42.5% I Became MC In Eroge Game! So Gotta Catch 'em all? / Chapter 15: First Class

章 15: First Class

"I was seriously getting bored from hearing the speech."

"Really, headmaster of the Academy is not just for the show."

"Hey, did you notice this time Crown Princess also came to the Academy for study."

"What are you going to eat?"

"Nah. I don't wanna be late for my class. I heard that professor is quite strict."

After the Entrance Ceremony ended, students started leaving the assembly hall like cattles and buffaloes.

Kevin kept his seat while students were rushing out of the assembly hall.

It's because there was nothing great in being dragged by these students who were flocking together and moving with ignorant force, and he might bump into someone annoying there.

After some time, Kevin also left the hall and started walking towards S-class.

Why? Because lectures start from today.

After all, it's kinda dumb to waste a whole day for the entrance ceremony.

While walking, Kevin felt many stares, but it didn't bother him.

Because the system kept ringing AP notifications.

Kevin was getting irritated by this continuous sound of ringing notifications.

'Hey, system. Please block these notifications and their sound.' Soon, notifications stopped.

'Hey, system. I have some questions.'

[Please state it, Host.]

'First, calling you system is irritating. Do you have any name?'


Kevin felt gods were really being lazy.

'Those gods didn't even name this system.'

Kevin started thinking about a good name for the system.

'Then, let me name you. From now on, your name is Dio.'

Kevin didn't want to name the system something like Little black (Kuro) or Little white (Shiro). So he just named it after some character in anime.

[Thanks. Host.]

'Don't call me Host. It makes me feel like some parasite has inhabited me. Then change your female voice to a male voice. Hearing that Goddess's voice is not good taste.'

[Apparently, Gods give him permission to change the system's voice at last night.]

[Okay, Kevin. It's me. Dio.]

'Okay. It sounds good now. Let me ask the second thing.' Kevin was satisfied with this.

'Why I couldn't see the Favorability of heroines?'

As a game, Kevin felt he should be able to see the favorability of the heroines. He also wanted to ask about this to the system when he met Alicia but he thought he missed it or he didn't see it.

However today, he checked and he really couldn't see the favorability of any heroine.

[First Kevin. It's hell Difficulty and it's the real world now. There is no way gods will know those things without using their powers.]

'And they will never use any powers to help me.' Kevin sighed.

[You catch on quickly, Kevin.

Still, you can see everyone's level.]

'I know. I have already seen that. Some of them have already passed 100 levels.'

Soon Kevin was in front of the S-class' door.

[Good luck. Kevin.]

'Oh, thanks for that and don't disturb me from now on.'

Upon entering the classroom, Kevin felt the eyes of his fellow students on him, admiring his looks for a brief moment before quickly losing interest.

Although Kevin is handsome but now in his current appearance, he is on par with them.

Because, after all, nobles have good looks due to their genes.

Moreover, Kevin's lack of physical strength was a disadvantage for him, especially when compared to his S-class peers, who had an average level of 60-65 and were considered geniuses in their own right.

Kevin quickly settled into his seat in the middle row, near the window. As a gentle breeze brushed against his face, he felt a sense of refreshment wash over him.

He had no desire to sit in the back seat reserved for the protagonist, nor did he want to occupy the coveted first-row seat reserved for the model student.

Instead, Kevin preferred to remain inconspicuous and focus on his studies without any unnecessary attention. The cool breeze coming in through the window provided a calming effect on his nerves.

He started observing the classroom.

The classroom was a sight to behold.

It was a spacious, high-tech room, big enough to accommodate up to fifty students, with each seat equipped with cutting-edge technology to enhance the learning experience. As S class only had 50 students.

The walls of the classroom were lined with futuristic holographic screens, displaying images of distant galaxies, magical landscapes, and diagrams of complex spells.

The ceiling was adorned with shimmering crystals, casting a warm glow throughout the room, and the floor was made of a special material that seemed to pulsate with energy, as if alive.

Each seat was fitted with an ergonomic desk, designed to support the weight of textbooks, laptops, and spellcasting materials.

In addition, each desk had a holographic display that could be customized to suit each student's individual learning needs.

The front of the classroom boasted a massive screen, capable of displaying detailed diagrams and videos of magical incantations and scientific concepts.

There was also a large stage, where instructors could demonstrate complex spells and perform live experiments.

Despite the advanced technology present in the classroom, there was also a strong emphasis on the use of magic.

Each seat had a built-in magic circle, allowing students to cast spells without the need for physical materials.

The magic circles were highly responsive and could adjust their properties to suit each student's unique magical abilities.

After some time, the classroom was filled. There wasn't any girl around Kevin.

'It only happens in novels. After all, it's cliché. Or maybe I looked suspicious.' Kevin reasoned.

Unbeknownst to Kevin, the reason there were no girls around him was not because of his low social standing , but rather because of his mysterious black attire and exceptional thunder magic skills.

In fact, he had gained quite a reputation on the Academy's online forum, where he was given a nickname based on his formidable abilities.

'Dark Thunder Prince'.

However Kevin didn't know about this as he was training like madman in past three days.

Just when Kevin was thinking about how most heroines are present in the classroom and what to do next.

The classroom's door opened and a beautiful lady entered.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is Alicia Moravia and I will be your Class Professor. I will also take your lectures In Combat Practice. "

Although, students kept their composure outside but they were still mesmerized by her. After all, she is the idol of most of the students. Only 22-23 years old and she can fire 7-Star spells freely.

She is also beautiful and the sole daughter of Duke Moravia.

However Kevin was still calm. What he was doing was, checking Alicia's details.

[Alicia Moravia]

Race : Human

Level : 145

Attribute: Ice, Wind

Danger : X

Kinda powerful.

And like in the game, she is using Ice and wind magic.

When Kevin was staring at Alicia.

Alicia turned and stared at him, then smiled.

Students were dazed at her smile but Kevin thought.

'Crap. That's why I don't like these heroines.' Kevin was caught off guard. He really didn't want to involve with Alicia now.

"Now everyone will introduce themselves in order of their ranking."(Alicia)

Soon everyone started introducing themselves.

Kevin was satisfied with hearing them.

He was checking their information and comparing it with the game.

'Surely. Most of the people's level is high. As expected of hell difficulty.' While Kevin was complimenting hell difficulty.

Soon, Kevin's turn came.

He stood up and just gave a short introduction.

"Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is Kevin."

And soon sat on his seat.

It was a short introduction. Although some people thought it was too short but other people thought it was okay. It's not like there was any need for an introduction like elementary schoolers.

However then a voice came.

"Student Kevin. It's not good to introduce yourself like that and why don't you remove your mask and then say it. It will be good." (Alicia)

Alicia said gently and smiled. Seeing her smile, many students unconsciously agreed with her.

However Kevin was still calm.

After all, his mask was just for not attracting any major attention and keeping troubles away from him.

Not like some pervert will follow him here.

As Kevin gradually removed his mask, his strikingly handsome face was revealed, captivating the attention of those around him.

His complexion was flawless, with skin as smooth and fair as a newborn baby's skin. His lustrous black hair gleamed in the light, adding to his mysterious and alluring appearance.

As his mask came off completely, his eyes were exposed, and those around him couldn't help but stare in awe. His eyes, like a deep void, were filled with melancholy

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I am Kevin and I use thunder magic." (Kevin)

Many people were still shocked to see Kevin's handsome face but a sharp voice awakened them from their daze.

"Oh, So you are that 'Dark Thunder Prince' who used Lightning Bolt in the entrance exam." (Alicia)

Alicia said in a surprised tone.

After meeting with Kevin for the first time, she was curious about him. So after returning to her room, she read the information about Kevin from the academy's database. That's why she knew about him.

Kevin was confused.

"Yes. I used Lightning Bolt.

But what is 'Dark Thunder Prince'?"


"Oh, you don't know? People nicknamed you this in the forum. There is also your video posted there." (Alicia)

Many students started operating their smartwatches or phones to see the video.

Kevin was still calm. However in the inside, he was thinking.

''Dark Thunder Prince'? Who the hell came up with this dumb shit?'

Kevin sat down on his seat.

Soon after that, other students started introducing themselves.

"Okay. So now everyone has introduced themselves.

Let's start our first class.

Now I will state some of the things about the Academy. Although some of the special students here have already experienced it. Still, I will explain it.

First, This is Isis Magic Academy.

As you know, everything here will be bought with credits.

You can buy food, resources, and train in different faculties, and many other things.

About how to obtain it? It will be based on your talent and hard work.

Now, most of the students here might have around 5000 credits.

Except for some 'special students'. For others, this amount keep lessening as the class goes down.

Student of the A class gets 2000, B class gets 1000, C class gets 800 and D Class gets 500.

Another is doing tasks and jobs. You already know it. For further inquiry, you can go to Mission hall.

Then selling things.

Yeah, you can sell things to Academy or students to get credits.

And last Achievements. Getting a good score in exams, getting rank in some event, and achievements. For more information you should read it on Academy's website." (Alicia)

Some students were surprised.

However most of them were calm. Because they already knew.

While Some read it on the website, some experienced it as special students and Kevin, who saw it in the game.

'I have to raise some credits for getting resources and there are many ways for it.'

"Now, let's choose our class representative. Any volunteers?" (Alicia)

Nobody raised their hand.

However then one hand was raised.

"Oh. looks like our chief has volunteered for it." (Alicia)

Madwriter_2377 Madwriter_2377

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C15
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


