37.14% Harry Potter : Wizard SI / Chapter 12: Chapter 12 : First charms class

章 12: Chapter 12 : First charms class

Author's note: I kept this chapter the same, as I felt that it was ok.

-6:00 am, Slytherin dorm room-

[Alarm activated: Playing Mother's morning shout- "Arjun wake up now, you are going to be late. Always sleeping, Wake up."]


I woke up early in the morning due to my mom's shout. Seriously nothing wakes me up better than her shouts.

I pushed back the surge of longing that was accompanied by a tint of loneliness. Growing up in a house with 10 people makes one crave social comfort, especially when one watches the dim dorm room given to me.

At least I got a private room.


I pushed myself out of my sleep and stretched myself. The lights turned on as I hopped out of bed.


After completing my morning tasks, I got dressed in front of the wardrobe which is so fancy. Unfortunately, that is a pattern in Slytherin houses. It's obvious If one considers the fact majority of the school board is made up of Slytherins. A tradition from the time of the founders. A small price Salazar Slytherin exchanged with the noble houses for funding and personal tutoring to their kids.

No wonder the entire house has too much pride and arrogance, if their family didn't cause them to feel superior, then the difference in treatment sure will.

AI, Show me the time.


Putting aside my thoughts regarding the dependence on AI, I forced my sleepy self to the study table. A swift wave of hand summoned the 4th-year Potions book. Time to get started on it.

A wizard who reads yearly in the morning grows up to be a great wizard.


The Slytherin common room is a dungeon-like room located in the castle's dungeons. Some areas of this room are underground, so you can see what's happening below the Great Lake through the common room's windows.


I was greeted by the numerous magical creatures swimming away from the window. I caught the paper flying at me and saw that it was the course schedule. Soon, I watched as the papers flew to the first years that were coming down from their dorms.


I caught one from the air and read it.


Charms 8:30-11:30, History of Magic 1-2 and Transfiguration 2:30-5:30.


Potions at 8:30-11:30, Astrology 1-2, Herbology 2:30-5:30.


Defense against the Dark Arts 8:30-11:30, Flying Lessons 1-2, Charms 2:30-5:30 *Astrology 11 pm-1 am.*


Transfiguration 9:30-12, History of Magic 1-2, Herbology 2:30-5:30.


Defense Against the Dark Arts 8:30-11:30, Flying lessons 1-2 Potions 2:30-5:30

The first week of classes was with Gryffindor. Then the second week with Ravenclaw and the third with Hufflepuff. It was a way to promote inter-house communication thought by the founders.

No wonder, It felt like the golden trio always shared every class with the Slytherins. They do share every class in the week. But, their classes filled with rivalry tend to be memorable and film-worthy.

"Good morning, Arjun."

A cheerful voice greeted me as saw Tracy and Daphne coming down the stairs catching their schedules.

"Good morning to you two."

"Good morning."

The early morning breeze from the dungeons accompanied by Daphne's cool greeting made me shiver. I immediately said my thoughts on it.

"Daphne, my friend, your frigid voice can even freeze a desert. I don't mind not getting a morning greeting. You see, I can understand that you are inept at expressing emotions."

I saw Tracy trying to contain her laughter as Daphne just strode out of the common room, I followed her with Tracy but kept up my teasing.

"Wait for us Daphne, I am sorry about pointing out your 'icy' flaw."

From the hallways to breakfast in the main hall. Even the rest of the Slytherins are taking amusement from me annoying Daphne. I knew it, I am not the only asshole. So, with a proud back and renewed energy from a sip of milk, I continued,

"I even made a nickname for you, a glance that can freeze even Hell. I dub you 'the Ice Queen of Slytherin'."

"Are you serious?"

I wanted to say, I am Arjun.

Since they won't get the joke, I went with, "Damn, the milk is cold as ice."

The glare she gave me was so cold that Tracy moved and joined the rest of her friends, Alec, and Catherine.

"What? The milk is cold."

I immediately felt the glass getting heated as the cold milk was exchanged for hot milk by the House-elves.

Shit, Daphne's eye went from my eyes to the glass of milk that is now showing vapours rising from it, then from the glass to me.

Red Alert. Damage control now.

I immediately cast a wandless ice charm on the glass and lifted it so that the drowsy students who were watching the fun could see it, and loudly proclaimed, "Like I said, the ice queen of Slytherin. Her glare can freeze even steaming Milk."



"Funny kid."

The laughs confirmed I was not the only one who found it funny. I wanted to pat myself on the back for the joke but saw everyone suddenly stop. I saw the reason, Daphne was standing in front of me instead of her previous position on the opposite side of the table.

Daphne was smiling, but I must say it was not from happiness. I was preparing myself for the onslaught of magic she learned at home.

I was not expecting the next thing. She kneed me in the chest.


I was never so thankful for my karate lessons. As I keeled over, I supported myself with one hand on the table and one knee on the ground. Weren't purebloods all about their disdain for muggles and their superiority of magic?



I and now the rest of the Hall saw her walking away with Tracy with a smirk on her face. Now, there is one thing to be known about me, I have massive pride and hate getting embarrassed. Now it may be a hypocrite of me, as I was embarrassing her. But my pride says otherwise.

So, I took the pain like a man and sat up. Then called out, "Daphne."

She turned towards me at the entrance of the main hall as I continued pressing both hands on my heart and said something none my 'age' dares to say,

"My Heart skipped a beat there. But no worries my heart is still beating for you to freeze it."

I saw her freeze up at that, she took a second to process it and dragged Tracy out of the Hall.

Marcus Flint, I didn't even notice him sitting beside me said to me with a pat on my back, "You got balls first."

I burst into laughter at that.

Marcus Flint is a cool dude if you put aside his being a racist, a fellow asshole and a musclehead.

I just got acquainted with the Slytherin quidditch team with the stunt. I must say it feels embarrassing when I remember saying that. My only consolation is Daphne has it worse. Now, I may have teased her, embarrassed her, and made it difficult for her to establish power in Slytherin House in the future, .... Ok, on thinking back, I deserved it.

Oh Well, it has already happened.

----------Charms class-------

I entered the Charms class to see the red and green robes separated by putting as much distance as possible between each other. The issue here is that all the Slytherins paired up. Daphne's cold glance of anger and Tracey's sorry look suggested who was the one behind it.

Now I either squeeze with Crabbe or Goyle, who are the only ones sitting on a bench. Or go for option 2.

I am starting to believe Daphne is my lucky charm now. Now, I had a justification to sit on Gryffindor's side.

I saw that the Gryffindors are also paired up with Ron-Harry, Sean-Dean, Parvati, and Lavender.

So, I sat beside Hermonie, greeting her, "Hello there Hermonie."

Hermonie freezes up on suddenly being pulled into the centre of attention. It made me recall my socially awkward past. It took me being thrown into a fictional universe and then leading the kids at Maple Tree Park for years to build my self-confidence.

Now I tell you this, it is thrilling to be at the centre of attention.

At sharp 8:30 on the dot, Professor Flitwick walked in, and the students' murmuring quieted down.

The first thing anyone noticed about Professor Flitwick was his short height; he stood at about three and a half feet tall.

If I remember correctly from the books, this was due to him being a part goblin. However, if anyone ever underestimated Professor Flitwick, they stopped when he famously won the International Dueling Champion three times in a row. His hairline was receding, leaving the top of his head bald, while his hair on the side was grey and his beard hid the lower part of his face.

Next to his desk, were stacks of old books, which he climbed like a set of stairs until he stood on his long rectangular desk. "Good morning first years." He squeaked out in a high-pitched voice. "I am Professor Flitwick, the head of charms, and the head of Ravenclaw as well. I will be teaching you charms during your time here at Hogwarts; I want everyone to know my door is always open if you have questions or need help with anything."

Professor Flitwick spoke with enthusiasm as if it was his greatest wish to be able to help students learn.

As he started teaching class, he moved and bounced around full of energy, if it were for his appearance, I would have thought he was an excited child.

"Now, before we begin, Let's start with a basic overview of what charms are. The easiest way to explain charms is to think of charms as adding magic effects to things. Most are temporary effects; however, when you are older, you will learn how to cast long-lasting charm spells. You will find that charms are the most versatile subject to study in magic, and there are countless charm spells, and many variations to charm spells that you will discover how to use.

One of the most important aspects of charms is wand movement and incantation. If you mess those up, there can be random consequences, best case scenario nothing happens at all, other times you may produce random magical effects, some benign, others less so.

So, while there is room for personal creativity when working on charm spells, it is important to remain focused your mind on what you are casting and not mess up the wand movement or incantation."

Professor Flitwick continued to speak to us about charm work, with the whole class furiously taking notes. I had even added my thoughts about the charms- recorded in AI.

[Charms are direct utilization of Magical reserves to cast an effect until the supply is cut.

Charms can become long-lasting for years by either binding to special magic sources like wardstones, or ritual sites or changing the target of the charm to make the effect permanent -Enchantment.]

When there was only less than an hour left until the class was over, Professor Flitwick's eyes twinkled and said, "Alright enough talk, I'm sure everyone here wants to get down to it and cast some spells."

He pulled out his ivory-coloured wand that looked like an aspen wand and said, "This first spell we are going to learn is the wand lighting spell. So first, the incantation is Lumos, and while you say the spell, just hold your wand out. Just like this, Lumos". A light on par with a light bulb appeared on his wand.


As soon as I heard what spell we were going to work on, a smile slipped out. I had been casting that spell for years. I shot a confident look to the glaring snakes, while Professor Flitwick was continuing, he said, "Please everyone take your wands out and cast the spell."

With a wave of his wand, he dimmed the classroom. Everyone pulled out their wands, and there was a flurry of wand movement and murmuring.

Looking at my wand I filled it with the intent of light and chanted for the benefit of my peer's ego, "Lumos."


Instantly my wand lights up with a light the same as Professor. Down to the shade of colour.

Professor Flitwick bounced over excitedly, "Excellent work Mr. Prasad, 5 points to Slytherin for being quickest out of the gate. And take another 10 points for mastering the Lumos spell beforehand."

As expected of a charms master, he saw the same Lumos as him and connected the dots to me mastering it. Two different wizards, two different wands and different levels casting the same spell down to the last point is an indication that one experienced in the spell the copy the other.

Though Flitwick is the experienced one here. I am sure he can light up the entire Hogwarts with his spell while I can't do the same.

About ten minutes and many attempts later, Hermione couldn't hold it anymore and asked me, "How did you do it?"

I raised an eyebrow and asked her back, "What is light?"


"What is light?"

Hermonie stammered on what to answer about the obvious question, "It is the emission of radiation of a frequency visible to us."

I snorted at her textbook definition and asked her, "What do you think Obi-Wan will say?"

"It is the one that drives away darkness."

"What is a 3-year-old's answer to the question?"

"A light bulb may be."

I then cast a Lumos while saying, "Lumos is all of that fueled by magic."

Hermonie's face lit up at that, I can imagine the gears turning in her head as cast "Lumos."



The light appeared bright in the dim room as Flitwick said to her Jovially "3 points to Gryffindor, for casting second Mrs Granger."

Hermonie stammered out "I-It was thanks to Arjun's help."


Flitwick jumped up in cheer and said, "20 points to Slytherin for spreading inter-house communication."

The snakes were horrified, and the lions were confused, with me wondering- 'That was more points than mastering a spell. Just how bad is the relation between red and green?'


HP : Wizard SI


Power Ranking Monthly #10


Feb 28, 20:37 - Apr 1, 2025


Mass release 10 chapters

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C12
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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