41.17% The Grimm's Daughter / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

章 7: Chapter 6

A broken moon in the distance and the night sky that is littered with the stars. It is a normal night in the world of Remnant and in the city of Vale. The lights bring the modern city to life and its people add even more to its hectic atmosphere.


The wind howls violently on top of the roof of a building and a figure can be seen standing on that particular building's rooftop. The figure dons a black hood with gold linings that covered the entirety of their body.

The figure also wears a simple white mask. The mask doesn't have any particular design except for the two slits that are on each side of the mask. Behind those slits, an eerie blue color can be seen, darting around quickly.

"This is Vale, huh?" the figure said wistfully.

The figure seems to be lounging around on the rooftop languidly without any care in the world. A slight humming can also be heard from the figure. The figure also keeps looking down onto the other side of the streets.

"I never thought that I would get to see Vale like this! So many lights, sounds and details that are not present inside the web series!" the figure said happily.


Beside the figure is a Griffon, a Grimm that should have never been in the city in the first place. The figure lovingly strokes the Grimm's neck and the Grimm growls slowly, as if enjoying the care that it is receiving.

"It is a good day for a fight, right Phoebe?" the figure said asked the Grimm.

The figure just stood there watching the scenery until their attention was turned towards a particular club that visitors were lining up to enter. The figure somehow chuckled when she saw the bouncers of the club, wearing a red tie and a black suit.

'They look just like the characters in the web series except for the fact that they are real people now…' the figure thought inwardly.

Then, from inside the club, two girls with very distinct colored dresses walk out slowly, examining everything on their way. The bouncers and the other workers of the club bow to them respectfully.

Both of the girls were absolute beauties and the figure couldn't help but whistle playfully as they saw the girls walk out of the club gracefully. Both of the girls seem to appeal to the figure, that they can't seem to take their eyes off them.

'Miltia and Melanie…' the figure thought inwardly.

Melanie wears a white strapless dress that graduates to cyan the further down the skirt it goes. She also wears white high heels and the heels of her shoes have been clearly modified since those heels seemed to reflect the moonlight just like a sharp blade.

Miltia, on the other hand, dresses similarly like her sister except for the fact that her main choice of color for her outfits seems to be red and black. On her hands, there seems to be a pair of black fingerless gloves, which can shift into her weapons of choice, claws.

The similarity for the sisters didn't end there as both of them had black hair, pale green eyes and pale white skin. Melanie grows her hair out while Miltia seems to prefer her short black bob hairstyle. Both of them look absolutely breathtaking.

'Now, I wonder where…' the figure's thought was suddenly interrupted by a loud sound.


From a distance, the sound of a loud engine roaring fiercely can be heard. The figure turns their heads towards the sound. The figure sees a yellow and black motorcycle with a blonde rider on top of it. The figure couldn't help but squeal as she sees the blonde rider.

"It's Yang, Phoebe! It really is her!" the figure said giddily.

"Gwak!" Phoebe answered.

"They are all here, Phoebe. Not to mention, we can finally meet Yang in real life! This is so exciting!" the figure said giddily.

"Gwak!" Phoebe the Griffon answered.

"Of course they are humans, Phoebe. This is the city, there are no Grimms here, at least not the ones that can be seen by the naked eye." the figure said mysteriously.

"Gwak!" Phoebe answered again.

"No, you can't eat them! They are important people! You can eat them later when Beacon falls." the figure said.

The figure then sees the two sisters enter the club while covering their ears, as if disturbed by the loud sound produced by Yang's bike. The figure also sees Yang slowly removes her helmet and fixes her hair.

Her long and blonde hair coupled with her features that clearly shows her mixed descent. Her toned body is clearly visible even under her jacket. Not to mention, the way she shows off her body with her clothes and obvious breasts window.

"Damn! Cinder is hot but Yang is a different kind of hot!" the figure said helplessly.

The figure then sees Yang who tries to enter the club without even queuing. The bouncers stopped her but then Yang whispered something into the bouncer's ears and suddenly, the bouncer let her pass without even any repercussions.

'I wonder what she told the bouncers…' the figure thought inwardly.

"Argh!" a voice suddenly screamed.

Suddenly, a group of people suddenly rushed out from the club and the sounds of glass shattering can be heard all around the area. A group of people runs out of the club and another group of people with the familiar black suit then enters the club quickly.

"Well, Phoebe, that is my cue! I have to go now! Make sure nobody spots you leaving the city, okay?" the figure reminded the Griffon.

"Gwak!" Phoebe answered before flying off into the night.

The figure watched as the Griffon slowly disappeared from their sights. The figure then looks down towards the alleyway that is currently empty and jumps down. The figure lands swiftly on the ground without even making a single sound.

"Now, let's start the dance party!" the figure says ominously as she heads to the club.

Junior's Club…



Yang kicks Miltia and she flies into the glass decorations, shattering all of it into a million pieces. Her sister, Melanie then takes her place and continues their onslaught of attacks towards Yang as Junior prepares for his own attacks.

However, without any of them knowing, a mysterious figure runs in and suddenly catches the flying Miltia right as she was about to fall to the ground. Miltia, who was quite ready for a devastating fall, can't help but wonder as to why the floor feels so soft.


"Oof!" the figure said with a slight strain in her voice.

Hearing a cute and lovely voice coming from below her shocks Miltia to her core. Junior's crew is mainly comprised of male members and most of the customers exited the building as soon as the fight started.

'So, who catched me?' Miltia thought inwardly.

Miltia opens her eyes slowly and she sees a masked figure with long and flowing white hair. The figure seems to be a female in nature, as Miltia can see the slight bumps on the figure's chest. The figure also dons an expensive cloak which is not common to see.

"Being pushed down by a beautiful girl is such an honor but can you please get up now?" the figure asked happily.

Miltia then noticed the position that she and the masked figure were in. Her knees were on the figure's side but her hands were in such a promiscuous position. One of her hands rests on top of the figure's chest while the other is lifting the figure's dress up to her thighs.

'Soft…' Miltia thought just for a second.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't expect anybody to catch my fall!" Miltia said softly as she removed her hands from the figure's dress.

"Oh, don't worry about it!" the figure said nonchalantly as they fixed their dress.

'I didn't expect the fight to end this fast…' the figure thought inwardly.

"My name is Sage, you are Miltia Malachite, right?" the figure asked.

The atmosphere suddenly turns cold and before Sage can even blinks, she feels a blade, touching her neck. Miltia hands' which are now equipped with her claws are hovering right above Sage's neck.

"How do you know my name?" Miltia asked with a cold voice.

"Miltia? Everybody in Vale's underworld knows your name, did I say something wrong?" Sage asked calmly.

"They know Miltia and only Miltia. How do you know my Malachite surname?" Miltia asked again, bringing her claws closer to Sage's neck.

"Oh…" Sage said as if realizing something.

Sage then brings her entire being closer to Miltia, injuring herself with Miltia's claws in the process. Miltia, was of course shocked at Sage's bravery and recklessness. Her face and Sage's face are now really close to each other, so close that Miltia can feel Sage's breath on her lips.

"I studied the wiki and all the additional material…" Sage said slowly.

"What?!" Miltia asked confusedly.

"Pfft!" Sage then falls to the ground, laughing like a maniac.

"You!" Miltia starts getting angry.

"Miltia! What are you doing with that weirdo?" a voice suddenly asked.

"Huh?" both Miltia and Sage said as they turned towards the voice.

Melanie was limping towards the back of the club when she suddenly saw her twin sister and a strange figure in an ambiguous but dangerous position. Her sister was clearly threatening the figure but the figure is simply laughing her threat off.

'It feels dangerous…' Melanie thought inwardly.

"Hey, Melanie! Did Junior tab in? Is your stomach okay?" Sage asked, not caring about her injuries.

"Why should I tell you weirdo? Miltia! Kill the weirdo and be done with it!" Melanie said angrily.

"Okay, Melanie!" Miltia answered.

Miltia then brandished her claws, readying her attack but Sage stops her hand before she can even execute it. Miltia tries to free herself from Sage's grasp but she is unable too. Sage then pulls her down and embraces her from behind.

Sage's hands then slithered up to Miltia's neck, causing her to wince in worry. It happened so fast that Melanie didn't have any time to react and by the time she noticed it, Miltia is already in Sage's grasps.

"Please, ladies! I'm not here to fight or get killed. I'm just here to make some friends!" Sage said calmly.

"That's rich coming from someone who knows our surname. What do you want with us?!" Miltia, who is in Sage grasps, asked.

"Does she know our surname?" Melanie, who was clearly shocked by the information, asked.

"Mmm!" Miltia nods.

Melanie's looks then turned even more cold than before which was weird to Sage. The additional material did mention that they are no longer working for 'Spider' but it has never mentioned anything about them hiding their surnames.

'Did something really happen between them and their mother?' Sage thought inwardly.

"What do you really want, weirdo?!" Melanie asked, with clear hostility in her voice this time.

Seeing both Melanie and Miltia getting worked up from her mentioning their surnames, Sage can't help but rethink a few of her choices. She needed to appease both of them and she can't seem to hide her intentions, at least, not obviously.

"Okay, do you want the truth, half-truth or a lie?" Sage suddenly asked.

Sage's question clearly shocked them as they didn't expect her tone or the sincerity in her voice. Both of them have been weirded out by Sage's erratic behavior that they can't help but wonder if there is something fundamentally wrong with Sage.

"Which is better?" Miltia asked, shifting her neck away from Sage's strong grasps.

"The lie." Sage answered briefly.

"What about the truth?" Melanie asked.

"It's worse than anything that you have ever seen, heard or said." Sage said with a serious tone.

Both of them fell into deep contemplation. Based on Sage's warning, both the lie and the truth carried enormous risk. The half-truth is the safest choice but it is clear to them that Sage is guiding both of them towards that answer.

'She is baiting us…' Miltia and Melanie thought at the same time.


The sound of glass breaking and rockets exploding interrupted their conversation. In the distance, it seems that Yang and Junior are nearing the end of their fight and the conclusion is as clear as day.

"Yang is winning, huh…" Sage said slowly.

"Do you know that girl?" Miltia asked, as she heard Sage's slow whisper.

"Personally? No, but I do know her story in a sense. It's not important anyways, not as important as both of your answers." Sage said, turning the attention of their conversation back to the twins.

"You im…" Melanie tried to curse at Sage but she stopped when Sage's hand curled around Miltia's neck with an even tighter grip.

"Are you sure you wanted to do that? Cursed at the person that is softly choking your sister?" Sage asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Argh!" Miltia grunts.

"Miltia!" Melanie shouts in distress.

"Now, your answer?" Sage asked again.

Both Miltia and Melanie looked at each other before sighing tiredly. They were hoping to stall Sage and find a way to escape her grasp but it seems that Sage is adamant on giving them an answer.

'We did ask for them…' Miltia and Melanie thought inwardly.

"We will choose the half-truth." both of them said at the same time.

It was a choice that they had made after considering all of the other options. It was also the answer that Sage has been guiding them towards, so it might be better to listen to the person who is threatening their lives.

'This is better for…' both of their thoughts were stopped midway when they saw Sage's hands change in color.

Sage's hand is pink in color and they can't help but be amazed at the sight. Miltia can also feel Sage's body heating up from behind her. Both of them see Sage fidget in place as if she was embarrassed about something.

"Both of you are really putting me on the spot, I didn't expect you guys to choose that answer!" Sage said with a meek and pampered voice.

Both of them are now even more confused than before, the figure is currently blushing with embarrassment which is an unthinkable act,even if she has a few screws loose. Both of them are starting to doubt the answer that they have chosen.

"What…" Melanie said.

"Why…" Miltia said.

"The half-truth is that… I want both of you to be my wives!" Sage said suddenly, cutting off their questions.

The situation then turned deathly cold. Both Miltia and Melanie were beyond shocked after hearing Sage's statement. They looked at each other and then, they looked at Sage and found that her white hand is still pink red from embarrassment.

"Huh?" both Miltia and Melanie said at the same time.

Bastion_Dark Bastion_Dark

Hello humans! Welcome to chapter 6. Very sorry again for the late upload! Things have been really hectic so I can only post this chapter now! As you know, I don't have any backlogs for this particular story. I'm literally dishing these chapters right after I finished writing them. If there are any mistakes, don't forget to point them out. I'll fix them as soon as I can. Thank you again everybody for the collection and all the stones! Your support means everything to me! I hope to you all in the next chapter! Buh-bye!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


