
章 27: You're Here

"We broke up a few months ago." Su Xieren's face was a bit pale. Confusion and apprehension flashed in his eyes before he asked tentatively, "Did… something happen to her?"

Before Mu Yuze could open his mouth to speak, He Juan chimed in, trying to keep his tone as neutral as possible. "Let's talk in your office, Xieren. Come on, Officer Mu." When Su Xieren still did not move, He Juan towed him over a bit forcefully as he made a gesture for Mu Yuze to follow after them.

Fortunately, it was close to lunchtime so Su Xieren's schedule was a bit free.

Along the way, Su Xieren must have come to a certain conclusion because his face got even paler than before.

For the lack of words to say, He Juan could only go outside to fetch the both of them a glass of water. He came back to hear Mu Yuze say, "...photos in her back-up storage. As it turns out, there's also a letter addressed to you among her belongings, Mr. Su." Mu Yuze placed a rectangular white envelope on the low table.

He Juan placed the glasses in front of them, albeit he was sure that none of them would ever drink it.

He still could not wrap his head around it. Goodness, Su Xieren's girlfriend… was the victim of yesterday's case? How could this be? He threw worried glances at Su Xieren. Other people might not be able to read his expressionless face but He Juan thought that he had gotten a bit proficient in sensing Su Xieren's expression based on his micro facial expressions.

But to his surprise, Su Xieren did not express any emotion whatsoever. Instead, he looked very… lost. Like a child who had been separated from his parents in the middle of the crowd. He stared blankly at the white envelope, not showing any signs that he was going to move and open it.

He Juan had never seen such a look on the steadfast and reliable Su Xieren before.

For a while, the office was encased in oppressive, heavy silence. As though knowing that Su Xieren needed time to process what he had just heard, Mu Yuze did not proceed with his questioning and merely waited.

Su Xieren opened his mouth and the word that came out of it was barely a rasp, "...Da-ge."

"Hmm?" He Juan asked, worried. "What is it, Xieren?"

"Xinya is… your neighbor?" He stumbled on his words. "The door that was covered in police lines when I came over yesterday? I… I heard the news from Jia-ge, you were brought to the station yesterday as the… prime suspect. Is that true?"

He Juan sucked in a sharp breath. Heavens, how could he forget about this?! Su Xieren's girlfriend that had mysteriously gone missing and also his name that was written in the crime scene… How could he ever explain himself to Su Xieren?! He Juan lowered his lashes and said with a heavy heart. "That's right."

"How…?" Su Xieren jerked his head up, eyes bloodshot and face twisted in misery.

For a split second, He Juan thought that Su Xieren was going to pounce forward and grab him by the collar. Apparently, Mu Yuze also had the same thought because he suddenly put himself in front of He Juan, his stance wary and protective. "Mr. Su," he warned in a low voice. "Mr. He is not the culprit. As of now, the evidence in the crime scene is still a mystery we can't explain."

Hearing that, Su Xieren seemed to return to his senses. He deflated like a balloon and slumped back to the couch, burying his face into his palms. He looked utterly defeated. "Sorry, da-ge. I know… there's no way it could be you. I know but…"

He Juan's heart went to him painfully. Pressing his lips together, he patted Mu Yuze on the shoulder as a signal for him that everything was okay. Mu Yuze hesitated for a second, his lips opened seemingly to say something but in the end, he merely stepped aside to give He Juan some space. He Juan offered him a grateful smile before he went to kneel beside Su Xieren.

"Xieren, didi… I'm sorry. I have no idea—" He Juan's throat closed up. He had no idea what he should say in a situation like this.

Su Xieren did not lift his head from his palms, nor did he show any signs that he was listening. But when He Juan looked closer, he could see that the Beta's broad frame was trembling ever so slightly.

He Juan could only hover around uselessly, feeling so helpless and guilty, even though he had no idea what he was supposed to be guilty about. He could not help but wonder again. If… If that night he had not gotten so wasted, could he have heard something? Could he have saved Miss Zhao from whatever predicament she was in? He Juan clenched his jaws and in the end, he could only utter, "I am sorry…"

Su Xieren shook his head, an infinitesimal move of his head, so small that He Juan would not notice it if he was not so close.

He Juan chewed on his lips. He turned to catch Mu Yuze's eyes, hoping that the omega would be a bit lenient. There was no way Su Xieren would be able to talk at the moment.

Mu Yuze pinned him with a heavy stare as he said slowly, "I will return tomorrow, Mr. Su. I hope that you can cooperate with the police so that we can find Miss Zhao sooner." After saying that, he turned to exit the room, his gait resolute and downright domineering.

He Juan was torn between the urge to catch up to Mu Yuze or to stay with his didi, but then Su Xieren whispered out, "Can you… leave me alone? Please…"

A sigh escaped He Juan's lips. "Xieren, I think you should take the day off and return home. You need a rest."

Su Xieren merely let out a low hum.

"Can you go home by yourself? Do you need me to drive you back?"

Su Xieren shook his head, harder this time.

"Alright," He Juan heaved out another sigh, resigned. He stood up, hesitated for a bit before reaching out to pat Su Xieren on the head. "I will talk to the Head Nurse so you can take the rest of the day off. After you feel a bit better, go home okay? If you need something, don't hesitate to call me or Molei."

"Mn," came his soft answer. "Thank you and… I'm sorry, da-ge."

"Silly boy. There's nothing to be sorry about." I am the one who has to be sorry, He Juan added inwardly. He stared at the whorl of Su Xieren's hair for a second before turning away and giving him the space he needed. His heart was heavy as a rock as he went to search for the Head Nurse and made some excuses — well, practically he was not lying — that Su Xieren was ill and would not be able to continue working today.

After years of being a regular visitor, He Juan already had a credible reputation among the doctors and nurses. He was always polite, courteous and gentlemanly. It was not difficult to secure two whole days' off for Su Xieren in exchange of some nosy questions from the middle aged nurse such as, "Are you still single?" "Is there someone you're interested in now?" "My sister has a niece who's a very beautiful and demure omega…" He Juan could only bear it up until that point before he glanced at the time and exclaimed apologetically that he still had another errand to do.

Still not rest assured, he decided to give a heads up to Jia Molei so the Beta could check up on Su Xieren again.

He slipped his phone into his pocket, sighing. Amid the busy hospital lobby, He Juan suddenly felt… nauseous. His ears were ringing — had been since he first knew Miss Zhao Xinya was Su Xieren's girlfriend, and it was not until now that he registered the pressure behind his eyeballs. He pinched his brows to alleviate the discomfort.

As for Mu Yuze…

He Juan could not find him anywhere. He must have gone back to his job already. Of course, he had an important task to complete rather than waiting for He Juan. Swallowing his disappointment, He Juan walked across the hospital lobby toward the exit. No problem. Perhaps he could ask around to see if he could get the omega's phone number—

An arm suddenly stretched in front of him. Stunned, He Juan looked down to see a toned, slender arm holding a cup of… cold beverage? Still unable to react, He Juan's eyes trailed along that arm to see a body clad in a soft dark shirt that was awfully familiar, slender neck, black tousled hair and then… Mu Yuze's gorgeous side profile.

"Mn," Mu Yuze thrust the drink toward him, eyes straight to the parking lot outside. The tip of his ear that was peeking through his hair was slightly flushed.

He Juan's heart instantly soared. He could not actually describe what he was feeling. One moment he was still dragging on his feet as things suddenly felt so, so bleak and heavy. Yet as soon as he saw Mu Yuze, everything vanished into a vast expanse of sunshine, fluffy white clouds and beautiful rainbows.

Mu Yuze was waiting for him… He had not left yet. He was still waiting for He Juan and even bought him a drink…

The relief and delight that flooded his heart was so overwhelming that before He Juan could process any thought that passed through his brain, his body had moved to grab Mu Yuze's outstretched arm, yanking it behind him as his other hand slipped around Mu Yuze's waist to smother him into a suffocating hug.

"Xiao Ze…" he rasped into the crook of Mu Yuze's neck, all tension bleeding out of his body. "Xiao Ze, you're still here…"

delanasiwarka delanasiwarka

Just your typical tsun-tsun omega, Mu Yuze >///<

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    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
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    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

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    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
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