
A Stranger's Kindness

It's Monday again, please vote! 🥲


"So you're finally awake." A man with a white hair, along with clothes that she had never seen before spoke.

Ymir didn't know what to say at first and then, she recalled what happened before she collapsed and gained some sort of realization.

She looked at the man, and his strange appearance strangely fit toward the image of a creature of divinity.

"A-are you perhaps here to guide me into heaven m-mr. angel..?" Ymir said hopefully to the man, who she thought of as an angel from legends.

The angel man froze for a few seconds before realizing what she just said, the man with silver hair snorted, then chuckled to a full blown laughter.

"Pff~hahahahahahahaha!" The man laughed, like there was tomorrow, while Ymir flinched at the man's unexpected response, confused as to why he suddenly started laughing at her question?

Was she wrong about it..?

Looking around, the place here was nothing short of clean, perhaps cleaner than any house she had been to, so what was so funny about her question..?

Only after a full minute, the man stopped but still had a smile on his face. "T-that was a good one, really I haven't laughed this much for centuries, if Rin were to hear this there's no doubt she'd laugh to her death, seriously me an Angel?"

The man laughed at his own words, like he just said some sort of inside joke that only him alone could understand.

"Um…w-what are you then?" Ymir suddenly became nervous, perhaps this man wasn't what she thought he was, maybe he's actually the Devil himself…

(A/N: 'Actually' Satan, yes he is, the actually part is important. )

If he were to hear her thoughts right now, he would agree at that part, as from his previous occupation, as counter guardian, he had been called devil, demon or even satan by people, so there's actually little he could disagree with that part.

And if the owner of this shop were to hear her prior words before, there wasn't a single doubt that he would laugh to the point he'll collapse in the ground and tease Emiya later for good measure.

The man turned to her and replied. "I'm just an employee working in this place, for your information this place isn't afterlife, nor it is heaven, but you can consider this as a sanctuary for you, considering the state you have before arriving here…let me guess you were hunted correct?"

Ymir flinched at the accuracy of his words, and to confirm it, her reaction was enough.

"I see…so what did you do to warrant such a thing..?" He asked her.

She looked into his eyes, and it reminded her of those cold blooded warriors of the tribe, making her shiver thinking that she's back at that terrible place, and because of that her slave-like mindset activated.

And she answered without hesitation and stoic that it's creepy considering her earlier circumstances. "Because I freed the pig…please forgive me, I won't do it again. Please let me live."

Hearing her answer, the man frowned at her, and she misunderstood that gesture and thought that he was displeased.

Making her shake in fear, and keeping her head down, like a life she always has had.

However, the man did something unexpected, she felt his big warm hands pat her head, surprised by this action she stared at the man's face, although there was that coldness in his eyes, she could see the warmth and gentleness in them.

"You don't have an easy life, don't you kid? It's okay now, you're safe here, no one will ever harm you here, so you don't have to bottle it up, cry if you want to." The man spoke with kindness that she never experienced for a very long time.

And the dam broke and she started crying without restraint, her anger, sadness, despair, grief and other emotions were released at this very moment.

She cried and cried, until she could no longer do it.

Embarrassed by her earlier outburst, she shyly peeks at the person, who treated her like a human being for years. "So umm…w-what is your name m-mr..?"

The man paused for a bit, before answering. "Emiya, call me that."

Hearing his name, she vowed to engrave his name into her mind, then she realized something she didn't before.

Ymir noticed that her injuries were nowhere to be seen, the exhaustion and pain that she felt before was no more.


The man, who she just learned the name of, Emiya replied knowing exactly what happened to her. "My boss healed your wounds if that's what you're curious about."

"E-eh, he healed my wounds? B-but how? I-it's like I never had them!" Her surprise was expected after all, no one can heal this fast, not to mention she knew better than anyone how severe those wounds are, she was that close to dying.

Emiya replied bluntly. "Magic."

"M-magic…? B-but I thought it was just a myth…?" Ymir muttered in disbelief.

"It is very real, maybe in your world it's not but it's real in this place." He said.

"My world..? What do you mean Mr. Emiya?"

Emiya shook his head. "Too many questions, save that for later, right now you need to take a shower."

He looked at her and continued. "Preferably a long one."

Ymir wasn't really sure why, after all for a slave like her, bathing and hygiene is simply foreign. It wasn't like she's ignorant of baths, however they rarely clean themselves due to the fact that their masters don't give them water to clean themselves.

"Now follow me, so that you can take a bath, you also need some new clothes.." Emiya spoke.

How strange despite being a complete stranger, she felt like she could trust this man, although he looked like a cold-blooded warrior, he's surprisingly gentle.

Not only did he treat her like a normal person, but also he has that certain charisma that got her thinking that she'll be okay as long as she's with her.

Then a memory of a long past, she thought she'd buried and thought. 'With him, it's like I'm in the presence of my parents…'

"Summer..?" I looked at the person who was in the door, silver eyes, black and with red stripes of hair, but the difference is that she looks so a bit younger, not to mention that familiar red scythe.. wait, this wasn't Summer, but instead it's her daughter Ruby!

What happened to her? She looked really exhausted, not to mention those wounds…like seriously, this place might very well become a medical center at this point.

Then I noticed that it wasn't just her who entered the shop, there's also a few other people that were familiar to him.

Yang Xiao Long,

Blake Belladonna,

Weiss Schee,

Jaune Arc,

Nora Valkyrie,

Lie Ren,

And someone who I don't recognize but for some reason, looks familiar.

Also, where's Pyrrha? Don't tell me she died in this timeline?

"I-is this the place mom told us about..?" Ruby said out loud as she looked around.

"It must be..since we used mom's card.." Yang replied to her half-sister.

"Guys, look there's someone in front of us!" Nora pointed at my direction.

So, they didn't notice me at first? Now, that was quite rude, but either way I should welcome them, I bowed in a perfect angle and said. "I welcome you, to my humble shop, what can I do for you ladies and gentlemen?"

"This must be the mysterious man, mom told us about!" Ruby said.

While I frowned and thought. 'They know me, which means this timeline is the same one with Summer, but…if I recall Ruby should still be a kid..'

Suddenly my thoughts were cut off by a silver haired woman, who eerily looks like a teenage version of Salem. "Um..I'm not sure if you remember me, sir Alex, but I'm Morgan Ashari, daughter to Salem and Ozma."

She bowed at me, with elegance, fitting for those of royalty and hearing that from her, it clicked and realized why this girl looks so familiar.

She was one of Ozma's daughters that he revived, it is no wonder…but how is she a teenager now?!

She was just a kid a few days ago!

Oh, yeah right, different timespan, but seriously a decade or more in just a few days?

I might as well be immortal in their perspective.

"Ah, yes do remember you as a kid, but time does fly." I smiled, still unused to the fact that the brat from a few days ago is now a beautiful lady.

"Indeed sir, it's been more than a decade since I've last visited this place and it didn't change, the same for you sir." Morgan replied.

Yeah, that's because it's only a few days for me!

Then, I looked at them and said, "So, from your appearance alone, I can guess that your world is in deep trouble, yes?"

Morgan and the rest eyes darkened and replied grimly. "Yes, that is correct, would you like to hear our story, sir?"

I nodded, curious to what happened to their world now, and then Morgan started the tale. "It all started when the Brother Gods came back…"

Yep, I can tell that their world is in deep shit by that sentence alone, regardless he continued to listen.

A/N: You think RWBY is over?! Nope, their world is FUCKED, like it always been.

What do you think guys? Should I do an Archer PoV, where he comes back to his original world?

Also, just a spoiler scout Ymir and Emiya future relationship, they would have a father and daughter bond, like i can't Emiya liking Ymir romantically as she's barely even a teen, and he's a centuries years old broken soul, and I don't think he's even capable of having any romantic relationship with anyone, aside from Rin, Sakura, Saber and maybe Rider.

But that's just me, while I could understand Ymir crushing on Emiya for how he treats her, but that's it, they won't get involved romantically as it feels wrong.

Also about adding her to Alex harem, don't bother, just because it's a girl it doesn't automatically mean they are part of his harem okay?!

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 9 chapter advance

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C89
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


