43.24% A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

章 16: Chapter 16

A whirring noise and the horns of the tribe watchmen woke Harry.

Looking out all Harry could see was darkness.

What was it? He thought to himself. He needed to get out there and see.

Sukals head had been resting on his bare chest. It seemed in the night they had pulled each other closer. Delicately, he rolled her body to the side, letting her head rest back on the sleeping mat. He could feel her body start to shift and knew she was waking up.

Standing up, Harry found where he had kept his pistol. The rest of his weapons having being stored in the infirmary. Slipping the stone knife into its scabbard on his chest, he left the hut.

Around him, those more able joined him. Their improvised weapons held tightly in their hands. Whatever the threat was, Harry hopped fishing nets and knives would be enough to scare it away.

As he approached the sounds became clearer. Almost familiar.

Looking out to sea, the water was calm. The gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. The reef illuminating parts of the ocean with its glow. Searching for the threat, Harry glanced upwards.

The Rotor-Craft!

It was over a week delayed since when it should have arrived but it was here. Attached underneath and on either side were large metal containers. Sending a runner back to the shared hut for his holo-tablet, he tried to plan his next steps.

The supplies would ease the suffering of the Navi and help him finally heal the remaining sick. He could use the plane to help scout for any lost survivors. The plane also represented his way off the island. Away from Sukal. The thought was sobering. A selfish part of his mind wished that the plane had stayed lost.


Organising the supplies wasn't easy. When the word spread through the remaining villages that there was no threat, it was just the strange alien's metal mount, they crowded around. Harry had been telling them that their hardships would be eased when his supplies came. No longer feeling the stabs of hunger or lips cracking for want of fresh water.

Harry unloaded what he could, entrusting the responsibility to distribute supplies to some of the elderly. Using a long red wire, he connected a smaller water filtration machine to his rotorcraft engine and a separate tube to the nearby beach.

Just like Ra'sar they had tried to dissuade him, however his actions had earned him some trust from the people. Sukal was the first one to try it and claim its safety, quickly followed by several of the children.

Taking his new medical supplies over to the wounded. Harry's work started again. He could finally close many wounds, relieve pain and clear the sickness from the Navi's bodies. Already Harry was seeing the effect boosting their vital signs.

Seeing Doeung open his eyes, Harry moved to his side.

"Ho…How … long" He managed to wheeze out in between coughs.

"Two days since you last woke." Harry informed him. "But the medicine came today. Another week, and you'll be on your feet again."

"My thanks… brother."

Harry clutched the warrior's hand tightly. It had been a close shave, without the medicine, Doeung might not have survived the night.

"Rest now brother."


With his rounds done in the infirmary, Harry had a question he needed answering.

Squeezing into the cockpit felt strange. Wrong. The once comfortable chairs now felt foreign. Had he adjusted to Navi life so much that his own plane, his primary means of transport, was rejecting him?

Ignoring his feelings, Harry pulled up the console.

Why did it take so long?

Looking at the logs was revealing. It seemed that the plane had managed to reach his island safely. Loaded up the supplies without issues, but then got lost on the return journey. The navigation records were heavily corrupted with the plane not able to locate its destination. Harry knew the possibility that Pandora's magnetic interference could disrupt the plane's equipment but he had taken every precaution. Each part was sealed and designed to ignore such issues. Harry was still learning there was very little that was Pandora-proof.

Lacking direction, the routine seemed to have fallen back on a search-by-grid method, flying over wide areas to re-establish a link or find common ground. Harry quickly scrolled through the sensor readings. The rotorcraft had travelled out far, covering a massive area of the sea. From his cursory glance, Harry could already identify several more island chains thriving with life and potentially holding tribes of Navi to explore.

Moving to the end of the records, it seemed the interference died away allowing the navigation system to reboot and locate this island.

He could see Sukal waving to him, it being near the time for their daily swimming and breathing lessons. An alert on the screen caught his eye before he could put it away.

URGENT: Hells Gate

Just reading the title, Harry knew it was from the mining base. It must have picked up the message from his island, being so far out that he couldn't be reached directly.

Pushing the device away, message unread, he returned to Sukal's waiting side.

Human business could wait.


The tribe was starting to heal.

Most of the wounded, now patched up with Harry's medicine pitched in to help the rebuilding efforts. The food and water shortages were solved and there was a definite atmosphere of hope. Smiles could be seen on the faces of the villagers for the first time in weeks. Even the environment started to heal. Where the ocean floor had been stripped, buds of new life started blooming. The fish started to return in great swarms, happy to be home.

Even Harry wanted to call out to thank Eywa for her blessing.

Sitting on top of the rotorcraft, finding some privacy to think, he could observe the comings and goings of the tribe with ease.

The fisherman expertly tossed their nets and pulled in great catches of fish. Divers glided through the water, returning with bountiful shellfish. Workers stripped back the damaged trees and started to repair the old huts, even starting to rebuild the walkways which connected the tribe together. Sukal was teaching a group of children in the water, not dissimilar to his own lessons.

It was a strange sensation. Harry was on the outside looking in. In the crisis, he had been one of the people. A brother. A Navi. But now there was a growing distance between him and the others.

It wasn't anything they said or did, but it was that lack of purpose. He had been there to help them recover. In many ways he had succeeded. So well, that he was no longer needed.

The question hung in the air like a bad smell, his mind filled with possibilities but no clear path forward.

"What should I do now?"


Sukal had found him there several hours later.

Pulling him down the water's edge, Harry couldn't help but comment.

"We've already had our lesson for today."

"Harri, this is no lesson."

Sinking down in the water, Harry obediently followed.

They swam together like two planets, never able to escape the other's gravity. They weaved under reefs and over reefs. Past the fishermen's and gathers. Past the children playing games. The pair swam until all the worries and concerns over the future were bled out. Until the way of water had centred him in peace and contentment.

Finally close enough to touch, their arms circled each other. Not willing to let them go.

"Why so sad Harri?" Looking at her with all the love he could muster, his voice came out cracked and raw.

"I'm not needed here anymore. You don't need me."

Placing her head on his chest and hearing his strong heartbeat, was a balm to her mind.

"I need you my Harri."

"I need you too. My ray of starlight. My Sukal." Running a finger down her cheek and placing a rouge strand of hair behind her ear.

"Oel ngati Kameie" (I see you) Sukal whispered, now locking eyes with the man she had chosen.

"Oel ngati Kameie" (I see you). Not bothering to try and resist his desires any further, Harry brought his mouth to hers in a long sensual kiss. Sucking on her bottom lip, not wanting there to be any distance between them.

Their bodies closed together, pushing the water out from between their chests until blue skin rubbed blue skin.

Slowly, unwillingly, Harry pulled his head back to stare into blue eyes. No words were needed, nor vows or promises. They both knew what was in their hearts.

From this moment on they were one.





A chorus of voices called out from the sea. The new couple looked outwards, trying to recognise the source. As if on cue, ilu heads poked out from the sea. The pack finally returning home to their Navi family.

Shouts came from the shoreline.

"The ilu have returned!" The cry was echoed from the old and the young as the Navi leapt into the water. The ilu, equally excited, swam up to their loved ones and chirped out greetings and the desire for fish.

One of the ilu, green stripes down its flank approached the couple, nudging its head lovingly against Sukals chest.

"Uro!" Sukal called out before sliding onto its back and making the bond. Her eyes fluttered as she took in the sensations, the memory of the creature. Leaning down she gave it a gentle kiss on its brow.

"It is good to see you too Uro." Looking at Harry, she explained. "Uro was my mother's ilu." Pulling Harry up behind her, they took off.

Harry, with his arms tightly wrapped around Sukals taut stomach, could do little more than hold on for dear life. The sea shot past at fantastic speed, effortlessly weaving through the waves.

With a great splash, the ilu shot out the water, diving up and back towards the waiting water. Harry, so surprised at the move forgot to keep his grip and found himself flung sideways into the water, skipping over it like a stone.

Reaching the surface, spluttering and spitting out the salty water he'd swallowed, he waited until Sukal returned to him, looking radiantly happy. She separated the bond and swam over to him. The ilu, waited to the side looking down at him.


The ilu used its flippers to send a spray of water into Harry's face. Before Harry could think of retribution, it divided away. Its chirping laughter, mocking him.

Sukal could help but laugh. It had been so long since she had laughed, it felt good to let it all out. Soon Harry couldn't help but chuckle too. Ilu's were renowned for their playful nature.

Pulling her into another kiss, he looked around. The whole tribe was out and meeting the ilu. They rode and jumped through the water with such joy that you could forget the horrors they had so recently faced.

Using her fingers to comb Harry's wild hair, Sukal spoke softly to her other half.

"Now that the ilu's are back my Harri, it's time to complete your training."

"You don't mean…"

"Of course. How can you be one of the people if you don't ride."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C16
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


