82.25% One Piece : The Supreme Conqueror System ( Fanfiction ) / Chapter 50: Chapter 49: Pin Jocker's Hope.

章 50: Chapter 49: Pin Jocker's Hope.

" Well, it doesn't matter anyway..." Austin paused, smiling a savage smile, and stated, " You did something wrong to us, and you should pay for it!"

Honey Queen's face paled at this statement while The Bear King stepped forward cautiously.

" Who are you?!" The Bear King questioned menacingly, trying to act tough, but before he got his answer from Austin, he was interrupted by Pin Joker's scream.

" You are Black Storm Austin!" Pin Jocker exclaimed in disbelief and fear.

" Ho! You know me?" Austin was amused as he asked back.

" Of course I do. Who doesn't know you on the East Blue!" Pin Jocker added fearfully, " The strongest pirate on the East Blue, who also have many underlings in his crew with high bounties on their heads."

Looking at the individuals behind Austin, Pin Jocker couldn't help but remark shakily, " So, the others are Brain Unglaus, Zero, and Sebas."

" Hohohoho, it seems we got a little bit famous," Sebas chuckled.

" Hahaha, You are right, Sebas." Zero laughed as well.

" Humph! ... I'm still not satisfied with that bounty of mine." Brain scoffed, which made Zero's eyes twitch in irritation at his remark.

" At least, You got one." Azuth casually stated as if he didn't just finish massacring a whole group of over 300 pirates.

" Indeed." Erya, surprisingly, nodded in agreement at Azuth's comment.

Examining Erya and Azuth, Pin Jocker was both confused and fearful at the same time. Because apparently, the Black Storm pirates had two more individuals, but what made him scared was the Devil Fruit user's strength.

Even one of these two unknown ones with no bounties on their heads, Azuth, could massacre their whole crew easily. So he could only tremble, imagining what the others with bounties on their heads could do.

Noticing that this group of monsters was in a good mood, Pin Jocker took advantage of the situation and asked carefully, " Why not let me join your pirate's crew?"

Pin Jocker glanced at Austin's group and said, " You have only 5 subordinates now, so wouldn't it be beneficial for you to have additional crew members?"

" Me too! ... I want to join, too, please!" Honey Queen hurriedly stated before looking at Austin and licking her lips seductively, adding in slutty manner, " I can even help you with something else,"

On the side, The Bear King gritted his teeth, angry at the sight of his officers betraying him openly. The only one who stayed loyal was Boo Jack, at least that is what he thought, but the truth is that the fat man was just too scared to talk.

" I will think of it if you can win against one of my comrades," Austin smiled playfully in reply.

" Alright." Pin Jocker agreed quickly, smiling because at least he could stay alive and join a strong pirate crew. But his smile soon vanished when he saw Austin nodding to Brain.

" Wait! Can't I fight someone else?!" Pin Jocker yelled fearfully because Brain's bounty was 20 million, which meant he was a real and certified monster even in the eyes of the Navy.

" My lord, please let me take care of them ... " Erya stepped forward, saying, " I haven't tried the last skill you granted me yet."

Hearing Erya mentions the 'Haki' made both Brain and Zero's faces grimace as dark lines appeared on their foreheads.

They clearly knew that the current Erya was much stronger than them. This made the duo uncomfortable, especially since they were the first two created by their lord, which meant they were supposed to be the strongest ones.

Just as Austin was about to approve Erya's request, The Bear King, who was silent this whole time, gritted his teeth and tried a sneak attack on Austin.

He sprinted forward, used his devil fruit power to harden his right fist, which turned red from the high temperature, and attacked with all his might while yelling.

"So what if you have a 50 million bounty on your head! ... I'm The Bear King! ... With my strong Devil Fruit and ultimate weapon, King Cannon, I will rule over all the seas and be the Pirate King!" The Bear King roared.

Austin shook his head at this delusional idiot and enveloped his right fist with Haki, meeting the upcoming attack head-on.

This, however, made the Bear King sneer in his mind, obviously confident in the strength of his devil fruit and the outcome of this direct clash. But soon, his face turned from smugness to shock and then pain afterward.

The duo clashed together, resulting in a loud sound of bones cracking. This direct clash resulted in the fracture and deformation of the Bear King's right arm.

The poor man was sent flying to a nearby building from the impact!

Austin didn't waste time as he used 'Soru', heading toward that building to retrieve the injured fool.

Shortly after, he appeared again before the Trump siblings, holding the Bear King by his neck. He then slammed him to the ground and knocked him out with a strong punch, coated with 'Haki', to the head.

Austin then glanced at the other frightened Trump siblings and asked casually, "Anyone else wants to retaliate?"

The other Trump siblings ( Honey Queen, Pin Jocker, and Boo Jack) quickly shook their heads, indicating they did not intend to retaliate.

" Good. Now, Erya ... These three are your opponents, and at the same time, a test for your new ability," Austin pointed at Honey Queen and the rest two men.

Erya nodded and moved forward to face his three opponents.

" Wait! ... If we can defeat him, we can join your crew?" Pin Joker asked in anticipation.

" Yeah, If you could, then why not?" Austin smiled playfully in response.

" I hope you keep your word," Honey Queen said, looking lustfully at Austin.

Pin Jocker was clearly motivated because, in his mind, everything was achievable as long as he wasn't against one of the 'certified' monsters with bounties on their heads or that Devil Fruit's user who slaughtered their entire underlings.

Nonetheless, since this man was part of those monsters' crew, he had to be strong as well, so just to be cautious, he looked at his two other siblings and said: " Let's attack together!"

Boo Jack was the first to move as he used his Toge Toge Armor ( Spike Spike Armor) to defend himself while throwing some white balls at Erya.

Pin Jocker used his 'Needle Needle Sting' technique sending out a barrage of feathers containing Skunk-One's devil Gas to paralyze Erya while preparing his sword to attack.

On the other hand, Honey Queen didn't attack immediately but took a dagger from her clothes, circling around Erya and waiting for an excellent chance to strike.

Looking at the upcoming barrage of attacks, Erya used 'Soru' to dodge, which resulted in some explosions in his previous position due to the detonation of some white balls thrown by Boo Jack.

Examining the place of the expositions, Erya frowns slightly before using 'Soru' to appear beside Boo Jack and strike him with his sword. The latter tried to defend himself using his 'Spike Spike Armor', but he was just too weak as Erya's sword cut through his armor easily and penetrated his chest, which made him fall to the ground, heavily injured.

" Fucking monster!" Pin Jocker cursed loudly as he witnessed the one he thought was the easiest to deal with easily take down one of his siblings.

"You seemed to be looking down on me at the beginning, worm." Pin Jocker heard a cold voice beside his ears, sending a shiver through his spine.

He hurriedly attacked the sound's direction with his sword in panic.

Alas, it was already too late as he soon felt pain in his chest, prompting him to look down in shock at the sword now penetrating his chest and the blonde-haired samurai holding it.

Pin Jocker fell to the ground, holding the hole in his chest, with an expression of disbelief written on his face.

Erya glanced at the last one standing, Honey Queen, who stood in her place, shocked and horrified by what she had just witnessed.

She couldn't help but swallow her saliva hard as she took another look at the approaching Erya, who seemed to be disappointed by the performance of her two siblings, who fell down easily.

But soon, Honey Queen regained his calm as she reminded herself that this freak couldn't hurt because she was a logia Devil fruit user, which meant all this monster's attacks would pass through her.

Renewing her confidence, she gripped her dagger tightly, waiting to finish this freak off with a quick attack when he showed the slightest opening, and she knew best when that moment would come.

Erya decided to finish this quickly as he used 'Soru', appearing before Honey Queen and attacking with his sword, targeting her chest.

But what he expected to see didn't happen as the sword effortlessly passed through the woman instead of causing damage, which surprised him.

Honey Queen took this moment of surprise as a chance and struck Erya with her dagger, but the latter easily dodged it with 'Kami-e' and then used 'Soru' afterward to retreat back at a safe distance.

" Tsk, I failed." Honey Queen clicked her tongue in annoyance and looked at Erya, murmuring, " This freak will be caution from now on."

On the other hand, Erya's surprise soon turned to joy because, finally, he could test his new Skill.

But soon, he remembered that his lord had forbidden them from killing any Devil Fruit user they encountered and that they should capture them alive. Hence, he forgot about killing her or giving her severe injuries and decided to just knock her out instead.

" Thank you for giving me this chance to test it out," Erya said while putting his sword back into his sheath, which confused Honey Queen.

" Are you giving up already?" Honey Queen asked, obviously taunting Erya. Because, in her mind, it was impossible for her to get hurt unless she fell into the sea.

Unfortunately for her, today, she would learn that her thoughts were undoubtedly wrong. And that it wasn't impossible to hurt her, but she just hadn't met someone capable of doing so before, at least until now!

Erya attacked Honey Queen's stomach with his fist, which was now coated in Haki. The latter was prepared to repeat the same tactic she had used previously, which was to strike with her dagger after the attack passed through her.

But unlike before, she was shocked when she felt pain and was hit on her stomach.

" How?!... 'cough cough'..." The Honey Queen fell to her knees and looked up with disbelief at Erya while coughing hard, trying to regulate her breathing.

" Haki!" Erya replied simply, looking in amazement at his fist.

" Haki?.. What is that?...'cough' ... " Honey Queen asked. But what she got in response wasn't an answer to her question but a hit to the back of her head with a fist wrapped in Haki.

Erya looked down at the now unconscious Honey Queen and smiled when he heard the sound of clapping from behind.

Looking around, Erya saw Austin coming toward him with a smile on his face while clapping his hands in encouragement.

Austin had just finished storing all the corpses of the pirates Azuth had killed before and arrived timely with the end of the battle.

As for why he hasn't stayed to watch, well, it's because he already knew the outcome. So instead of losing time to watch something already set in stone from the beginning, he went to do something else productive instead.

" Good work ..." Austin smiled as he approached Erya. " I'm pleased that you haven't finished her ... I will need her later since she is a Devil fruit user."

" Thank you for your compliment, my lord," Erya responded humbly.

" Now ..." Austin looked around and found all the Trump siblings lying unconscious. So, he walked towards Pin Jocker and Boo Jack and attacked the duo with his 'Wind bullets', killing them on the spot. He then stored their corpses afterward in his Inventory.

" Sebas, put some sea stones cuffs on these two and take them to the prison on 'Black Star'." Austin pointed at Bear King and Honey Queen.

Examining the dockyard and the numerous ships of the Trumps pirates docked at it, Austin ordered. " Erya and Azuth, I want you to search all these ships for any treasures or money ... And after you finish, gather all the ships in one place for me to store later on."

"As for you two, follow me to explore this island. We need to see if any treasures or pirates are still left on it." Austin glanced at Brain and Zero, saying.

" Yes, My lord!" All his subordinates replied in unison before they went to do their assigned tasks afterward.


( A/N: If you like to read some chapters in Advance, you can visit my Patreon page! You will find there up to 5 weeks' worth of Chapters in Advance.

Patreon: https://p@treon.com/Asbarta. ( There's an 'A' in the place of @ )

Discord: https://discord.gg/qqHc4PprW9.

Ps: The holiday is over, and the release schedule will return to normal starting today.)

Asbarta Asbarta

[ A/N: Leave a review if you like what I write!

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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