3.22% System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: System Functions and My Goals

章 2: Chapter 2: System Functions and My Goals

"System what are your functions?" Jacob asked

"Replying: Lord You can recruit troops through the system like that of TW medieval... you will need to use your populations and the system will equip and train them into their chosen unit type"

"But remember you will need to build the required buildings to recruit certain units. also, since reality differs from games, we will give apply all surrounding populations from villages, cities, forts, and ports to the main city in each province

and certain buildings will have a region-wide effect such as walls and roads... farming output, etc.."

"Lord I've noticed the main city owned by the lord is not from the game source... all main cities and forts not from the original game map will be limited to one recruitment slot per turn, and construction will cost more in these settlements... but as a bonus for activation the system awards you with one castle and provincial city placement."

"Lord choose your main city!"

"Abydos!" Jacob replied without a second thought.

Boom! swoosh! in mere moments what can be described as a minor byzantine city appeared in the blink of an eye I...

"How do I even explain such a thing there are 1500 soldiers here and an entourage of statesmen?" Alaeddin was first excited then his face began to sink.

"Lord everyone here and the populations in lord's fief can be manipulated by the system to a certain extent to accept such an actuality as the city was restored by the lord."

"But but it's in prime condition how can the surrounding states not notice such things? But also, it's true it wasn't in that bad a shape its roman concrete was not falling apart or anything just the infrastructure and walls were dilapidated"

Alaeddin was convincing himself and becoming more and more confident about this situation.

" System I choose Canakkale for my castle" Alaeddin yelled in his mind excitedly.

>Notification Castle has been placed on the shores of Canakkale<

>Due to the population being above 4500 Castle's main building has been set at the fortress<

>Due to the population in surroundings now belonging to Abydos exceeding requirements Main city Abydos has been set at the minor city level<

"Replying: Lord All buildings of current set levels are summoned with the new settlements."

The system stated in a monotone voice as usual.

"Wait, System I was made to believe I would have access to the population of the entire province wouldn't that set Abydos at the huge city level?"

"Replying: Lord you must have the population either inside the city living there or within the influencing range of Abydos to apply population to meet construction upgrade standards."

"Replying: Lord should also know the system has put in place an imperium like in the newer versions of the games and this will increase the requirements for upgrades with each conquest you will get closer to the next imperium level be aware it will increase the difficulty by lowering income due to the spreading thin of your loyal administrators and further provinces will be on looser leashes."

"I-imperium? no! damn that's cheating.... wait never mind I won't shy away from a challenge I mean making an empire is easier than making an empire last... but neither is related to the word easy in any way shape or form." Alaeddin changed his mood a few times thinking this through but ultimately, he had a fire in his eyes as he began to gallop into the city to look over the infrastructure and check out these pirates.

"System can I use captured men to train into troops? or slaves?"

"Replying: Yes!"

voodoo the sound of a horn could be heard from the center of the city and a few moments later a man on a horse sprinted toward the group in the middle of the square!

"My prince you called?" Omar ghazi questioned head lowered.

"Omar, how many men do these so-called pirates do we have in custody?" Alaeddin questioned impatiently.

"My prince a conservative estimate is about 1500 men but a lot of them are peasants who have been starving and have fled here through the straits in chase of food and shelter they said many more like them are fleeing because of the roman civil war" Omar Ghazi stated his opinion proudly.

"Hmm take all the men old, young, sick here to this square I shall make them train and serve me" Alaeddin stated with an air of magnanimity even though what he was asking for was idiotic, to say the least.

"I understand wanting the free labor or to add citizens to the new city but the old and the sick how will that help," Omar thought but didn't say anything turned and ran back toward the port where the "pirates" are being held.

an hour or 2 later I had all these aging, starving, and sick peasants in front of me and I wanted to test the system's recruitment function but first let's figure out our faction.

"Reply: your faction is the Turk faction modified into the ottoman Turk faction and in this modified faction you can recruit certain foreign faction unit designs as auxiliary troops for your armies the ottoman Turk faction is a combination of the byzantine faction and the Turk faction to make the ottoman Turk faction, so all byzantine units are available as well as Turk units."

I have the greatest faction I just need time and money and I will develop amazingly. But first I need to recruit and see how it works. "System recruits Lanternas ship using the sick captives."

"Sending pops into port to train"

a few moments later

>Troops have finished training this turn and will be in the docks in the port... recruit more next week<

80 manpower of sick and dying men gets me 80 well-trained navy men on a ship with multiple cannons yes early cannons but cannons nonetheless I need no bowmen to destroy ships... I will run the straights like a gangster no one gets through without paying the toll... Muslims will get a lower toll but Christians and anyone else will pay the toll or turn around or get sunk by a ship cannon or fort cannons pre-installed on the walls of Canakkale and Abydos!

I will lock the strait down completely once I have enough troops; I will take Gallipoli on the other side of the strait and add or garrison the existing land forts there. and I will convert Gallipoli into a sea fort instead of a city... Abydos will center the trade of this region holding anything you can imagine...

And by centralizing trade on Abydos, I also centralize the power of this region here as well other cities will always have to be in constant contact with me... so they will inevitably become dependent and beholden to their semi-suzerain...

Trade is the best way to expand influence other than Ya' know military expansion... And in due time we will become famous for our trade and organization in these straits and of course, our takeover of Gallipoli will only cement my rulership in the people's minds... and with more money and victories I can send more diplomats spreading my name to get more people to join my faction thereby boosting my pops base and my tax and trade income...

This will help me achieve my goals endlessly... but the ottomans will not venture into Europe until the next sultan, but I don't plan to wait I will build my system forces and recruit and train local forces using the system units as trainers... genius right... double explosion... Because I need a navy of at least 30 system cannon ships and 70-90 locally recruited naval men as a standing army and to do that I need a network to find these "Navy men" or pirates or opportunists to my navy where I can improve their ships and training using the system troops as an example...

This all comes with victories and fame so first let's expand our forces... week by week! Also, we need to save some money construction in the future is going to be expensive the 5th and 6th-level constructions are insane... but by then we should be kicking our feet up in Constantinople... hahaha

So, I decided to send the captured pirates to my fortress to be turned into system troops... I took the 500 Turkman horse archers with me on this travel stopping at every village and small town and fort along the way letting everyone know we will have everyone visit the new capital of the region and swear allegiance to me and the ottomans and anyone who doesn't is a walking corpse...

My system is constantly mapping the environments on my new Hud showing a small map of the world I have visited in this life all else is blacked out... so I sent the newly recruited system ships out to map the entire strait... only system troops, spies, priests, merchants, and generals can clear out the fog on the map to enlighten me wherever I am... I noticed as the ship goes by, I can see Enemy garrisons' locations and some troop numbers but not all are clear, I need a spy!

Welp the ride wasn't too long soon we met the system garrison in the new castle about 3 units of spear militia and the same for Abydos 3 spear militia as well... I immediately set up a recruiting queue of 2 dismounted byzantine lancers and 2 Turkish dismounted Hasham...

I need infantry to take Gallipoli horse won't help much in a siege or a quick siege I plan to hit Gallipoli in 2 months by sea and land 8 cannon ships and 4 dismounted byzantine lancers and 4 dismounted Hasham plus the horse archers we will run Gallipoli down to surrender immediately hopefully because they are afraid of the sudden sneak attack... speed is a great tactic in siege warfare! no supplies no messengers sent to allies and no leaks you will either win or die and with my superior Forces they will no doubt bend the knee... romans these days will not fight to the last they are but a broken dying empire...

Dismounted Byzantine lancers


Charge bonus<3>


Price<440 ducats>

Upkeep<120 ducats>

Armored building bonus +1 attack +1 defense (Already applied to unit stats)

Dismounted Hasham


Charge bonus<3>


Armored building bonus +1 attack +1 defense (Already applied to unit stats)

Price<570 ducats>

Upkeep<100 ducats>

Now that the main problem is solved let's take a leisure walk of the castle and town to see the differences between the system-building process and the locals. I decided to bring along the newly recruited Dismounted Hasham captain with me to ask a few questions as we walk.

"So do you remember anything before your training?" I asked curiously

"My lord I still remember all including my wife and child, but I feel a lot stronger in body and mind it feels as if I was always strong in discipline, and loyal in nature. my loyalty to you is never-ending and my life is forfeit to your orders!" Captain Mehmet stated the last line with pure reverence in his eyes a very truthful statement from his very soul!

"Alright, Mehmet one more question what was the training like and how long did it take for you?"

"My lord it seemed our training went on for at least 2 decades inside the training grounds fighting endless battles against random foes in life-and-death struggles fighting frantically to survive and become stronger to support our commander!" Mehmet stated firmly with his head bowed and hand across his heart.

"I see thanks for your hard work and loyalty can I say that you and your men are the foundation of our state, and it shall be by you men that we either prosper or we falter on the future battlefields" I buttered up this former pirate hoping to gain some friendship in case I can promote our Mehmet to a general in the future.

But, on another note, as I walk through this perfectly crafted fortress, I noticed that this fort seems impossible to take without losing massive casualties or trying to starve out the defenders which are unlikely because I am making a run for naval supremacy in due time. These cannons also make for a formidable defense against land and sea striking fear in all who dare to attack this fort!

Also, I wanted to state that all the system buildings are functional for regular use there is no need to use the system to use the facilities at the barracks for non-system soldiers they can train side by side with the system units. the fairgrounds are a real market that can be used by merchants and citizens alike to make a trade, the archery range and blacksmith shops are also usable.

But the most surprising is the people who come with the buildings several old veterans inhabiting the training areas including the barracks, Siege workshop, gun smithy, archery range, and dockyard all have veterans from countless wars there for training recruits up into experienced killing machines! the best of all is the black smithy and gun smithy they both have an experienced team of experts in their craft ready to produce whatever I can throw at them and there are 2 of each but at different levels, at Abydos, there is only the Armorer but, in this fort, there is the heavy Armorer.

With 2x the experience and skill and 2x the staff as well also I talked to these fine men, and they are all willing to train apprentices in their crafts. So basically, I can have a blacksmith in every town and village which will improve my realm's ability to do just about anything you can imagine. For example, farming tools, soldier Armour, and weapons can be mass-produced everywhere in this province that happens to hold not one but two great iron mines which are enough to equip many armies and still have some to trade!

Speaking of mines the system also supplied well-trained miners to these mines and has trained Formen and mining teams mining daily also the ports and the market come with teams that specialize in logistics so I will probably be contacting them to start building our supply base to gather all the various items produced around the province I own and either distribute them to the populous or trade them elsewhere and for this I need a merchant and a diplomat to get us trade agreements with other kingdoms to begin trade in their realms!

But now I cannot waste a recruitment slot no until I take Gallipoli! until then we shall just stock up on a lot of raw goods or just sell them locally or to merchants who come to the new Abydos sniffing for profits!

Soon I and 120 Hashims left the fort on Horseback... I know they were dismounted units but why not give them a horse they can still ride right? Yeah, they can, and they are experts I purchased these horses on the way to the fort yesterday to test my theory on the "dismounted knights" from the game they are the same unit just on foot so I can just hire the mounted units from now on and use them either as infantry or as mounted units depending on the situation problem is their stats change based on whether they are mounted or not!

Well now that the military is under development let's start with politics tomorrow and secure our back and make sure we have a solid foundation or even if I take Gallipoli, it would be pointless because I may have to come back here just quell a rebellion or may even be sold out by the assorted Turkmen nobles for their gain! politics is all about what we gain.

So tomorrow I must listen and read between the lines to see what the Beys want from their leader but not just that I must show them there is more to gain by wholeheartedly siding with me whether it be wealth we will be bathing in it soon under my guidance or it is fame we will achieve a level of fame in Anatolia and the byzantine empire when we take Gallipoli and its surrounding towns and forts flying through the opposition like a bullet leaving nothing but confusion cementing our legend and we will string victory after victory becoming legendary!

If the beys want to land and power well look no further, I want to be a conqueror, not just a ruler! After Gallipoli there will be no room for the beys to negotiate so their best chance is tomorrow hopefully they seize it having a good Turkic backing is prime in this early time of the ottoman empire the tribes will be perfect mobile scouting and raiding detached force for my armies luring unwitting foes into a deadly ambush or moving some tribes to the borders is the best decision and letting them have a little autonomy within my grand strategy is a proven method for Turkmen tribes.

Lost in my thoughts we arrived at the gates as the sun began to set. Setting the horses in the mansion's stables I was surprised to see a full staff entrance about 15 men and 45 women all bowing their heads while the wonderful made Mary waits near the door bowing as well. I forgot to check the mansion before I left in a hurry the system must have staffed every building it built great no headaches when you have a system! as soon as I reach the top of the steps.

I swipe my cloak backward letting it sway in the evening winds looking over all my servants and some of the city guardsmen and the new Hashams unit many beys arrived for the meeting tomorrow there was also a new crowd of about 1000 people who decided to move from surrounding areas into Abydos looking for greener pastures, so I thought to give a slight speech!

hmph *clears throat* "My friends, my people, and my brothers in arms lend me your ears for just a short moment I just want to say your worth to me consists of what you are and not what you have If we all believe in ourselves and our great sultanate anything is possible to achieve! My friends, I don't know about you, but I want to inspire people I want you all to look at me and say because of you I never give up! Our daily struggle will only make us stronger we will never grow weak with hard work. Allah only puts struggles in our path just to make us stronger my people listen our daily struggles are for a greater glory our labors will bear fruit I will strive to give you all everyone under my rule prosperity and opportunity let this be known anyone under my rule who works hard shows results will have the option of promotion that goes for everyone from farms to mines and our great army and navy! my people if this does not motivate you, I don't know what will!"


then hoo-hah oooooh

"My lord! all hail the lord"

"Be praised our lord be blessed!!"

and on and on the cheering continued "my people we will have a feast tomorrow evening hopefully we will meet there!" I screamed out while entering the mansion.

*Boom* the oversized doors shut and slammed closed covering up the fanfare just outside the doors. but soon I had a thought turned to Mary and asked "Mary, has anyone from my family reached out?"

"The lord, your mother has sent word ahead to Cyzicus which was then forwarded to us. It can be assumed your mother believes us in Cyzicus still recuperating!" Mary said her tone showing her exhaustion on the subject of my healing

"Hmm pass me the letter... don't want her getting to Cyzicus and causing a scene when I don

't welcome her properly" sigh my mother is a real handful, not an easy woman at all she was said to have built her standing in my father's harem to extreme levels having informants and supporters everywhere in the ottoman court.

Even though she is still Christian she has denounced her oath to serve the byzantine empire making my father not bother to do anything about my mother's influence in the court through the harem which houses a lot of Christian women. And the harem at this point is just A lot of beautiful servants that have no sexual relations with the sultan and really in this period the sultan only has children with his wives and his concubines and the number of lovers won't exceed 4 or 5.

But I plan to change the harem into a playground full of beautiful women with influence in nearly every walk of life. I want rich and influential merchants and statesman's daughters from foreign countries wanting to make some ties to my rising dynasty I want beautiful peasants who gained fame through benevolent acts and their devastating looks. I want foreign kings to raise daughters just to send them to my harem and serve at my feet this harem will cesspool for which very few will make it to the top but those who do will carry enough gravitas to be of use to me!

Soon I reached a room Mary called my study and her and I walked in I sat behind the big boss's desk, and she sat in the lounge and grabbed a book, and began to unwind. I opened my dear mother's note and it read as follows "My son I will be coming to live with you! I hear you're grievously injured by some treacherous enemies Luckily Orhan beheaded them in the streets of bursa! I hope you can take their vitality and heal soon my son see you soon."

"Oh no, she is coming to live with me! Mary! Mary! send for some Hasham to go and get my mother's entourage and her they are heading for Hasham tell them to ride overnight to meet her there! no mistakes are allowed we cannot allow my mother to see any blunders in diplomacy and fanfare!"


<Would you like to view it?>


<Mission details: a fleet of unwashed pirates run the shores of the entire Hellespont and they see you as a rival! the mission is to destroy the pirate organization>

<Completion: fleet destruction, fleet vassalized>

<Quest rewards: Choose one reward>

<1.) 3x Tsars guard heavy calvary 2.) 1x Grand carrack (Spanish faction unit) 3x lanternas 2x fire ships 3.) 3x Varangian guard

"Holy Sh** how strong are these pirates?"

There is one unit in each reward that is rated in the 10 ten in the game these pirates must be extremely strong I do not have the naval forces today to take down such a force let alone I wouldn't leave to fight them without any information on them... they must've gotten word about my lanternas ship sailing through the strait mapping it for me... but this is a good opportunity to gather local forces and create a local standing navy and maybe we can replace these pirates in secret and play on both sides of the fence!

But let's not get ahead of ourselves we need to secure these local beys and Greek merchants and city leaders in our pockets tomorrow at the loyalties ceremony and the following feasts my mother would be a big helper if I can get her to act this would go so easy at least with the Christians knowing they have a representative with a voice is enough and they can help me with my pirate problem! yea this is perfect add them with the local boys who were pirates for years until the pope sent a crusade to destroy their fleet so I can defiantly find some gems within this group of tribes!

But I still haven't mentioned what is my biggest trump card in securing my foot in the door of this region and will allow me to break down the door and become completely dominant here. That is the system building of the Farming has been upgraded 2x in this area the system couldn't just upgrade all the random farms out there so it gave me a group of 30 experts in these practices that will go out to these farms to raise the manpower and complete the set up for these farming practices... this will solidify me in the minds of the people.

We will show these farming communities' Crop rotation. Crop Rotation is a more advanced farming system that maximizes the use of farming districts all year round. Going to the trouble of planting different crops in different seasons not only ensures that something is always growing, but varying the product improves the soil quality markedly to reap greater harvests all year round. This will benefit everyone and allow people to survive through the winter and allow winter campaigns for me.

The experts also came with supplies and seeds for this to be done easier. The biggest addition is not just this though, we

will be adding Irrigation. Irrigation represents the final frontier in terms of actively improving farming districts. Water is diverted to crops via a system of man-made channels dug into the earth to dramatically improve soil fertility. Although irrigating the land is a grand and arduous task, and maintaining proper irrigation is an ongoing job, the benefits from the resulting surplus of food produced make the endeavor well worth it. We will see a population boom as long as we keep our region from seeing war our foundation will grow and grow with all these experts around its impossible to fail!

Authors note: Sorry, the punctuation is terrible in the first few chapters, as when I wrote this it was for my eyes only... Later I decided to post this and well it would take a lot of effort to throw a period at the end of every sentence, so I will just keep making new and better chapters with the same effort thanks... please keep on reading folks :)

Jubong Jubong

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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