
章 176: CHAPTER {224-226}


~~December 27th, 1994~~

The day after the boxing day was when the Emergency Wizengamot meeting was called just like Harry knew they would. With Harry and Voldemort at large, the Wizengamot members were scared and they wanted to appoint leaders as soon as they could so that they could at least have someone holding the helm of the Ministry.

Among all the candidates, Amelia was the most popular among the Wizengamot members followed by Rufus Scrimgeour and Pius Thicknesse, who were equally popular among the Light Faction and the Dark Faction respectively. Elphias Doge also tried to nominate himself for the position, but he didn't manage to make the cut due to the lack of support.

"Harry" Tonks called out as she knocked on the table. Harry was kind of busy, so he wasn't able to attend the Wizengamot meeting himself, so he had asked Tonks to attend the meeting in his stead and report back to him. With her shape-shifting skills, it was a piece of cake for her and nobody was going to complain about the presence of an extra Auror in the Wizengamot chamber in the first place.

"You looked kind of lost there… So, what's on your mind, kiddo?" Tonks asked, but she internally cringed at the word kiddo, especially because she was lusting after him.

"Yes, I apologize. I was kind of lost in my thoughts. So, what were you saying?" Harry apologized politely.

Tonks simply huffed. "I was saying that Bonesy wanted to give an interview before the vote tomorrow because she wants to get her word out to the public" Tonks repeated.

"I will speak with Cuffe and where is she right now?" Harry asked as he rubbed his chin with a frown on his face.

"Probably in her manor, why?" Tonks asked, looking confused.

"Hmm… Her manor is not safe" Harry mumbled with a thoughtful look as a plan started to form inside his mind. Amelia was the most popular candidate, and Pius Thicknesse was obviously a Voldemort sympathizer if not a Death Eater, and if Voldemort wanted his candidate to win, he needed to remove Amelia from the equation.

Rufus Scrimgeous was still going to pose a threat, but he wasn't that big of a deal, since Voldemort could easily force a couple of Light Families to vote for Pius… The Grey Faction was going to play a major role in the upcoming election, but some of the families in the Grey Faction were already supporting the Dark Lord, so the wind could blow in any direction.

"You are expecting her to get attacked?" Tonks asked with a shuddering breath only for Harry to nod his head.

"Yes, it is something I would have done…" Harry admitted with a deep nod.

Tonks slapped her hands on the table and shot up to her feet with an urgent look on her face. "Then we need to inform her as soon as we can!" Tonks exclaimed. Amelia might have lost her job, but Tonks respected the woman all the same and she didn't want Amelia or her niece to die in the first place.

"Don't worry, I will take care of it" Harry said as he waved his hand dismissively. Tonks wanted to complain, but she decided to trust Harry. "By the way, you did good. So, is there anything else you have to report?" Harry asked as he wanted to dismiss her. There was something he needed to do if he wanted to carry out his plan.

"Uh… I was planning to quit my job. The Senior Aurors don't even know what to do and I have been assigned to Azkaban duty" Tonks revealed with a grimace. The Dementors were obviously not under the Minister's control even though they would like to believe otherwise and to be honest, Tonks really didn't want to risk it.

When Voldemort freed his followers, except for three guards, the rest were Kissed… The Dementors joined him during the last war and even now they didn't mind following his orders…

"That might be for the best… The Dementors have proven time after time that they cannot be trusted" Harry agreed with her. He had tried to find out about Dementors, but surprisingly, he couldn't find much about those accursed creatures. He knew that they could be destroyed by Fiendfyre, but except for that, he didn't know much.

"My mum will probably throw a party" Tonks giggled at the thought of quitting the Auror force. "Then, I should get going… I need to write my resignation letter and all that, yeah" Tonks mumbled as she got up and left Harry's room, looking really unsure and reluctant. Harry stared at her retreating back before releasing a sigh…

Tonks could be a really good spy, but only if he could get rid of her clumsiness… Maybe, he could make something for her. Well, Tonks could wait for the time being… He had other things to worry about…

|Mom, I am going to pay Hela a visit| Harry informed his mother before he decided to close his eyes.

|Okay, be careful| Lily answered without a hint of bitterness in her voice, which kind of surprised Harry, but he called out Hela's name and found himself in the familiar wasteland. He looked around and found his teacher Cultivating without a single stitch of clothing on her body. He slightly flushed as he took in her naked form…

Hela opened her eyes and smiled at him… She didn't flash him by accident, it was a part of her long-term seduction plan and from the blush on his face, her plan was working. "Peverell" Hela greeted him with a smirk before she stopped cultivating and stood up, revealing her sacred garden and the small patch of black hair over her snatch to Harry.

Harry slightly averted his gaze and Hela would have been displeased if she didn't notice the blush on his face… She had seen him taking her form in. He had been staring at her perfectly shaped breasts before his gaze went down to her toned abs and then finally when his gaze finally went down to her sacred garden and she loved that… "So, this isn't the time you usually visit…" Hela trailed off with a grin.

"So, how can I help you?" Hela asked as she started to approach him.

"Uh… Do you mind covering yourself?" Harry asked, sounding and looking really uncomfortable. Hela was really beautiful and he was worried that he might pop a boner if he kept staring at her. Though he wasn't sure if he could really pop a boner or not since he wasn't here, at least not physically.

"Why? It has been some time since I have felt this free and I don't believe I have anything to be ashamed of" Hela said with a grin before she placed an arm on his shoulder. Her eyes went downwards and she internally cheered when she saw a tent form in his pants… "Is my body making you uncomfortable, excited?" Hela asked huskily.

"Yes, I am a teenage boy. What else do you expect?" Harry griped. He realized, yes, he could actually pop a boner even though he wasn't here, physically. There was no way Hela hadn't noticed the tent in his pants, so there was no reason to lie.

"Then I am glad…" Hela admitted with a smirk. "I haven't lost my appeal and that is really important for a woman's confidence" Hela added with a smirk. "And as a teacher, it is my duty to prepare you for everything. You must learn how to handle the female form… There is a lot I have to teach you" Hela breathed out into his ear and Harry felt his breath hitch at her words.

To be honest, he wasn't happy with himself for acting like this, but he couldn't force his mind to act otherwise even with so much Occlumency training… "But, all of that could wait for later… Now, how can I help you?" Hela decided to cut him some slack, but she decided not to cover herself. It was more fun like this…

"...Is there a way I can brand someone's Soul?" Harry asked after taking a deep breath to regain his bearings. "Like I want to be able to locate that Soul, no matter where it is" Harry elaborated when he noticed the frown on Hela's face.

"Didn't I tell you to wait until you become a Second Step Martial Artist?" Hela asked while frowning.

"Yes, I know what you told me, but this is important. Really important. I want to be able to locate Voldemort wherever he is. If he realizes that he can't win, then he might decide to cut his losses and destroy his current body or cast some sacrificing Spells to destroy me" Harry explained and Hela seemed to ponder.

Hela realized that his concerns were valid… There are some Sacrificial Spells that can be used to destroy a stronger enemy. Even Lily Potter used a similar type of Spell, but instead of using her Sacrifice to power someone's destruction, she used it to power her son's Protection. "Fine, I will teach you the Spell, but try not to experiment with it" Hela agreed to teach him the Spell but warned him at the same time.

"Was there anything else, or shall I start teaching?" Hela asked as she stepped back from him.

"Thank you, and what can you tell me about the Dementors? I have tried to look them up, but I have found the books quite lacking" Harry asked and Hela inclined her head in confusion.

"Dementors?" Hela asked with a look of confusion marring her face.

"Yes, the cloaked skeletal creatures that love to steal happiness and suck out Souls?" Harry elaborated. Dementors were really old and there was a chance that she might know them by some other name and he was right when a look of realization dawned on her face.

"You mean the Forsaken" Hela gave him a deep nod. "I know quite a lot about them. Even though I love death, murder, and mayhem, I hate them… They are filthy creatures" Hela answered in disgust before she started to tell him everything she knew about the Forsaken…



By the time Harry finally returned to the real world, Lily could easily say that Hela must have done something for him to pop a boner as soon as he returned. It might have been difficult for her to accept, but she had ultimately accepted the fact that her Hadrian was going to have more women. Women always flocked around strong men and her Hadrian was not going to be an exception.

For the happiness of her son, she was willing to grudgingly make the sacrifice and allow other women to be with him… |Are you alright?| Lily asked as Harry seemed to wince. She decided not to comment on the boner as she didn't want him to raise his guard. She needed him to accept the idea of having multiple women, or her plan wasn't going to work.

While Lily would have loved to have him all for herself, she knew that having multiple women was going to be quite beneficial for him… Hela was a Goddess from the Norse Pantheon, she was going to bring a lot of benefits to her son if he decided to marry her… Though that wasn't all, Harry had admitted that he found Hela extremely beautiful.

|I am alright… Just give me a sec to get in sync with my body| Harry quickly dismissed her concerns and started to employ Occlumency to get rid of his boner. He could take care of it later.

|Okay, so was your visit fruitful?| Lily asked, deciding to change the topic for the time being. If she tried to push him too much then he might calm up.

|Yes, she taught me how to brand someone's Soul, but she also warned me against experimenting with the Spell| Harry answered and Lily nodded with a pleased look on her face. |I also got to learn quite a bit about the Dementors, or originally known as the Forsaken. They came to be when some ancient tribe made a deal with a Devil and later tried to break it| Harry explained.

|The Devil turned them into the creatures they are right now… Such a terrible fate, but they brought it upon themselves| Harry huffed in irritation.

|I see… Did she know a way to deal with them besides Fiendfyre?| Lily asked. While Harry could perfectly control Fiendfyre, not everyone could do the same, so it would be much better to have other options.

|Yes, there are. Holy Magic can be used to cleanse them, but Hela doesn't know Holy Magic and the records of existing Holy Magic have disappeared through time. Then there is a Spell called Hellfire. It can be used to kill the Dementors, but Hellfire would keep burning for seven days and seven nights even under the ocean if the caster doesn't put it out, and Hellfire is just as dangerous as Fiendfyre| Harry finished with a sigh.

|Ohh…| Lily trailed dumbly as she didn't know what to say after listening to his words. |...So, what now?| Lily asked after a few moments of silence.

|Voldemort isn't going to attack the Bones Manor until it's dark, so I do have more than enough time to finish all the preparations, but I think it is about time I paid Albus a visit| Harry answered with a deep nod before he stood up.

|I thought you were going to make him sweat a few days more| Lily stated, sounding confused.

|I was planning to do that initially, but there is a chance that Voldemort is going to be there tonight. While Amelia may not be in our league, she is still quite a formidable Witch and I highly doubt that anyone among the Death Eaters besides Bellatrix Lestrange or Antonin Dolohov could beat her| Harry explained with a shrug.

|The two of them are going to take at least a couple of months to get better and you are right, Voldemort would not want to incur unnecessary losses, which means that he would be leading the attack himself| Harry finished with a nod. |I need to know if Dumbledore knows anything about the Horcruxes or I would have to wait until I become Second Step Martial Artist| Harry added, sounding a bit bored.

|Mom, there is nothing left for me in the Wizarding World… I want to start traveling the world and there are also other things I have to deal with like Hydra and Charles Xavier…| Harry said with a whine. Voldemort was no concern to him, but he was simply impossible to kill, thanks to his Horcruxes and Harry didn't want to leave him be… Harry wanted Voldemort to be dealt with for once and all.

|...Okay| Lily gave him a deep nod after taking a moment to digest all the information Harry dumped on her. After that, without wasting any more time, Harry simply opened a portal and stepped through. He arrived right outside of Dumbledore's cells and unlocked the cell with his Magic… Albus was sitting on the bed and he flinched when light entered the room.

He subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes… "I was expecting you to visit much sooner" Albus stated as he finally got adjusted to the light.

"Patience is not something I lack, Dumbledore…" Harry answered before he Conjured himself a chair and sat down before crossing his legs. "So, do you like your new accommodations?" Harry asked as he looked around the cell.

"You are not going to win, Hadrian" Albus stated instead of answering the question he asked.

"Yes, yes, good will always prevail and all that jazz. Blah! Blah! Blah!" Harry groaned in irritation. "This is getting boring. Try something new" Harry urged with an impatient look on his face.

Albus simply glared at Harry before his gaze softened… He stared at Harry with extreme sadness in his eyes before he started to shake his head in disappointment. "I never thought I would say this, but a part of me is glad that James and Lily are dead… They would have been devastated to see you like this" Albus stated grimly. "They must be rolling in their graves" Albus added sadly, but surprisingly Harry didn't show any reaction.

To be honest, he was hoping to get a reaction out of him… He wanted to learn what made Harry tick, but Harry was not like Voldemort. Albus knew how to rile up Voldemort, which made it easier for him to predict Voldemort, but he failed to rile up Hadrian…

"That was a nice try… 7 points for presentation, but 0 for results" Harry replied with a smirk. "Now, what can you tell me about Horcruxes?" Harry asked and Albus tensed and his body went completely rigid at the mention of Horcruxes. That was enough for Harry to deduce that Dumbledore absolutely knew about Horcruxes…



Albus quickly controlled his emotions, but only a moment of lapse was enough for Harry to realize that Albus knew what he was talking about… After regaining his bearings, Albus stared at Harry with narrowed eyes as he knew that lying or playing dumb wasn't going to help him. Horcrux was not a term a person could simply stumble upon by some accident.

"Where did you learn that term?" Albus asked, looking slightly on guard.

Harry wondered how to answer the question without revealing the Ancient One before he finally started to speak. "After I discovered that Voldemort was not dead, I started to look for ways a Wizard or Witch could cheat death and it was Grindelwald, who suggested that Voldemort might have used Horcruxes to anchor his Soul to this plane" Harry answered.

This time, Albus didn't show any outward reaction, but he internally nodded his head. Yes, Gellert would most definitely know about Horcruxes. While Gellert didn't have the aptitude for Dark Arts like Voldemort did, he knew his fair share of Dark Arts. "I see…" Albus mumbled before he decided to get some answers of his own. "I was wondering if I am talking with Tom or Hadrian…" Albus trailed off with a frown.

Harry raised his brows at the man before he burst out laughing… "Did you really think that the small piece of Soul lodged in my scar will be strong enough to overpower me?" Harry asked in a mirthful tone after he finally started to calm down. "I removed that as soon as I realized what it was" Harry explained smugly, only to receive disbelieving looks from Albus.

"I find that really hard to believe" Albus stated skeptically.

"I went to a Voodoo Witch to get it removed and it is your problem if you don't believe me" Harry stated with a shrug. Albus stared at Harry contemplatively while wondering if Harry was telling the truth or not. Albus knew that Magic could create miracles and Voodoo Magic was quite an exotic branch of Magic. It might have been possible to remove a Horcrux from an object without destroying it with Voodoo Magic.

Albus stroked his beard with a thoughtful look on his face before he decided to start speaking. "Let's say I believe you, why should I tell you anything? I am afraid that you might try to make one for yourself" Albus accused as he narrowed his eyes at Harry.

At the man's accusing words, Harry simply rolled his eyes at the man… "I already know how to make one, you old fool, but I know what will happen to me if I do… Yes, I am afraid of death, who isn't? But that doesn't mean that I am going to rip my own Soul into pieces" Harry finished with a scoff. "Now, I am growing tired of you trying to change the topic. If you don't want to answer me, then good, I will take the answers straight from your head" Harry threatened.

Meanwhile, Albus simply smiled at him… He was quite confident that Hadrian couldn't breach his Occlumency barriers, after all, raw power didn't mean that they were going to be good in Mind Arts. It took Albus decades to master the Mind Arts and he was quite proud of himself. With his questions, Albus was killing two birds with one Spell.

First of all, he was getting to learn about Harry. It irked him to no end, but he knew very little about Harry and that wouldn't do… Then he didn't want to reveal anything about Voldemort's Horcruxes to Harry, so he was trying to change the topic. Yes, it was prophesied that Harry was going to beat Voldemort, and not only that, there was another Prophecy saying that he was going to reshape their world, Albus couldn't let that happen.

Albus knew that Harry was strong enough to easily beat Voldemort, but if Harry vanquished Voldemort then he would become a messiah to the people of Wizarding Britain. They would forget his crimes within a moment and they would start to defer to him… It would make it easier for him to change Wizarding Britain with so much influence and power. It would become impossible to stop Harry after that.

Then again, he wasn't sure if the Soul piece lodged in Harry's scar was destroyed or not… If not, then Voldemort would keep coming back. "Yes, I believe Tom had made Horcruxes, but I haven't managed to find anything about them, yet" Albus revealed with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Is that so?" Harry mused aloud. "Then what happened to the diary of Tom Riddle?" Harry asked, and Albus barely managed to rein himself back from showing any reaction. He started to wonder how Harry managed to learn about the diary. There was a very small chance that Lucius would have told him about the diary willingly, but Harry could have used Legilimency to learn about the diary's existence.

After pondering for a bit, Albus realized how Harry came to learn of the diary's existence was not important. Harry knew that the diary was more important than anything…

"Tom Riddle's diary?" Albus asked innocently and after staring at him for a few moments, Harry stood up and the chair disappeared.

"It is clear that you are not going to answer my questions, so be it" Harry said with a deep nod of his head and Albus immediately raised his guard. "Fine, I will do it myself" Harry growled before he stared straight into Albus' eyes and he was forced to admit that Albus' reputation was not unfounded. For the first time, he had to work really hard to slip through someone's Occlumency barrier, which was a humbling experience for him.

Meanwhile, Albus was shocked to his very core when he realized that Harry managed to break through his Occlumency barriers. Yes, Harry had to work hard to breach his Occlumency shields, but he still managed to do so and to be honest, Albus couldn't fathom how Harry managed to do that… Was someone training him in Mind Arts? It was quite plausible, but who?

He was certain that it wasn't Gellert… While Gellert was a Magical Titan just like him, he wasn't that good when it came to Mind Arts. Even Severus was way better than Gellert, so it must be someone else… Though now that Harry has managed to breach his Mind, there were only two things he could do… He could distract him with other memories, or he could show him fake memories…


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