
章 8: Hunting

'Hey, System. I'm bored. Sing a song for me'

►[Host, the system isn't under obligation to do that.]

►[Buy a loud speaker or play music on your phone.]

'I don't have money to buy that speaker. Give me money.'

►[Host, the system doesn't give loans.]

'Then donate.'

►[Neither that.]

'Tsk.' I clicked my tongue. During the past half hour, I had been bickering with the system for no reason.

After awakening my second element - thunder, I read some manuals online. Because of my memory, it didn't took much to memorize and learn them.

But I couldn't practice them indoor. So I decided to hunt some monsters for practice.

'Despite the differences between this world and Earth, they look so similar - in both places, the weaker individuals were vulnerable and susceptible to hardships.' I thought while gazing from the window. The landscape kept moving, it was getting boring though.

Fortunately, I arrived at Stormhold city soon. Otherwise, I would have died from the boredom. 

Unlike other Mc, I didn't encounter anyone from the plot. 

Of course, I won't. I had already taken extra precautions. 

The attractive face of mine was a double edge sword. Some people might disagree with me. But they neither have attractive face nor any stalkers.

Due to my unique silver hair, I couldn't avoid standing out. At first people had merely interest in me, but soon some of them started stalking me. It wasn't a pleasant experience. 

The main city was pretty far from the station, so I wasn't going there. 


Dark forest.

Where because of some mystery, an unusual amount of Dark attribute mana gathers and most of the time of year whole forest is covered in a curtain of darkness.

Nobody knows why? Even I didn't know it. Because the goddess never mentioned it in the game.

Still, it was best place for grinding! More so if you a light attribute user!

'Oi, system. There isn't tutorial quest or something?' I asked in grumpy voice.

Even though I had got my novice package, they didn't give any tutorial quest. 

►[There isn't any tutorial quest.]

''How could you do that?'' I was flabbergasted. 

►[You aren't newbie host. Grow up and don't ask for freebies.]

Damn. When did tutorial quest become like that?

I had mixed feelings about that. While it was reassuring that Gods won't pull any prank on me during my hunting practice, it was still mortifying. 

But what can I do? I had to do the training before going to the academy.

I had already checked out from the Inn I was leaving. It wasn't my permanent home anyway.

 Soon I arrived near the boundary of the dark forest.

"Hey, show me you ID." One of the guards said while pointing at me.

Yeah, you must have some ID to enter the forest. It was to prevent any suspicious people entering the forest.

I concealed my identity with a hood, sunglasses, and a mask. It was definitely not suspicious at all!

"Here," I showed him the smart watch given my the academy. After some checking, they let me enter the forest. It's good thing that the code of smart watch also works as ID.

These measures are taken to stop bad groups from creating fake monster attacks. 

'However like that sloppy Goddess, these guards are also sloppy and some incidents will happen in the future. Still now it's not time to talk about that.'

I entered the forest, scouting for a hunting spot at the outer edge, my eyes peeled for signs of monsters. Soon, I spotted my first prey, muttering, "My first hunt."

Shadow wolf

Level 30

Race: Monster-animal

Attribute: Dark

Danger: low

It was a shadow wolf.

It looks the same as the game, so let's apply the same strategy as the game. 

Typically the wolves roams in the pack, but this wolf looked like a loner. Maybe he was thinking about being a lone wolf?

I had already taken out the silver longsword. Although this wolf was a low level bum like me, still I was cautious while approaching him. 

Suddenly it began charging towards me. But I was ready for that.

Reacting swiftly, I drew silver longsword from its sheath and engaged the wolf in battle, striking it with all my might.



As the fight ensued, the two opponents were locked in a fierce battle. 

The wolf tried to dodge the sword strikes and launch counterattacks of its own, but I was quick to read its movements and adjust my attacks accordingly.

With each clash of sword against fur, the battle grew more intense. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I focused on landing the finishing blow.

After a few minutes of intense fighting, I finally found an opening and delivered a decisive blow to the wolf's vital points, causing the creature to collapse onto the ground.

I emerged victorious, albeit not without sustaining a few minor injuries..

Still, I wasn't satisfied. It was just a low-level monster. Even more, if it had called more monsters, it might had gotten troublesome. 

As you expect from the dark forest, there wasn't any 

[Light Generation (Light Attribute, ✮1)]

Soon a small light sphere gathered around my finger.

It was easy, given a one-star spell. I practiced it a few times to get more comfortable.

'I need to test magic so let's start finding more monsters.'

After storing the corpse of the shadow wolf in subspace, I started searching for more shadow wolves.

Feeling pleased with my first successful hunt, I decided to venture little deeper into the forest to further hone my combat skills and earn more money.

As I walked through the dense forest, I kept my senses alert for any signs of danger. The forest was teeming with all sorts of monsters, some of which were incredibly powerful.

'Let's try to avoid packs as much as I can. If the push comes to the stove. I will just run away.'

It didn't take me much time to encounter a group of wolves again. 3 shadow greeted me with their howls and glared with crimson eyes.

But I ignored it, as I was more eager to try the magic!

With a flick of wrist, I invoked the new spell:

[Thunder Generation (Thunder Attribute, ✮1)]

Suddenly, a ball of thunder materialized and struck the ground near the wolves.


Those wolves only flinched for a movement, and kept pressing further. They were trying to encircle me, waiting for an opportunity to strike. 

But I didn't want to give them time for that.

I started to gathering mana and threw spells on them one after another.

[Light Arrow]

[Light Ball]

[Light Ball]

However, my aim wasn't very accurate and the wolves were quick on their feet. Only a few spells found their mark. 

Before long, the wolves closed in, and I had to resort to his sword. 

The wolves noticed that change, and one of them trying to take advantage, broke away from the group and lunged at me with bared fangs.

I had to adjust my footing and dodge the attack. In that short moment, I could see an opening. 

It was inviting me to strike my sword! So how could I not accept that invitation?

I swung the sword and knocked down that wolf.

Without giving any opportunity breath, the remaining two wolves began rushing forward from my blind spot, trying catch me off guard.

[Mana shield]

At that moment, a shield appeared around me and repelled the wolves.

However, the shield was not strong enough to withstand their ferocity and quickly shattered.

Nevertheless, it allowed me to catch my breath and prepare for the next phase of the fight.

Those two wolves pounced at me. One tried to bite my leg, while other was ready tear my face. I kicked that wolf and entered defensive stance to block other attack.

During this fiasco, the second wolf was already charging towards him again, its jaws gaping wide. The wolves were quite good at teamwork.

I dodged to the side and drove the sword into the wolf's flank, eliciting a pained yelp. But the wolf did not go down so easily. It spun around and launched another attack, forcing me to leap backwards once more.

The wolves kept attacking from odd angles. Their movements were in sync. They used same tactic as past - one at leg while other attacking the face.

But this time, I was ready. I thrust the sword into the neck of wolf, who was trying to bit my leg. I also attacked it's jaw with my knee, shattering its teeth. 

I twisted the sword, struck in wolf's neck. It let out a painful howl before dying.

The last remaining wolf, seeking revenge for its kin, lunged at me. Instinctively, I leaped into the air and executed a precise 540-Degree Spinning Jump Kick, spinning through the air with agility and speed, my body rotating as I aimed to strike the wolf's head. 

After the spin, without missing a beat, I transitioned into a Back Kick, my heel striking the wolf's flank as it attempted to close in on me. The impact sent a jolt through my body, but I knew I had to press on. 

The wolf recoiled, its snarls echoing through the forest. But it wasn't over; I used my momentum once more, using my entire body to execute a Front Kick, my foot connecting with the wolf's face. The wolf yelped and tumbled backward, defeated and disoriented. 

While landing, a quick slash was enough to end its life.

'Huff… It was little hard.' 

I gasped air while muling over the fight I just had. I learned a few things from that.

- Make aim accurate.

- Raise proficiency in skills and learn new spells.

- Raise his stats.

►[Level up.]

►[Taekwondo and Sword Mastery is registered as skills.]


╠═⌠ Status ⌡ ═╣

Name. : Kevin

Level. : 26 (^)

Gender : Male

Grade : 1

Title : Freshman

Mana: 320/412 (^)

- Mana Recovery Speed (D-)

- Stamina (D-)

- Strength (D)

- Intelligence (D)

- Spirit (B)

► Potential {Details}

[Combat Ability]

Elemental Class 1 : Light

- Elemental Firepower (D-)

- Elemental Efficiency (D)

- Elemental Synergy (C)

Elemental Class 2 : Thunder

- Elemental Firepower (F)

- Elemental Efficiency (F-)

- Elemental Synergy (F)

► (Skills)


- (✮1) Light generation (D)

- (✮2) Light curtain (C)

- (✮1) Thunder generation (F)(new)

- (✮1) Basic Protection magic (E)

- Taekwondo (E)(new)

- Sword Mastery (F+)(new)


- Combat Sense

- Photographic memory (new)

- Clear mind (new)

► Skill Tree {Details}

[Unique Attributes]



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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


