30.26% Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games / Chapter 22: CH 22: Destroyed

章 22: CH 22: Destroyed

(Third person POV)

Serpent Night Dragon: 2,350 ATK & 2,400 DEf -> 4,750 ATK & 4,800 DEF.

The boost wasn't just in ATK and DEF points. The moment the card appeared behind Serpent Night Dragon, a golden light enveloped it as its body began to expand.

The speed of its growth was even more amazing than Chaos Emperor Dragon! It easily passed 10 meters before the beautiful dragon stood tall and proud at an amazing size of more than 15 meters!

Everybody, and I mean everybody's mouth was agaped at the monster that gave a beautiful roar after it's growth.

The poor Pablo couldn't even hide the fearful expression on his face :"N-no way... How can this be... That is nearly 5,000 ATK points..."

Ali chuckled with his signature smile on his face as he tilted his head with one eye completely open with the pupil extremely small while the other eye was half open with the pupil even bigger than normal :"hey, I'mma ask you a question.

It's honestly not that hard. Bur for someone with a shit for brain ass hat like you, I'm honestly not sure if you can solve it.

Hahaha, but feel free to prove me wrong. Now tell me, what is going to happen now that I have a monster with a whooping 4,750 ATK points on the field?"

But to Ali's disappointment and to his sadistic pleasure, Pablo was too shocked to speak. Causing Ali to chuckle while shaking his head :"see?

I told you you won't be able to solve it. The answer is, I attack with my weakest monster, Decoy Dragon! Show him why you shouldn't be underestimated!"

And once again, everyone was dumbfounded at his actions. After all, why would he attack with his weakest monster when Serpent Night Dragon was there???

Well, these guys had clearly not been through the traumatic experiences of what happens when you attack with your strongest monster.

Decoy Dragon obeyed his master's words as he gave a cute roar, causing a few of the female girls to squeal at the cuteness before he flew towards Pablo.

Decoy Dragon brought his head back as it took a deep breath and gathered its energy before it brought his head down and a fireball was shot at Pablo.

Honestly, for such a cute dragon, it sure was vicious. Even though the fireball was small, only the size of a football ball, he aimed it right at his face.

<A quick question. I haven't used Decoy Dragon much, but if it can special summon Lv 7 dragons from the graveyard, does that effect also work for fusion type dragons 🤔???>

"Hrrrr...!" ... The fuck kind of scream of pain was that??? The entire screaming when your life points get damaged is cringe, but that scream was just so cringe it was funny.

Ali LP: 4,000

Pablo LP: 3,150 -> 2,350

But well, Ali was too deep in his sadistic mood to laugh at him. Even when he actually took a second to fix his stance... How cringe was this guy?

And unfortunately, the fireball was just a hologram. So his face wasn't burnt at all, much to Ali's disappointment.

But he didn't care that much as Decoy Dragon got back to his position between the gigantic Serpent Night Dragon and Black Dragon Jungle King.

Ali raised his hand once again as he once again pointed at Pablo :"all of my monsters get action, you cunt.

So it's Black Dragon Jungle King's turn! Jungle King, attack this insignificant cringe ass motherfucker and bring me one step closer to victory!"

And why would Black Dragon Jungle King disobey Ali's orders? So the huge dragon raised his head like Decoy Dragon did as fire formed inside its closed mouth.

Little bits of fire actually escaped through its sword like teeth before it opened its mouth and shot a huge fireball at Pablo!

"Ugggghh!!!" Sigh, this guy really deserves the award of being the cringest bitch there is. In case you didn't get it, that was his scream as the holographic fireball enveloped him.

Ali LP: 4,000

Pablo LP: 2,350 -> 250

<Hey, guys, can you recommend some websites where I can watch the original Yu-Gi-Oh? The dub version of course>

Ali spread his arms wide with his devilish smile on his face :"it's time to end this waste of time of a match.

Serpent Night Dragon! End this insignificant, disappoinment of an Obelisk Blue and win me this duel!"

"Your wish is my command, master." Serpent Night Dragon said with a serious face before the gigantic dragon focused its energy and released his attack once again at Ali's call :"Ebony Flame!"

"AHHHH!!!" The disappointment of a named character screamed before he fell on the ground and his Life Points hit zero.

Ali LP: 4,000

Pablo LP: 0

As the cringe bitch laid on the ground, the holograms faded away. Ali picked up his cards as Serpent Night Dragon called out :"thank you, master.

That was a magnificent play. You have my gratitude for allowing me to experience such a marvelous duel."

The shy Decoy Dragon also called out from his card :"m-me too, master. Thank you for making me look so strong!"

With a chuckle, Ali nodded at the cards as he whispered :"you're very welcome. Thank you for winning me this duel."

And he put them back in his deck before placing the deck in his deck holder and pressing the button of the ring, causing his duel disk to transform back to a bracelet.

The smile on his face disappeared as he looked down at the idiot with a disgusted face :"hmph, you are so weak and you dare talk so much?

Tsk, such a waste of my time. Well, I hope the DP is good at least. Don't want to think that I completely wasted my time."

"Ali wins! That was a marvelous duel, Ali!" Dr Crawler said with a smile on his face :"alright, go back to your seats now. We should start class."

Ali nodded before he walked back to his seat with his hands in his pockets. As he passed the seat where Jaden was, the Kuriboh headed boy smiled as he gave him a thumbs up :"nice duel, bro!"

Causing Ali to chuckle while nodding with a smile :"you're welcome. Hope you enjoyed the show, bro."

As he sat down next to Alexis, she smiled :"congratulations, Ali. That was a very good duel considering it's just a new deck."

Jasmine also leaned forward excitedly :"yeah! I thought that you would have a problem since you had just made this deck, but wow!"

Mindy also leaned back to smile at him :"right, that was so cool, Ali! Your dueling skills match your looks, huh~?"

Ali chuckled before he shrugged :"thanks for the compliments. But honestly, he was just too much of a trash.

You saw it for yourselves. This guy had filled his deck to the brim! Sigh, it was honestly embarrassing to see it.

And from how he talked, I'm afraid that his deck was full with monster cards. Such a fool. I really hope not everyone's like him."

Alexis chuckled at his disappointed and pursed lips :"don't worry, not everyone is like that. By the way, aren't you going to check your DP?"

Ali nodded as he pulled his PDA out :"yeah, I should. The DP was the whole reason I dueled this fool to begin with."

Once he turned his PDA on, a scream with numbers and words appeared with "Obelisk Blue Ali VS Obelisk Blue Pablo."

Winner: Ali.


Duel Victory

2,000 Win a duel.

Quick Victory

2,500 Win a duel within turn 1 - 4.

No Damage Taken

500 Win a duel without receiving damage.

Over 3000 Damage!

500 Decrease the opponent's life points by more than 3,000 with one attack.

Perform a Special Summon

100 Conduct at least one Special Summon.

Activate a Spell

100 Use at least one Spell card.

Total points: 2,000 + 2,500 + 500 + 500 + 100 + 100 = 5700

DP: 5700 ÷ 2 = 2850

Total DP: 1,950 + 2,850 = 4,800

<Let's just ignore the duel between Ali and Chazz. I did this calculation according to the duel links dueling score. I hadn't done that for that>

Ali gave a low whistle as he nodded with a smile on his face :"damn~. This is fun to look at. It might become a habit.

Suddenly, I don't feel so disappointed that he was so easy to beat. After all, it just means easy DP for me."

Yeah, why would he feel disappointed? After all, he has 480 dollar on the first day of the class! That's just too good to be true.

Alexis leaned towards him as she looked at his PDA before blinking in surprise :"whoa, even though it's just the first day, you already have 4,800 DP. Count me impressed, Ali."

Ali made himself comfortable as he leaned back on his seat with a smile :"well, you're gonna be even more impressed, Alexis. Cause I'm gonna make a killing from now on."

- (time skip no jutsu!)

As the class started and Dr Crawler began to teach, Ali couldn't help the inevitable boredom that downed upon him.

Honestly, it was still a lot more fun than "school", since Dr Crawler was teaching about dueling, which is his hobby.

So he was still in a pretty good condition while he taught. But well, it still got boring after a while.

At least he could talk with the girls or playfully flirt back once they wanted to tease him or something.

And besides, the eye candy was more than good enough to bear with this class. I mean, whoever designed these uniforms was a really kinky bastard.

He has Ali's complete gratitude for it. After all, the skirts could barely reach the thighs! And while Alexis sat beside him, he would glance at them sexy thighs.

He honestly could barely hold himself back from biting those beautiful legs. Yup, he liked biting and marking.

After saying something that Ali didn't pay that much attention to, Dr Crawler looked at Alexis and asked her to introduce the categories that the cards are separated into.

Alexis got up with a smile and without any nervousness as she began to explain :"duel monster cards can be grouped into normal monster cards, fusion monster cards, ritual monster cards, effect monster cards, trap cards, and spell cards.

Trap cards can be divided into normal traps, counter traps, and continuous traps. Spell cards can be separated into normal spell, continuous spells, equip spells, quick play spells, ritual spells, and field spells."

Ali nodded a few times with an impressed face at her actually memorizing all of them. After all, even though everybody from his old world knew them, they would probably forget one or two if they were asked about them.

I mean, we all know our names, but we forget it sometimes. And besides, here, it was a really impressive thing to have this much knowledge.

And Dr thought so as well, as he clapped his hands once with a smile :"perfect~! Well done, Alexis. Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from one of my Blue Obelisks."

"Yes, Dr Crawler." She said before she sat down. Ali looked at the blond with a smile and a raised eyebrow as he nodded :"nice job, Alexis. It seems like you're quite knowledge at least."

Alexis shook her head with a smile :"it's nothing. After all, every duelist has to know at least this much."

But the jet black haired boy shook his head with a sigh :"yeah, but even though, for some reason, I'm not really sure everyone does."

And just when Ali whispered, Dr Crawler said something once again :"hmm... Now who should we question next? You! Syrus Truesdale!"

And the light blue haired boy got up quickly with a nervous face as Dr Crawler said :"explain to the class what a field spell is, please."


DP: 1,950 + 2,850 = 4,800

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


