23.23% TBATE - A More Experienced Hero / Chapter 21: Chapter 21 - Am I dreaming?

章 21: Chapter 21 - Am I dreaming?

[Luz Leywin POV]

I was really tired, the night was completely full, mainly from that fight and my arm being cut off and glued back together. If it hadn't been for people pumping my core with mana, or that mana I absorbed from the mad mage before, I would have passed out as soon as my mom healed me.

At least I was able to stay wide awake to find the multi-item ring and get those items from Uncle Vincent. They were masks with a simple and fixed magic that make our voices change, in addition to cloaks to wear over our bodies. While Arthur's cloak was completely black, which served to hide its presence well, mine was a double-faced cloak, on one side it was a mixture of green and blue, which had a high degree of resistance against mana projectiles, while the other was a dark blue, which made something like my brother's.

We arrived home with my father and uncle, it was already past midnight a few minutes ago. Our mother and Tabitha were still awake, while their daughters weren't waiting for us, they probably went to sleep.

They didn't say anything to us, but Tabitha seemed to have a more fragile look at me compared to before the event, was it because she saw me being attacked almost fatally? Or was there some other reason?

I didn't think too much, Art and I walked towards our bedroom, with Tabitha and Alice leading me, they were holding tight to my shoulders. They must be thinking I'm having trouble moving...or maybe just checking that I was still there with them...

Arriving in our room, Aunt Tabitha gave me a hug, not so firm because of my arm, and my mother gave me a kiss on the forehead, finally leaving us alone.

I allowed Arthur to use the bathroom first, while I sat in a chair there, just waiting and thinking.

"The situation today was very complicated..." I was able to hear a familiar voice that cheered me up a little, it was Sylvia.

"Yeah, it was pretty intense... this body doesn't really follow my commands that well." I spoke in a whisper to externalize my thoughts.

"You better get a good night of sleep... If you want we can talk about it here, inside your imaginary world." She said with a few giggles, after all, that world in my head she talked about, now it's the only place she can exist.

After Art took a shower, he asked me to help bathe Sylvie, and I accepted, it took a few minutes more it should have, but my niece and I were now clean to sleep. The three of us threw ourselves on the big bed in the bedroom and fell asleep easily from exhaustion.

When I opened my eyes, I was neither in my room in the real world, nor in my great hall in my imaginary world. I was inside a completely dark void, floating without seeming to have a sense of what was up or down. My body was like a silhouette being surrounded by a dark red aura, it was the only way I knew where I was.

I started to move around and felt like I was actually in liquid, being able to breathe peacefully in there, but still being uncomfortable. I started swimming in the direction I thought was the surface and after swimming for what felt like 10 minutes, bodies emerged, they were corpses of people I had known in my previous lifes, they were intact, with a gray filter over them.

I tried to interact with the closest one, but when I touched it, its body felt like liquid. It was as if all the corpses there were other liquids that didn't mix with the dark water I was in, but still allowed them to have a humanoid appearance.

I continued to swim for another 10 minutes inside that dream, always in the same direction, with more and more of those corpses appearing, until in a moment I felt my hand come out of the water, I reached the surface.

It was strange, but from the moment I put my arm out of the water, it didn't want to go back in, so I pushed myself out. My line of reasoning was correct, when I got completely out of that dark sea, the surface of it became solid for me, I could only know where the 'ground' was, because there were several floating bodies immersed in it.

"Luz... it's so good to see you." I heard a soft female voice, but when I looked in the direction there was nothing, not even a hint of silhouette.

My body, without my ordering it, started to get augmented in countless lightning bolts of different colors, I felt an immense shiver. "Wait... Is this Hero's Thunder? B-but I'm not felling the mana..." I asked myself, confused by the way this dream was going.

When the lightning started to surround my feet, it hit the surface of that sea, and I could see, the sea entirely being electrified, I could clearly see the whole horizon around that dark landscape, with the floating corpses starting to stir, writhe and scream without their voices reaching my ears.

I should be used to scenes like this, a spell I already received in another past life had a worse scene than this one, but still it made me panic just to see it. But when my panic started, it was also when the voices reached me, I could hear countless of them screaming, asking for help, calling names, all my names I've ever had during my cursed existence. I knelt on that surface, hands over my ears so I wouldn't hear them, but it didn't matter, it was as if those voices were already inside my mind.

However... suddenly they stopped when I felt something touching my shoulder, I looked up and saw some silhouettes around me, standing on that surface just like me, and the one in front of me I could recognize instantly.

"Mary... W-What's going on?" I said as I stood up, but when I looked at them again, their hair took on color and was now the only identifiable thing about them, other than their silhouettes.

"Just... don't let us die." That's what she said, her voice calm and sweet, but one that showed concern, that way I won't get a real answer.

The silhouettes began to surround me, but without moving, it was as if I was spinning without realizing it, they were all different, some short, some tall, some childish, some mature. The worst thing was that they started saying the same thing as Maryliny's silhouette.

"Don't let us die." They repeated.

"Don't let us die" They repeated over and over, their voices echoing.

"Die" They started talking and repeating that word countless times while they didn't stop spinning around me.

The voices were merging into one and separating into several repetitively, I didn't want to, but involuntarily I put my hands over my ears to try not to hear them, my heart was racing and I started to cry blood. Their voices rose higher and higher, but then again stopped.

I looked back in front of me, and saw Zalgnity, he was in a shape that mimicked Maryliny, but I knew it was him from the reddish color scheme. My gaze turned to hate, not because I really hate him, he is with me for so long that I got with terms with him... But he was just watching me, with a simple smile on his face, not moving any muscle, looking more like a statue.

Unintentionally, I looked at my hand, which was just a silhouette as well, but I noticed that the ring I got from the auction house was with me now. My mind began to fill with hateful thoughts, extreme anger coursing through my veins, and along with that, my body was finally becoming visible again.

I could see by the surface reflection, my appearance was identical to my current one in the real world, but all my limbs and head were separated from my torso, floating as if they were still connected, like when I used Hero's Thunder in the fight I had before went to sleep.

From my hand, that ring turned into a strange scythe, while, out of the water, a giant crown began to emerge, floating up to my head, pretending to be part of my skull, but without actually touching me. Having a dark color like a perfect mix between black onyx and red blood.

My thoughts were hazy, my gaze went back to Zalgnity, standing posing as Mary. I firmly gripped the scythe, using both hands, and attacked him, after the attack was made, he was cut in two horizontally, and I could see him taking on my current appearance now, as he let out a loud, deafening scream.

That ended up making me wake up in my bed, nothing seemed to have happened there, it didn't even feel like time had passed. I was panting and I could feel my whole body sweating from the stress I felt.

"But... what the hell..." It was the only thing I managed to say, as I got up and went to the bathroom.

Dipping my face in the water from the sink, I could see that bizarre crown in the mirror for a second. When I went to touch my head, it wasn't there, and not even in the mirror anymore. I leaned against the sink for a while, breathing deeply and still sweating cold. I turned to go back to bed, only to hear someone knocking on the bathroom door.

"Luz, are you there?" It was Art's voice.

"Dude, were you also unable to sleep?" I replied as I opened the door, and I saw something kind of shocking.

In front of me was not my brother, was a tall man in a uniform, full and smeared with blood, he had a long sword in his hand and his hair was very light, reminding me of a lifeless lawn. I blinked my eyes a little and saw that man was gone, and Arthur was in his place.

"Uh... I slept like a rock, man. Now can you get out of there? I need to take my morning shower." He said as he scratched his back, with Sylvie on top of his head making his hair a nest as everyday.

"O-Okay..." I said letting him pass as I left the bathroom, that's when I looked at the window in the hallway outside the room, it was already morning.

Confused by what happened and wanting to forget about the possibility of having been in the bathroom all night staring into a mirror, I got ready and left the room. During the descent to the first floor, I met with the Helstea family, some maids were making our breakfast while Vincent was reading a newspaper.

"Uh... where is my mother? She usually wakes up very early." I asked as I sat at the dinner table with them.

"She didn't get much sleep from yesterday...She must still be resting." Tabitha answered me, she saw my look down, and spoke to me like she was reading my mind. "Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong. You helped and tried to protect us, and not only that, you also protected very important people. She knows that too and is proud of you."

"She just can't say it directly to me, can she?" I asked, getting a nod in response from Tabitha.

"Yeah, other than the bad stuff that happened, I think you gave the Glayders a good impression, as I said earlier, by the way, you can even get royal sponsorships." Vincent tried to speak the lively part of the whole situation.

"It's true, but I don't want to be used as a tool by them. I've seen how the king treats things when he wanted Sylvie." I said, making Vincent's expression look a little serious.

"But I don't think the same can be said for his children, if Sapin's royal family has me in their hands, I'll just let Curtis and Kathyln have that right." With my speech, Lilia made a strange noise that sounded like a mumbling, while Tabitha and Vincent laughed at what I said.

After a few minutes, Arthur joined us, and I just had finished eating my breakfast, that's when I saw my mother coming down the stairs. I blinked my eyes a little, and for a moment I saw a pale woman in completely black clothes, descending a staircase that looked like the ones in the Helstea house, only longer. I shook my head and my vision returned to normal.

"What's happening to me? First that nightmare, now these things... Am I delusional? Zalgnity! You put something extra into me this time!?! I really hate those types of jokes!!" I went into a rage inside my mind with that stranges thoughts, but that feeling was cut off when I felt Alice hug me tight after she approached me.

I could hear her crying a little as she hugged me, and I returned it, hearing her voice, "Good morning, my son... Is everything... okay?"

"I was the one who was supposed to ask you that... I'm sorry if I bothered you... You know how I am." I said looking at her, with some tears welling up in my eyes, but they still didn't want to run down my face.

"Yes... I know... You tried to save your brother on the cliff... and you succeeded. And now you tried to save us yesterday... And you also succeeded... But when you're sure you can't, don't try. And don't let the emotions of others control that judgment."

"Not even yours emotions?" I said, I could feel that the last part she was imagining in herself.

"Not even mine... You know... I'm your mother, acting like that is just normal, even if you was adopted, I love you, my son... You are in my heart as the same way your siblings are..." She told me smiling and showering me with kisses on the cheek as I dried her face with my shirt.

With that resolved, I took her for breakfast, but before she got to the table, we heard the sound of the door slamming. By the looks of everyone, no one was expecting a visit, but as if it was a chain action, most of us remembered one small detail. I went to the main room, and saw one of the maids open the door, revealing a young man in gaudy clothes carrying a fancy box.

"Excuse me, I would like to speak with Mr. Luz Leywin about a delivery authorized by Sapin royalty." The young man said, taking just one step into the house.

"Good morning and welcome to the Helstea residence, I'm Luz Leywin." I introduced myself to him, but I saw him making a disgusted face.

"Go away, brat. This is serious stuff." when he said that to me, I deadpan, did they forget to tell the delivery guy my age or does he think I'm not dresses as a such special person?

Soon Vincent approached me, and also saw the delivery man "Hello, how can I help you?"

"I have a delivery authorized by the Queen of Sapin, it's for Mr. Luz Leywin." When he said that, Vincent got the same face as mine, because he heard me introduce myself too.

"He's Luz Leywin." Uncle Vincent pointed at me using both hands.

"What kind of bad joke is this?" The delivery man stared at Vincent and ignored my existence.

"I'm looking for a wind mage, deviant in sound, and fire, deviant in lightning. Not a child." The delivery man continued to speak.

I took a long breath. OH BOY, HE IS ONE OF THOSE!

I opened both my hands, one created a ball of fire and the other a ball of wind, my hands felt imbued with electricity. "I think you're making a fool of yourself, now give me the package." I said, expression still neutral.

The delivery man was wide-eyed and soon after I felt him looking at my core, but it looks like it got a headache trying. "O-Okay, so you're Luz Leywin..." He handed me the box.

"I will file a formal complaint after that... Geez... This is why I hate people who fit the annoying noble stereotype." I said without being afraid of him saying this to the queen later, and opening the box.

Inside it was a beautiful ring set with a bluish jewel, a letter and a paper attached. Without having to open the paper, it had written on it that I should read its contents after reading the letter. I accepted that order of factors, and as I put my new ring on the index finger of my right hand, I noticed that there were things written in the two sides, so I started to read it.


[Front side of the Letter]

Dear Luz Leywin.

Through this letter I would like to show you all my gratitude for what you have done for us. The security I felt with you helping us was tremendous.

My husband and I have decided that you are invited to come to our residence in Xyrus City to interact with our children, Curtis loved seeing how you fight using just your hands and expects to see more amazing things with a blade, while Kathyln seems to have been feeling happy and calm as she listened to you talking to her brother, it would be nice if they kept in touch with you. Don't worry, breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided for you on the days you come to visit us.

To answer about this, you can use the delivery guy as a way to send your message, but if you are not sure yet, no problem, because within the dimensional ring, in addition to your reward, has a scroll that works as a means of communication in real time with the use of magic. For details on how to use it, just see the attached paper.

Now, speaking of the rewards, I honestly didn't know how much money would be enough, as I saw your work as amazing for your age and background. Therefore within the dimensional ring, there are bags of different coins, as much bronze, silver and gold. The total amount is around the same value of 10 white-gold tablets. I hope it's enough.

With all my admiration, Priscilla Glayder, Queen of the Sapin Kingdom.

[Back side of the Letter]

Hello Luz Leywin.

My mom was writing this letter, but before the delivery guy came to pick up the box, I kind of took it and I'm writing it without anyone knowing? I'm pretty rebellious huh?

Anyway, even if you refuse to come here, I know very well that my sister and I will find you when you and Arthur start studying at Xyrus Academy. Take a great gift and reminder that I will be your veteran and you can always count on me. This gift will be inside the dimensional ring as well as your rewards.

Signed, Curtis Glayder.


After I read the content on both sides, I got wide-eyed and looked at the delivery man. "I was informed that I was supposed to tell you something and you would take this answer to the royal family. You can say that I won't be able to go at this time due to mana recovery and that I will talk to them using a comunication scroll as soon as I can."

With my answer, the delivery guy bowed and walked out of the Helstea manor. I waited a few minutes, my mouth closed while Vincent looked at me wondering how I was at that moment.

"Luz, how much did you get as reward?" Vincent asked me, still finding my face very strange.

"Ten..." I said still in disbelief, but I didn't even realize that I didn't answer him completely.

"Ten of gold? Wow, I didn't expect that from the queen, you said she was supposed to choose the amount she wanted right? Is that how much they pay the guards?" He said confused and looking at the ceiling as he thought.

"It was... Ten... White-gold tablets..." I finally managed to answer him.

"WHAT?!? ISN'T THAT TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT THEY PAID FOR THE WORLD LION??" Vincent exclaimed, with good reason, and I replied just shaking my head.

With a few seconds after he said that out loud, we could hear noises coming from the room where the people were, and soon I saw my father coming down the stairs. My god, Vince, you really have a holy mouth.

"Good morning! And what is this talk of ten World Lions? Did the queen decide to give us mana beasts as a reward for my big boy's work?" Reynolds said all excited, I think he was imagining him and all the Twin Horns with mana beasts to match.

"No, I won the equivalent of that, in several types of coins." I replied my father, and he almost slipped down the stairs, reaching the floor we were on.

"Hold on, I think I heard when the King announced he wanted that World Lion... Wasn't that... 1000 gold in it?" He said and I nodded in agreement. "So you won... 10000 gold?" I nodded again and I could see my father's eyes roll, almost fainting, but two maids who were nearby arrive and help him at least sit on one of the sofas.

While the rest of the people went to see what was going on and Vincent tried to explain as calmly as he could, I took the attached paper seeing how the dimensional ring worked and used it to see what was the extra little gift Curtis had given me. Appearing in my hands a kind of suitcase.

"A box that was inside a ring inside another box, what kind of 'INCEPTION' is this?!?" I mentally exclaimed to myself, as I put it down on the floor and opened it, my jaw dropped.

In it there was a sword all decorated and a beautiful kind of medal, which when I looked closely, I noticed that it had the symbol of the royal family. I went to Uncle Vince and Arthur to see this and they both approached. With one analyzing the sword and the other analyzing the medal.

"Wow, this sword looks like it was made by a professional, and it's very light... Hm... this gives a smooth swing." Arthur said as he swung the sword, making slashes in the air in a direction that no one else was.

"This medal... My God, Luz! That's an official royal connection medal!" Vincent exclaimed, making everyone come closer to see.

"Wait, does that make me close to the Glayder family?" my question was answered with all the adults nodding at almost the same time.

"Hmmm... Good to know, so am I now a union between humans and elves?" I asked this to myself, but I didn't even realize I spoke aloud, catching everyone's curiosity there, except Arthur, who only gave a facepalm.

"What do you mean by that?" Tabitha looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Remember how Arthur and I said we saved an elf from kidnapping?" everyone agreed with my question.

"So. She was the princess of the Kingdom of Elenoir." when I said that general was in shock.

"And kind of...I found a notebook with the kidnappers, which showed the location of all their slave traders points in that Kingdom. And... I gave the notebook to the elven army.... And I kind of... won a title of elven nobility for the number of slaves they managed to save with my help...." I continued speaking in a paused way so they could digest the information.

Vincent looked at me with a face that was expressionless, put his hands on my shoulders and started shaking frantically. "Are you destined to be saving people or what kid!?!?" He said all excited.

"Me and my holy mouth..." I thought.

"Kukuku... he's not wrong" I could hear both Sylvia's and Zalgnity's voices speaking at the same time, Sylvia had an adorable tone while Zalgnity had a teasing tone.

"Now I don't want to hear either of you two! I have to concentrate not to throw up my breakfast in here!" I thought while still being shaken by Vincent. "If there is any god hearing my thoughts... please, say that I'm still dreaming in my bed..."

"I am a god, and I am listening to you..." Zalgnity said again in my mind, with a teasing tone.

"FUCK OFF!!" I yelled at him mentally.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C21
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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