/ Fantasy / The Founders of the Shadows World
It exists, in the universe, a world of darkness. Far from the light, far from everything that may be alive. A world made as a warm and comfortable cocoon for those who have nowhere to go.
The Ombrae.
The world of the eternal night. While Kingdoms rise and fall, heroes and monsters fight and make peace, the Ombrae will always open its doors to those seeking shelter.
Sometimes in the nightmares of the living can be heard the moaning of the refugees.
For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten.
It feels so cold in Ombrae.
Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children?
It is so calm in Ombrae.
Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darknesses we rise.
It is so warm in Ombrae.
作者 Dragoslawa
Wow!!! I'm the first to review 🎉 what an honour! First thing I'm going to say is that, the synopsis is fire!! it really makes a reader curious, and I love the plot. Congrats author 👍 I'm looking forward to reading more😀