20.19% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

章 18: Chapter 18

The first day didn't happen much only other 2 attacks, I leveled up my Creator job, and changed to Thief at sunset and before the night I managed to level up a little and become an Assassin, the Orcs didn't attack at night anymore, so I can rest in the night. The Second day was easy with only one big attack.

I completed the Assassin job at noon of the third day changing it at Assassin Cross and since then I have not been able to change jobs. Apparently a boss appeared in the place, at first I was annoyed when I stopped receiving experience, if I had known that this would happen I would have changed to my 3rd job to obtain all the experience bonuses, but I can't do anything anymore.

But that third day is when everything went to shit, for the first time I know what they were so afraid of orcs, I didn't know there were so many of them, attacking without rest, launching wave after wave only to die in front of our walls, at first I thought they wanted to create a mountain of corpses to climb the walls, luckily I was able to see how some creatures dragged the corpses of their dead and took them away.

According to one of the adventurers that we saved from the kobols, for the orcs their dead must be respected, and taken to their mausoleum where they will defend their own from death. So they have a special group of orcs called Zenorc, who are dedicated to taking the corpses and taking them to their mausoleum.

The story is interesting, and to tell the truth it would have been better if I studied the orcs a little more, but I can't do much anymore, so I ordered everyone not to attack those Zenorcs, it's better that they get rid of the corpses for us, so we can avoid many problems, although I'm not sure if the story is true or not since my system says otherwise...

[Zenorc LVL: 31 HP 2,585/2,585 MP: 130/130 Race: Demi-Human

Zenorc is a mutated orc that is a kind of anthropoid living under the deep dungeon. Due to the lack of prey in the cave, it tends to eat things dropped on the ground. It's very shy and cowardly; never initiates attack. A dishonorable orc whose body has been cursed. They continue their shameful ways by looting items that have been dropped on the ground.]

That means that they probably eat their dead, well in the game there are only Orc Skeletons in the area where they live, so it is very likely that they eat the meat and leave the bones... well if they don't attack me they are not enemies, Although they really work fast and the other orcs don't seem to care, so I don't think they really respect their dead very much.

That was the last moment where I still thought this would be easy, after all the Orcs were dying in thousands and thousands every minute. The first sign that something was wrong was when the fire arrows we made ran out at dawn, so the Clowns and Gypsies withdrew to make more, and the Whitesmiths and Creators distribute them thanks to the fact that they got their classic wagon that they have in the game, since I also discovered that everyone apparently has a weight limit, just like in the game, so I'm the only one who has an infinite inventory.

And since that night they did not stop attacking, on the fifth day wanting to change my job, I traveled to Geffen but since I am marked that I am still in combat so I can't receive experience, apart from what the system tells me, I'll have have penalties if I get too far from the battlefield. I don't know what it is but it's better not to risk it.

Although apparently in Geffen they already know about the attack of the orcs, although they don't really know what is happening since the city is in an alert mode and it doesn't help much that the viceroy's bastard is blaming us for not defending the south well and painting himself as the savior of the world.

Most of the talk is how only 20 people would be defending the south after rejecting the good intentions of the viceroy, while I bought some things before going back to the castle, I started hearing worse and worse stories, even calling us cultists and things like that It's good that I'm not interested in all that, otherwise it would stress me out. I return to the castle and prepare myself for another day...


Today it's been 20 days since I came to this world, and 8 days that we have been under siege, thousands and thousands of orcs are thrown against our walls, without rest, day and night, I'm lucky that orcs are stupid, so I can guide them more or less where I want them to attack, Even so, their stupidity is counteracted by the enormous amount with which they attack us.

But thanks to that I was able to reduce the number of soldiers defending to 35, the rest are sent to rest and every 2 hours we change guards, so they can rest for about 4 hours each, but even so they will not resist much more. Although the ones who have it worse are the magicians, they clearly need more time to recover.

So we have to provide them some time to rest, we haven't had much damage to the weapons and armor since melee combat has been kept to a minimum. So we are more than willing to give everyone more rest time.

"Prepare to attack!! PREPARE TO ATTACK!! With me CHARGE!!" I yell and leap from the wall into the green tide below, during all these days I got 2 bad news, the first, I'm not good at directing melee battles, It's not that it's bad in itself or have no idea what to do. I use magicians as artillery and archers as riflemen, but from then on I can't do anything else, just run towards the enemy and hit them.

When I go down from the wall I use Magnum Break to make a space where I can reach the ground and start attacking everything that comes in front of me, around me the other 18 who jumped do the same, thanks to our high level the Orcs Warrior they do nothing to us and neither do anything to our walls or wizards.

No, we have another target, the new additions to the orc attack, they started appearing 3 days ago and they almost managed to hurt some of our wizards, an orc with bluer skin, stronger and faster than the others, not to mention that they are always accompanied by archers.

[High Orc LVL: 52 HP 6,890/6,890 MP: 224/224 Race: Demi-Human

High Orc is a superior Orc that posesses high intelligence and a well-constructed body when compared to other orcs. In addition to this, it is also more hostile and invades nearby villages sometimes.]

[Orc ArcherLVL: 49 HP 7,440/7,440 MP: 210/210 Race: Demi-Human

Orc Archer is an Orc that attacks with a bow. Be careful, for it has high accuracy.]

Something good that happens is that their numbers work against them too, they are pushing each other to try to reach the walls faster, so it is seen that several even stumble and die trampled, and the High Orcs, also remain trapped without being able to do anything to defend themselves.

To tell the truth, I don't notice them as intelligent as the system says, although they are really good if I compare it to my first problem, in reality I could think and accept that they are smart at least they follow orders. Why? You may wonder, well, as I said before, it's not that I'm bad at directing, in tactics or strategies, it's simpler than that.

'THIS FUCKING AI HAS NO IDEA HOW TO FOLLOW ORDERS!' I still remember when I ordered Arldana to lead an attack on the right flank, I even pointed with my arm, and explained to her to take care of the orcs on the right and push them into the sea, while we would distract them with a general attack.

It wasn't something complicated, nor was I looking to win the battle with this, it's just the basics of strategy, to test your opponent, I wanted to know how smart the enemy commander is, if he falls easily into traps, is he an idiot or would he try to do something to counter me, if he knows how to defend himself or just attack, that kind of thing.

While I was waiting for Arldana to start, I noticed how the people who were going to help her jumped from the wall and began to 'dance' around the orcs, and attacking them from the right... yes, that's right, they didn't attack the right flank, they are attacking the right side of each orc, not from the front, not from behind, or wherever is easier, they dodge the orcs and only attack those who can hit on their right side.

I still remember that I stared stunned for 30 seconds, I even think [Gamer's Mind] collapsed, when I came to myself I ordered a full magical attack and that they returned to the wall... This is not my fault, I know that I am teaching them to fight and I am sure that I would have to teach them strategy and tactics, but this is already ridiculous.

That is to say, I don't feel like I gave them an impossible order, it's not like I told them to arm a rocket, I just ordered them to attack the right side, so after seeing them doing that, all the tactics or strategies that I was thinking of were over, so I only keep the basics, charge in front like an idiot hoping not to die, I'm lucky they don't have wizards in their ranks.

Although this brings me to my second and I think more serious problem, although it is not something that affects me immediately, but it will still affect me once I activate all my emotions again.

All the memories I have are not entirely mine.

Actually I think I knew it from the beginning, since the first thing I remember is reading or playing on my smartphone and going to sleep, strange thing because if I am a married old man, where are my wives or my children? Another problem is that whoever needed to be chosen lived under my house and I'm pretty sure I lived in a big house with my family. There's no way someone lives below me!

Although what made me know that something was wrong was a movie, the twins liked Harry Potter, I even watched the movies with them by video call, anyway the last movie was released 2 weeks before I came back home, so the twins decided to wait for me to go to the cinema with me, And I clearly remember that Harry Potter ended before 2015, so how come I played Ragnarok Online in my childhood if the game didn't exist before 2000?

Once I could understand that my memories were not mine, I began to notice many inconsistencies between all of them, in the end I managed to detect at least 5 or 6 different people among my memories, The Elder General and the other 4 or 5 are soldiers of different countries or at least they are the ones that I have the most memories.

That clearly explains why I was in many parts of the world, it is illogical that they use the same team in such different places, It's not like there was only one team, I could understand it if it was used in a certain terrain, only deserts or jungles or maybe in certain circumstances, like rescues or espionage, but all situations were different, so it is completely illogical to have 1 team for everything.

Still there are certain memories... that seemed more illogical to me the first time I remembered it, I know I have memories of other people, but to think that I even fought and commanded armies in the first and second wars is completely hilarious. Although unlike other memories, these are more like flashbacks, which only last a few seconds, the maximum was almost 1 minute I think.

In them I commanded German soldiers, Prussian according to the uniform they wore soldiers in the first world war, and I fought as a Soviet soldier in the second, in others I was a submariner, a tank driver, a sailor, captain of both ships and planes, shit I was even a train driver and instead of memories it's more like watching a movie, since I don't even see what happens in first person so it's very weird.

The only thing a little more relaxing is my childhood, since all those memories have been stable until now, I still don't know who the memories I see belong to but at least the room and the hands don't seem to change in my memories although it would be better to call them 'visions' so that my brain can process it more easily and not end up crazy in the process.

It is good that I can activate the system so to avoid all these problems and even more so when almost everything that I remember is war, only the memories of the Old General or when I was a child are peaceful, the rest is just war and more wars, I don't understand the purpose I have, if they want me to be an avatar of destruction why they give me normal memories, or perhaps that was the error that occurred when they summon me?

I guess it's something I have to thank the orcs for, I can't sit down and analyze carefully what happens to me, so I do not jump to hasty conclusions as I am getting more and more visions, no, the truth is that I would rather deal with my identity problem than have to continue fighting an endless horde of enemies...

We push them and stand at several hundred meters from the walls and make a stand for 2 hours, we have to obtain all the time possible for the magicians and archers to rest since at the moment they are the ones who help us resist, while I fight I keep analyzing the orcs, so far I have learned certain 'patterns' in their attacks.

"RETREAT; Get back on the walls, FALL BACK!" I start to scream when I notice how the pattern of the orcs is changing, which means an attack with archers, they don't do us much damage but it's better to avoid what we can. It's good that I teach them how to make an organized retreat, although even if they didn't the orcs won't be able to catch us if we run to the walls.

Once we get back to the walls the archers and wizards start attacking the orcs, we wait for them to throw ropes at us to climb the walls, we don't need them but I don't want to show the orcs how to climb a wall, I don't know if they can learn but it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

I change the guards of the wall and send my subordinates to rest, although from what I see we won't resist much anymore, all my subordinates are already tired, and I don't think they will resist much longer, in fact they already resisted more than they should.

'What the hell am I doing... So far nobody has come or tried to help us.... This is not even my country, if no help arrives by tomorrow I will leave the castle, I already sent Aphine to save the coordinates of Eeyorbriggar, so we can withdraw through the warp and I will let Geffen to their luck.'

I could help defend the city, if it hadn't been for the fact that the viceroy's assassin came yesterday. When she saw the situation we were in, instead of wanting to help or simply leave, she ordered us to resist until our last breath.

If she hadn't come, I would have destroyed the bridge before retiring, but not anymore. I'm going to let them attack the city, probably many many civilians and magician NPCs will die, but at the end of the day it is not my city nor are they citizens of my country, not to mention that they are not even alive...

They will probably condemn and persecute me, they would even put a price on my head, but hey, I'm going to get the hell out of this place so they can do whatever they want, in a few more days I'll be traveling the multiverse so it won't matter... I didn't know I was a tsundere.

'This must be the general's personality, my duty huh...' No matter how I tried to convince myself, I know very well that at the end of the day I would not allow the slaughter of a city being NPCs or not.

'But hey, I'll leave that problem to myself from that day.' It's not like the city is going to fall the same day it's attacked, and even if it happens I can attack them from the back and liberate the city again, many will die probably, but at the end of the day this is not my country and even the general thinks the same, it is not worth dying for something we don't believe.

I keep thinking about the situations in which I will find myself and how to solve them when I notice something, there is no longer hear noises, when I look around I notice how there are no orcs below the wall, my subordinates are standing on the wall observing the surroundings but everything is peaceful, for a moment I thought that we had won but on the horizon I can see how the orcs stopped advancing so something is going to happen.

I sigh and immediately prepare everyone, ordering them to come to the walls again, they will probably attack us much harder now, although seeing how they act we will have a while to react, at least they will last about 5 or 10 minutes to reach our walls before the attack, so I take advantage of this moment to store everything we can take with us.

I make all the soilders rest on the walls, there is no point in everyone being alert, because it is no longer whether we can defend or not, the castle is already lost, it only remains to know how strong the orc attack will be and how long we can stand before leaving, more that a million orcs have already died trying to capture the wall, I never thought there would be so many of these bastards.

I just stored what I can, it's not much because I already have everything in my inventory, although while I was thinking whether or not to take the beds too Nysynea appears behind me.

"My lord, someone wants to see you... Aldana has received them" she tells me but I immediately notice something strange, she looks nervous and doesn't look at my face.

"What's going on?" She only begins to move her hands a little, not knowing what to do in the end, she places her hands at her sides hugging herself looking down.

That only make me wonder what happens, Nysynea has always had a calm and quiet personality, although when she doesn't like something she try to avoid it, but her sense of duty is greater, so she will do what she is ordered without problems. So seeing her so vulnerable is weird, even when she went to my room that night she wasn't like this.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I ask her again but she just shakes a little and look the other way. So I get closer to her, although unlike before this time she doesn't move away from me, she always has the habit of avoiding me as much as possible, but this time she don't react.

"Nysynea, tell me what's wrong, if I don't know what's wrong, I won't be able to protect you." I place my hands on her shoulders and try make her look at me although she still does not react, I wonder what affected her so much. At that moment Aphine appears.

"Master, a group of people come looking for you, Arldana received them but they don't want to say who they are or why they are looking for you." Aphine speaks though I notice her staring at Nysynea for a bit.

"Aphine warns the other assassins and stalkers, to use their techniques to come to where our 'guests' are and be prepare for combat. Nysynea stay with Aphine."

I start to walk and I see how Nysynea disappears after using her skill, although I feel how she takes my arm, I don't say anything and continue walking clearly feeling how she trembles a little, as I advance to the castle courtyard followed by Aphine.

I ask Aphine where are they, apparently they entered from the west and are currently in the castle of Mersetzdeitz, so I walk there changing my attire to my Lord Knight Armor, when I were halfway the atmosphere changes I walk a little more and notice a group of people, from their attire I would say they are the people from the dessert or assassins. So I'm going to have to deal with other idiots...

"Greetings Grand Master, we come in peace and we the Assassin Guild want to have an audience with you." Once I get closer one of the men in the group speaks, as I thought a group of incompetent idiots, they say come in peace with this amount of bloodlust, at least for the bloodlust I feel they are competent assassins.

The person speaking is a tonned man with long disheveled blue hair and red eyes... If Nysynea were a man, she would be like this person, I quickly look over his head to see the name of the possible family of Nysynea, and I am even more surprised, but I avoid showing it on my face, again thanks to the system.

"Welcome, friends of the desert, I'm sorry I can't receive you properly, as you can see, we are a little indisposed, as you know I'm Leonhard Hauser and if possible, I would like you to be frank about the subject at hand." I introduce myself without inviting them to my castle, although apparently they don't bother about it, they are probably already used to this treatment.

"I can see it, my Guild sent me because one of your Order members is an assassin, we want to check her status and bring her back to the Guild, I'll be honest with you, we have very few assassins left, let alone elite, so any Assassin Cross we find is welcome to the Guild with a leadership position." explains the man clearly without the slightest intention of introducing himself.

"And who are you looking for?" On my map I see how the others have already surrounded this group of assassins, the 'envoys' in front of me there are 5 of them, but I know very well that there is more using their skills.

"We've come looking for Lilinaya Felerris." huh? as much as I wait, that's the only name they say, what happens with Nysynea? Why don't you mention her?

"Lilinaya, come someone wants to talk to you " I raise my voice to make it appear, but don't they know that Nysynea is here? at the moment again Nysynea is hanging on my back trembling. Lilinaya appeared masked with a smile mask next to me.

'I don't remember seeing them use those masks...' Then Lilinaya kneel next to me on one knee, and I see how some of the 'messengers' get upset at this.

"Master, I only want to serve you, it was who gave me the power that I have, I swore allegiance to you until my death, so I will stay by your side until you no longer want me." Why so much drama? I only told you to come to talk, nothing else. I put my hand on her head and talk to the leader of the assassins.

"You can explain, what do you want from her, since apparently she does not want to talk to you and rather than forcing her it is easier to only explain what you want" Not to mention I'd rather not have a target painted on my back. The other assassins do not find my words pleasant, apparently and their leader... apparently was expecting this answer.

"Miss Lilinaya, I know what happened in Morroc and those responsible have already been eliminated, we have no right to make you come back, even so you will be recognized as one of the Guild leaders, you will lead the new Geffen branch, so you can continue being here." You were doing it great, but why did they send Eremes Guile to be the messenger? Couldn't they send someone else a little more competent or are they that pressured?

There is no doubt that the guy is a great assassin, but it's one thing to kill people and another very different to be a diplomat, even so they are the same as with the king, a nice title without any real support. Seeing that Lilinaya doesn't say anything and turns to see me, I understand her message and nod.

"I accept your proposal, but I will not work under the guild, I can offer help to the assassins who come, but the Guild cannot and I'm not going to do what they say." She clearly was going to reject the offer, but she managed to understand what I wanted, so she accepted, not what i had in mindbut it's always good to have people in several places, and even more so in an organization where so much information is smuggled.

I clearly see how the guys behind Eremes want to say something, but the assassin stops them.

"If you work independently, the Guild will not help you, you will have to create everything from scratch, you will not even receive assassins to do and complete jobs. Even so, you must complete the required work in the area you manage and you still have to pay 10% of the income to the Guild, do you agree?" Hahaha so they're the same as the king, you want help? Here we'll put this beautiful chain on you, you don't want help? Then work for me create an organization pay me money and when you die I'll take over.

Seeing that I don't say anything Lilinaya just nods, Eremes proceeds to give her a Necklace of Oblivion, but unlike the blue in the game this is black and then proceeds to give her another 30 o the blue ones.

[Dark Necklace of Oblivion: A Dark necklace who represents the authority over the region will assign the assassin. This is given from the guildmaster it represent the honor of joining the Elite of the Assassin Guild. Price: 2]

[Necklace of Oblivion: A Dark necklace given from a master once one earns the honor of joining the Assassin Guild. Price: 2]

"With this you will show that you are a leader of the guild, inside you will find information about the other branches, the rest is for you to be the ones who pass the test and become assassins of you branch and you are exempt from paying the guild for the next 5 years, Without further ado, I retire." And just as they came, they left, I thought that at least he would stay to help, well, there goes the little sadness that I had when I thought about his death in the bio labs.

I wonder what he will do if he finds out that I don't have 1 but a total of 13 Assassin Cross, and one of them are his family, I stay watching until they disappear on the horizon, Lilinaya finally gets up and Nysynea appears next to me looking at the ground .

"All of you go back to your positions remember to recover as much strength as you can." I watch on my map as everyone starts to move back to the walls and put my hand on Nysynea's shoulder when I notice that she wants to leave too.

"Tell me what's wrong with you?" I ask her again, I see how Lilinaya and Arldana also leave, apparently they want to ask or say something but they prefer to give us some privacy, perhaps they know what is happening with Nysynea.

"I don't know what's wrong with you and if you don't tell me I can't do anything to help you, even so I assure you as long as you're with me I won't let anything hurt you. So I'm going to take care of you whether you like it or not..." I crouched down a bit so I could talk to her face as if she were a little child, and I was quite surprised when she hugged me.

'The only time she hugged me was in Geffen and when we where commin-huphg...' I can only open and close my eyes perplexed when she kisses me, she clearly doesn't know what she's doing since she has no experience but I'm not going to take advantage of her so I quickly stop her.

When we separate. She looks down and seems to be lost in thought, but what the hell was this about!? Despite seeing so many 'memories' of so many lives, I cannot understand what is happening. Although without waiting much longer she begins to speak in a low voice.

In the end, she explained to me who she really is, and as I thought, she is Eremes Guile's half-sister, although being the daughter of a servant her destiny was to be a servant, and the servants of the assassins... I can only say that they are not treated well and it is rare that they are over 30 years old, and when her master and mother died she was destined to die with them but instead she was sold as a slave.

The fact that she is still alive is a big problem apparently, so she has never wanted to bond with anyone, knowing that if she is found out, anyone who helped her will be hunted by the assassins. All I can think of is what a cliché story I just heard... and I don't feel right about winning the heart of a 15-year-old girl who is actually 5.

Sigh, so that's why she looked familiar to me, she's practically Eremes Guile female, and the fact that she's now sitting so calmly on my lap while leaning on me with a blushing face doesn't help me much. We stayed like this for a while until Nysynea fell asleep, apparently she had a lot of stress because of this.

I stand up carrying her back to the castle, I put a bed in the entrance and lay her down on it , I pat her head for the last time and return to the wall, the orcs still do not attack, although movement is noticeable among their ranks but It doesn't matter, hopefully they stay like this for longer, All of us need to rest more.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


