4.92% Percy Jackson : Rewind Time / Chapter 7: Chapter 7 : I get a new doomsday Prophecy

章 7: Chapter 7 : I get a new doomsday Prophecy

Time Travel is weird, I thought while I was waiting for Clarisse and her stereotypical bully gang to show up. I wasn't sure if they would come or not but they had to if they wanted the flag.

When I did this the first time, they came after me in the first Capture the Flag game because I splashed Clarisse and her friends with toilet water. (Long story, no seriously long story.) However, this was my second time I played Capture the Flag in this timeline. However since I cheated the first one by shadow traveling I still had to meet Clarisse at the creek where she would beat me up till I fell into the water.

Would she do it this time though?

'If you get Clarisse's spear I want it.' Nyx demanded.

'Why, can't you summon like anything you want?' I wondered, in fact being a god was kinda worthless in my opinion if you couldn't do anything what you want however Ancient rules were weird like that.

'I want it as a sacrifice, it gives me power.' Nyx said, slightly annoyed.

'Well if she comes you can get it.' I answered which satisfied Nyx.

"Hey, Prissy!" Clarisse shouted when she and her bully gang approached me.

She had five other Ares campers with her, all wearing heavy armor and simple swords.

Clarisse received a new spear from Ares which was an exact copy of Maimer. Seriously does Ares have those on stock?

"So here enters the stereotypical villain huh? You're doing it wrong though. You should be walking out of the forest, slowly clapping while your stupid minions just laugh not understanding anything what happens." I commented dryly, pissing off Clarisse while the other kids just looked at me with a combination of a hateful and annoyed glares.

'You forget the part where she says it went all just as planned.' Chaos added.

'And she expects you to surrender.' Hemera added laughing.

"It's six against one Percy." Clarisse said, angry. "You made us look really bad, we can't let campers think the Ares Cabin is a joke."

I shrugged, "I've heard better ones."

Without waiting for her response I charged forward, Riptide was swiftly uncapped and revealed in its full glory. Sadly I couldn't use FrostSilver.

Within a second I hit one of her minions, who was still thinking about the joke, on his head. The others were perplexed at my speed but lowered their shields and stood in front of Clarisse protecting her.

I grimaced, even though I could beat them all up without using my powers. I had faced much bigger numbers and these campers were obviously scared by my action. However, I couldn't just beat them up. I needed to be claimed by Poseidon this day. Otherwise...well I had no idea what would happen if I would not be claimed.

I charged at one of the raised shields and jumped into it. Both my legs kicked the kid to the ground followed by a swift kick in the stomach that should make him stay down.

Meanwhile, his friends lashed out at me and forced me back to the creek.

The remaining 4 Ares kids decided they should use their numbers as an advantage. They stood their ground and formed a barrier with their shields; which reminded me of the Roman formations.

They closed in on me; not letting me close enough to hit them though. Clarisse decided to leave her safe barrier and charged at me Lamer in front of her. It sparkled with electricity and hit me on my arm.

A wave of pain ran through my arm, and I felt it getting numb. Clarisse lashed out again and forced me back in the creek.

When I stood with both my legs in the water, I decided it was good enough.

Clarisse hit me with Lamer one last time before I fell backwards in the creek.

"Not so strong now huh?" Clarisse laughed as she grabbed me by my neck and pulled me up but froze when she saw my smile. "Why are you smiling Prissy?" She said.

'Kill her,' Nyx yelled, 'But don't break her spear.'

I liked Nyx's priorities.

"That actually hurt, congratulations."

Clarisse looked at me, her gaze shifting from triumphant to worried.

I let out a scream.

Clarisse and her friends stepped back in fear as they saw the creek going wild. With an explosive blast the entire creek flew towards the Ares kids, they tried to retreat but the water was too fast.

They were caught by the wave and slammed onto the ground. The water retreated back to the creek and left behind a disoriented group of Ares kids, all spitting water from their lungs.

I couldn't let the chance pass to say a pun, "Remember to stay hydrated during a fight."

I knelt down and grabbed Lamer. "For Nyx" I whispered and shadows engulfed it before it disappeared.

'Thanks.' Nyx said gratefully.

'How did you do that?' Hemera asked.

'Like a famous sun god once said, I'm awesome.' I said.

"Percy, how did you do that?" A voice next to me asked.

I spun around and saw Annabeth looking at me with gray calculating eyes.

"Shit," I muttered, totally forgot about Annabeth being invisible.

"I don't know," I muttered trying to sound confused while silently asking Chaos for a minor injury to heal with water.

A cut appeared on my arm but Annabeth didn't notice.

"How did you do that with the water?" She asked sternly.

I stepped back, raised my hand in surrender while showing the cut on my arm.

"It just felt natural." I said.

"Percy step into the creek!" Annabeth demanded.

"Why?" I asked, faking confusion.

"Just do it," she said, I shrugged and stepped into the water.

Magically the cut began to heal itself until nothing could be seen.

"Oh, Styx," she cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want ... I assumed it would be Zeus..."

Then we heard yelling, elated screams, and I saw Luke racing toward the boundary line with the red team's banner lifted high. Followed by Apollo and Hermes kids who were fighting pursuers.

When he planted the flag next to our flag, he looked at the six knocked out Ares cabin and then at Annabeth and me.

"Did you two…" He began but Annabeth shook her head, "He did it on his own, bad news."

Chiron came from out of the woods and blew the horn.

We won the game.

"Chiron," Annabeth called out but was stopped by an animalistic growl coming from the woods. A second roar howled through the woods.

'Hellhound incoming.' Nyx said cheerfully.

"Hellhound," Chiron shouted and readied his bow. In ancient greek he cursed something before ordering the rest of us to take a defensive position.

On the rocks just above us was the hellhound, just the same position as the first time.

"Percy run!" Annabeth shouted but the hound already jumped down towards me lashing out his claws. I stepped back and uncapped Riptide. The monster looked nervously at my sword.

He got ready to jump out again but before he could try something his head was pierced with an arrow and it dissolved into monster dust.

"Hades must have sent him to Percy." Annabeth said. "That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment!"

"Someone summoned it," Chiron said. "Someone inside the camp, Hades can't summon monsters inside our borders."

"Look at Percy!" Connor yelled and they all looked at me or what was above my head.

"What's wrong with Percy?" Meg asked when she stepped out of the crowd.

"He's been claimed," Chiron spoke with a worried tone.

A trident hovered above my head.

"My father?" I asked, trying to sound shocked.

"Poseidon," said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."

'Add Champion of the Hearth and Champion of Chaos.' Hemera added sarcastically.

'Bane of Kronos.' Nyx suggested.

"You need to prove your father's and your own innocence." Chiron said after explaining the whole situation for a second time. Now I realised this situation could be solved very easily by Poseidon swearing on the Styx he did not steal the Master bolt. Of course my father would be too proud to do that.

'That's why primordials are better.' Nyx said proudly.

"A quest must be issued, go upstairs to the Oracle, if you're sane after that we talk about the quest." Chiron said.

"So that's why I am here, look I know you feel stuck inside that body but hang on there, just wait 4 years and you'll get a new healthy body." I said looking at the Oracle.

She didn't reply.

"Well, I better get going then." I said, ready to leave the attic when she opened her mouth and green smoke came out of it.

"I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask." It said.

"Well, how do I get the lightning bolt back?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

The Oracle showed me the same boring vision as last time with Gabe and his sad poker friends but the second line of the prophecy was going...wrong.

His buddy on the right looked up and said in the weird Oracle voice: "You shall f…"

Then the vision disappeared leaving me with a half prophecy in the attic.

"Did I break something?" I asked out loud looking at the Oracle but now it was different.

The mummified eyes of the Oracle were now bright green and looked at me.

"Are you alright?" I asked before the Oracle opened her mouth. This time however, she spoke with the voice of a girl. Instead of sounding creepy or monotone she sounded amused this time. Like we shared a secret together.

"Come play with me Poseidon' Son,

You can't tempt Fate and come undone,

Two new threats you must be faced,

One can't be Beaten, One can't be Slayed

The First unleashed by Hero's breath,

Second unleashed by Chaos' wrath,

With one Kiss destroy it all,

Burn the world with a price so tall,

Play with me your Story ends,

The Son of Poseidon betrays his friends."

"Well...shit." I cursed out loud.

Well what's the Prophecy?" Chiron asked curiously, looking at my pale face. Chaos and Nyx both said they didn't hear the prophecy so...did I imagine it? No probably not. Someone was messing with me. However, the line about Chaos wrath made me not want to tell her. Who knows what she could do if she was angry. For the time being I better just keep this to myself.

"Yes, I got a prophecy," I said with a white face not faking it.

'What are you scared of?' Nyx asked worriedly but I ignored her.

"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned,

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

And a big secret shall be revealed in the end," I said.

The last line I made up since my mom was no longer in the picture and I didn't want to raise much suspicion and the secret that would be revealed was the fact that I was Hestia's Champion. Actually I was quite proud of myself for changing the poem.

When Apollo fell down, he forced me to learn Poetry but now it actually pays off. In fact I could make a Haiku about our quest. (Which I had already done, don't ask me why)

Chiron looked thoughtfully, "You know prophecies often have a double meaning right?" He said trying to calm me down.

'Thanks Mr. Obvious.' Chaos said.

"Well, the God in the west is Hades."

"You mean Hades is the god who turned?" I asked, knowing he wasn't it but Ares.

"Yeah...it's possible, the Hellhounds are under Hades control after all. If you would die from the Hellhound attack, you would not be able to prove your innocence which would cause a war between Zeus and Poseidon and who would benefit from a war between them?" Chiron asked.

"Hades." I said with a thoughtful look.

"Well, it has been decided, Perry Johnson shall go on a quest, hopefully he will survive." Mr D said opening another Diet Coke.

"You are allowed to take two people with you," Chiron said, "however, one already volunteered."

"Wonder who that will be." I growled, since I got to camp I was avoiding Annabeth knowing she would eventually fall in love with me and after that leave me for a son of Ares.

It was not like I held a massive grudge against her, after all relations do end but I would never let her get that close to me.

"Seaweed brain you need me." Annabeth said with a smug smile.

'There we have the pride.' Nyx said with a sudden tone of anger which surprised me.

'Why don't we like Annabeth?' Hemera asked, confused.

'Well in his past life he and Annabeth were lovers, Percy even jumped down in the Tartarus for her but after some accident with her family in Boston she dumped Percy.' Nyx sneered.

'Nyx just doesn't like her because she fell for the tourist trap.' Chaos snickered.

"Well?" Annabeth asked, shaking me up from my thoughts.

"Okay, you can come on the quest." I nodded, not happy with it but I guess I needed her for the timeline.

"And who will be your third member?" Chiron asked.

"Luke," I answered.


So there's a new prophecy, didn't expected that right? However for those of you who might be wary, this will affect the story continuity don't worry. These two new threats won't become a big problem until later (far later, like giant war later). These threats will only have cameos and minor influences.


p atreon : Moonhorse/Moonhorse

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C7
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


