learn about his life from the people there. While it will never be a great substitute for actually meeting him, this is the closest they will likely get.

Tai, you have enough regrets, don't add another to the list needlessly."

Tai turned his head to me in surprise before laughing and then giving me a one arm hugged.

"Thank you, Daemon. I appreciate the advice. You are wise for your age, no doubt wiser than I am even now."

We spent the rest of the night talking, Tai telling me about his childhood and me telling him about mine. He told me all about his father, how he taught him to fight and be strong. How they went for his first beer together. He told me a dozen different stories, telling me all of the good memories that he had with his father. He told me that it often rough as he didn't have a mother, she had abandoned his father the week after he was born, it was why he disregarded his father's words about Raven thinking him paranoid and bitter.

As we finished our beers as it neared one o'clock in the morning, I had drunk a few at this point, Tai had gotten more from the fridge at some point, Tai finally looked at me.

"Thank you Daemon. I feel... Lighter. I don't think that I have ever really spoken about my father to anyone not even Summer and it felt good to actually talk about him. I think that I will go to the funeral, I realise looking back at it, he did more for me than I realised and I spited him out of arrogance and foolishness. I feel that I need to say goodbye.

Anyway lets go back indoors. Everyone is probably worried and the girls are probably asleep so I will explain everything to them tomorrow."

He wrapped me in a hug before we went in. I felt slightly lighted headed after drinking but it wasn't necessarily an unpleasant feeling.

Once we entered the front room Summer had wrapped Tai in a tight hug and asked if he was okay. Qrow watched from the sofa.

"I am fine Summer. Or at least I am now thanks to Daemon. I have somethings I need to explain and tell you."

Tai then explained about his relationship with his father and why it was like that which caused Summer and Qrow to feel bad for him. They understood however and he then explained about the funeral and asked if they would come with him to it. Both agreed as did I.

Summer then lectured me on drinking and Tai on letting me drink.

"I looked outside after the girls went to sleep about two hours ago. You were out there a while but it seemed that Tai was looking happier so I decided to leave you too. I understand that you are mature Daemon but no more drinking for a few years, got it. I only left you to it because it seemed that you and Tai were having a father son moment."

We spent around an hour talking before I then to my room to get some sleep. It was around two in the morning when I went up but Tai seemed to be feeling better and I felt like we had bonded a bit more.

In my bed both Ruby and Yang were asleep causing me to smile as I laid down between them and they latched on to me. I just decided to relax and let sleep take me. It had been a long night and after the drink I felt sleepy.

I gently kissed the girls on the head and whispered good night before settling down and drifting off to sleep.

(Tai POV)

It had been along night but I feel like I had solved something, I felt like I had removed a burden from shoulders that I didn't even know was there.

I was glad that Daemon came to talk to me, I felt that he had helped a lot. He was a smart kid and he certainly helped me make up my mind. I had had been considering not attending my fathers funeral but I now realised that it would have been a mistake not to. The conversation with Daemon had given me a new perspective on my father that I had lacked before. I now knew if I didn't go I would regret it.

I truly felt like I bonded more with Daemon tonight. I felt more like we had a father son bond that we had previously. I of course also apologised to Summer for encouraging the boy to drink but she understood and said it was okay this time just don't make a habit of it.

It also made me realise just how important the time I had with my children was. They were growing up and soon I would have another child on the way. I realised how important time really was.

About half an hour after Daemon went up me and Summer bid Qrow good night and went upstairs as well. I checked the girls rooms only to realise that they were empty and went to Daemon's door which had been left ajar. I gently pushed it open enough to stick my head and saw that the girls were cuddled up to Daemon asleep.

I whispered "Goodnight kids."

I smiled softly at them before going back to my room where Summer was waiting. I wrapped her in a hug and kissed her before saying.

"I love you Summer."

(So my dear readers I hope that you all enjoy the chapter and leave comments letting me know what you think. I hope that you guys don't feel that the development was rushed. The girls and Daemon are now dating but it is still very early stages and new. I felt that this approach was quite in keeping with Yang's brash nature and Ruby's hyperactivity.

I have decided how Daemon is going to meet Weiss, Blake and Pyrrha but that is at least a few chapters away yet. Also I would like to explain the grimm classifications that I will be using in my story.

Common- e.g. Beowulf

Rare- No set leave just uncommon to come across, likely have a special ability but may not be necessarily strong in direct combat. E.g. Tinctorious

Alpha- 5x to 10x strength of common variety. Additional strength and bone armour. Armour is stronger.

Elder- over 100 years old. 10x to 30x strength of common variety. Armour is far stronger. Armour is more likely to concentrated over vital areas. May have special abilities. Mutated is equivalent to this stage.

Ancient- 250+ years. 30x to 60x strength of common variety. Armour is seemingly far thinner but is in fact tougher than the thick armour of elder grimm. Is almost guaranteed to have special abilities or traits.

Grand- 60x to 100x strength of common variety. Begins to develop unique form. Capable of destroying cities. Needs at least 15 high S ranks huntsman to stand a chance of being defeated.

Titan- Strength is incomparable to previous classifications. Commonly known as army killers. Strength and abilities vary massively. Each is unique in appearance. Practically un-killable with large armies. Last known titan killed Hydrus- killed by Arthur Arc alongside an army of 2000 trained a-ranked warriors. Each hunter who kills one is granted the historical title of Hero and a unique title. E.g. Hero Arthur Arc the Golden Lion.

Apocalypse- Only five known inexistence. General history says that there has never been one defeated.

Hope this helps somewhat.

Until next time.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


