28.12% The Modern family and Me / Chapter 9: 9•Coal digger [1]

章 9: 9•Coal digger [1]

Jay enters, dressed for work. Gloria and Manny are at the breakfast table, Manny drinking coffee was suddenly in a conversation with Jay.

Jay:"Let's go, buddy. School time. And Gloria, if you want to get together with the girls later I can just watch the football game or something."

Manny:"That means he wants to watch the football game."

Jay:"Did I ask you? And why are you drinking coffee all the time?"

Manny:"It's my culture. I'm Colombian."

Gloria smiles at this as Jay stands next to manny seeing his plate

Jay:"Oh yeah? Where in Colombia do they grow those french toaster sticks?"

Gloria:"You can't watch the game. The whole

family's coming over for barbecue."

Jay:"Oh no,That's today? Ohio state is playing and I was gonna have Will over. We were gonna bet since he actually has money"

Gloria:"Wait you're betting with an 13 year old? It doesn't matter anyway, everyone can watch.

Jay:"I don't like watching the game with people who don't know the game. People talk."

Manny:"You talk at my football games."

Jay:"First of all, it's called soccer. And your team's scored two goals all season. I'm not taking a big risk."

Jay has a travel coffee mug and lifts the coffee pot. It's empty.

Jay:"How much of this did you drink?"

Manny:"Give me a break, I have to climb a rope today."

Many takes a sip with Jay having an unbelievable expression.

-The Dunphy House-

Haley approaches Claire who is at the kitchen with Alex is nearby.

Haley:"Hey mom Can I have forty dollars for lunch?"

Claire:"Forty dollars?"

Claire took a carton of milk from the fridge and faced Haley.

Haley:"I also need a book for school."

Claire:"What book?"

Haley:"I want a dress."

Claire:"Do you have any idea what a bad liar

you are?"

Alex:"I'd be more worried that she couldn't come up with a single book title."

Haley:"Shut up, Why don't you tell your boyfriend that your sister, a member of your family, needs some money. After all isnt he like a billionaire?"

Alex:"For your information Not like, He is, and I'm not gonna do that. I'm not dating him for his money"

Haley:"Then why are you dating him for?"

Alex:"Because unlike you, he is actually interested in me and the things I say while also understanding me-"

Haley:"Yawn besides didn't he ask you out like yesterday?"

Claire:"Haley, be nice. We accept Will into this family not because of his money but because he is himself"

Phil enters. Seeing the women trio into a discussion

Phil:"What's uh going on?"

Haley:"Alex won't share her boyfriend money with us"

Phil:"What? I mean of course we gotta give it time, he only known us for a month and one day, so pretty soon we're gonna be swimming in his money"

Phil and Haley both laughed as they jumped up and down while holding hands like teenage girls


Claire:"Phil. Haley. Cut it out"

Phil:"We were just joking."

Haley:"We were? And here I thought I was gonna get a brand new car"

And with that Haley walked right out of the kitchen.

Yes.2 weeks passed since the plane fiasco, aka, 1 full month and a day since Alex met Will. Their situation was quite crazy, fun, and fast.

Crazy because of all the things happening with Will getting in the crossfire between Gloria and Claire mom one time when he visited Alex so they could hang out as friends.

Fun because of the plane incident, the fight between Claire mom and Gloria and with him hanging around with Alex

Fast because…Well, how fast they were moving.

So Yesterday, When Alex said she was ready and they both had gotten a good grasp on getting to know each other. Will asked her officially in her bedroom and she said yes.


Alex was seen sitting on her bed with a book

Alex:"It was a good feeling hearing Will saying my name with a more… charming tone than usual? I don't know but ever since he asked me out it feels like an annoying feeling inside of me went away"

Alex:"You wanna know how it played out? Alright I'll give you the short version of it"


Birds were chirping, the breeze coldly blew the trees as the sun was out. Indicating a great day as the Dunphy house had the Dunphy family.

But there was another person there as well. Will. It has been 2 weeks since Will confessed that he liked Alex, like like Alex. Now, she didn't out right reject she wanted to say yes but she didn't know Will that much even though they bonded for 2 weeks, she thought it was to early so she waited until it became one month.

And today was that day. Will was over due to Alex inviting him just to hang out while also finishing their science project.

Surprisingly, they were in the her bedroom with the door obviously open. Alex was on the bed writing down the information as Will was standing up, decorating their poster

Will:"Tell me why again is it that I'm coloring while you're doing the work?"

Alex:"Because, my project will not be written in cursive"

They were talking normally with no awkwardness. At first Alex felt awkward during her time being with Will due to her making him wait but Will wasn't bothered and she saw that as it made it easier for her to be more normal around him

Will:"Come on, cursive just screams professional."

Alex:"No. Not up for discussion. Besides, I'm pretty sure you would've typed it out instead of writing it."

Will:"It would've been faster"

Alex:"It would've been lazy"

Will just nodded as he stood there with black jeans and white shirt with white shoes. His dirty bronde hair was parted in the middle as some of his hair was to the left and to the right.

Alex looked up from writing on a piece of paper as she saw him pushing his hair back with his hand. His sharp jawline and that good build for a 13 year old. And the last part was seeing his mesmerizing sea green eye color that was staring at her

(AN:Cringe!!!!! I swear he's 13 besides I seen kids ripped with 6 packs so a 13 year old with it is not that weird, and no it will not stop his growth again CRINGE!!!)


How the fuck was this…boy the same age as her?


Will:"Is there something on my face"

He said smiling while raising his eyebrow.

Alex:"Yes. No! Um, just get back to making our board look amazing"

Alex went back to writing as she suddenly felt her bed heavier as he had his face beside her looking at the paper

She turned her head as she saw those eyes. Man were they beautiful.


Alex mom came out of nowhere as Alex backed away a little to quickly as she fell off with Will helping her up

Will:"You okay?"

She thought 'No, I like you and I want to be your girlfriend'

Alex:"Yep, just mom, what are you doing here?"

Claire:"Just came to check up on my scientists"

Claire was carrying plates of food as she put them down on Alex computer desk.

Claire:"Well I'll be right downstairs where the steps could be heard and the floors are thin"

Alex rolled her eyes as Will thanked her and started to eat one of the sandwiches

Alex:"How do you not get fat? I seen you eat at school and I'm surprised you're still in shape."

Will:"Ever heard of exercising?"

'And god sprinkles?' Will thought

(AN:God sprinkles is just something that made his genetics more better? I know Cringe!!!)

He surprised Alex by lifting up his shirt as Alex sandwich fell out of her hands with a mouth wide open

Alex:"Woah woah woah….Woah!"

Alex shut her eyes and put her hand over her glasses as she took one more glance and then shut them

Alex:"Okay, you can cover it up now"

Will:"Meh, okay"

Alex half opened her eyes as she looked at Will and saw his shirt back down. Knowing it was clear she opened them up and looked at the ground to see the sandwich.

She went to pick it up as she felt a hand on hers and noticed Will was helping her. She blushed even harder as she put the sandwich back on the plate

Alex:"I was so looking forward to that. Thanks a lot six pack Will"


Will held out his sandwich as Alex just shook her head

Will:"Take a bite or I'm gonna have to mamma bird feed you it"

Alex scrunched up her face.

Alex:"Ew that's gross"

Will:"I was joking but seriously take a bite it's not the end of the world if you do it"

Alex did that as she got a bit of mayo on the side of her lips as Will just rubbed his thumb, catching Alex by surprise. Yet again!

Alex:"Soooo…..You like me right?"

Will:"Yeah. I still Do."

Alex:"Can I ask you something?"

Alex went back to sit down on the edge of her bed as Will sat next to her

Will:"Ask away"

Alex:"What do you like about me? What do you see in me? How does a billionaire kid have feelings for me?"

Will:"Well that's a hard question to answer"

Alex getting the wrong message, frowned

Will:"I mean there's a lot that I can't name simply because I wouldn't be done until we grow old"

Alex once again was caught by surprise as she playfully punched his arm while pouting

Alex:"You were scaring me"

Will chuckled as Alex went back to smiling

Will:"So yeah. There's a lot but to name but the basics, your smart, funny, beautiful, extraordinary talented, you're able to multitask and you're an excellent friend."

Alex blush returned as she fixed her glasses while looking down.

Alex:"That's the best thing anyone has said to me"

Will:"Well I'm simplying just stating the facts."

She cleared her throat as her body now faced him, her eyes staring at his


Will:"Calm down Alex, take a breath"

She nodded as she took long breaths

Alex:"I like you Will. Like, Like like you. And I was wondering if your ready now?"

Will smiled as stood up and took her hand in his as she stood up

Will:"Alex Dunphy, would you give me the honor of letting me date you?"

Alex:"Is that how kids our age do it these days?"

Will:"No, I just thought it would be more fancy"

Alex giggled as her eyes squinted looking at those beautiful eyes as they stared back at her. She saw Will giving the most warm smile she ever saw.

Alex:"Well in that case. Will Zoloman, I will give you permission as long as you don't break my heart."

Will:"Trust me that will be the last thing I ever do"

Alex:"Then it's official. You're my boyfriend no. I have a handsome boyfriend and…Oh my god! How am I going to tell my parents!"

They hugged at first but Alex quickly backed away a bit as she still held his hands.

Will:"Relax im sure if we-"

Suddenly music started to appear out of nowhere as they both turned to the doorway with Phil carrying a radio, Claire taking pictures with her phone.

And Haley surprisingly throwing confetti as Luke coming in with his BB gun.

Phil:"My baby girl is all grown up!"

Claire:"I'm still gonna keep my eye on you"

Haley:"Congratulations, your not completely hopeless"

They all congratulated her as Luke came before Will, looking at him.

Luke:"You hurt my sister and I will hunt you down"

Luke held his BB gun as the family laughed with Will chuckling nervously

Phil:"What he said"

Haley:"Yeah. Alex might be a nerd but she's my little nerd"

Claire:"Okay guys I think we're scaring him but it is in our right to let him know if he breaks her heart it's only right we break his right?"

They all shouted to agree as Alex shrugged with Will only nodding

Will:"You have my word Phil and Claire. I will try my best to make sure Alex doesn't feel that. Although we may be young I will try my best."

Phil:"Well bring it in!"

Phil grabbed Will and pulled him into a hug with Alex as the family joined In. For once they put aside their differences and hugged without any other motives

Claire:"Phil,Honey, you did fix Luke BB gun right?"



Will groaned out as he held his stomach.

*Flashback ends*

Alex:"Was that the short version? Yes"

Alex smiled as she looked at her wrist and saw the cute bracelet Will got for her by mail, It came with a card.

———Commentary ends——-

Phil:"Luke, come on, we're late!"

Luke enters. His shirt is both inside out and backwards and it's somehow zipped into his zipper.

Claire:"Well, that's a first. Inside out and

backwards. At least it's not zipped into your -- oop, there it is."

Luke:"I have a broken zipper."

Phil:"Mmmm... no."

(AN:I notice I even got confused on the second part so let me make this clear… When Will confessed he like Alex it was one day after the plane incident and THEN, NOW, 2 weeks passed which is today, where this chapter takes place. 2 weeks after Will told Alex he liked her….. sorry for the confusion if you did get confused)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C9
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


