100% Overlord: Demon Of Despairs / Chapter 3: Decision For The Future And YGGDRASIL Closed Beta

章 3: Decision For The Future And YGGDRASIL Closed Beta

Morning... It's morning, again.

What I feel this morning? A feeling of lost. There was something wrong, something missing, a someone. I can easily connect it to my twin, and then the feeling become greater. I don't like this...

6 A.M.

It's early. It's still time for sleep in this world. Because of the pollutions, The Sun can hardly be seen. This morning is the first morning I was awake without her. And this body isn't accustomed to it.

My sister is on my side, she was sleeping soundly with frown on her face. A bad dream maybe? I reach her and move her head into my lap. Now, it's different kind of feeling. Haa... I need to move on from this feeling.

It's still feel wrong, but this was why I need the 'experience' from my old world. The feeling of lonely, the feeling of lost, the solitude when I was alone in that world can help me move on.


My though is interrupted by my sister, but when I see her, she was still sleeping. Sleep talk?

The frown on her face is deepened and her hand was like searching for something. She was searching for me... I know.

Then I catch her hand and caress her hair, before whispering to her.

"I'm here sister."

I was here... After that, I was hit by déjà vu. My twin on my hand, the bloodied face and her calling my name. Hey... It hurts you know.

While I watching the frown on my sister face loosening, my head is full of thoughts, my chest hurts. It hurts so much that I feel like my heart would explode. The pain is different from the loneliest and depression I had in my old world.

Why it hurts so much?

Because I don't have someone dear to me in that world? Because I can't feel 'Affection' in that world, and now I feel it and lost it at the same time? Is that why it's hurts so much?

I want to cry, but can I? I can't do it. I can't cry anymore. When you want to cry but you can't, maybe some of you have experience it.

Or Must I become the 'Old me' and life in solitude for the rest of my life, again?


30 Minutes later...

I don't want it.

If you in front of me right now, you can see firm conviction in my eyes. The 'Contract' has been fulfilled and I'm free now.

I'm free. So I can't be shackled by past. The past of my old world (The despair and solitude) or even this past (The lost of one half and the lost of memories) can't be a shackle for me. Keep Moving. But don't abandon your past.

Why? Because that was the one who make you right now. That was my conviction, and that gonna be my pillar of life this time. I can be broken, but I won't fall. No matter what.

But that conviction was shook hard five years later...

After that. My mind feel clear, I feel that I can see more, even if I don't understand what does that means. The dream of my past life is helping, But the one that helping me more is my sister.

After she was done with the revenge, she always been on my side. The corporation is run by her trusted aide and my uncle. And in this one month she was by my side. With up and down of my emotions she always been here with me.

"Thanks, Sister." Thank you, truly...

Then I kiss her on the foreheads. She seems to feel it because she was smiling foolishly on my lap.


[One Weeks Afterwards. The Gist Of It.]

This noon, I received a great news about the game. YGGDRASIL, the game that I was waiting is here. Right now, they are recruiting closed beta tester that required 100 player to participate before come to open beta 2 weeks later with up to thousands player to participate for 3 month.

Well, it was 3 month for the first 100 player and 2 month 2 weeks for the 1000(one-thousands) player. And with the power of connections and money, I can easily get the spot for closed beta that will start 1 week later.

The timing is great I say. One month ago, I was a lost cause but now with help of my sister and not-so-distant uncle. My mind is stable and I already overcome the lost of my twin. Not fully, but at least it's getting better.

This week, I decided to confront my sister about my memories. The lost of my memories shock my sister, and when my sister ask the doctors. They said it could be a form of amnesia or defense mechanism of traumatic event.

They all wrong, it was because of the 'Contract' but I decided to not say anything about it. The contract and that higher being sometimes makes me paranoid and overthinking. I was afraid that if I say something about the contract, that higher being will do something with their memories.

It's was just what if, but I'm powerless in front of great power. And just to be safe, I decided not to say anything about it.

I ask many things about the forgotten things to my sister, like what is her name. I don't know what my sister name nor my twin. I don't have recollection of it, I just know that she was my sister and I had a twin. But without memories it's become hard to justify their places in my mind.

My family is consisted of my father that has been disappear when my mother is pregnant with us. That was when my sister was 5 years old. My mother that died on my fifteen. My twin that just died recently, my sister and lastly my uncle.

She said that our uncle is our fatherly figure to us, but let just say that I was completely forgot about that. My sister name is Shirogane Kanata, My twin is Shirogane Kei, My father is also from Shirogane family but my sister doesn't say anything about his name.

My mother was from Fallhals family with the name of Koito Fallhals. Then the last is my uncle with name Shirogane Kora. He right now is busy with the corporation problem. He was said to be a fox in the corporate world but she can say he was quite meek with us, as he always pampering us with anything we need.

Right now, outside world become off limits for us (My sister and me), but actually it doesn't matter to me. After the last attack, I now have been truly awakened. My focus from now on is YGGDRASIL, the other doesn't matter. Maybe my sister is, but other that her, nothing matter.

This week I was doing a shadow fight game. It was game where you can fight payer or AI with many different types of weapon. What I was doing is relieving my muscle memories. Sister has said that I and my twin always compete with this kind of game. So my battle instinct is very good, it was just unfamiliar because of my lost memories.

The rank of this game consistent of Novice -> Trainee -> Intermediate -> Superior -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Legend. With Legend is just some overachiever as grandmaster is already top 5% in this game.

After one week of playing with Neural Nano-Interface game, I could say this body is good, very good actually. My battle instinct is excellent, weapon welding is overall good with exception is sword. My sword play is actually better than most weapon I use through the game.

If I rank my weapon proficient then my Sword gonna be at grandmasters rank with others on master or superior rank. My reaction time is also at superior level. And that gonna be a big help for me in YGGDRASIL.

If I have time I will definitely push my other weapon proficiency to grandmasters, but unfortunate that I don't have time for it.

This week, YGGDRASIL gonna be launched. I was ready, my heart is pounding in excitement. For my money, I can say that as long as our corporation not down, I have unlimited amount of money. The sad thing is that my sister is not interested joining me.

She say, she will join later after the corporations stabilize. She was helping our uncle in the corporation and I can only nod at that, as I was nothing but freeloaders on this occasion. But I was also thankful for it. Because of them I can focused on my goals.

Now it's time. The Game Of YGGDRASIL. The source of my reincarnation and problems. It's here.

And, Let's The Game Begins...


Author Note:

I will just say it again, but the world they gonna transmigrated is my own world with my own settings (Not the same world on anime). And Thank for reading this.

Comments and criticism is welcomed.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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