
Throwback Chapter : Cucking Superman (R-18)

A/N: This is a throwback parody chapter in relation to the first GOTO, skip it if you don't want non-canon smut. It has no relation to the plot, just an optional bonus

Late at night inside a small apartment in the city of Metropolis, Lois was preparing a meal in the kitchen.

"Clark? Are you fine with pork?"

Clark who was seated in the living room turned his head back and nodded.

"I'm fine with anything you cook."

Lois crosses her arms and smiled.

"Heh, sweet words won't get you anywhere with me."

Clark showed a smirk before he replied.

"They got me into your home didn't they?"

Lois couldn't help but laugh and blow him a kiss.

"Only this once, Next time you-"

*knock* *knock*

A knock resounded at the door and both looked at that direction. Lois removed her apron and went to get check.

"Oh, that must be my neighbor finally returning that book she borrowed, please watch the food okay Clark?"

Lois quickly opened the door and instead found a handsome towering figure standing in front of her.


Lois felt heavy in her chest as she looked at this man. The man showed a friendly smile and spoke.

"I was in the neighborhood and I thought why not stop by...I brought wine".

Lois hesitantly got the wine and invited him in. As soon as he walked into the living room, Clark wore a dark expression.


The man chuckled and shrugged before speaking.

"Just call me Arias, saying you all the time makes it sound like I'm unwanted. Am I?"

Arias spoke with a smile but his unfeeling eyes said otherwise. Lois immediately came to his side and waved her hands.

"No no, of course you're invited. Let me just finish preparing the meal."

Arias rolled up his sleeves and followed Lois.

"I'll help, it's been a while since I cooked. Maybe you can show me a truck or two".

Lois only nodded while Clark gave him a deathly glare. Behind the counter, Arias had began to start chopping up vegetables. Much to Lois's surprise he was indeed helping in the kitchen.

"What do you use to season your vegetables?"

Lois pointed to the top drawer and tried to reach for it but was suddenly hoisted up by Arias holding her waist.

"Oh Uh...thank you..."

Arias got the spice from her hand and nodded before getting back to seasoning.

"So you just somehow ended up in Metropolis and decided to visit?"

Clark frowned as he asked this but Arias simply shook his head.

"I was closing another potential portal for darkseid. Since this city's hero was busy I assume. Sadly by the time I got the report that no one was acting on the warning we sent, casualties had already piled up".

Clark's eyes widened as he suddenly stood up.


Arias chuckled while shaking his head.

"Why so jumpy? I've already taken care of it but if you're that curious then in the old church downtown. The authorities should still be cleaning up that mess".

Clark quickly got his jacket and began rushing towards the door.

"Lois I'll be right back..."

Clark glared at Arias one last time before leaving.

Lois seemed to grow more nervous and cast quick glances at Arias. Suddenly Arias stopped chopping vegetables and turned to Lois.

"Why acting so on edge? You're the one who invited me..."

Lois avoided his gaze and turned away as she replied.

"I...just thought if I did, you wouldn't fight with Clark anymore..."

Arias walked behind Lois and began running his hands down her body.

"And how do you plan on convincing me?"

Lois turned to the stove and switched it off before facing Arias. She quickly lifted her top then got on her knees and began unzipping his pants.

"Let's just get this over with before Clark gets back."

Arias smiled and held her head as she began stroking his cock with her hand. She spit on it and held it firmly as she moved her hand back and forth on it.

"You say that like I'm the one who forced you to get on your knees and stroke my cock. Admit, you're craving me."

Arias spoke in a domineering voice that made Lois gulp. She still kept her face straight as she continued to stroke his cock that was yet to get hard.

"Why isn't it getting hard."

Lois voiced in a complaining manner. Arias simply smiled as he responded.

"Well how am I supposed to be aroused when you're showing such an annoyed face. Plus you've barely shown me anything worth getting me aroused."

Lois stopped stroking his cock and looked up at him.

"Then what do you want? I'm not letting you inside me".

Lois voiced while crossing her arms, Arias gave her a doubtful look but decided to play along.

"Alright then...get on the counter and masturbate for me. Simple enough is it not?"

Lois seemed hesitant but soon lifted her skirt and sat on the counter, there she spread her legs wide and began rubbing her already soaked panties.

"Hmm? Seems you were already wet to begin with. Looking forward to more?"

Arias teased but Lois kept a straight face and continued touch herself.

"Keep dreaming, I was only aroused because I thought of Clark while doing these things..."

Arias couldn't help but chuckle.

"So you were thinking of him while pleasuring another man, you're more adventurous than I have you credit for. Now...show me that sweet tight pussy of yours, I never did get a good look at it".

Despite her frown, Lois couldn't help but do what Arias said, whenever he gave a command, she felt her body tingle and grow hotter. She slowly slid her panties to the side and began playing with her clit while rubbing her fingers between her pussy lips.

"You're finally getting hard huh?....mmm...good, the quicker this ends the better."

Lois bit her lip as she stared and Arias's now throbbing cock and continued to to rub herself faster and harder. It didn't take long before she fell into a daze and began feeling a climax approaching.


Suddenly, Arias spoke causing her to stop.

"I've seen enough and my cock is now hard, Oh? Were you actually enjoying touching yourself for me."

Lois removed her hands from her crotch and looked at Arias with a frown.

"Of course not."

Arias showed a smile at her denial and pointed his cock in her direction.

"If you say so. Anyway, you have unfinished business to attend to..."

Arias walked closer to Lois who sat on the counter with her pussy and tits out. He stopped a few inches away from her and spoke.

"You can continue stroking it like this. This view should help keep me aroused don't you agree?"

Lois frowned and looked down at his cock before gripping it hard and spitting on it, after doing so she immediately began stroking it once more.

"How does my cock feel in your hands?"

Lois began to stroke Arias's cock faster while answering.

"Disgusting. I can't wait for this to end."

Arias laughed lightly before moving his hands to her chest and groping her tits.

"H-Hey, What do you think you're doing!"

Arias smiled and continued to massage Lois's breasts while pinching her erect nipples.

"You said you want this to end quicker so I'm you a hand or I could stop and Clark could come back any second".

Lois resisted the urge to moan and avoided making eye contact.

"Just-just hurry okay."

Lois let her breasts be toyed with by Arias but he still seemed to be far from reaching an orgasm.

"Why won't you just finish already?"

Arias smiled and stopped groping her breasts.

"Well would've by now if you put your mouth to better use, rather than just complaining. I'm growing bored anyways so I'll be leaving."

Lois held Arias by the hand and stopped him before he could turn.

"Fine...I'll let you use my mouth."

Arias shook his head while looking at her.

"You're not letting me. You're asking, so say it properly or I leave."

Lois slowly got on her knees and began stroking Arias's cock while looking up at him.

"Please let me put your cock in my mouth."

Arias smiled and held Lois by the head before rubbing his cock and it's precum on her lips.

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it? Now open up."

Lois slowly opened her mouth while looking up at Arias, she then closed her eyes as she felt his throbbing hard cock, slowly entering her mouth. It sent shivers down her body and made her feel hotter.

'I should be disgusted by this...but why...'

Lois's thoughts were interrupted by Arias starting to thrust in and out of her wet mouth.

"That's it Lois, you look so much more arousing with my cock in your mouth. Admit it, you love taste and feeling of having me inside you. No man can pleasure you like I do."

Lois felt her crotch get wetter at Arias's words, muffled noises are all she could produce as his meaty cock fully stuffed her mouth.

'No that's not true...my body is just reacting on its on...'

Arias held onto her head firmly before a smirk appeared on his face. He suddenly came hard while keeping his cock stuffed in her mouth. He made sure to cum loads as Lois's eyes widened.


Arias then removed his cock before the rest of his cum landed over her body. Lois began choking then looked at her cum covered chest.

"Finally over."

Arias chuckled as she said this before speaking.

"We're not done till I stop being hard remember. Seems even your mouth won't suffice or we could just stop here. I don't want to force you."

Lois looked at Arias's still throbbing hard Cock before answering.

"No...don't leave."

"Hmm? Why shouldn't I leave?"

Arias asked while raising his brow curiously. Lois kept her head lowered before turning her back to Arias and slowly arched her back.

"You can use my thighs, just don't go inside..."

Arias once decided to play along and walked up closer to her and held her by the waist firmly.

"I suppose that may work..."

Arias began to grope and massage Lois's asscheeks as he slid his throbbing hard cock between her legs. She could feel his thick meaty cock against her pussy, slowly moving against them.

"It seems the more I thrust, the more your pussy coats my cock in its juices, Seems you're enjoying this more than you'd like to admit."

Lois bit down on her lip and held onto the counter tightly, doing her best to try masking her moans.

"I-it's just a natural body reaction...nothing more."

Arias smiled and began to thrust his cock more against her soft wet pussy lips, Lois could no longer mask the moans as they began to escape her mouth.


Arias held her asscheeks firmly as he thrust between her thighs faster.

"This may be enough to make some reach their climax, but for someone like me...well I just hope Clark doesn't mind watching as I use your thighs."

Arias slowed and began thrusting casually. Lois took a deep breath before lifting taking her hand back and lifting Arias's cock. To his surprise, rather than position it over her soaking pussy. She seemly rubbed it there before positioning it on her tight little asshole.

"J-Just go slow..."

Arias couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're that determined not to allow me inside your pussy? Not that I'm complaining, let me just...lubricate you".

Arias smiled before spreading Lois's asscheeks apart. He then began running his tongue along her asshole, slowly teasing it.

"Mmm...stop...just put it in"

Arias slid a finger into her asshole and began slowly thrusting it in and out.

"You're very tight, if I don't lubricate you little hole, how am I supposed to enter?"

Before Lois could even respond, Arias slid his tongue into her tight little hole and began swirling his tongue around. He could her body getting hotter from the odd new sensation she was feeling. Her moans began to grow more and more loud as she began to let her guard down.

"Mmm...that...Why are you mmmm...it feels weird."

Arias soon pulled away from Lois's asscheeks and gave them a light smack. Afterwards he positioned his cock right at her little holes entrance and smiled.

"Now then, let's see if your little hole can handle my cock..."

Lois clenched her fists tight and grit her teeth as Arias began to slowly penetrate her asshole.

"Relax and let my cock fully slide in..."

Lois scowled at Arias but did as he asked and didn't resist as his thick meaty cock penetrated her little asshole more and more. After inserting his cock partly inside her, he began thrusting into her slowly picking up the pace.

"I'm surprised you're taking this without much resistance anymore, you wouldn't happen to play with your ass when no one's around would you?"

Lois did her best to mask her moans by biting down on her lip but it was in vain as the more Arias thrust the more her moans began to be heard.

"O-Of course not, I'm just bearing with it...mmm...not so rough".

Arias smiled and gripped her ass more firmly as he began to take his cock even deeper.

"Are you sure Lois...the rougher I thrust the more you moan, I like hearing your sweet moans so I want to make you moan louder for me..."

As Arias said this, he began pounding Lois's ass harder and faster occasionally smacking it between thrusts.

"Mmm..j-ust stop talking...mmm"

Arias pulled her by the hair and ignored her words.

"If you want me to finish faster then moan louder, say my name Lois, it's that simple *smack*"

Lois began questioning herself over Arias's words. But between all the stimulating and his domineering words, she found it harder to resist with each passing moment.

"Mmm...fuck my ass harder Arias...let me me feel your thick cock deep inside me...mmm...Just like that..."

Lois's words where a mix of lust and hesitation as she said the first things that came to mind. Whatever her reasoning, it was enough to push Arias over the edge and pump her asshole full of cum.


Lois felt the weird sensation inside and rolled her eyes back as she felt an orgasm like no other hitting her hard. Her legs went weak and she remained stable only because of the firm grip Arias had on her asscheeks.



Suddenly, Arias lifted her off the ground and positioned his cock over her soaking wet cunt.

"As amazing as your ass felt, I'm still very hard. It seems we only have one option left".

Lois still in a daze only mumbled inaudible words and didn't resist. Only when she felt her pussy lips being spread by the tip of Arias's cock did she realize what was happening.

"W-wait I-...Ngwaaahhh!"

By the time Lois got out of her daze, her pussy lips were already being spread apart by the tip of Arias's cock. She was quickly about to protest but Arias suddenly thrust into her completely.


Lois felt her mind becoming blank as her insides completely wrapped around Arias's cock. Rather than protest, she simply held on to Arias's shoulders as she was made to bounce on his member repeatedly.

"For someone who seemed against it, your pussy is really squeezing me tight. Move your hips more Lois."

Lois avoided Arias's gaze and didn't answer but did as she was told and began moving her hips more proactively. Although not uttering a word, moan after moan escaped her mouth while he tits bounced madly in the air.

Suddenly Arias directed her towards a window as he continued to fuck her silly. Lois began to fidget after being made to face an open window.

"W-What are you doing! S-someone might see us!"

Arias didn't answer immediately and only smirked as his eyes began to glow, after he did so, Lois a slight tingling sensation in her own eyes. But before she could ask, Arias spoke first.

"If you're worried about an audience I'd say you already have one fan who's been watching us for a long while now. Take a look."

Lois followed Arias's gaze and looked at the building across from the building she was in and what she saw made her eyes widen.

"W-whaa, Clark?"

On the roof of the next building, a figure could be seen hidden behind a wall which Lois could now see through.

"He's been there for a while, quietly enjoying the show it seems, quite the man you got yourself".

Arias spoke as he kept pounding Lois who was in disbelief despite her ever growing moans. She soon held on tighter to Arias's shoulders and began moving her hips even more.

"Mmm...I don't care anymore...fuck me Arias...use any hole you like and fuck as you please, I love feeling your cock drill into, it has no equal."

Wether driven by anger or just speaking her mind Lois no longer restrained herself and moaned at the top of her lungs. She soon felt Arias's cock twitching inside her.

"Mmm...Yes I'm so close...fill me up Arias, feel me up as much as you want...ngwaaaah!!"

Lois felt her body tense up as she had another orgasm just as Arias was filling up her cunt with hot thick cum. Lois smiled while looking out the window with a depraved look.

'I hope you enjoyed the show Clark...it's the first of many'.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C125
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


