56.29% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 161: Chapter 161: Vacation time. 

章 161: Chapter 161: Vacation time. 

(Hi. Sorry It's a Holiday In my country. And also I was punched in the face, so I was resting for a while LoL. I had queued up chapters to be uploaded till Monday, so there will be continuous one chapter per day. If it wasn't uploaded at the time I normally did, then the timer did something wrong and just ping me at my discord channel.

Discord link : https://discord.gg/72GxvxYG )

[Edward POV]

"How could you drag him into the barn first thing in the morning Sam? He's a growing boy. He's supposed to get some more sleep!" My grandma touched my face affectionately as we sat at the breakfast table.

It was only 5.30 in the morning, and there wasn't anyone else there as they hadn't woken up yet. Amy tried to wake up before, but she fell asleep in the bathroom, so I just left her there with the toothbrush still in her mouth. 

Grandpa wasn't feeling guilty at all and said excitedly,"You should've seen when he was milking Daisy (the cow). She was shooting milk like a fountain. She'd never done that before. We got buckets of milk from Ed's efforts alone."

"Alone? You didn't make him do all the work, did you?" My grandma asked suspiciously.

"Uhh…" My grandpa hesitated and looked at me for help, so I complied, "Yes he did Grandma. He was just standing there doing nothing. He also tried to make me milk a bull, but I was too smart to fall for that."

Well I was helping, but I didn't say that I was going to help him.

"SAM!" My grandma asked in shock. My grandpa smiled and waved it off, "Ed. You're coming with me to see the horses this afternoon."

I was a bit hesitant, "You're not going to make me jerk them off will you? Cause I got to tell you, I'm not going to do that… Not in a million years."

"Well you'll do it if you're desperate enough." My grandpa said with a grin. "But that wasn't it. You still remember Stud right?"

I thought back and realized, "Oh yeah. He's supposed to be my horse."

"Yeah. He's supposed to be growing up with you. But right now, he's already a full grown horse."

"It has been almost 3 years. I wonder if he still remembers me." I muttered casually as I ate the pancake my grandmother had made. Her secret recipe was to cook it in bacon grease, which made me devour 3 plates of pancakes right before my dad woke up.

He sat at the breakfast table and my grandmother served him coffee. "What about mine?" I asked her mischievously. She smiled in confusion while pouring a cup of coffee for me, "You drink coffee Ed?"

"He's drinking more coffee than me per day. But you shouldn't drink coffee right now. We're going to the hospital after this." My dad interjected before turning to my grandma, "So no coffee for him mom."

I snatched the coffee from my grandmother's hand and muttered casually, "No need to worry. I already emailed the monitor's data to Dr House." 

My dad and grandparents were surprised, although my dad's reaction was leaning more toward irritability.

"You're supposed to let the doctor handle it, Ed." Dad said scoldingly.

I scrunched my eyebrow and said annoyedly, "I don't want to drive 3 hours back and forth to the hospital just for them to do something that I could do by myself. I could do it right here using a simple laptop and an adapter. Dr House already said that it was okay when he got the email so I don't know what you're angry about."

"Ed is right Ted. Do you really want to waste 3 hours on the road?" My grandpa backed me up. "You could've spent that time working."

I nodded in agreement while my grandmother looked at both me and my grandpa in disbelief.

"Well if you STOPPED working and relax for once Sam your grandson wouldn't be like this!" My grandma started to nag.

"I'm going to wake Amy up." I ran to my room quickly while holding my cup of coffee.

"Young Man! I haven't finished talking!" My grandma shouted from afar before shooting my grandpa a dirty look. He was smiling as he was proud of me, but his face turned fearful as he saw grandma's unhappy gaze. 

"I should get to the barn." He excused himself.

[General POV]

"I don't know what else to do. He won't stop working." Ted complained to his step-mother after Edward and Sam had left the breakfast table. "I thought I could make him get some rest over here. But he brings all of his work with him."

Jules then sat in front of Ted, leaning slightly forward as she held her arm, "Well Honey. You're his dad. If you don't want him to do something, then just say it."

"It's not that simple. Whenever we have this little tiff about work, I can't seem to win any argument he is making."

"That's the problem!" Jules slapped Ted's arm, "You're ASKING him to." 

"Well isn't that what a father should do?" Ted replied, confused.

"No. You're his dad. As long as he lives under your roof, he should listen to what you are telling him to do." Jules advised, however wrong the advice was.

"Then he would actually buy a new house and move out." Ted replied knowingly. "I can't do that to him. He hates being restricted the most."

"Well…Hmm…Maybe I can ask Amy to show him around town. A lot has changed since he last got here. Also, when Maggie arrives, she can keep an eye on him. You know how Edward always had a crush on her."

"I don't think that'll work anymore." Ted replied while sipping his beer.

Jules smiled slyly, "Oh trust me, when he sees her it'll definitely work. But in the meantime, maybe you could prevent him from working by…I don't know… forgetting to put his laptop in his luggage?"

Ted didn't catch the hint, "But he packed his suit on his own."

Jules shoot him a look, "But…Mayyyybeee….He- Ted I don't know why you're not getting it. Just take his laptop away!"

"AHH! Right, right." 

Amy suddenly appeared behind Ted, scaring him as she spoke, "I smell pancakes."

"Amy, go spit out your toothpaste first and finish brushing your teeth!" Grandma Jules scolded as the toothbrush was still in her mouth. 

Amy took the toothbrush off and said casually, "Also. I don't think that'll work. He's already on his his laptop right now, working on his apps ."

[Edward POV]

Luckily for me, my dad didn't tape my laptop shut like Phil was going to do in the future. He just took it away, and said that he would give it to me after dinner. In the meantime, I needed to act like an actual teenager, and go outside of the house to play.

Therefore, I hotwired my uncle's pickup truck and drove to town with Amy.

"We're going to be in so much trouble!" Amy muttered with concern. "I love it!" Her face changed up instantly as she enjoyed the drive.

"Also, don't use the road by the creek. Sherif Miller usually stays out there." She advised.

I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion and asked, "Why should I avoid him?"

She looked at me in disbelief, "Because…You don't have a license?"

"Reach into my pocket." I said casually.

Amy almost did it but stopped and pulled herself back quickly, "You're not tricking me. Grandma said that a girl should never do that if a guy told her to do it."

"What am I going to do? Make you touch my penis? My license is in my pocket." I replied in disbelief before getting my cash clip together with a DMV card out by myself.

"Please don't say penis in front of me. Ever again." She warned me.

I nodded slightly, "Right. You're only comfortable with people calling it peepee or-"

"STOP SAYING IT! ALSO!" She took out my cash and spread it out on her hand, "We're going to have so much fun in town."

I nodded in understanding and said, "Okay. Just keep your hoo-ha in check. I don't want you to pee from excitement-"


She punched the air beside me a few times, and after she calmed down, she looked at me in confusion and asked, "Why do you have a license?"

"Well it's a fake one." I replied.

The license was forged, but with my skill, there was no difference between that and a real one I was going to get after I passed my driving test… Because I actually did hack into the DMV system and forged myself a new one. I just paid Dylan 20 bucks to go and pick it up for me after.

And I also did a good thing afterward and upgraded the DMV system so that it could run 100 times more efficiently. However, to my surprise, it didn't change a thing about the DMV's slowness, so in the end it was just useless.

"You're going to get so grounded when I tattle about this to your dad." Amy muttered with a smile, but she didn't actually do that.

"It's fine. Then I won't let you buy whatever you want with my money today." I muttered coaxingly and tried to grab my cash back. 

She pulled her hand away and then said, "What if we compromise and don't tattle to your dad, and you still buy me that Viking's T-shirt."

"I thought you're a Badger's fan?" I asked with one raised eyebrow.

She smiled evilly and said, "All our family is. Don't you think it'll be fun to wear it at the dinner's table and see who I piss off?"

"You're fun. I like you." I told her.

She laughed and said, "Thanks. I like you too. But mostly for your money."

I scoffed while she laughed mischievously. While we were in town, I had to put on a baseball cap and glasses to disguise myself. 

"Oh, is that Miss Allison?" Amy pointed out when we were driving in front of a hardware store. 

Miss Allison was struggling with her bags, and no one was around to help her. 

And it was actually weird since it is Wisconsin which means that if there is someone around, they would have helped her. She was wearing a red, one piece dress with cap sleeves and a low cut neckline, or what can simply be called a 'Summer dress' and it was extremely eye-catching. 

No wonder they said a 7 bucks summer dress could cost you 70,000 dollars in child support if you weren't careful. 

I stopped the truck next to her and rolled down the window, "You need some help over there?"

She turned quickly, some plastic tubes fell down at the same time as she turned.

"Oh Edward. Hi. I was just buying some stuff to fix my sink."

"What's wrong with your sink? And why did you buy…well…a lot of stuff that isn't actually helpful for sink repair." I said as I saw within her bag. It has wallpaper rolls, some plasters, sandpaper, showerhead, and more.

"Well… My house still needs a lot of work, and I haven't yet got the time to do it since I moved here."

" Then, throw the stuff in the back, and I'll lend you some help. I might not seem like it, but I'm very handy." I offered. 

"Oh..Um..Are you sure?" Miss Allison asked. The gentle breeze made her hair flapped in the wind, so she had to brush the stray hair behind her ears. My heart skipped a beat and said, "Sure. Hop in."

She was so excited that she almost did a little dance. No scratch that. She did dance a little.

"What ARE you doing? What about my shirt!?" Amy whispered angrily as Miss Allison went to store her stuff.

"I'll buy you two shirts later. Be nice." I coaxed her.

"Be nice? Why?" She asked with suspicion.

"Well…I kinda want to date her. So be cool." I muttered, after censoring myself for a bit. It's better than what I was going to say, which was 'I kinda want to sleep with her'.

The girl was astonished when she heard it, and when Miss Allison opened the door to enter, she was confused when she saw the frozen Amy.

"What's with her?"

"Nothing. She was just surprised when I told her I did most of the renovations in my house myself."

"Oh! So you didn't just say that." She said coquettishly, causing Amy to be even more shocked. The poor girl was speechless there and didn't know what to do.

"I thought you were just coming to my house to see where I live." Miss Allison continued while shooting me a flirty look. 

"That too. I want to know whether or not you just throw your underwear everywhere when you live alone."

She laughed, and then went silent after trying to think about it. "Give me 5 minutes before you get in, okay?" She requested.

"Personally, I don't mind. But okay." I replied casually before stepping on the gas. It was only a 10 minute drive to her house, and I helped her carry her stuff back into the suburban house with flowers on the window.

"It's a nice house." I complimented honestly. "Amy, here's 50 bucks. You can go hang out at the mall if you want." I turned to Amy and tried to send her away.

"Oh hells no. I'm not leaving you alone with her." She muttered angrily. 

"Alright then. But if you're staying, then you're helping." 

"Just to be clear. Your dad kicked you out the house to play and yet here you are, coming to a stranger's house, to work more?"

"I do see the irony here too." I muttered with a slight nodding.

I helped Miss Allison by fixing her sink and was laying down under it as it was a small space for me to squeeze in. I asked Amy to turn off the water line first before opening the pipes, which was a wrong decision to make.

"Ed! I'm really sorry!" Amy muttered with a laugh after she saw I was wet from the dirty water. I had already finished with the repair, which I had to do pretty quickly in order to keep myself from drowning.

 I narrowed my gaze at Amy menacingly, causing her to shut up.Miss Allison interjected, "I'll get you some towels and a clean shirt."

"No need. Since I'm already dirty." I said before grabbing the hem of my shirt and taking it off, revealing a muscular stature. 

Both Miss Allison and Amy were startled, and Amy mouthed 'What the fuck' while Miss Allison blanked out as she gazed into my abs. 

"I'll help you with the shower head. Although I'm curious as to why you bought the one with the pulsating jet stream function." I smirked mischievously at Miss Allison, causing her to turn her head away and look at the ceiling clearly trying to avoid my eyes.

I hit the mark with that one. A single lady's shower head was a good tool for her to pretend she got a boyfriend in the bathtub. But before I could tease her more, Amy chimed in. 

"It's just a shower function?" Amy was confused.

"Right. You haven't hit puberty yet." I muttered while nodding my head.

"I ALREADY DID!" She shouted in frustration before stomping away angrily. She didn't leave the house, but just sat in front of the TV and watched MTV while I was working.

After I installed the new shower, I gave it to Miss Allison and said, "Here. Think of me when you use it."

"W-W-Wh-Why would I think of you here…? I'm just going to be showering." She stammered. 

I gave her a knowing look and said, "Sure. But that means that you're going to think of me when you're in places other than the shower. And that does sound exciting for me."

She widened her eyes before chuckling at my teasing, "You shouldn't flirt like that. I'm already an old woman." She pressed my nose with her finger as if to show she was angry, but her smile betrayed what she was truly feeling.

"You're in your 20's. Big deal-" I said before she was slipping on some spilled soap, and almost fell on her back. 

I grabbed her by the waist quickly and pulled her towards me. The inertia caused her to fall on top of me in the bathtub, and the shower head was turned on as I had hit the faucet. 

Her dress became wet and started to stick on her body. I turned to her and asked, "Are you okay?" while the water was still running on my head. Both of us became wet while she rubbed her leg and said, "Oww…It doesn't hurt much." 

She was looking incredibly sexy with her skirt riding up and her bosom constantly getting wetter.

"Umm…We should get up." She said in embarrassment as she caught my gaze on her chest. I cleared my throat and said, "Yeah. I'll grab you a towel."

"Thank you Ed." She said with a blush. We locked eyes and I lowered my gaze towards her lips. Her bosom heaved up and down as she closed her lips with mine. She closed her eyes as she waited, and when I was going for the kiss, suddenly, my phone rang.

"Ahh damn it." I cursed as Miss Allison managed to collect herself and pull herself back from the distraction.

"Y-Y-Y-You should get that." She said while she was running away. After she left the bathroom, I picked up the call angrily and asked, "What do you want?"

"The truck." My grandpa muttered with a teasing tone. "Did I interrupt something good?"

"Yeah. Something really good." I complained.

"Oh I'm not going to be sorry for that." My grandpa replied, "I need the pickup truck to pick up your Uncle Jim and your cousin from the airport."

"Ah right. Are they almost here?" I asked while rubbing my face.

"Yeah. That's why I'm calling you." My grandpa said casually.

"Alright. Hey, just a thought. Why don't I go to pick up Uncle Jim and Maggie from the airport?"

"The car only seats 3. But I think you can squeeze in 4 people there." My grandpa replied after thinking for a while. 

Between driving for 2 hours to pick up his family from the airport and work on his farm, it was stupid for him to say no to the offer. He didn't even ask me if I had a license. He only cared whether I could drive the car or not.

I told Miss Allison about the pick up. "I'll come by and finish up tomorrow." 

"Ah no need. I can finish the rest by myself." She replied as if she didn't want me to stay there any longer.

"Are you sure?" I asked as I looked around, "The wallpaper is going to be a lot of work."

"It's fine. Really. I can't thank you enough Edward." She muttered.

"Oh. We got back to 'Edward'. That's disheartening. I kinda like it when you call me Ed sweetly." I flirted.

She held back a squeal and spoke in a shaky voice, "Well, I-I-I'm not going to be here tomorrow. I'm thinking about going on the hiking trail-"

"Oh. The hiking trail. I've never been on that. So we going on a hike tomorrow?" 

"Uh..Yes?" She was confused, but agreed nonetheless.

"Great. I'll see you tomorrow. And, I'll leave my phone number here. So call me tonight when you settle on a time." I replied with a sweet smile before leaving with Amy.

We saw Miss Allison in a daze as we waved at her from the door, and I chuckled as I thought she was adorable.

It was around lunch time when I got home after picking up my family. Uncle Jim has a similar appearance to Stanley Tucci, but his mustache was thicker. He has a balding head, and a fit body despite being in his 50's. 

And Maggie was a good Christian girl, dressed in modest clothing, who always had a sunshine smile on her face while being in front of the adults.

(Maggie- Abigail Cowen)

"I'm starving." Amy said.

"Oh, we should stop by a restaurant. I'm starving too." Uncle Jim replied as he took over driving the car. 

I was nagged by him for a while as Amy ratted me out, despite him initially falling for my fake license card and applauding me for taking the initiative to pick them up. I saved this grudge in my 'Amy book of mishaps' and I will make sure to settle the score with her later.

"And after I bought you the t-shirts." I said while wearing a Badger's football team shirt myself. I even bought a new pair of pants after my previous one got wet in Miss Allison's bathtub.

She stuck her tongue at me while Maggie smiled at the both of us. 

The restaurant we were stopping by was close to the airport, and I offered to pay for the food in exchange for Uncle Jim to let my fake driving license go. He accepted the offer readily before he started to brag about Maggie's impossible achievements!

I was sitting next to Amy while Uncle Jim and Maggie were sitting right next to us.

"Oh. I really didn't think Maggie could get into college at times, especially after she burned down the barn, smoking with her friends, and told me the cows did it…I had already given up hope. But she actually performed a miracle." He hugged his daughter proudly as she sat there in embarrassment.

"Or when she called the deepest point on earth the Marinara Trench." I chimed in.

"Or when she thought Y2K was a band and not a computer virus." Amy added.

"No one asked for your input." Maggie rolled her eyes. 

"Oh. I have to go to the toilet first before we drive back." Uncle Jim shook his legs slightly before running to the back of the restaurant.

After we saw he was out of sight, all of us leaned in closer before Maggie said, "Okay. So I guess you guys can already guess. I didn't really get into college?"

Amy and I looked at each other before we turned to look at Maggie together, "Yeah." x2.

"I'm wondering how you managed to trick uncle Jim and how are you planning to keep that up when you're supposed to be already there. I can't believe he's not suspecting anything." I asked.

Maggie smiled and explained, "I gave money to a college boy to act as a student guide, and I also made out with him a little bit so that he'd be more motivated."

Amy and I nodded in understanding before I asked, "Why are you in California?"

Maggie couldn't hide her grin, "I HAD AN AUDITION! I'M GOING TO BE AN ACTRESS!"

"Really? That's so cool!" Amy said excitedly.

"I know right?!" Maggie shouted before looking around guiltily to make sure her father wasn't listening.

"Oh, what kind of movie was it?" I asked her.

"Well they haven't decided on a name yet. But they said that they are going to hire me. They even gave me a huge signing fee!"

"Oh. Do you have a contract? Can I see it?" I asked her with a smile, but I was feeling uneasy inside.

"Sure. But don't let dad see it." Maggie said and reached towards her bag before giving me a stack of papers. I read it while nodding my head, causing Amy and Maggie to be expectant.

"Right? It's awesome right?" Maggie added again.

I pretended to be calm, "Yeah. It is awesome. If your aim was to be a PORN STAR!" 

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C161
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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