27.84% A Heroes Time / Chapter 22: It's been a longtime, friend

章 22: It's been a longtime, friend

"Whoa Marcy listen to this!" Katherine exclaimed moving forward in her seat to show Marcy her phone.

- Katherine wore her night attire which were long blue pj trousers and a blue pj sweater.

"News feed?"

"Yeah. It reads that; The burning building that was put on fire by a crazy mutated muscle fire human burnt down, but all the people were saved by one of the alien heroes, now this is where it gets juicy. The alien hero that saved the people was later attacked by some robotic mask wearing female, her target apparently was the alien hero only because of that the mutant escaped."

"Cameron was attacked?"

"Apparently so, should we wait on for him or should we hunt down the mutant villain?"

"Cam can take care of himself I say we drive after the mutant we can't let more innocent people burn to death."

Katherine moved to the front to take her seat with her phone in hand to guide Marcy. Marcy clanked on her seatbelt, shifted her gear into drive and stomped the pedals boosting the Sienna forward.

"The live comments say that they spotted him on the street over."

Marcy aggressively steered the steering wheel to the right crossing across the road which forced many cars to stop in their tracks. She boosted forward to the street over.

"He moved out! Take a left turn."

She stopped the Sienna abruptly and reversed into the left lane.

Katherine takes a glance at the left side, "There he is!" She pointed at a muscled blonde man running forward with small flames breathing out his mouth.

Marcy took a strong left turn and pushed the gear further boosting the Sienna forward. She picked up her blaster and aimed it at the mutant, the mutant while running twisted his head to the back and released a strong flame burst, Marcy came to a powerful holt and reversed out of the way. She was ready to give in more chase when the door swung open.

Cameron jumped into the Sienna, then quickly slammed the door closed. He took one breathe and fell back feeling somewhat relieved.

- Cameron wore his night attire a long grey shirt with pajama shorts.


The top of the Sienna rumbled with a strong quake, Cameron groaned.

"How the hell did she find me?!" He voiced his anger. "This lady is crazy, she attacked me while I was Crash Spring and even when I turned back into myself she continued following me."

"Wait she knows your identity?"

Cameron moves up to his butt, "No. Almost everywhere I was she was there, at times-"

The door was kicked open and Marcy prepped her gun. The person came into view and Marcy aimed her blaster directly at the person.

"Marcy?!" The person pressed underneath her mask and it built down revealing her face.

"Parr!" Marcy exclaimed.


"So you're technically still on your mission huh?"

"Yeah. But I wanted to put it on hold so I could come and visit everyone again."

"That is unlike you. The Parr I knew would have never placed her mission on hold just to see us."

Katherine was sat on the edge of the open boot, Cameron was seated next to her listening to the two girls.

"You know her?"

"No I mean like yeah Marcy spoke about someone named Parr before we fetched you, but I wasn't listening."

"I see." Cameron raised his arm turning the attention of the two girls to him. "Excuse me? But is she part of our family also?"

"What? No. Her family is just really close with ours."

"Are they your kids? You have kids?!"

"No their my cousins. The girl is Katherine and the boy is Cameron."

"Why did my name come last-"

Katherine nudges Cameron, "Quiet."

"Oh them! The 'rins' the end of their names sound the same and the first two letters sound the same. Cute your siblings right?"

"Half." Katherine pointed out, chopping the air as a demonstration.

"I hate the fact I wasn't able to stay long enough to actually meet you guys when we were younger."

"What do you mean? Where did you go?"

Parr turns to Marcy who nodds. "Space. Your family sent me on a mission to get some information and complete a task, it took awhile, but I'm finally halfway done."

"Whoa. I want to see space." Cameron voiced his excitement.

"Zoom inside that head of yours, you'll see space." Katherine commented receiving a growl from her brother.

"You guys are so cute."

A loud explosion shook the Sienna. Marcy ran to the front and from the windowsill saw smoke emanating from an area close by.

"Shit I forgot about the mutant!"

Marcy took her seat and without clanking on her seatbelt drove forward. Due to the instant speed jump Katherine almost fell off out the Sienna, but she quickly strengthened her grip holding strong on the edge of the open trunk.

"You guys are chasing the mutant also?"

"Yeah." Katherine answered.

"Were you?" Cameron questioned.

"Let's say kinda. I can't tell you guys the details of my mission without getting killed after. Space jobs."

"Hey remember our first official mission?" Marcy asked.

"How could I forgot, we had to chase that alien chicken practically around the whole world." Parr reminisced.

Cameron presses the buttons on the dial switching his aliens back and forth repeatedly. "I bet I have an alien chicken locked up here somewhere."

Katherine rolled her eyes. "Funny."


The mutant continued releasing his breathe of fire at the buildings. The galvanic mecamorph built down onto the entire Sienna camouflaging and building a rammer in the front. The police jumped out of the way allowing the Sienna too ram into the mutant.

Parr jumped out and started firing blazes at the mutant. She and one of the policemen there started beating down on the mutant.

The mutant was able to withstand their attacks and fought back. He breathed his flame at the FBI agent almost burning him down, but he was saved by Parr.

The mutant took his opportunity and ran off. The FBI quickly ran out from their positions and entered their vehicles chasing the mutant who on the way took a motorbike.

Parr took a motorbike as well and chased after the mutant. Cameron got out and climbed onto the roof of the Sienna. Marcy boosted after the mutant.

Cameron pops the dial up, "Burn Out will be perfect for this." He slammed the dial into place.

A green flash shined and WoodWorks stood on top of the Sienna.

"No." Was the only word he could comment out before he groaned.

WoodWorks watched closely as the policemen tried to tackle down the mutant. Parr was the only one who was able to make progress when she blasted him from the back.

WoodWorks moved from the buck onto the roof of a FBI vehicle, he stretched his arms forward and pulled the motorbike from underneath the mutant.

WoodWorks was ready to cage the mutant when he was tackled all the way through a building by Parr. The two fell into another road above a civilians car. Parr pushed her fist forward to punch WoodWorks who rolled off the car.

Parr rapid fired a four blasts from her blaster. WoodWorks used the wood in his body to generated an entire wooden shield that covered his body from the blasts. When he pulled the shield down Parr greeted him with a punch to the face.

A car that was behind them drifted to the side onto the next road where a truck bigger than the buck came driving. WoodWorks headbutted Parr back and stretched his arms to the car. He threw the car into the sky.

Parr released a red blast from her gun causing WoodWorks to flinch. She pulled out another gun and rapid fired the alien.

WoodWorks withstood the pain and stretched his arms up and caught the car. He pulled out the person inside and dropped the car onto Parr.


The professional fighter Parr rubbed the top of her head. She looked around and caught Cameron, Katherine and Marcy staring daggers at her. Marcy shook her head.

"What the hell!"

Cameron and Katherine left the Sienna

"Why did you go after the alien!?"

"I feel like your forgetting our profession. Look that alien was bad news okay, trust me."

"It wasn't, that is one of the alien heroes on the news that keep on saving people."

"It's not a hero that thing was gonna attack us."

"Don't lie to me, I saw that alien stop the mutant by taking away his bike then you attacked it."

"It wasn't like that, that alien is bad okay."

"Parr stop lying to me. Why are you lying to me?"

"I'm not lying to you! I'm being honest that a-"

"Parr!..Why did you really return?"

"Excuse me?"

"I know you more than anyone, you would never abandon a mission just for a little fun in person visit. What's going on?"

"...Nothing...You won't understand..."

Marcy glared at her.

"I'm on a mission." Parr broke.

"...what? How? Your mission is in space not here."

"I was given this mission by someone... He wants a device... A device known as the Omnimatrix or something. If I fail in retrieving the device he will send someone-"

"Let them come we can handle them."

"You don't understand, when this person comes it will mean Chaos will come."

"...wh- wait... Do you know who has the watch?"

"No... not yet... But when I do I'll have to take that person with me because the- wait... How did you know it was a watch?"


"Rock, paper, scissors shoot!" Cameron shot rock and Katherine shot paper.

"Were tied now."

"Lucky shoot. But I bet I can break the tie with this next game."

"Yeah, your gonna break it by losing to me dumpshit."

"Keep dreaming Dumpshit."

The two moved their fists and the Buck blasted to the side and fell over. Marcy was kicked out of the buck, Parr came jumping at her.

Marcy rolled to the side avoiding the jump attack then speared Parr onto the ground. She went in for a punch, but Parr was quick in pushing her back.

Marcy went for a left kick, Parr blocked it and tripped her. She then punched her mid trip speeding up the falling process.

A green flash shined and a line of gunk shot Parr back. "Another one of you!..."

Parr jetted forward to punch Throwup who inflated his body to withstand the punch. Parr flew back and stared firing blasts from above.

ThrowUp intercepted each blast with his spit. With the blasts clear he sucked his body back and released forward a thick washover of gunk.

Parr quickly switched on her forcefield and went through the gunk and straight to ThrowUp who caught her inside her bubble like forcefield. He with the strength of his species threw Parr over him.

Parr stopped herself mid throw, switched off the forcefield then fired a ray again at ThrowUp, but the aim went to Marcy. Katherine quickly jumped in with a trash can lid as a shield. The lid worked as a reflector, the ray was reflected back to her. Parr switched off the gun and swerved to the left, she turned to the group and was met with a gunk blast to the face.

Parr slowly got up to her knees. She raised her head to face the family, Katherine was holding the downed Marcy while ThrowUp shielded the two. She noticed Cameron was missing and easily connected the pattern. "...no way..."

She floated up and flew away.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


