
Chapter 231: Views Part 3

Although a very major development, the death of Fredrick Delamb received very little attention in comparison to the other events that had been occurring.

This didn't stop vultures in the form of supportive donors, ambassadors and so on from trying to use the opportunity to bring some gains to themselves.

It was now common knowledge that meta-humans would play a large role in the future of humanity, so much so that even a small country like Markovia was now starting to carry the weight of a superpower simply due to its large meta-human population.

Because of so many events taking the headlines, much of the public was largely unaware that a lot of countries were in legal battles with Markovia, demanding that the meta-human children who originally came from there territory be returned.

Many even accusing Markovia of militarizing them and brainwashing them, making them think of other countries in a bad light.

Unfortunately, international laws had always been more for show than anything else. 

Markovia argued that the countries these children came from put no efforts into trying to rescue them and only now seek them for use, this was also quite obvious.

Tensions were growing and more countries were becoming increasingly more impatient with Markovia's growing meta-human population.

A good number of political analysts felt the attack on the Markovian Castle was a move by one or more of the countries who were currently against Markovia's meta-human monopoly.

After all, by eliminating Fredrick Delamb, Princess Tara would need to take the reigns, her young age and inexperience aside, many allies of Markovia would obviously feel dissuaded to keep supporting a nation that so easily had the residence of their most important figure attacked.

But that was exactly what Arias wanted…

Knowing the greed of man, it wasn't a hard thing to predict, especially since he instigated it.

But the greed didn't stop there as even within Markovia, other tensions were rising.

With ambitious political figures calling for an end to the absolute monarchy and calling for democracy, for free & fair elections and for positive change.

With such a hostile environment, political analysts were confident that this mantle would be too much for a young girl who was yet to even turn 18.

And they would be right. For Fredrick Delamb's case, he had been the leader of the country's military for more than two decades, and with such support, his role as regent received little to no opposition.

But now the military was divided, with traditional heads in support of Tara's claim to the throne while another felt the military themselves could rule.

The biggest shield Tara now held like many analysts revealed was Arias himself and Leviathan Co, which he left her.

But even this didn't seem like enough for obvious reasons. Arias was just one man, believed to be gravely injured and Leviathan's value was rapidly declining.

All logic pointed to a bad outcome for Tara or a very tough reign, one no inexperienced child could handle. 

As for why Arias would put his assets in such a position, it was simple. To know those who had bad intentions and to filter out those who would remain loyal even in the face of adversity.

At first, his initial plan was to allow Fredrick to continue ruling in Tara's place, making her take the reigns once she came of age and Slade became president of the states. At that time, if the world's most powerful military backed Markovia, very few countries could really do anything.

But now, even the united states was among the countries demanding that Markovia release the various meta-human children back to their countries of origin. The states were also the biggest reason no country was yet to make a militaristic move on Markovia despite it's current fragile state.

And the reason the states was yet to make a move was simple, Arias.

Unlike other countries which didn't understand the full threat that was Arias Markovic, the American government didn't dare to act carelessly in a matter he was obviously involved in.

At the moment, their intelligence agencies were working over the clock to find information on Arias's current state and if he was really gravely injured, but they got nothing, thus no forceful move could be made. 


At this time, the instigator of all this, Arias, was casually seated in a lavish olden lounge areas within Markovia's most luxurious hotel, a refurbished castle owned by the royal family and currently acting as the royal residence while repairs for the main castle were under way.

He was leaned into a comfy sofa with his gaze fixated on the news that reported constantly on the affairs happening in Markovia. He found the disarray many countries were now in to be quite funny.

'I gave them an opportunity and they're still having reservations. A shame, this was very good opportunity.' Arias shook his head in disappointment, reaching the personal conclusion that his plan had failed, at least partially.

The entire point of putting his assets in such a fragile state was to lure the vultures into trying to get a piece. In this case, the vultures being opposing nations. Once they made a hostile move, it would be an act of war and Markovia would have grounds to retaliate as the victim.

By then, a new world war would begin, the most one sided in history as Arias wound ensure Markovia not only won, but secured as many territories as possible, all under the rule of a single Monarch. 

This plan had it's own hurdles in the form of future revolutions and obvious resistance but Arias felt that could be handled with over time. 

'Oh well, that doesn't change much.' 

Despite this conclusion, Arias wasn't the least bit fazed. If he couldn't conquer nations under reasonable grounds in one fell swoop, then he would just do so slowly by employing cunning means. For this plan, due to the path taken, resistance would be much less, just like how Slade was on path to becoming president with the support of the majority of the nation.

Arias would simply need to employ similar tactics. As he was already thinking of how to go about this, a trembling imperial guard walked into the quiet lounge and bowed.

"Princess Tara is here your excellency." He reported, not daring to meet the gaze of Arias. 

Arias simply gave a nod as the smile on his face faded, "send her in, it's about time I also discipline this daughter of mine."

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C236
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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