77.77% Genshin Impact: Teyvat Group Chat / Chapter 7: Let every worthy sacrifice be carved in ice... [2/2]

章 7: Let every worthy sacrifice be carved in ice... [2/2]

Just after everyone voted for the video they wanted to watch on their phones, the blank screen at the front suddenly changed.

It then started counting down from sixty seconds.

[System: Now playing The Winter Night's Lazzo]

Asakura read this and immediately ran to his seat. Because he used a breathing technique, he did this with lightweight speed and as such, was able to get there in less than a second.

Everyone saw this and looked at him.

"Come on, what are you guys waiting for?" Asakura made himself comfortable in his seat. "The show's about to start."

They all heard what he said and understood what he means.

"Then I'm picking this one!" Collei was the first one to pick a seat from them. She jumped to the front seat.

"Then I shall take this." Zhongli calmly walked and sat down on the second row.

"Is it fine if I sit here?" Ayaka asked Asakura.

"Sure." Asakura shrugged and let her seat in the same row as him.

"I guess this whole row is for me then." Aether said as he sat down in the middle of the third row.

All of them then looked at the countdown with anticipation.




The countdown soon ended and the opening appeared.

The video started with a pyro crystalfly flying amidst what seemed to be a snowy night. Topping it is a somewhat eerie yet beautiful singing.

'Starting off creepy.' Aether thought. 'Well maybe it suits them because they're the harbingers?'

He had heard a lot about them. Especially from Jean when he encountered her talking to a Snezhnayan Diplomat.

Soon, the scene changed to a chessboard with chess pieces knocked down. And sitting right in front of them was a man clad in heavy clothing, most probably for the cold.

[The sages think themselves to be all-knowing...]

[But we alone are wise to the virtue of those acts of folly.]

"Huh? Who's that?" Aether asked out loud.

"For now, we don't know." Zhongli shook his head. "The harbingers are well known, but they are seldom seen in public."

"It is a common occurrence that one cannot recognize a harbinger." He added.

However, Zhongli soon noticed something strange on the chessboard. His eyes then contracted for but a fraction of a second before returning to normal. 'Is that... My Gnosis?'

'No, there's more.' He looked at the video closely. 'There's also that bard's Gnosis.'

'How is that possible? I have my Gnosis in me and I am sure I haven't given it to the Fatui... Yet.' He then came to a realization.

'...Or perhaps this is a depiction of the possible future?' As a God that has garnered knowledge for thousands of years, Zhongli— or rather Morax, the Geo Archon, could more or less figure things out in a few moments.

...All except his money, of course.

[In this war, not even a single pawn may be spared.]

[Because on this chessboard, "checkmate" is not where the game ends.]

"War?" Collei said while eating a popcorn. "Does the Fatui intend to go to war with the other nations?"

"Where'd you get that?" Aether curiously asked behind her as he pointed at her popcorn.

"From the system's shop." Collei explained. "You can get it for free just for today, I think."

"Oh, really?" Aether hummed. "I should get some..."

Aether soon got some popcorn and continued watching. Others also heard their conversation and bought popcorn too.

The video then continued with the eerie yet mesmerizing singing of a girl.

Soon, the camera changed to a group of people who seems to be surrounding something.

And on the center, a girl that has closed eyes was seen to be the one responsible for the ominous melody.

It then changed to another person. A person that had a pointy nose.

[We are gathered here today to honor our dear comrade.]

[In honor of her sacrifice, all work shall half a day as the nation mourns her passing.]

"This video says it's the harbinger's meeting, then that must mean that this man is also a harbinger?" Ayaka said. "If so, then who was the 'comrade' or another harbinger that passed away?"

"I believe that there is no news of any harbingers passing way as of late," Zhongli said in the front. "If my suspicions are correct, then this video that is playing should be a depiction of future events."

"What?" Collei raised her voice. "That's unbelievable! How could that—"

"SHH." Both Aether and Asakura shushed her at the same time.

"..." Collei soon covered her mouth and didn't continue.

[Hehe, merely half a day?]

[People say that the Northland Bank's currencies are blood and tears...]

[But mayor, even speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable.]

This time, the one that spoke was a person that had his eyes closed and had a calm smile.

"He seems sinister." Ayaka said, sensing the intelligence behind the man's smile.

"He's a banker." Asakura said while eating. "Of course he's sinister."


The camera soon changed to a woman. Her white hair and eyes that had red cross marks made her look rather... unique.

[Rosalyne died in a foreign land.]

[But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland...]

[You couldn't hope to understand, so why don't you keep your mouth shut?]

[We don't want to make the children cry.]

"Rosalyne?" Collei asked. "Does anyone here know a harbinger by that name?"

"Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter." Asakura spoke up. "Also known as The Fair Lady or Signora."

"She's the eight of the eleven fatui harbingers." He added.

"...How did you know that?" Aether looked behind.

Currently, Mondstadt— the nation Aether is currently in, is facing three problems; The Fatui, A Dragon, and the Abyss Order.

As such, he became curious when someone brought up information regarding one of the harbingers.

"I know what I should know." Asakura nonchalantly shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

'Moreover, you'll meet her soon.' He added in his thoughts before eating a popcorn.

"..." Zhongli heard their conversation and was thinking. 'It seems he really does know quite a few things...'

Once again the scene changes, but this time, one of the members recognized who it was.

[Hey, come on now...]

[Even I don't think this is the right time or place for a fight.]

'...Childe.' Zhongli instantly recognized who it was.

"That would be Childe, I presume." Zhongli said. "He should be the eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers."

"You know him?" Aether asked behind.

"Not so much." Zhongli replied with a sigh.

This person, after all, recently arrived in Liyue under the guise of a "Diplomat". Although he's one of the harbingers— infamous for their cruelty— Childe has been so far not threatened Liyue... yet.

[...Utterly risible.] A woman sitting on a mech said in disdain.

[Though her methods tarnished her honor...] A man with a big stature and a mask that covers the entirety of his face said.

[Lohefalter's sacrifice is a great pity. Her loss shall not hinder our progress.]

[But Dottore...]

[What of Scaramouche and the Gnosis from Inazuma?]

"Dottore?" Collei heard the name of the man responsible for her torture.

Although she was already recovering from her trauma, regardless, it was still there. She hated that man who injected all kinds of elixir into her body.

"Inazuma? Scaramouche... Is that also a Harbinger? Is a Harbinger currently in Inazuma?" Ayaka questioned. This was a serious matter.

If one of the Fatui Harbingers is currently in Inazuma without any of the Tri-Commission knowing, then it could be a national threat.

...Unless, one of the Commission already knows and lets them in.

Asakura looked at her and silently ate his popcorn. '...The Kanjou and Tenryou Commissions...'

'Should I tell her? Hmm... Maybe later.' He decided.

"By the way..." Aether spoke up. "What's a Gnosis?"

Asakura looked at Zhongli and see if he would tell him. Sadly, Zhongli never opened his mouth. 'A pity.'

The camera soon turned to a person that has heavy blue hair and wearing a mask that covers the upper half of his face.

[Conventional wisdom that holds divine knowledge cannot be rationally comprehended.]

[After conquering the divine gaze, he will make his next move.]

"That's... Dottore?" Collei mumbled.

"I believe so." Behind her, Zhongli nodded. He then looked at her and notices many emotions— albeit wearing a mask— in her. Mainly; Fear, anger, and resentment.

"Calm your mind, Sprout." Zhongli sighed. "I don't know why you are angry towards this person, but please, don't let your emotions overwhelm you."

"...Alright." Collei slowly nodded her head.

[It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics.]

The music soon began to rise as the person that talked earlier walked in.

[Right now you have no captive audience.]

It then changed to a scene of all the Harbingers gathering around what is now known as Rosalyne's coffin.

[Let every worthy sacrifice be carved in ice, and with this nation endure for all time.]

[In the name of her majesty the Tsaritsa, we will seize authority from the Gods.]

"I just got chills," Asakura said. "The music, the atmosphere, their voices, and how they look just gave me chills."

Everyone looked at Asakura and the latter looked back at them. "What? Don't look at me like that. I'm just praising how this was made."

"...Yeah." Aether said with a wry smile.

"The Tsaritsa was it?" Ayaka spoke. "Isn't she the Cryo Archon of Snezhnaya?"

"Yes." Zhongli turned to her and nodded.

"I see..." Ayaka hummed. "Seizing authority from the Gods... It seems like the Fatui really is planning to attack the other nations."

"..." Zhongli heard this and stayed silent.

They then stopped looking at Asakura and continued watching.

The scene then changed to what looks like a palace in the middle of a snowstorm.

[Absolute peace...]

[Such is the gift from the Tsaritsa, such is her majesty's benevolence.]

The whole palace soon got covered in ice from what seemed to be caused by the Cryo Archon.

Soon the scene changed to Signora's coffin covered in ice.

[Now you resting this coffin, encased in layer upon layer of ice.]

The Crystalfly from the beginning of the video soon appeared and slowly landed in the coffin.

[Oh but Rosalyne, I promise you...]

[Your final resting place shall be...]

[The entirety of the "old world".]

Just as he said this, the crystalfly faded away as the music in the background became intense.

"Wow." Aether said with awe. "The Fatui are... planning a lot."

"The entirety of the old world..." Ayaka thought about those words. "What could it mean?"

"Is that important? If what Vago Mundo said was true, then that means this will happen in the future!" Collei said.

"That means we still have a lot of time to prepare." Asakura said at the side.

"You're right, Hidden Mob." Zhongli agreed. "If this is truly the future, then that mea—"

"Wait, the video still isn't over." Asakura pointed.

All of them turned their head and looked at the screen again.

It was pitch black, but there were two people speaking that can be heard.

[I must say, you're looking very young today, doctor.]

[You know very well that I do not take that as a compliment.]

[So... where's the segment in the prime of his life then?]

The scene then changed to a gigantic tree that was being burned.

[Heh, he's busy with... a little experiment in blasphemy.] It then showed Dottore smiling under his mask as he looked at the burning tree.

Shortly after this, the scene changed to a girl that had green that abruptly woken up from her sleep.

[Collei, time to head out for patrol.]

[Ah, okay, Master Tighnari!]

She then looked confused and looked at her hand. [What was that?]

[Winter Night's Lazzo– end]

[System: You can rewatch this video again if you buy it from the system store.]

"Ah, so that's it, huh?" Aether stretched his body. "I... learned a lot from that."

"Me too." Ayaka nodded. "The Fatui— The Harbingers, they're planning something, and that is why we must prepare."

"Indeed." Zhongli said while crossing his arms behind his back.

However, while everyone was talking, Collei remained silent as she remembered the last part.

'Was that... ME?!'

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


