62.5% ASOIAF: Apotheosis / Chapter 5: Cause and Effect

章 5: Cause and Effect

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the grounds, the evening feast of the tourney for the highborns, guests and champions commenced. Tables laden with stuffed capons made golden through imported saffron, herb-crusted whole wild pigs, roasted swans painted with red sauce made of rare spices, stacks of large delicious custard pies and other delectables, arranged under colourful canopies, while torches and lanterns illuminated the area with a flickering light.

King Robert Baratheon sat at the head table, drinking wine from a large mug while others drank from goblets, his booming laughter echoing across the grounds as he regaled his companions with tales of past battles and conquests. Seated beside him were the members of his Kingsguard, their white cloaks gleaming in the torchlight, and Thoros of Myr in his red robes stained in wine. He was a tall, middle-aged, fat red priest of the Red God, who came to Kingslanding from Essos decades ago to convert the Mad King due to his love of burning his enemies, hoping to turn that love for fire into love for the god of fire, but through some events ended up as a drinking companion to King Robert and forgot all his preaching under liquor.

The other lords and ladies mingled and laughed, enjoying the feast and the lively atmosphere. There Lady Sansa was seen being courted by Prince Joffery much to her younger sister's annoyance who looked at the prince with some contempt.

In a quiet corner of the grounds, away from the main throng of guests, Legio sat alone, his attention focused solely on his meal. Despite the joviality surrounding him, he remained aloof, his expression unreadable as he savoured each bite of food. He no longer wore his leather mask but hid most of his face with a hood instead.

Occasionally, someone would glance in his direction, curiosity evident in their eyes, but Legio paid them no mind. He was content to remain away, observing the celebration from a distance while having his meal.

"What does the King's Hand want for this simple hunter now?" Legio asked as he saw Lord approaching him with servants carrying platters of food and drinks.

Lord Stark took his seat across from him. The servants then placed his food and a chalice of wine properly before leaving the two alone.

"So you rejected my offer," Lord Stark said, and Legio nodded in response as he took a spoonful of custard.

Lord Stark then added, "The messenger I sent said that you found the death of the previous Hand, Lord Arryn's death suspicious."

Lord Stark's gaze turned sharp with suspicion, almost like that of a wolf and Legio lifted his head to face him. The statuelike face he had more for interrogation almost crumbled in surprise, the hunter in front of him just looked by a few years older than his oldest son. He was also quite a handsome lad, with short black hair, with fringes on each side of his odd blue-red eyes. He didn't have the conventional look of Jamie Lannister, but there would be surely some Highborn Lady who would be fond of exotic eyes. So the question was, why wasn't he using them to court one like any young warrior would?

Lord Stark shook away such unimportant thoughts as Legio swallowed his custard and placed the spoon down.

He then said, "About that. You might want to check again what I said to your messenger. I didn't say that I found the death suspicious, I said that you seem to find it suspicious."

Lord Stark placed his arm on the table and leaned forward. "And what made you think I find the death suspicious?"

"Surely something must have caused that doubt I heard in your tone when you said, Was this weight the cause of Lord Aryyn's death?" Legio said. "And now also I read on your face."

Lord Stark gave a confused look. He remembered murmuring that to himself in such a low tone that Baelish who was beside him shouldn't be able to hear it. So how could Legio, who was yards away from him on different levels have heard him?

Lord Stark scowled, "Tell me the truth, hunter? Understand that I have the authority and power to force it out if you don't."

'No, you don't.' Legio felt amused.

He took another spoonful of custard unbothered by the scowl. Lord Stark tried to scare him with threats but he didn't know that Legio was beyond scaring.

"The truth is that you know nothing and just doubt," Legio said swallowing the custard. "But this scepticism is a good thing and when a man claims to be able to perceive and distinguish and keep in memory thousands of movements of a scene, of sound or sight..."

He took another bite of the custard before continuing.

"Then when that same man claims that by seeing what is now and applying logos, or reason, he can tell what has come before he must prove."

Just as Lord Stark felt that he had enough, Legio looked to the side and said, "My lady would give us some of your time."

A highborn lady looking to be in her twenties walking past them halted in her steps. She turned to them and gave a nod of greeting and acknowledgement.

The Lady said, "Lord Stark..."

She then confusedly looked at Legio.

"Don't be concerned with me, my Lady," Legio said, "I just want to inquire if you arrive here this very evening in a rush?"

The Lady's mouth agape, "How did you..."

"I just observed that you are less but more freshly decorated than the other ladies here or have been there during the tourney, or you would have recognised me."

He then added, "You must also have come here by an open cart."

The lady gave a violent startle and stared in bewilderment at my Legio.

"It's no mystery," said he, smiling. "The left side of your dress has traces of spattered mud in no less than five places. The marks are perfectly fresh. Only an open cart throws up mud in that way, and then only when you sit on the left-hand side of the man driving."

The Lady visibly looked even more uncomfortable when Legio started pointing out the flaws so Lord intervened.

"My lady would you excuse us to be alone, I have some questions for Master Hunter here," Lord Stark said.

The Lady nodded and left in a daze, glancing back at the two as she did.

Lord Stark glared, "What was that, hunter?"

"A hunter claims and a hunter proves, my lord," Legio said. "Now the hunter claims that by seeing what is now he can tell what will come after. And the hunter says King Robert is going to arrange a little game between his guards."

Just then, King Robert's booming voice cut through the chatter of the feast, commanding everyone's attention. As he stood up from his seat at the head table, the torchlight danced across his face, casting flickering shadows on the ground.

"Listen up, everyone!" King Robert declared, his voice echoing across the grounds. "I have an announcement to make."

The guests fell silent, turning their attention to the king as he addressed them.

"As you all know, we have two esteemed members of the Kingsguard present here tonight," King Robert continued, gesturing to Jaime Lannister and Barristan Selmy, who stood among the guests. "Both of them have expressed a desire to participate in the tourney, but it wouldn't be fair to pit them against each other or the seasoned veterans of Westeros."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd as they nodded in understanding.

"So, to settle this fairly, we will have a one-move duel," King Robert announced, his voice carrying authority. "Jaime and Barristan will each have one move to either attack or block. The one who lands the attack will be the winner, but if one blocks the attack, the other will be declared the winner. May the quickest one win."

Legio smiled from his seat, "Just as I said."

All Lord Stark could give was a baffled expression.

As the tension mounted, a servant swiftly approached with two practice swords in hand, ready for the duel between Jaime Lannister and Barristan Selmy. However, before the swords could be presented to the knights, King Robert's voice boomed across the grounds once again.

"Forget that you're using wooden swords!" King Robert commanded his tone firm yet authoritative. "Fight as if your lives depend on it. Aim to kill, just as you would in a real battle."

Jaime and Barristan exchanged a glance, understanding the gravity of the situation. Though they held practice swords, they were to engage as if they were real, lethal weapons. Their training and instincts would need to kick in as if they were fighting for their lives on the battlefield.

With a nod of acknowledgement to each other, Jaime and Barristan adjusted their grips on the practice swords, their expressions hardening with resolve.

As this happened Legio brought out a paper from within his suit, wrote something on that paper and folded it. Then he slid it over to Lord Stark.

Lord Stark asked in a baffled tone, "What's this?"

Legio replied, "A surprise that will reveal itself after the duel is over."

The two Kingsguards began their square off at the centre of the field after the area was cleared. The guests around then began chattering, who had not heard of the legendary Barristan Selmy? Of Ser Barristan the Bold, who was granted that title at the age of ten by the great Knight Prince Duncan?

The one who slayed Maelys the Monstrous during one of the Blackfyre rebellions, the same Maelys whose strength could kill a horse with a single blow of his fist. The same Barristan the Bold who alone rescued the Mad King when he was held captive in the walled port town Duskendale by Lord Darklyn for ransom. They said how stealthy he scaled the outer walls of the Castle, then the inner walls too, killed many guards along the way, made his way to the castle's dungeons and rescued the King. Then fought through an alerted army guarding the castle, defeated Ser Symon Hollard who had managed to kill a Kingsguard when Aerys was first captured and still managed to escape to King's Landing on a stolen horse while being wounded by an arrow.

Then what about Ser Jamie Lannister? Known as Kingslayer by enemies for the dishonourable act of backstabbing the Mad King during the rebellion and Young Lion by well-wishers, he was famed as the most handsome man in Westeros and the most talented swordsman of his generation.

Jamie entered his first tourney at the age of ten and won his first melee at the age of thirteen. He then went off to become part of the elite Kingsguard of the Mad King, among figures such as Ser Barristan himself, the legendary Sword of the Morning Ser Arthur Dayne, Prince Lewin Martell of Dorn, Lord Commander Gerold Hightower the White Bull, Ser Oswell Whent, Ser Jonthor Darry, and then the youngest, the boy prodigy Ser Jamie Lannister at age of fifteen for his valour against the infamous Kingswood brotherhood.

Jamie said, "So the apprentice shall surpass the master. Tale old as time."

They stood just a bit out of the range of their swords.

Barristan chuckled, "That we shall see. Show me how far have you grown."

With that said, the knights raised their swords and the audience held its breath.

SerJamie assumed the stance known as the Storm's Door, his sword leaning forward and point held at eye level, ready to claim victory with a single lighting fast thrust. To an experienced combatant, it was clear, that Jamie was aiming for the throat. Every part of the armour didn't provide equal protection and the throat was once such a part that sacrificed defence for the wearer's mobility.

Ser Barristan assumed the stance commonly known as the Dragon's Maw, his sword held over his right shoulder, ready to cleave the foe in two with a single downward stroke. He too was aiming for the weak point in the neck. By tilting his sword slightly as he strikes, he can slide the blade through the weak gap where the helmet meets the shoulder and with enough power cut sideways into the chest cavity.

The two duelers became motionless, anxiety filled the air around them and sweat dripped in the fists of the audience, but only some understood the meaning behind the standstill.

"Look at that both are aware of their limitations," King Robert mumbled, the alcohol flush in his cheeks slowly dying down. "If Lannister wants to change the attack of his choosing to a slash, he needs to pull back his sword which would give Ser Barristan the incentive and time to land his attack while the other's defence is at the weakest. Yet..."

He took a large gulp from his wine mug.

"Yet there is more," Legio said from his seat, hearing this from his seat. "Both have chosen their attacks yet neither moves because both have also likely chosen a counter to it and both know that the other has. If the thrust came first, then Barristan would turn and twist his body to avoid it and strike Jamie before he could recover. If the slash comes first, Jamie will take one large stride back to avoid it and rebound with his deadly thrust. Both have an attack to go with the defence, the former no less deadly than the latter."

Knowing what awaits the one who strikes first both held their stance steady. The effort this extracted was tremendous, like walking a tightrope over a chasm. But sooner or later one would falter and strike first. Either Jamie because of his young raging blood yet to develop sufficient patience or Ser Barristan due to his old body lacking the energy to remain in the state of combat for a longer period.

Barristan stuck first, launching his body forward with speed beyond a man of his age should have, but Jamie was ready to dodge and Barristan loss became apparent. Lord Stark's face showed that he believed it.

Legio smiled from his seat. "Don't make up your judgement just yet. A true battle has too many influences you often can't see and it's enough -"

Barristan suddenly switched stance midway, shifting the sword to the left side to the midsection as he moved, and knees for a rising blow along the groin and inner thigh's meeting point where another weak link existed.

Perhaps this was his actual strategy from the start, feigning a downward slash then switching to an upward slash which the opponent wasn't prepared for, furthermore from that position, it would have been awkward to land a thrust on Sir Barristan. The old knight makes up for the strength of youth with the wisdom of old.

"- to turn the tides." Legio said, "But again don't be quick to judge."

The decisive blow came the next moment when Jamie turned to be a tad bit faster with his movement and struck the armoured throat before the old knight's sword could reach. Jamie Lannister won.

Legio looked to Lord Stark and said, "Now see what I written."

Dazed Lord Stark unfolded the paper on the table which read: Jamie Lannister will win.

Amidst the cheers and roars of the crowd celebrating Jaime Lannister's victory, Lord Stark sat in his seat, still baffled by what had transpired before him. His mind raced with questions and uncertainties, the events of the evening leaving him unsettled.

Meanwhile, Legio surveyed the scene with his insightful red vision, his gaze piercing through the facade of merriment looking at their blood strength and the effect the catharsis of watching the fight had on it. There was an effect, a barely observable rise in power of everyone who enjoyed it and over Lord Stark's daughter Arya's red shades, he saw the glow taking the shape of a red wolf.


Turning to Lord Stark, Legio said, "I tell you what, I changed my mind, I'll take you up on your offer to be Hand's guard."

He further added, his voice low but firm. "But it will be on my terms and conditions. And as for payment, I require a vialful of your youngest daughter's blood."

NewGothic NewGothic

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