36.15% Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?! / Chapter 110: Ah Rou!

章 110: Ah Rou!

"There it is!" Xuan Yan said looking down into the lake of life. Da Ming and Er Ming frowned hearing his words, looking at the lake.

Da Ming swam near him and asked "What is there?" Ah Yin and Zi Ji also came near him floating above the lake.

Xuan Yan smiled and extended his hand. *shreek* The ground shook lightly and *splash* pushing the water a blue thing came out of the lake floating before them.

Da Ming, Er Ming and Xiao Wu were shocked and their eyes widened. "That is-"

Da Ming's eyes turned cold and looked at Xuan Yan "Why did you pull Aunt Rou's ice coffin out of the lake?"

A blue ice coffin is levitating in front of them. Inside there is a woman who seems to be in her thirties with brown hair and her body is pale.

Xiao Wu also came running to the shore of the lake and yelled "Brother Yan..."

Ah Yin and Zi Ji were surprised "A woman?" "*Roar* This humannn...." Er Ming roared as he rushed toward the lake and was about to jump on Xuan Yan.

"Don't disturb Young Lord." Zi Ji turned and said as she released her 250,000 cultivation aura pressing on Er Ming. *Bang* Er Ming fell with his face pressed on the ground with great shock.

Da Ming was terrified seeing this and looked at Zi Ji. Zi Ji suppressed her cultivation aura till now because Xuan Yan told her, Da Ming and Er Ming thought that she is a 100,000-year spirit beast who turned into a human.

But now seeing her true aura he was horrified. A beast with cultivation greater than them? How is that possible? They have their own arrogance as the overloads of the Star Dou forest. They don't know there existed a beast that has higher cultivation than them? He was totally flabbergasted by the fact.

And that beast is in human form. It is not a beast transformed into a human. Normally, if a 100,000 year beast turned into a human it would again start to cultivate as a human from level 10. But the woman in front of him is totally different.

"Just stay there you monkey." Zi Ji said coldly and then turned her eyes to Da Ming. Da Ming froze on his spot looking at her eyes without moving his body.

Xiao Wu kneeled on the shore and tears began to flow from her eyes "Brother Yan, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Wu, this woman is your mother, right?" Xuan Yan asked pointing his finger at the floating ice coffin. Xiao Wu nodded with tears.

Xuan Yan smiled and black flame appeared on the ice coffin burning it. Da Ming's eyes widened and he roared angrily and rushed his head toward Xuan Yan. He doesn't care if Zi Ji is there or not. Seeing Xiao Wu's mother's body get destroyed, he can't tolerate that.

But suddenly he felt huge coercion and he can't move his body. He looked at Zi Ji coldly in the corner of his eyes and thunder began to materialize on his body. He tried to break free with his full power but he can't even do anything under sheer pressure.

Xiao Wu is also terrified looking at the scene. She was totally disorganized. Why is Brother Yan doing this? Why is he destroying her mother's body?

The black flames disappeared revealing the pale body of Xiao Wu's mother. Ah Rou!

"Mom...." Xiao Wu cried. Xuan Yan opened his palm and a white ball appeared on his hand which gives off life energy. The Revival light! The thing he wrote as a mission reward to revive Xiao Wu's mother in the future according to his plot.

The white light floated and entered Ah Rou's body and her whole body began to emit a bright white light. A little later, her pale body color turned to normal healthy skin color.

Xiao Wu was stunned to see this. What is happening? Xuan Yan and Ah Rou's body disappeared and reappeared before Xiao Wu who is kneeling on the shore.

He slowly placed her body on the shore before Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu hurriedly held her Mom's body and she was astonished. The body is not cold. What happened?

She looked at him "Brother Yan. What did you-" she suddenly stopped sensing some movements on her mom's body and looked down. Ah Rou's fingers flinched and her eyelids whimpered as she opened her eyes.

Ah Rou opened her hazy eyes and looked at Xiao Wu. A glimpse of her daughter's face appeared in her mind and said faintly "Xiao Wu.." and touched Xiao Wu's cheek.

Xiao Wu's mind was shaken by this and her thoughts froze. "M-Mom?" she called faintly. Ah Rou was also so surprised. "Xiao Wu!" How can she not know that the girl in front of her is her daughter?

'But, Didn't I die because of the Spirit masters from the Spirit Hall? What happened after that?' Ah Rou thought as she looked at the grown-up Xiao Wu in front of her.

"MOM!" Xiao Wu hugged her mom and began to cry. Ah Rou smiled and hugged her back. She doesn't know what is going on, buts she can feel that her daughter missed her so much.

The others were also shocked. How come she is alive? Zi Ji retracted her aura and everyone looked at Xuan Yan in amazement.

Xiao Wu and Ah Rou ended the hug. "Aunt Rou!" Both Da Ming and Er Ming yelled looking at Ah Rou. Ah Rou smiled "Da Ming, Er Ming!"

Xiao Wu then looked at Xuan Yan in shock "Brother Yan...you brought my mom back to life.?" Ah Rou turned right noticing Xuan Yan standing there 'Brother Yan??'

She was surprised looking at the white-haired handsome boy 'Who is this? Xiao Wu's friend? He brought me back to life?'

Ah Rou looked at Xiao Wu and asked "Xiao Wu, what happened after that time when I was chased by the Spirit masters of the Spirit Hall?"

"Mom, that...you got killed by the spirit masters and they took your spirit ring leaving your body. I escaped because of your sacrifice." Ah Rou sighed in relief that her daughter is saved.

"I, Da Ming, and Er Ming later came to see that only your body remains. So we froze it and maintained it in the deep of the lake of life. But Brother Yan today, took you out of the lake and brought you back to life. I...don't know how and what's going on. It's as if all this was a dream..." Xiao Wu said with tears.

Ah Rou was shocked hearing this and kneeled on the ground bowing her head "Thank you so much! I am indebted to you." She don't know what this young did to revive her or who he was. But she is grateful that he helped her. Is it some sort of treasure that brings back the dead to life? And he used that for her. So she is truly thankful to him.

Xuan Yan smiled and helped her to get up "Aunt! you don't have to bow." Xiao Wu got up and hugged Xuan Yan rubbing her face on his chest "Brother Yan..."

He patted her head and said gently "How can I not notice that you are sad while looking at the moon with untied hair thinking about your mom? I always braided your hair. So, this is all that I can do..."

She hugged him tightly not leaving him "Brother Yan...Brother Yan..." she took her head from his chest looking at his warm smile. A sweet smile bloomed on her face with happy tears and said "I love you so much!"

Xuan Yan lightly chuckled and kissed her forehead "I love you too Xiao Wu!"

Ah Rou was surprised by her daughter's confession but she is also happy for her daughter that she found her man.

Da Ming and Er Ming also came near him and bowed their heads "We are sorry that we misunderstood you. We are grateful and forever indebted to you for this." Da Ming said. Xuan Yan lightly nodded.


Ah Yin smiled and said "Lord is really amazing. He saved another life just like mine. But how come he can revive a dead person? What is that white ball?"

Zi Ji was also confused "I also don't know how he did that. And what is this 'I love you?' Zhuqing also sometimes say this and bring their lips close to each other what is that? Do you know about that?"

Ah Yin was surprised. "You don't know what love is?" Zi Ji shook her head. Ah Yin sighed. She also learned that only after entering the human world.

How can I explain love? (Me listening to What is Love by TWICE!)


I kinda wrote this chapter in a rush because of this exam shit. So, I will edit it later when I have time...

Akkuzz_69 Akkuzz_69

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C110
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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