
The Four Satans

[Richter's POV]

Everything was going well so far. I sat on one of the couches in the middle of the main hall, eating my shrimp, the servants were all looking at me with helpless gazes, this is the second round I have eaten, thankfully, they were considerate enough to cook ten rounds.

Who did they prepare all that food for? there must be some glutinous bastard among the invitees because there is no way I'm eating all that myself.

They were all standing in rows at the sides of the hall, awaiting the arrivals. According to Lucy, they were supposed to begin arriving in the next hour, however... as I took a sip of wine and got comfortable I regarded the person that just appeared in front of me.

The gazes of the servants changed instantly upon recognising who this fellow is and the whispers began, I could sense their shivers.

I took a shrimp and put it in my mouth, crossing my legs and watching the man standing in front of me, he was dressed in a black tuxedo with a red tie, his crimson hair fell almost touching the floor and his gaze regarded me with a mock-impassive smile as his aura irradiated the whole hall.

"Now this is interesting, Destruction... to think you'd have the same power that bastard has~" I smirked audibly and the servants all shifted their gazes between this man and me.

"It is not a pleasure to meet you, Golden Dragon".

"Likewise... I thought the invitees would start coming in one hour? why don't you tell those three kids to stop playing hiding and seek, it is unnecessary..." I took another shrimp, goddam they're delicious.

His expression changed immediately, surrounding the castle and ready for anything there were three concealed individuals, two men and a woman.

My words fell and they appeared in magic portals similar to the ones Grayfia uses, but with different colours and designs.

One of them was a man with a green suit with a yellow tie, his hair was just as green and he stood passively, the other was a bald man with a white suit while the last one was a lady in a dark green dress and raven hair in twin tails.

The three of them irradiated their auras towards me as if it would accomplish anything other than annoy me.

"Could you state your name so that we can have a nice conversation?" The baldy said with a voice that was neither friendly nor threatening.

"Do you have no manners, boy? you have just arrived while I have been enjoying myself here all day, it is you four who should introduce yourselves to me."

All of their teeth grit at the same time, I could feel their aura begin to go haywire and it was then that I frowned and focused my senses on them.



The place began to shake slightly and their expressions switched from surprise to horror when they felt a mountain crashing on them, one they couldn't see but could feel.

"Could you stop your puny display of strength? not only are you annoying me, but you're causing trouble for the servants" I pointed in the direction of the servants that were now recovering, they had been losing their breath under the aura of these four, if I hadn't interceded, some of them would have passed out.

They looked at the servants with an apologetic expressions before turning towards me one by one.

"Sirzechs Lucifer".

"Serafall Leviathan".

"Ajuka Beelzebub".

"Falbium Asmodeous".

Their introductions finished and they waited for me to state my name as I sighed; placing my eyes on the green-haired fellow, that's the one Grayfia is interested in.

"Richter Golden-Haze."

"Sir Richter, I imagine you know the reason we are here..."

"It is either me or Grayfia or both..." I said lazily, the moment I mentioned her name, I saw how the red-haired fellow's eyebrow twitched, Layla's husband.

"Where is Grayfia-chan? Layla-chan?"

"They're getting ready, take a seat if you'd like and have some appetizers, they're delicious~," I said, relaxing back into my couch as one of the servant devil girls took my plate, filled it with more shrimp and gave it back to me. She bent down and whispered to my ears.

"Thanks for earlier, Richter-sama~" I guess she's talking about the aura thing.

"Don't mind it... if you have any complaint say it out loud, understand?"

"Yes~" She walked back to her spot and I saw all the servants smiling brightly towards me. It was as if before they felt vulnerable, but now they felt secure.

"You're too relaxed Sir Richter... you know we did come to congratulate Grayfia's return, but another one of the reasons we're here... in fact, the reason we're here earlier than expected, is because of you..." Ajuka asked with a frown, none of them left their spot for even a moment, on guard.

"What about me?"

"Our families, the core of the seventy-two pillars of the underworld, are coming; we can't allow a threat such as yourself to hang around until we can prove you're safe" Ajuka Beelzebub took the reigns.

"You're rude, if I was a threat you'd all be dead already... how can you think someone that's peacefully eating shrimps is a threat?"

"You destroyed half of a city in less than a minute, killing hundreds of thousands and destroying decades of building work!" The woman seemed to lose her temper, I expected as much.

"It was an accident," I said my protective argument, carefully structured with the help of Grayfia, Fia and Layla.

"..." They all looked at me as if waiting for something.


"Is that all?!" They all yelled in unison, what else do they want?!

"Yes, that's all... it was an accident, what else do you want me to say? I'm willing to compensate for the damages if that's what matters to you" I shrugged my shoulders, throwing my second defensive argument, they don't look convinced.

"How... how can you be so apathetic!?" The woman, Serafall Leviathan, seemed like she wanted to charge forward, but Sirzechs stopped her and the green-haired boy stepped forward with a frown.

"A compensation would be more than welcome, but I believe it won't be enough to quench the outrage that was produced within our devil community... twelve members of the noble families died during this incident, one of them was from the Bael Clan, five of them were from the Agares Clan... the two strongest clans in the underworld. They have no shortage of money and resources and therefore, compensation won't quite fit the bill... that being the case, how do you think we can resolve this matter?"

I was left stunned by this man's capacity to articulate himself... unlike the baldy and the woman who were about to lose their temper, I could see Sirzechs and Ajuka were quite reasonable and knew that I was not someone they could mess with.

I put my hand that had the tray of shrimps to the side and it floated towards Lucy's hands who quickly caught it; then I stood up and sighed.

"If that's the case, then you all should tell me what I can do to compensate your devil race, however... I do not intend to apologise in any manner if that's what you desire... you can ask me for gold, you can ask me for resources, you could even ask me to rebuild the city~"


"But you can't ask me to apologise, you see... this is as much politeness you will receive from me... in Grayfia's account, in Layla's account, in the Lucifuge Clan's account..."


My pressure came crashed down on them again, carefully avoiding anything else... that's the difference between them or me, one of them... control.

"In front of me, you're all just ants. An ant two millimetres bigger than another... it is still just an ant".

I felt the servants shiver in fear when they saw me like this, my hair floated as if suspended in space, and the time in the whole Lucifuge Territory seemed to stop, afraid of my aura.

"Don't confuse my politeness with submissiveness, kids... time has given me a lot of patience, but I'm afraid that even I have limits against youngsters' insolence".

My gaze then shifted to the two whose gazes had been bothering me. Falbium Asmodeous and Serafall Leviathan.

"Looking at me with such threatening expressions... know your place".

Photosphere Photosphere

You can already find up to 30 advanced chapters on my Pa-tre-on: [pa-tre-on.com/photosphere]

Golden Doggo Tier - 5 chapters (Golden Peerage).

Novel King Tier - 10 chapters.

Novel Emperor Tier - 30 chapters.

Subscribe and you will also get the same amount of advanced chapters in my other fanfic:[A Vampire in My Wife is a Beautiful CEO] check it out!


Look at the novel's synopsis or my profile to find the discord link, also hit the heart button while you're at it <3 all the illustrations will be there from now on.

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The schedule is one chapter daily, with no chapter during the weekend except extra chapters.

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900 stones - 2chaps.

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1500 stones - 4chaps.

2000 stones - 5chaps.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C62
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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