
Chapter 140: Grand opening (Detail Bonus Chapter)

Arias's press conference was brief and accurate, delivering his message and answering a few mundane questions.

For formality, he even came with Terra, his meta human adopted daughter and Demi-god princess, as if to prove his stance towards creating a place that fully accepted and welcomed children with special talents.

One had to know that most abandoned children in the past years has stemmed from them developing special powers or having ties to different origins.

People feared what they didn't know and shunned it. The shunned turned to crime, thereby dirtying the names of their kind for good.

Because of this, it was no surprise most were cast away to the streets or orphanages if lucky. Now a trend of weaponizing them was quickly building and now they was fear in both sides.

What Arias basically presented to this predicament was the solution, one in which people didn't even need to pay.

The normal people get their homes safe while the outcasts get a whole new world of their own. Even if you hated meta's, it was incredibly hard to put up an argument against Arias's idea given the state of the world.

That sort of calculated planning and insight was what caused Luthor to fall, the self proclaimed smartest man on the planet.

As if that weren't enough, by adopting a former victim of child meta human trafficking, at such a young age, people couldn't help but see him as both a saint and a fool… the perfect cover to grow under.

The people love you, but enemies don't see you as a big threat… until it's too late and the foundation is laid.

As Arias finished the press conference, he gave some final words of encouragement to those meta's or aliens facing familial issues.

This went out to the few cases where parents or guardians support their special children but are shunned too.

Employment becomes an issue, schools lie about available places, neighborhoods have extra police patrols in your area and so much more other signs.

A small but noteworthy point that Arias chose to add after encountering Raven and her family issue.

… and that was the gist of it.

With these points put across, Arias could now just wait. It was already too late for even the government to intervene, because if they did, then they needed to bring with them a solution that was better than Arias's.

And at the time, his was perfect. Not only because of its structure but funds spent, totaling billions of dollars.

With the term of office in the nation coming to an end, the budgets for that year and the following year would have been set.

This basically meant the country was saying they had a solution, which was basically Arias's but they couldn't do it immediately like him and the funds would also have to come from an increase with tax following a new tax law that takes meta's and alien's into consideration.

People were dumb and oblivious, yes. But even they would notice such a pointless thing.

The only option left would be for the president to not care about the people's happiness and move forward with it. But by doing so, he would be hated by the masses and lose the coming election.

There was no winning, not at this stage of Arias's plan. All sides were useless and could now only start to plan for the new world variable that was, Arias Markovic.

With the conference done, Arias could now only wait and focus on the relations with his entourage for that free week.

With Slade, Rose, Terra, Diana and even Mercy present, the only person missing was Harley who had just slept in after drinking herself silly and causing perverse chaos and raunchy humor.

Arias looked at this setup and couldn't imagine a single scenario where this grouping would fit. Lunch? A Movie? As much as Arias was good with dealing with people, dealing with them all at once was no easy task.

Before he could come up with something though, Mercy's phone rang and a frown appeared on her face. "…alright, I'll get back to you." She replied before cutting.

Arias didn't ask and just looked at her with a brow raised as if asking if the call was meant for him. She nodded and revealed, "it was, sounds like a team working on drilling in one of the zones has stumbled upon one of Poison Ivy's Lair's, and she's pissed."

The name rung familiar to Arias for some of her stunts in the past years but she was rather quiet and not a major threat so not once did she come up in his mind.

"What's the damage? Isn't a squad of police enough to get her caught?" Arias asked, not seeing this as a big issue.

Given his newfound power, what passed as dangerous to him was himself. And they weren't exactly many like him…

Slade frowned upon hearing the name and comment. "They can't, her body can make drugs that make men want to serve her, women too if like cooch. And in America, most women don't mind cooch."

Arias have a subtle nod to Slade and his rather insightful example.

"You sound like you're immune so we can stop by and take care of it." Just like that, Arias decided to just use this minor event as both a distraction and entertainment.

Arriving at the sight, Arias and the group found a blockade around a tunnel. Approaching it closer, they see some officers who quickly explain the situation in detail.

The summary of it being, while mapping the structures below, the team stumbled into one of Ivy's lairs and for whatever reason a conflict broke lose with a few injured coming out and the rest being held hostage.

Because it was happening on Arias's property with the police present their being under his payroll, the public was unaware for the transpiring events.

With the small explanation done, no plan was even made as the group made it into the tunnels. With WonderWoman present, it was practically a surety that they were safe.

Slade only solidified that.

It didn't take long for them to come across cocoons of sorts mounted to the walls, each of them having a humanoid shape.

The women all looked at the sight with disgust while Slade was unfazed and Arias curious.

"Well, well, isn't this an interesting bunch." The sounds of leafs flapping loudly echoed in the tunnel as the ground began to shake ever so slightly.

Soon a large set of vines with incredibly large flowers and spores appeared all around. The voice emanated from the largest flower, which looked like it hadn't her even bloomed.

That same flower came forward and opened slowly to reveal the slender green figure of an alluring woman. She had a sort of seductive and mischievous look on her face as she looked at Arias's odd group with a few recognized faces.

The first being WonderWoman and then Mercy. "Wow, two of the women in my to get intimate with list have come to see mior? I'm flattered."

WonderWoman gave Ivy a cautious look like Mercy looked ready to throw hands. But the one to respond to Ivy was Slade who looked very irritated.

"Just let me deal with her quick so we don't have to waste our time. I mean she's literally just a horny woman who thinks trees are alive and we should eat oxygen, only she has green skin and is a meta. In other words a vegetarian gay feminist with super powers."

Ivy looked at the confident and frowned at him. She knew exactly who he was and how dangerous he could be, provoking him wasn't a good idea for sure but she herself was stubborn with her own set of confidence.

So she clapped back. "Says the glorified body guard working for the cliche billionaire rich boy with a tiny cock. Move an inch and I'll bring the place down on you and him, then you can say bye bye to sugar daddy."

Slade wasn't amused as he reached for his sword. "Lady,you're green, you live underground and drug women into eating your cooch. You're not in a villain, you're just a really homey tree with a gender crisis."

Before Slade could attack though, Diana took the liberty of charging into Ivy and bashing her with a a frontal attack. She got sent flying back into the tunneling concrete and caused a minor quake.

"I'm unsure of your odd requests but you dared lie about my dear friend and his large well shaped manhood, I cannot such bold provocation and disrespect to go unpunished."

Mercy and Rose, the two most grounded people looked at this scene as if it was a pointless hassle, while Terra looked worried for Arias as she spoke.

"If the walls come down, uhm, just stay close and I'll protect you. Okay?… uh, Dad." She offered awkwardly while trying to avoid looking in his direction.

Arias smiled at the gesture and didn't make things awkward for her and just gave her hair a gentle. "That's sweet of you to offer, I'll do that."

Following his words, Ivy pushed her figure out of the debris WonderWoman caused to fall on her and threatened, "Okay, princess, wanna play rough, I'll show you rough."

Those words were short lived as an energetic WonderWoman fighting with a sense of justice was not something Ivy could match.

In a short exchange, the fight was concluded with WonderWoman merging victorious and Ivy ending up bound and struggling in the hold of her lasso. "Friend Arias, how do you wish to deal with her? It's your name that she lied upon." WonderWoman asked while holding a blade toward Ivy's neck.

Arias approached the struggling Ivy with Slade by his side who wore a mocking grin. "Damn, all that hype and show for nothing. You see, why are you gae?"

Ivy didn't appreciate Slade's mocking and bit back. "Don't look so smug when you big boys let the woman do the heavy lifting for you. And you call yourselves men?"

Slade was unfazed by her words, he won and she lost, simple, so his reply to her words was,

"Yes. But, You, Are gae."

A/N: I forgot what I wanted to say, probably some quote on why you should give me powerstones to gain chadness like Slade. Anyway this chapter shoutout will go to TyrantTron ( usually comments first… except for smut chapters… he takes his time on those. ) Anyway enjoy, throw stones for a bonus chain.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C140
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


