Odette sat on the streets of Yolivi, wretched and her clothes torn. Her body was bruised wholly, thinned out as they knew she was suffering in hunger.
Men, as they walked by, ogled at her, lust grew within their perception. Disgust lingered within her as they watched her. They were of wives, but they dare do such deed of misconduct and lust over her.
It was soon then, as she knew, she held no disgust against them anymore.
"There is a better life than waiting for money to fall on your rusting can, woman." Said a man.
He was tall, fairly handsome, and he had a smile that could captivate a woman. His clothes wore the stench of money, and to Odette, he seemed to be favorable. Maybe even different from the stale men who ogled her endlessly during the day, and vie to approach her throughout the night.
Her eyes lit brightly, she daydreamed with bright red roses falling on her. "Tell me this instant, sire! I wished nothing more but to leave this wretched life!"
The man enthusiastically grinned, he lent out his hand, and offered it to her. "Would you follow me, then?"
Immediately, Odette stood up from her sitting state, she jolted with so much joy. 'My, could this be where my life has turned upside down?'
But as she followed him down the street, the man gave a wide sinister from across his face. His motives dark, he led her to a little residence. Delighted, Odette misunderstood what was to become of her.
"Shall we come inside? I will brew you coffee, if you'd like."
She smiled, redness crept up to her face. "No one brewed me coffee before, I'd be honored."
A shy remark left her tongue. The two went inside the residence, the floors creaked beneath their weight, and the man smiled. There was a small kitchen before the door, next to it were stairs that led to what seemingly be the bedroom.
"What a lovely home you possess, sire!" She praised.
The man chuckled. "Then, would you like to dwell in here, it is occupied by no one, I daresay." The man's remarks arose from the air whilst he brewed her coffee.
Odette then grew nervous. "There is nothing given unsparingly in this damned world. You wished to have something in return, do you not?"
The man looked at her. "Woman, I wished none of those. I pity you for not trusting the likes of men, but with no doubt, I came here to give you an opportunity."
Odette tilted her head. "An opportunity?"
"Indeed." The man stepped forward to her. His hands reached out to her face and an affectionate gesture crept up to his face. His other hand lifted itself above her and softly did he caressed her.
"You are a woman blessed by the Divine to possess beauty. What would be the use of you if you do not use it?"
"What are you implying, sire?"
"Oh, woman. You have dwelt in years that only swallowed you with the rapacity of life. If I were you, I would use what I'm blessed with to take an advantage to arise." He looked closely at her, eyes alluring, he intoxicated her with his undoubted charm.
"Woman, your body is what they wish for, and your body you shall give."
"Repugnant and vile man! Let me go!" she yelled.
Immediately, his hands gripped tighter to stop her from struggling. "Listen to me carefully, if you give the men what they want, they will exchange it for coins. Time and time, as they become satisfied with you, the more will they compensate for the wretched state they will do to your body."
Odette was, for once, glad. Immediately, she agreed with him. As soon as she did, the man's lips crashed on to hers, and the day ended with him and her nakedness.
As Odette slept through this memory, she felt a sting across her face. Awake, with all the commotion, she saw Gavryll fuming with intense anger.
"You wench of a woman!" he yelled.
Immediately, she crawled out of bed and stood. "My love, I thought you will no longer offer me your attention."
"How dare you!" Gavryll yelled as a response that crushed Odette's hoping heart.
Gavryll then saw a large bruise on her arm, it was as if carved by a dagger. Written on it were the words "dare". Immediately, another slap crashed on her already wretched countenance.
"What did you do, Odette?!" Gavryll nagged.
It instantly dawned on her of what Gavryll was implying.
"I beg your forgiveness, Gavryll! I only wanted to take revenge on her! I did not think of whether it may take a toll on you! Forgive me!" Odette cried endlessly.
"End this worthless crying. You're wasting tears, tell me what misconduct have you committed against her!"
Odette sniffed. Her heart shattered with reverence for Gavryll, great fear lived inside her. Her voice meekly echoed across her bedchamber.
"I offered her a cup enlivened with bane." Her voice withdrew more times.
"You offered woe to my wife?!" he shouted, dumbfounded.
Odette immediately defended herself. "Fear not, my beloved! She did not drink the woe!"
Her mind in shambles, Odette stuttered. "S-She…I knew not how she knew that I intoxicated her drink, but s-she knew that I enlivened it with bane primarily! Believe me, the bane did not harm her!"
Gavryll immediately extended his hand toward her, quickly his fingers clasped together and yanked her hair, aggravated.
"How will I ever persuade her to forgive me if you, my consort, did her bad? You are the reason I am in shambles! If you only stayed in the filthy streets of Yolivi and not entice anyone, then I would not be in as much infirmity as I am in now!"
Odette struggled to release herself from his grasp, she arose as soon as she did, and her palms made its way across his face.
"You were the one who pestered me, a beggar, to be with you! You were the one who promised me a better life in the Palace than on the streets of that damned, filthy city! It was you who were unsatisfied with the Empress's care! I never knew that with that promise comes when I will be stripped of my dignity. I knew not that I will come face to face with the Empress only for her to take me in for revenge. Furthermore, I wanted you greatly, and I am a fool for that. But more or less, you among the both of us are responsible for this wretched downfall." She yelled her heart out, immersed in the uproar of her emotions.
Slowly, her heart pounded faster and faster at each moment that passed. Her brows drifted downward, it was of melancholy, and she bore an abundance of hurting.
"Even so, bear with me, my love. I am yet to grow within the golden gates of this Palace, I knew not how things go. I love you so, and I hope that your redamancy continue to bless me. May you love me even more, forgive me, I beg of you." she pleaded.
"Odette, if you want me to still be yours, behave properly and heed what I say." Gavryll's hands reached her face, gently the rough skin of his palms caressed Odette's swollen countenance.
"Do so that the throne may remain with me, that I may have the chance to save you. Forgive me if I had to do all this, but we are being antagonized, there is no other way that I can keep you safe."
He lowered his head, "I beg for your forgiveness for the reason that I am a lousy Emperor, and that I am a wretched lover."
These words calmed Odette in just within a short span of time. Her hands wrapped around him and tightly did he hug her, symbolizing her forgiveness of him.
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