53.53% TBATE - A More Experienced Hero / Chapter 51: Chapter 51 - PMM Class II

章 51: Chapter 51 - PMM Class II

[Luz Leywin POV]

Me and Elijah had just left the room of our first class we had together with Arthur. At the moment we were walking to the place that would be our Basic Chain-Casting I class. My hands remained in my pocket as my Four-Eyes looked around, smiling and with an air of confidence that I don't know where he magically found it.

"Maybe Art's presence really doesn't make him look amazing?... Nah! He's just enjoying being a DC officer." I thought, having a few laughs.

In the middle of the way we ended up seeing several students, elves and dwarves. While both races kept wanting to talk to me, only a few dwarves wanted to talk to Elijah. Apparently they were thanking us for being DC officers, even some of the elves used pompous adjectives for me because of my title of nobility, but I always told them they could call me either by name or by "DC Officer Luz".

Arriving at the room, I was surprised to see a very rectangular place with a small long area in the middle of the place, with a chalkboard on one of the walls and sort of bleachers on the sides of the arena. A few students were arriving as well, while I went to sit in a chair, with Elijah sitting next to me.

"Howdy, fellas! How re u djuing?" I looked to the side when I heard someone trying to talk to me, it was the dwarf we saw in yesterday's fight.

"Oh! Hi buddy we're great, we just got out of a 100% theoretical class. If I remember correctly your name is Broznean Boor, isn't it?" I asked, with Elijah immediately noticing who it was and getting excited.

"Yep! Djis is my name. Itis amazin to see u two here! U're in that DC group, yah?"He asked curiously and we both agreed.

"The way I tried to teach that guy a moral lesson demonstrates that I'm really here to protect you, buddy." I said highfiveing ​​him.

"Yes! We'll do our best, Broz." Elijah said also getting a highfive from Broznean.

Soon more students began to appear, the room seemed to fill up easily, perhaps because of the idea of ​​learning to cast spells consecutively and using less mana, is something desirable for any student who decides to be a Battle Mage. I decided to take this class simply to come up with new creative ideas on how to cast consecutive spells. Since most of the spells I used to do this, they were actually to activate other spells, and not for themselves to be used.

Soon a woman, in her early 20s, with a silhouette that would attract any single man or teenager, arrived in the room, she was wearing a kind of light green lab coat, with a yellow button-down shirt and a long pink skirt, which went down to her knees. Not being in school uniform, it was clear to see that she was the teacher of the class, out of curiosity, I tried to see her core, and it was even easy, since I am in the Light Yellow stage and apparently she is in the Dark Yellow stage.

"Good morning, class! You can call me Professor Veronica, or just Professor Vera. I'll be the person responsible for this 'Basic Chain-Casting I' class. I also teach afternoon classes for 'Spells Formations I'. I'll let you know with advance so that you don't look for me in the corridors." She said in a rather bored way at the end, it was not difficult to deduce from her appearance and age that some students tried to flirt with her in her only moments of free time.

I looked to the side and saw Elijah looking silly watching our teacher, I released a very weak fire spell in the area of ​​his seat, making him give a "yeep!" by surprise. He looked at me annoyed and I sighed.

"What did we say about trying to date someone our age?" I spoke low to him. "And clearly she doesn't like seeing students want to flirt with her. We're DC officers, we have to act with elegance." I started to get his ideas out of his head so he wouldn't do anything stupid, he sighed in defeat and accepted what I said.

"Anyway, I want to hear from you. What do you think this class is about?" Professor Vera said looking at us, while she was in the middle of the room, above that rectangular arena. Some students started to raise their hands and she picked a few at random.

"This class is about being able to hold multiple spells at once."

"I think it's being able to use multiple spells one after the other."

"Using the same element in different consecutive attacks."

"This class has the function of understanding how and which spells are appropriate so that they can be used one after the other as if they were part of a great and unique spell....?" This answer came from Elijah with his hand raised, and our professor looked at the others in the class, but no one was trying to guess more.

"Right! It seems that one of the DC officers managed to understand the idea of ​​this subject well just by seeing its name. Class, there are several spells for the same element, but that doesn't mean that any of them can be used one after the other in a effect way. There are spells that require the user to have concentration to use mana in one way, and there are other spells that the way to use mana is so different, that logically you would get all messed up trying to use both consecutively."

"Apparently, it was no coincidence that she is also the teacher of Spells Formations I, after all, both subjects were very connected if I look at the points she is giving." I thought, but then I sighed, taking a paper I had in my pocket, it was my schedule.

The feeling that something strange happened was real, apparently my last class of the day is 'Spells Formations I', and it ends around 7 pm. I put my hands in front of my face and fixed my hair, the thought that I will have the same teacher in two different subjects in the same semester, is something unexpected considering the amount of subjects that exist in the academy.

"Guys, I would like you to take your notebooks and write down examples of spells that I will say, which can be used in sequence, for now I will only talk about chain-casting of 2 spells, as this is your first class." she said as she walked around the arena non-stop.

The students were thinking that that arena was a stage for models, because I noticed at least seven of them, with their eyes moving in the same rhythm as the teacher's walk. I tried to ignore that and grabbed my notebook, but I couldn't help but notice that Elijah and Broznean were the only ones close to me who were concentrating on Veronica's words rather than her body.

"This is my boy." I thought and felt proud to see Elijah manage to hold back his instincts as a horny thirsty guy, to focus more on his studies.

While we were writing what she was saying, I ended up noticing that some examples she was saying were things I already did, but I never thought of it as a Chain-Cast spell, I thought of it more as a single spell done in a complex way . It even makes more sense to see it the way she said it.

"Can you do so many absurd things naturally that you're amazed when you see these same things after taking a few steps back? Interesting." Sylvia said in my mind as I was concentrating on writing.

"Okay guys, I'd like to make a little joke. With the examples I gave you, can you try to create a three-step Chain-Cast? Worth 1 extra point for whoever says it correctly first." I chuckled inwardly at her speech. It was the first day of her class, and she was still taking a surprise test that has extra points? She really has weird methods to get students interested or make them think harder.

"Imprise, launch projectile and empowered punch." Broznean was the first to try, but it looks like he failed.

"Trap, Empowered Punch and Throw Projectile" another student just tried to readjust what Broz said, but failed.

"Hey, you could try to get this question right, I think she'll be happy to see a smart student." Zalgnity spoke.

"Yeah, but I'll let Elijah do that first—" My thought was interrupted at the sight of my friend's confused face. "Oh my god... Okay..." I gave a mental sigh.

"Throw Projectile, morphing, submorphing, imprison." I said, making everyone confused as she only asked for three spells, not four.

"Oh... morphing and submorphing are pretty abstracts, you know? Could you exemplify with the appropriate spells?" Professor Vera said smiling.

"Abstracts? But you gave them as examples of types for the two-spell Chain-Castings." I was confused and she giggled, apparently some of the types she sent us to write down were actually some kind of trap to us, but I didn't let myself down.

"Fireball, Heat wave, Air purifier, Razor wind." this time I said the same thing, but instead of saying the types, I specified the spells.

"Oooh! Awesome! You got an extra point and a candy." She said clapping her hands and looking at me, while taking a kind of packaged candy from her pocket, and handing it to me. The people around them seemed confused about how what I said was chain-casting.

"Professor, I noticed that some classmates didn't understand why I got your surprise question right. Can I demonstrate to them?" I spoke politely as I rose from my chair.

"Of course you can!" She said excitedly, allowing me to enter the arena.

"How is he going to do that?"

"Did he really get it right? I understand nothing."

"Morphing and submorphing? But she gave these examples separate from each other, were we supposed to imagine they could be combined?"

"Look, he even got a candy from the teacher, he'll turn into her pet if he's not careful."

I started to ignore the murmurs going on around me and took a deep breath. The teacher appeared to be an Earth Conjurer, as she managed to cast a silent spell, creating an earth puppet formed from the floor of the arena. I took a deep breath again and started doing the spells slowly, I wanted to show my colleagues, step by step, what I was doing.

"Fireball." A sphere of fire appeared in my right palm, I left it there while my left hand would now do all the work.

"Heat Wave."

"Air Purifier."

My left hand began to make circular movements in front of me, appearing a red magic circle and in front of it another light green magic circle. I could hear everyone getting surprised, after all the vast majority of them are first-years, only one or two are second-years.

"Razor Wind." I said making a quick diagonal movement with my left hand, and a blade of wind appeared behind the magic circles. Carefully, using the fireball in my right palm, I moved my arm to cross the three spells that were floating in front of me, the fireball was absorbing them, and soon I could see remnants of a light green flame amidst the red flames.

"You can launch now!" The teacher spoke and then I cast my spell.

The fireball was flying to the middle of the way, when suddenly, it exploded, releasing the heat wave spell, which made the ground and a part of the earth doll burn. The smoke that came from that, slowly gathered like a mini tornado, and it disappeared, there being now just a set of warm air floating around. It didn't even take half a second, and that hot air turned into a big razor wind. Which hit the earth puppet and went through it, like a hot knife cutting through a block of butter.

Everyone looked at me and started clapping, then I noticed Elijah standing up suddenly. "Professor Veronica, my colleague from DC just demonstrated his capabilities, but he is already powerful enough by being our vice leader. I would also like to do a demonstration of Chain-Casting, in this case being three-steps." I could understand why he was acting like this, was it envy? Well, I couldn't blame him, really anything we do in front of these first-years will impress them.

The teacher chuckled a little and allowed it, creating yet another earth puppet in the rectangular arena as I left and he entered. Also, it looked like Vera was able to straighten the ground, making sure there were no signs that it had been burned.

"Thank you very much professor, I consider this Chain-casting a 'cast, shift, imprison' type." Said Elijah, with both hands in front of him while making smooth circular movements, one counterclockwise and the other clockwise.


"Metalic Wisp." 

Two magic circles appear, one gray and one yellow, they seem to start to merge with the color of one remaining while the details of the other continue to exist.

"Metal dome." Another magic circle was formed, equally gray and so this third merged with what was left, creating a tier 3 magic circle.

Elijah, with his hand wide open, slammed his palm in the middle of the magic circle that floated in front of him, causing a rock, the size of a head, to come out of the ground and towards the earth dummy. Along the way, we could see the stone starting to become a metal ball, which finally opened, forming a dome that covered the doll.

Again the students applauded and Elijah went back to his place, while Broznean, was beside us, looking with stars in his eyes in Elijah's direction. "Ma bruhda, djis was amazin! Culd U teach me somethin like djis, but for augmenters?" the dwarf asked and Elijah laughed, accepting the proposal.

Shortly after, I started to have a really bad feeling, my body seemed to shake a little and the people around me noticed it, even the teacher noticed it, she approached me, putting a hand on my head.

"Are you okay? I mean.. You look like you're in a cold sweat."

"True, you only act like that when..." Before Elijah finished speaking, a rather loud sound occurred, causing everyone to cover their ears as I stood up.

"I'll see what happened! Elijah, stay here and if you see someone in the nearby hallways causing chaos, you can imprison them with metal magic!" I said starting to run out of the room.

"Soul Speed!"

"Thunderclap Impulse!"


I activated those three spells at once. My body is initially surrounded by wind mana, which makes it lighter. With my legs and arms releasing dark smoke that slowly turns into a set of lightning around my body.

I could see some scared students in the hallways, I started to use my vision of essence on a large scale to identify where that noise came from, seeing that I needed to pass several students, I was already getting ready, strengthening my legs while I run. Taking a few steps along the wall to my right, I started to simply run at full speed there, managing to dodge the students and reach the place.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" I said kicking the door to open it with all force. I could sense the essence of danger there when I used my special vision, so that means, there wasn't happening a actual class.


[Arthur Leywin POV]

"Fine, I'll start with something easier." Professor Geist said while he was holding his great sword firmly. 

"If that's the case, I'll restrict myself, I'll only use my weakest elements... Earth and Wind." I said seriously, holding Dawn's Ballade firmly in both hands.

In the blink of an eye, the professor lunged at me, not even giving a warning that our fight was about to begin. Already in front of me and swinging the sword, I managed to dodge after ducking and taking a small leap to my right.

The lower part of his face showed a friendly smile, but the rest of his whole body showed anger, hate, irritation. that wasn't 'something easier'. His sword was imbued in a layer of blue fire, the heat that radiated from it making deadly. 

"Airborn." I started to use the only good wind spell to coat myself in protection. It was one of Luz's spells that he was theaching me while we trained back in the Helstea Manor. I was thinking that using this would be a great substitute for Thunderclap Impulse, since I couldn't use fire/lightning in this battle, I needed to teach that crazy man a lesson about how power isn't everything.

His bombardment continued, the force of each swing and stab getting faster and stronger, as if trying to yesy yhe limit I could handle. Every time I parried or dodged his attack with ease, his next attacks would be kicked up a notch.

I was only using that wind spell, mana strengthening and pure sword technique, whice seemed to frustrate our professor even more. 

"I'm sure the disciplinary committee aren't only made of rats keep dodging and running away!" He said loudly, putting on a joking face.

"Is there really need for me to attack when our esteemed professor can't even land one on a first-year student?" I countered, putting on an innocent face.

He didn't answer, his lips contorted in anger instead. By this time, a couple of the students had already caught on that this wasn't just a simple demonstration, some whispering if they should call the director or the student council over. 

Professor Geist's attacks became fiercer as he started implementing several spells along with his attacks.

"Flame Pillar!" A stream of blue fire shot up from the ground beneath me as I instantly sidestepped to avoid it, countering him with a concise strike to his neck. Catching him by surprised, he jumped back a lot futher than he had to, in order to dodge my blade, a bead of sweat forming on his brow. 

"Even rats become deadly when cornered, Professor." I shot him a grin as I immediately closed the distance between the two of us, using the floating effects of the spell 'Airborn'.

Appearing right next to him, I willed a little of my wind mana around my blade. Each swing I took formed a still path of wind, confusing Professor Geist who was still able to block my blows. Every swipe, every lunge and every swing I took created an almost transparent path of air in its trajectory.

Professor Geist was no longer trying to put a confident expression on his face, he was concentrating hard as he tried to block my attacks. He was already approaching the edge of the arena every time he was forced to take a step back due to my blade. The fire around his sword seemed to become unstable.

Now was the time to end it.

"Earth pillar." Mentally, I activated a spell that caused a pillar to form below me and that way I propelled myself upwards, on the other hand, the earth used to create this pillar, was the one Professor Geist was on top of, causing him to lose some of his balance.

I rushed at him, having a strange feeling, but I tried to ignore it. He quickly managed to raise his sword to fend off my attack.

During this attack, our blades touched, causing a thin, low noise, but after their sliding happened, at the exact moment they stopped touching each other, a deafening sound was created, causing the Professor to be thrown backwards against the wall, causing me to be thrown back a little and causing the protective barrier of the arena to shatter.

All the students seemed to put their hands on their ears, while I was now hearing an irritating buzz, it was comparable to if a bomb had exploded nearby me.

I looked at Dawn's Ballade, its teal transparent blade was vibrating insanely, the Airborn spell seemed to have been completely put on my sword. I glanced in Geist's direction, saw him lying there against the wall, not appearing to have any injuries, but his sword.... The blade of the sword was cut, half still with him and the other half thrown to the ground.

"Wait... A loud sound... My sword vibrating... I... Did I unlock sound magic?" I was shocked by that thought, what was it that made me unlock a deviant wind spell?

It wasn't complex to understand, I only used a single wind spell during the entire fight, but it was hard to believe that the method for me to achieve this was one of my brother's original spells.

Speaking of him, I saw a sudden movement at the door of the classroom, it was Luz. He had kicked hard it, his eyes were serious and his mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear anything just yet, just the buzzz sound.

He came to me first and seemed to ask something but it was still hard to understand so I just pointed to my ear saying "I'm not hearing anything!" I didn't know if the volume of my voice was high or not, but he nodded and seemed to move towards the other students to understand what had happened.

After a few minutes, I found myself sitting on one of the seats in the classroom, my hearing seemed to have improved a little again and Sylvie had come back to me, worried about what had happened. I could only pet her white fur and say that I was okay.

Claire and Theo had arrived too, apparently that booming sound I made was loud enough to be heard throughout Xyrus Academy. They were talking to Luz, Kathyln and Feyrith about what had happened, as usual, when Luz and Kathyln are close, the princess was hugging his arm without letting go, it seems my brother got used to it as he didn't seem to react while talking with others.

"Everything is fine with you?" Claire said approaching me now.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of shocked by what happened. I think the person who took the most damage was Professor Geist." I said looking at Dawn's Ballade which was now in its case.

"We've already called some people from the infirmary to come here. But I feel like he deserved it, the student reports and what Kathyln and Feyrith said show that this Professor was trying to humiliate you, as well as using attacks that could severely hurt you. I can't believe he is an underclass's teacher." She talked and helped me to get up, with Sylvie on top of my head as usual.

"Haha!!! Awesome! Apparently you are now a sound deviant and made your debut attack as the last blow in this battle. This is impressive, to say the least." Theo said smiling and patting my back.

"Thanks...but could I go? I have another class now." I asked looking at them.

"Of course, the other students are enough witnesses that you don't even have to go see these things later. And that goes for everyone who's already talked to us! Better go to your next classes!" Claire initially said it to me, but soon she caught the attention of all the other students there, who understood and left the room.

I started walking out of the room with Luz, Kathyln and Feyrith. There were a few students watching us and seeming to gossip, I couldn't help but take a deep breath and look at Kathyln, who was still hugging my brother's arm.

"You should have activated a protection instead of continuing to attack, idiot." I spoke to her, causing some of the surrounding students who overheard to go wide-eyed.

Luz heaved a sigh. "Unfortunately, I have to agree with Art, from the way the students described the actions you took, it really was a little stupid for you not to activate an ice shield spell. Why did you decide to go on the offensive?" He said that to the princess of Sapin.

"I-I... I was just... Inspired by you..." When she said that, Luz immediately blushed and patted her.

"But even so, I still make protective shields, don't I?" The way he spoke, I could only remember the shield he'd made for her in the accident at the auction house.

"Okay..." She said hiding her face in my brother's arm.

"Still, it was impressive what you did, my great rival Arthur. Unlock some kind of magic in the middle of a fight? You really are a prodigy." Feyrith said with a smile.

"Ah! That? I just used one of the wind spells my brother taught me and out of nowhere, that happened" I tried to explain.

"So it was because of me? I'm a really good trainer." he said with a smirk.

"W-Well! We have other classes now, don't we? See you later!" Feyrith said and now we walked our separate ways.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C51
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


