
Chapter 22: Heaven Dou City

Vaiss flew only for a few minutes before he saw Ghost flying in front of him, Ghost also sensed Vaiss and the two of them landed.

"That was so cool! Vaiss, can we do it again?"

Xiao Wu jumped down from Vaiss's back, fleeing from Tang Hao and Vaiss's last attack was too exciting for her, her heart was still racing even now, but the best part was Vaiss's extreme speed, Xiao Wu felt thrilled like never before. Even flying on Daming's back was not so thrilling.

She looked expectantly at Vaiss, Ah Yin also liked it and wanted to experience mach 1 speed again, but she was too shy to ask. 

"Grandpa, this is Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu, this is Grandpa Ghost, a titled douluo."

Xiao Wu froze, she didn't recognize Ghost before because of the different clothes, but hearing his name, Xiao Wu realized that Ghost was one of the titled douluo that hunted her mother. She gritted her teeth in hatred, her eyes red, and clenched her hand so hard, she bled. But then she heard Vaiss's telepathy.

'I'm sorry to say this but I hope you'll come down. I know what happened and I won't say sorry or expect forgiveness, but I can resurrect your mother. So please calm down and don't do anything stupid.'

Xiao Wu was beyond shocked and looked at Vaiss, her eyes opened wide in disbelief but there was also hope.

'You…You really can resurrect my mother? Are you lying to me, I heard only god can do that?'

'I don't have a reason or need to lie to you. Of course, not now, but at most in five years, I can do it. I hope you can wait.'

'I can! I can! I'll wait!'

Xiao Wu burst into tears, she missed her mother so much and the reason she transformed into a human was for revenge. But now she had hope that her mother could be resurrected, she felt her heart was lighter and the future was bright. As for why she believed Vaiss, maybe because of the warm energy she felt from him, maybe because of her innocence, or maybe because of the strength he showed, Xiao Wu felt she could believe Vaiss.

As for revenge, she already knew it was impossible the moment she took the necklace from Vaiss back then, but since Vaiss promised to resurrect her mother, she didn't care about it anymore.

Ghost ignored Xiao Wu, he carefully examined Vaiss, he was nervous, and he was only relieved after checking for half an hour. 

Vaiss was only a little dusty and his clothes were in disarray because of his flying speed. Vaiss was still excited, the brief encounter with Tang Hao felt completely different from sparring with Ghost. And there was also something else that excited him.

"Points +985."

This was the biggest point he ever gained, and the process barely lasted 5 mins. The thought of going back to harassing Tang Hao flashed in Vaiss's mind but was suppressed quickly by Vaiss, there would be time for that but not now.

Looking at the well and healthy Xiao Wu, Vaiss thought that it was Ghost's problem that he vomited after just a few minutes of flying.

Unfortunately for him, Vaiss decided to take Xiao Wu and Ghost to experience his flying speed again. He didn't want to waste time on the road, this was already the second day and there were only five days left.

Vaiss exercised his creation power and a teardrop-shaped craft appeared behind him, it was light blue with runes carved on its body that isolated the inside of the craft from any influence and made it tougher. It was three meters long, two meters high, and two meters wide, there were only two seats in the craft, one small and one big.

"Wow! What's this?"

After wiping her tears, Xiao Wu regained her smile. Xiao Wu walked around the craft and touched it, she was curious. Ah Yin was also curious. Ghost looked at the craft, he thought that it was the same as the RV but he noticed that there was no wheel on the craft, he suddenly had a bad feeling. 

"Young master, this is?"

Vaiss grinned, he transferred Ah Yin into the previous pot and at this time, Xiao Wu found a circle button on the side of the craft and she pushed it. Then the craft's butterfly door opened, surprising Xiao Wu.

"So cool!"

Xiao Wu looked at the glass-like door and went inside the craft, the inside of the craft was transparent except for the two seats, she could see the outside from all angles, unfortunately, the inside of the craft was limited and there was nothing else besides the seats.

"Vaiss, what is this?"

"Well, I called it Blue, it is a carriage. Unlike the one used on land, it is used for air travel, this will be your transportation for this week. Grandpa, Xiao Wu, come in."

Xiao Wu and Ghost came in and Vaiss taught them how to use the safety belt, then he let Xiao Wu hold Ah Yin.

"This is…a 10,000-year Blue Silver Grass?!"

"Yup, her name is Ah Yin, hold her tight."

"O-oh, okay." 

Xiao Wu looked at Ah Yin and felt tempted to take a bite, she never tried a 10,000 years blue silver grass, she wondered how it would taste. Ah Yin saw this and laughed a little before growing and cutting a little piece of herself and giving it to Xiao Wu. 

"Thank you, sister!"

Xiao Wu looked at the blue silver grass with golden hue on her hand, first, she took a sniff, it was refreshing and sweet, then she ate it. Xiao Wu was entirely entranced by the taste. This was the best grass she ever ate.

"Grandpa, remember I told you that it would slow me down if I took you along with Xiao Wu? That was a lie. I won't be slowed down just because of adding you, it's just troublesome, so I didn't want to bring you."

"Young master, you…"

"Okay, it already passed, so let it go, didn't I go back safely? And this Blue is the carriage I made so I can bring you without you being lethargic. Sit tight and enjoy the scenery."

Vaiss grinned and closed the door, he transformed into Ultraman Vaiss and held Blue with his mind, he raised slowly. Ghost held the safety belt and seat tightly with a pale face, while Xiao Wu looked at him with disdain, how could a titled douluo be so cowardly? She and Ah Yin, on the other hand, were looking forward to it.

"Then let's go!"

After rising to 100 meters high, Vaiss smiled and they rushed out with a sonic boom. Despite the turbulent air, the inside of the craft was calm, Ghost was dizzy because of the changing scenery, he leaned back and closed his eyes. Xiao Wu and Ah Yin were looking at the scenery with relish, their only complaint was they couldn't feel the air directly.

To hide himself Vaiss flew higher, Xiao Wu and Ah Yin were intoxicated by the view. But good time passed quickly, the trip was only an hour long. 

They landed near Heaven Dou city, Xiao Wu and Ah Yin were not satisfied and wanted to fly more but they went down from Blue obediently. Ghost was much better than the first time but his legs still trembled a little, if it weren't for Vaiss, he didn't want to experience this anymore.

Vaiss undid his transformation and stored Blue inside his space ring, Ah Yin went back to being a bracelet. The three went inside the city smoothly.

"Young master, what are we doing now?"

"Grandpa, you go to the Spirit Hall branch and let them guide us to Dugu residence, my next target is the Poison douluo, Dugu Bo."

Ghost looked weird upon hearing Dugu Bo's name, the relationship between Yue Guan and Dugu Bo was bad, and since Yue Guan often brought Ghost to fight Dugu Bo, he also had a grudge against Ghost.

Xiao Wu was numb upon hearing they would meet another titled douluo, in one day, she would meet three titled douluo and was chased by one of them.

"Young master, why do you want to meet him?"

"I want to strike a deal with him, he has something I want."

"Oh then, I'll guide you there, I know where his house is."

"Then please lead the way, grandpa."

While walking, Vaiss and Xiao Wu ate and drank. The food in the capital was better than in Notting city but a little worse than in Spirit city.

After walking for a few minutes, they reached their destination, a big dark green mansion with the plank Dugu in the gate.

"Halt! State your business!"

Ghost was about to barge in but was stopped by Vaiss, he already confirmed that Dugu Bo was in the mansion, thankfully.

Vaiss quickly connected with Dugu Bo.

'Hello, your excellency Poison douluo.'

'...Who are you?'

Dugu Bo, who was meditating in his room, was shocked by Vaiss's telepathy, especially when he heard Vaiss' young voice. 

He scanned his mansion but there was no intruder.

'Your excellency, I am outside your mansion. And I come here to make a deal with you, one you desperately need.'

'Scram! I'm not interested in your deal.'

'Way to control and detox the Jade Phosphor Snake poison in your and your granddaughter's body.'

Dugu Bo was silent, Vaiss waited and an old man walked out of the mansion not long after. He went to the gate and looked at Vaiss and the others, but mainly Ghost.

"Your excellency, I'm master Dugu butler, please come in."

The gatekeeper opened the gate and they walked in.

'Grandpa, when we go in, protect Xiao Wu, I had a hunch that Dugu Bo will try to test us.'

'Understood, young master.'

Ghost knew titled douluo suppression didn't work on Vaiss, so he agreed. And the reason Vaiss said that was because many of the titled douluo liked to put pressure on others to test them, Vaiss was sure Dugu Bo would do it, he just didn't know his target. So better be prepared.

The butler led them to a big room and Dugu Bo was already sitting there, waiting for them. 

The old man was tall, his body was thin, his back straight, wearing a dark green robe. His hair and beard were the same color as his robe, his cheek was slightly sunken, and he looked like a sick person.

He told the butler to go out and looked at Ghost, mistaking Ghost for the one communicating with him.

"Who are you?"

The suppression of titled douluo came down but it evaded Vaiss and Xiao Wu, only hitting Ghost. But Ghost was stronger than Dugu Bo, so it didn't work.

Dugu Bo frowned and was about to increase his strength when Vaiss walked in front.

"Your excellency, you're mistaken, the one who spoke with you was me."

Dugu Bo looked at Vaiss with doubt, the voice matched but Dugu Bo just couldn't believe it. The suppression was gone because of his surprise.

Vaiss smiled and sat across Dugu Bo without fear, Dugu Bo admired Vaiss for being so calm and fearless in front of him, few could because of the rumor about him killing indiscriminately.

Dugu Bo didn't suppress Vaiss, he was not a beast that would lay his hand on a child. 

"Your excellency, my name is Bibi Vaiss, just as I said before, I'm here to make a deal with you."

"Bibi…So you're the pope's child. You should know about my relationship with that Chrysanthemum and yet you dare to come to my mansion?"

Dugu Bo's eyes narrowed and he smiled sinisterly, but Vaiss was still calm. He knew from the original story, Dugu Bo was someone worth making friends with. He was like Vaiss, as long as you didn't offend him, he wouldn't do anything to you. And he was loyal and he kept his word.

Vaiss knew Dugu Bo wouldn't attack him because he didn't offend Dugu Bo and Dugu Bo was not stupid to attack a pope's son, his grudge against Yue Guan was not lethal, it usually only end with him beaten up and getting a light injury. If he lay his hands on the pope's child, it wouldn't end with just him being hunted down, his granddaughter would also be killed. The Heaven Dou empire wouldn't and couldn't protect him.

Vaiss wanted to subdue Dugu Bo because of his character and to change his and his family's fate of dying to their own poison. Tang San only detox him and he took all the immortal herbs, Vaiss would not only detox him but also gave Dugu Bo and his lineage a way to control the poison, it wouldn't be too much to exchange it with the Icefire Polarized Eyes, right?

Fluffas Fluffas

I can only write one chapter today but in exchange, I'll guarantee three chapters next monday.

If there's a typo or grammar error, please tell me in the comment.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C23
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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